by L. Scantamburlo
November 8, 2007
AngeliSmarriti Website

Could "retiredafb" - YouTube user who claims to be William
Rutledge, now 77 years old- have been a former civilian test
pilot on various aircrafts?
He told us this and other things: that
he was born in Belgium in 1930 (in Grembergen, he specified in his
user-card on-line on YouTube) and that he was employed in the last
century with Avro, Chance Vought and the USAF, before taking part in
Apollo 20, a classified mission to the Moon alleged by him to have
taken place in August 1976 from Vandenberg AFB aboard a Saturn V
moon rocket.
It is entirely possible that Apollo 20 could have been a secret
joint US and Soviet space mission that occurred one year after the
famous Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, which launched in July 1975.
According to his testimony granted to me in an interview, Rutledge's
last job before retiring was working on the KH-11 project (USAF). He
explained me also that the ASTP (Apollo-Soyuz Test Project) was the
preparatory mission to Apollo 19; and later Apollo 20, after the
presumed failure of Apollo 19 and the loss of its crew. He told me
that the ASTP was, for the Americans, the Apollo 18. Is it possible
and correct under the historical point of view?
Let us begin by examining the historical
As the matter of fact, an official NASA Web page with an indication
that ASTP was a mission involving Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 capsules,
can be found at the following link:
The caption "Apollo 18" identifies who the United States crew
members of the ASTP were:
Thomas P. Stafford
Vance D. Brand
K. "Deke" Slayton
Although we have no evidence in the historical
record that Apollo 18 was followed by Apollo 19 (due to Apollo 19
being most a secret USAF mission), William Rutledge gave a precise
definition for the ASTP.
It was correct, in spite of the fact
this information is not well-known by the general public.
According to William Rutledge, his last job before retiring was
working on the KH-11 project (see my interview to him, answer n. 7).
Moreover, he told us that he was a volunteer for the MOL-Gemini
program (see his answer n.4 - and Fig.1 of this article), but he
told me in a private YouTube communication he was not chosen.
From the historical record, MOL means "Manned Orbiting Laboratory",
and was a program created by the USAF (not NASA) to put Air Force
pilots in Space for periods up to 40 days. Canceled in 1969, the MOL
program was replaced by the KH-11 program. Due to the need to surveil the entire surface of Earth, MOL-Gemini was designed so it
could be launched from Vandenberg AFB (for insertion into polar
orbit). I have found that MOL was also known as KH-10 (code name:
This is what surprised me because
Rutledge did not mention MOL-Gemini as KH-10, but he mentioned
KH-11. Thus, we can conclude that what William Rutledge's account of
his involvement as potential pilot for the MOL-Gemini (KH-10) and
his participation to KH-11 program as an employee before retiring,
comports with the historical record.
The KH-11 (code name: "Crystal") is a series of military satellites
launched from Vandenberg AFB from December 1976 until the end of the
'80s, and were used as reconnaissance satellites placed in polar
orbit for global surveillance purposes.
If you are interested in obtaining more information on the issue,
visit the
F.A.S. website.
Formed in 1945 by some atomic
scientists and engineers from the Manhattan Project, F.A.S. is an
acronym for Federation of American Scientists and was created by
them because they knew just how important it is to provide
information to the public to help encourage and facilitate
discussion on critical national decisions.
What can be said about his presumed birthplace in Belgium?
William Rutledgte updated his YouTube card at the beginning of June 2007 - if
I remember well - when he added as his birthplace the name "Grembergen",
but between brackets. I have checked on some encyclopedias and on
the Web: Grembergen is a small Belgian town close to Dendermonde, in
Oost-Vlaanderen region.
They speak French and Flemish languages,
the two official Belgian languages. Oost-Vlaanderen is the Eastern
Flanders, where Grembergen is located.
About the retiredafb's presumed surname (Rutledge), I received some
help from South America: an engineer (G.C. - he asked me not to
mention him, with exceptions oh his initials) wrote me an e-mail
about it. He recommended that I search for the surname, "Rutledge",
familienaam.be, a website where you can find a geographical
diffusion of a Belgian family name.
So I have found two zones in which the
