Thuntherbolts Website
Dec 02, 2004

NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
A mosaic of nine processed images recently acquired
Cassini’s first very close flyby of
Saturn’s moon Titan on Oct. 26, 2004, constitutes the
most detailed full-disc view of the mysterious moon. The
view is centered on 15 degrees south latitude, and 156
degrees west longitude. |
Scientists believe the
images show a landscape that is still being shaped. "We are seeing a
place that is alive, geologically speaking," says Charles Elachi,
head of the team running Cassini’s radar instrument. The
reason given is that Titan must have suffered numerous
meteor impacts in the past, yet its surface today is largely
crater-free. Somehow these scars must have been eroded or
filled in.
The same was said about Venus when orbiting spacecraft
revealed that planet’s surface beneath its clouds. However, it is
only supposition that Titan’s (and Venus’)
surface is still being shaped. We have no evidence that either were
cratered by numerous impacts in the past. We have no evidence of the
impactors. There may have been no impact craters to fill. We
must allow that Venus and Titan may have
new surfaces if planets and moons were not formed at the same time
through impact accretion billions of years ago. Their atmospheres
are certainly anomalous.
But what of the cratering seen on other bodies in the solar
system? No one has witnessed a crater formed by a celestial impact.
The relationship between craters and impacts is a hypothesis
that has been accepted without considering another common form of
cratering - that of electrical cratering. And
electrical cratering has the virtue of explaining all of the
curious features of planetary craters, particularly their
circularity and tendency to occur in chains, with little disturbance
of one crater by its neighbor.
The enigma of Titan may prove to be the result of an
unquestioned belief in the nebular hypothesis. Predictions based on
that story have had no success in the space age. So we may
confidently pursue the idea that planets did not accrete from a
solar nebula.
Professor William H. McCrae wrote,
"It is impossible to
discover the origin of the solar system by observing it now, and
working steadily backwards in time in order to infer the whole
of its past history."
While agreeing with this
statement, we must nevertheless make use of all available human
observations of the sky before attempting to work forward from some
hypothetical beginning. One of the greatest, albeit unheralded,
surprises of the 21st century will be that the last
chapter of the development of the solar system was witnessed and
recorded by modern humans in prehistory. A forensic attitude to that
evidence can yield far more reliable predictions about what we will
find in space than the purely hypothetical approach.
Dec 03, 2004

NASA/JPL/University of Michigan
This data is from Cassini’s ion and neutral mass
spectrometer, which detects charged and neutral
particles in the atmosphere |
Another major enigma surrounding Titan is its
atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere is
believed by many scientists to be similar to Earth’s
early atmosphere billions of years ago. Toby Owens, principal
scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL),
"What we’ve got is a
very primitive atmosphere that has been preserved for 4.6
billion years. Titan gives us the chance for
cosmic time travel... going back to the very earliest days of
Earth when it had a similar atmosphere."
The graph above shows
that the proportion of heavy nitrogen-15 in the atmosphere of
Titan is much greater than that around other planets.
Scientists believe that the lighter nitrogen-14 was lost over large
geologic times scales for reasons that remain unknown. It could be
explained if most of the atmosphere had evaporated into space, a
process in which the nitrogen-14 would have escaped more easily than
nitrogen-15. But it would mean that Titan once had an atmosphere 40
times as thick as Earth’s - making it a dwarf version
of a gas planet. ’This bizarre world may be far more complex that we
have begun to imagine,’ says Larry Soderblom of the US
Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona.
The striking disparity in nitrogen isotopes is telling us
something about the way planetary atmospheres are formed rather than
how they evolve. And why do we insist that a star’s "children"
all be born at the same time? Titan’s atmosphere is
primitive, but not in the sense that it is 4.6 billion years old or
that it was once 40 times as thick as Earth’s.
Instead, there has not been time for young Titan to
lose much atmosphere. Hannes Alfvén wrote in Evolution of
the Solar System (NASA SP-345, 1976),
"..the Laplacian
concept of a homogeneous gas disc provides the general
background for most current speculations. The advent of
magneto-hydrodynamics about 25 years ago and experimental and
theoretical progress in solar and magnetospheric physics
have made this concept obsolete but this seems not yet to be
fully understood."
While acknowledging
Alfvén’s point, it is possible to go a step further and invoke
the electrical behavior of plasma, not just its
magnetic behavior. The electrical model of planet birth proposes
that planets are born by electrical expulsion of some of the matter
of a star or gas giant in a tremendous "flare." The rings we
see around the gas giant planets are evidence of former episodes of
expulsion, not accretion. The rings of Saturn are the
most recent. It is important to note that flaring red dwarf
stars are extremely common and are an unexplained
phenomenon. Red dwarf flares are like a stellar
lightning flash but they may produce 10,000 times as many x-rays as
a comparable flare on the Sun.
The electric discharge model would have profound effects on
the new planet’s atmosphere, including that of a new moons like
Titan. The primary effect comes from the source and depth
of the ejection from the flaring parent dwarf star or gas giant,
which determines the initial bulk composition of the atmospheric
Chemical elements are then sorted in the plasma discharge
according to their critical ionization velocity. Also isotopes will
separate in the combined electric and magnetic fields of the
discharge. Lastly, the plasma gun effect (seen now ejecting
material from Io into space) is known from laboratory
tests to be a copious source of neutrons. The neutrons
may be captured to form heavy isotopes (such as
nitrogen-14 to nitrogen-15) and short-lived radioactive species - we
find evidence of that in some meteorites that are also
formed in this birth process.
The combination of all of these effects suggest that it would be
unlikely for any two bodies in the same "family" to have the
same initial atmospheres. Subsequent electrical interactions between
planets and moons would serve to transfer surface materials and
atmospheres, transmute elements, and further complicate the picture.
That fits generally with the irregular elemental and isotopic
signatures found in the atmospheres of our planetary system.
There is another mechanism that could contribute to the lack of
nitrogen-14 in Titan’s atmosphere. Nitrogen-14 can
capture an electron from the discharge to become carbon-14.
Carbon-14 decays by very weak beta decay back to nitrogen-14, with a
half-life of approximately 5,730 years. If the age of Titan’s
atmosphere can be measured in thousands of years instead of
billions, then a significant amount of nitrogen-14 may still be
locked up on the surface as carbon-14.
To suggest that "Titan once had an atmosphere 40 times
as thick as Earth’s - making it a dwarf version of a
gas planet," only complicates the plainly impossible standard model
of formation of the solar system. It does not explain why other
large moons do not have substantial residual atmospheres. It seems
far more plausible to suggest that Titan is a much
newer moon than Jupiter’s Ganymede or
Callisto. Titan simply hasn’t had
time to lose its atmosphere - just as Saturn hasn’t
had time to lose its rings following its last discharge.
And what about Venus with its hot and heavy
For more information
about the Cassini-Huygens mission, visit
http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov and the
Cassini imaging team home page,