family name "Rutledge" is present, or perhaps native. In one of them
there is Antwerp city (in Italian we say "Anversa"). But Antwerp is
a city near Grembergen: only 27.3 km by air and 33.6 km by road. You
can check the distances using, for example, Microsoft AutoRoute.
This is an interesting clue. If "retiredafb" is a faker and an
impostor, he has chosen very well his presumed surname and place of
birth, coherent with the geographical diffusion of the family name,
"Rutledge". Otherwise, I guess we have a piece of evidence which
indicates he indeed does exist and that he is most likely a Belgian
man by the name of William Rutledge, who became later an American
The main question is: was William Rutledge really a civilian former
test pilot and astronaut who worked as contractor for USAF in the
'70s? (today, for instance, the Blackwater security firm and its
activities for the DoD are well-known, as Kevin Smith pointed out
during his radio talk show with me as guest, at the beginning of
October 2007).
At the end of May 2007 it was a little difficult for me organizing
Rutledge's answers for the interview which, if you remember, took
place on-line by YouTube, not by e-mail or by phone. I was not
completely conscious of the unrepeatable opportunity to get clues
and evidence which could settle the controversial case.
Moreover, the YouTube Account/General Messages cuts the text when it
exceeds a certain number of characters. So, when I realized it after
the first forwarding on May 25, I had to send my questions to
William Rutledge again. I did it in the same day: always on May 25,
2007. But I point out now, for the first time, that I received some
of his answers on May 28 (about 4/5 of them: in the interview I
spread on the Web are the numbers 11, 22, and some portions of
answers nr. 10, 18 and 13).
Sometimes there is confusion or there is no correspondence between
the interview line numbers I posted and the answers in the original
messages received via my YouTube account; I guess because or during
our contacts on-line some questions of mine were not received
immediately by him, or because "retiredafb" discovered them later
(what he told me), and before he had already answered to the
Think about how difficult it could be searching for and
reading some messages from a single YouTube user, when you are
receiving hundreds of messages every day from many users, from all
around the world. This was the "retiredafb"'s position in those
As the matter of fact, when he began
answering to me, he said:
<<hello luca, I'll fragment the
May 25, 2007, 04:35 PM, from my
YouTube Account.
William Rutledge sent me back his
answers not in chronological order. He answered to the first
question I made (about his name and life), only in his 10th message
from the beginning of the interview:
<<hello luca, I just discovered this
message, I'm not offended, o like to answer to skepticals, you
cannot imagine what kind of messages i receive [...].>>
May 25, 2007, 06:26 PM,
from my YouTube Account.
In this article I decided to put on-line
some snapshots of our private contacts first of all to show how I
worked to restore a comprehensible text (in those days I did not
realize how important was for readers to record every single detail
of what I was doing), and second, to let you know the contents of
what he answered on May 28. Anyway I received most of his answers
during the day of May 25, 2007, like if were chatting on-line.
That's why I have indicated, the date of the interview: May 25,
One of his answer with technical details of the Apollo space flight
(namely, DSKY and AGC), has the date of May 25, 2007. This is very
important, because he answered the same day I sent him a technical
question. If somebody is skeptical about my statement on the
reception of most of his answers (May 25, 2007), you can see on the
snapshot (Fig.7 below) a portion of his last answer about currencies on
Earth based on the value of gold (see answer nr. 26 in the interview
on-line): the date is May 25, 2007.
My first message received by him, about the interview's questions,
contained what I have called the answer nr. 13, a portion of nr.11,
and of nr.12.
If you pay attention, you will see the way I arranged the interview.
For example, I decided to put one of his statements in another
<<I don’t remember who named the
girl, Leonov or me>>
These are Rutledge's words, but they are
at the beginning of answer nr. 18 (in the interview on-line, in
spite of the fact he gave them to me later). I choose that
reconstruction for clearness.
In recollecting the dramatic loss of the Apollo 19 spacecraft and
its crew, it was amazing thing to me how William Rutledge was more
precise about it before what he told me in the interview (see answer
nr.13); on May 23 he told me in our contacts (see Fig.3 below) that:
<<Apollo 19 had a loss of telemetry
while being at the end of the TLI, it was not clearly explained
at this time, but it is believed, it was a natural phenomemon, a
collision of the aircraft and one of Cruithne brother, who was
not identified in 1976. >>
May 23, 2007, 06:12 PM,
from my YouTube Account.
I did not know what TLI meant, and I
have found later that it is the acronym used to indicate the
propulsion maneuver which sets a spacecraft on a trajectory which
will intersect the Moon. TLI stands for "Trans Lunar Injection".
<<[...] In 2 hours and 38 minutes,
the J-2 engine on the aft end of the S-IVB stage is due to be
restarted in a maneuver that will send Frank Borman, Bill Anders
and Jim Lovell further away from the Earth than any human has
ever ventured. This is the TLI or Translunar Injection
Another thing that surprised me is what
I have found about the data Rutledge gave us in the interview (see
answer nr. 10).
Here you have his original words I received on May
25, 2007, again without any correction:
<<[...] CSM is command module
service, DSKY was the computer "display keyboard", we used many
acronyms .AGC is Apollo guidance computer, same that dsky, but
located in the Apollo spacecraft and coupled with a telecope (aot
on the lm). In some videos, the first image you see is the dsky
pannel with lines prog indicates the program running verb and
noun verb indicates what the dsky has to do and show. Before
filming i had to enter verb 15 (display MET, mission elapsed
time, or hours minutes seconds since liftoff, then noun 65 for
displaying on therre rows, hours on the first line minutes ont
the second, and seconds/tens of seconds on the third line). Then
i had to film the creen to date the tape. >>
May 25, 2007, 07:06 PM,
from retiredafb's message to my YouTube Account.
So I checked on the Apollo 15 Delco LM
Manual - LM DSKY, that you can consult on-line because there is the
PDF version of the full Delco LM Manual (181 Mb) created by
O'Brien. Moreover, there are some pages which were extracted from
the PDF version
http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a15/a15LMDSKY.html. It is
enough to choose the right files (verbs and nouns).
In this case I downloaded the A15DelcoLM-11 and the A15DelcoLM-06
JPEG images. Yes, Rutledge said something right. Verb 15, in the
list of verbs used in Program Luminary, means "Monitor Octal
Components 1, 2, 3, in R1, R2, R3", while the noun 65 means "Sampled LGC time" (fetched in interrupt)
00XXX. h
000XX. min
0XX.XX sec
Again, it seems William Rutledge knew
something consistent with space flight concepts and particularly
with Program Luminary (see also the interview to him, answer nr.
I want to point out that the presumed former test pilot (William
Rutledge), before he granted me the interview, in our private
contacts told me something I did not made public yet. You can
imagine how I felt months ago, and why I did not reveal the
information. I was a little skeptical and shocked at the same time.
As journalist I am aware that I must protect my source of
information, but also spreading information and evidence which can
help the public to understand how much truth there is in the case.
So, I will not spread any information which can compromise his life
or causing troubles to someone else.
It does not matter if he is really a former test pilot or just an
impostor. Ours was a private communication, with some portions of it
for sure destined to the public. Though I have the feeling he told
me many things because he wanted to make them public, and I know
that it is in the public interest collecting evidence and details
for our understanding, I have to be very careful in spreading his
What did William Rutledge tell me?
Rutledge told me something about the UFO cover up, about J.F.
Kennedy's assassination (he put a wrong date on his message: 1961
instead of 1963, but if W.Rutledge is not an impostor, it could be
just a so-called lapsus calami committed by an old man, a common
mistake that everybody does at least once in the life) and about
reverse engineering carried out in USA, after retrievals of 6 alien
spacecrafts crashed between Alamogordo and Roswell, in 1947.
Moreover he also mentioned Corso to me, and something about the
propulsion system of the alien spacecrafts.
This occurred on May 23, 2007, before the interview. Here you are
some of his original words, without corrections:
<<[...] six craft fel on earth
between alamogordo and roswell, 5 in alamogordo>>
I am going to spread these information
(true or false I do not know yet) to the public in the future, but
before that, I want to write an affidavit for SpaceHeroes.org, in
which almost every our communication taken place on YouTube will be
a single exhibit.
About triangles spacecrafts on the far side of the Moon, and about
the reasons for he decided to speak out, Rutledge said to me (see
<<[...] about the spacecraft, one
triangle was accessible) in a triangle craft, we found two
bodies, one in bad condition, a meteor cut the body at the neck
level, we tok the littl skull on board.
The other body was strange, NDNA, not dead not alive, but
crusted with impacts, stalagmites of blood coming out of
hemmoragias zones. One body was on apollo 20, fixed on a
hammock, and we passed hours watching the hands, the strange
hair, not the kind you see a scifi movie. The hair was in good
condition, we can say alive, alexei tested it.
The ship was not explored on the 4 kilometers, but no place
detected for weapons.>>
May 23, 2007, 07:42 AM,
from retiredafb's message to my YouTube Account.
<<[...] -no military craft, exploring one, Crew of 300, two
female pilot on trangles. [...] I choosed to to it know because
all apollo program had to be definitely locked with th outgoing
of 'the marvel of it all' presented april 20, presenting the 12
astronauts alive who stayed on the moon.
It was a trahison for me , for alexei, and for the 3 dead
astronauts of amollo 19. My girlfriend Stephanie ELlis, first
american woman in sace, fisrt afro maerican woman was killed
during this mission, i have no place to pray for her, her
remains are still in orbit around earth.>>
May 23, 2007, 07:48 AM,
from retiredafb's message to my YouTube account
Carl Sagan used to say (see his television program "Cosmos"),
science is a self-correcting process. Of course journalism is not
science, but I guess the principles are valid and apply the same
way. Let us begin from a mistake I made while I was discussing on
the controversial Apollo 19/20 case.
At the end of October 2007 I was spokesman at a conference organized
in Lucca, a city close to Florence (Italy). The evening topic was
the dark side of the Moon and the presumed Apollo 20 mission,
officially never occurred. Another spokesman of that evening was
completely not in agreement with me. In spite of the deep throat by
the name of William Rutledge ("retiredafb" on YouTube) has pointed
out a huge cigar-shaped object on the far side of the Moon, he
declared the Apollo 20 mission completely a fake. According to him,
even that object is a result of a natural phenomenon that took place
on the lunar surface in the distant past.
The strange thing is that he made some calculations to estimate the
object dimensions, and he obtained some results which indicate the
object is longer than what we thought (see the Salvatore Valentin
Carta's assessment: length of 3.370 km and width of 0.510 km).
Because the Italian spokesman referenced Izsak crater as the crater
immediately close to the cigar-shaped object, using it as ruler, I
believed his result was wrong.
As the matter of fact that crater is
not the Izsak crater; it is what W. Rutledge has indicated as "Izsak
D" - it looks like a double impact crater, which appears as a figure
eight-shaped crater. But as a coincidence its dimensions are almost
like Izsak crater dimensions, which are known by the scientific
community. So that evening in Lucca city I was correct about the
Izsak crater position, but I was incorrect about the lenght of the
so-called "spaceship" resting on the backside of the Moon.
Whatever that strange object is (a strange natural formation or an
alien spacecraft), its lenght is more than 4 km. We can safely say
between 3 and 5 km. William Rutledge told us that is approximately 4
km long.
I can say this because after that conference in Lucca, I worked on
the pictures by myself to measure the pixels of the objects. First
of all, I downloaded a free software:
ZoomMagic (Copyright PeakStars).
With ZoomMagic you can measure objects dimensions in pixels and in
We know that the Izsak crater is in the South-East lunar quadrant,
on the backside of the Moon. Of course, for this reason, is not
observable from the Earth. Its dimension are: 30x30Km / 18x18Mi; you
can check on the Virtual Moon Atlas, a free software under the GNU
General Public License (database © Ch. Legrand) very well done and
useful. Otherwise, you can check by the
So we can use Izsak as ruler. I have chosen a JPEG image listed as
AS15-M-1720, from the Apollo Image Atlas (LPI). it is a Hi
Resolution Image (2.9 MB): (Width) 2400 x (Height) 2397 pixels.

Picture by ZoomMagic (Copyright PeakStars) on NASA picture
- measurement by L. Scantamburlo

Picture by ZoomMagic (Copyright PeakStars) on NASA picture
- measurement by L. Scantamburlo

Picture by ZoomMagic (Copyright PeakStars) on NASA picture
- measurement by L. Scantamburlo
We can think of the longitudinal axis of the cigar-shaped object as
the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. I have measured the two
catheti: 16 pixels and 67 pixels. To find the hypotenuse we can use
the well-known Pythagoras theorem: I have got the value of 68.88 px.
With a simple ratio we can calculate the dimension in km of the huge
object of the far side of the Moon:
430 (px): 30 (km) = 68.88 (px): X (km)
What I got is: x= 4.80 km. X in this case would be the object
considering the approximation that the cigar-shaped object is
parallel to the lunar soil, and that there is no perspective effect
in the picture.
So we have a length of almost 5 km.
My feeling is that huge object is not a natural formation and if
there is the tiny possibility it is artificial, it was and it is
mandatory for mankind to investigate that lunar anomaly with a
robotic or a manned mission on the far side of the Moon.
The MOL (Manned Orbiting
Laboratory), known also as KH-10
- US Air Force illustration -

- Detail from the
retiredafb's public account on YouTube; image taken from a YouTube
Web page -
(C) YouTube
I have put a mark around the presumed place of birth: Grembergen,

(updated On Nov 2007)
Since the beginning of my communication with him by YouTube (even
before the interview), "retireafb" showed me detailed knowledge of
space flight terminology: see the "TLI" acronym.
- from my YouTube Account
/General Messages
(May 23, 2007) - L. Scantamburlo

In this snapshot you can see
the first message with the answers for the interview.
- from my YouTube Account /General Messages - L. Scantamburlo

Fig. 5-6
The retired's messages sent to me on May 28, 2007
- from my YouTube Account
/General Messages - L. Scantamburlo

In this snapshot of my
desktop, you can see some of the original retiredafb's anwers to me;
here he talks about the DSKY and the AGC
- from my YouTube Account
/General Messages - L. Scantamburlo (May 25, 2007)

Fig. 8
In this snapshot of my
desktop, there is the Rutledge's message where he tells about the
presumed triangle spacecraft on the far side of the Moon, in which
they would have found two bodies
- from my YouTube
Account/General Messages - L. Scantamburlo (May 23, 2007)

NASA illustration for TLI (Trans Lunar Injection)

List of verbs used in Program Luminary
from the Apollo 15 Delco LM Manual - LM
- Courtesy NASA

List of nouns used in Program Luminary
from the Apollo 15 Delco LM Manual - LM
- Courtesy NASA

The AS15-M-1720 NASA picture:
you can see the Fermi walled plane, the Izsak crater on the left and
the "Izsak D" crater on the upper right of the picture
- Courtesy NASA/LPI -

The cigar-shaped object close to "Izsak
D" crater

The detail of
the NASA picture listed as AS15-M-1720, but rotated of 90°
- Courtesy NASA/LPI -
The Izsak crater; Diameter 30 KM
it is a detail of the image AS15-M-1720 taken from an altitude of
114 km (Apollo 15 mission); Camera Tilt: VERT; Revolution: 44; Sun
Elevation: 20°; Lens Focal Length: 3 inch
- Image and data courtesy

Source: the subtitles of the "ALIEN SPACESHIP ON THE MOON flyover
bef. landing APOLLO 20", video added by "retiredafb" on YouTube.
Alien Spaceship On The Moon Flyover
Bef. Apollo 20
Far side of the Moon
Nose: 17.3 deg S,
117.62 deg E
Cockpit: 17.25 deg
S, 117.62 deg E
Base: 17.20 deg S,
117.62 deg E
The lunar coordinates, if reliable, are
inverted. The longitude is fairly coherent with the position of the
huge object ("approximately 4 kilometers long", according to the
comment on the YouTube footage added by "retiredafb" on May 4,
2007). The problem is with the latitude: not with the latitude data,
but with their reference to the major parts of the presumed "alien
Because we can see the base of the
object is to the South of the nose, we should have, in my opinion,
their reversal. It would be helpful to listen the presumed original
radio communication.
