Thuntherbolts Website
Jan 17, 2005

Credit: ESA/NASA/Univ.
of Arizona
On January 14 the
Huygens probe descended onto the surface of Saturn’s moon
Titan, provoking exclamations of wonder and surprise.
The composite photograph above was produced from some of the first
images returned by the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe
during its successful descent and landing on Titan. It shows
a full 360-degree view around Huygens. The left-hand side, behind
Huygens, shows a boundary between light and dark areas of
unknown composition, and the white streaks near the boundary have
been tentatively identified as “fog.” These images were taken from
an altitude of about 8 kilometers (about 5 miles) with a resolution
of about 20 meters (about 65 feet) per pixel.
The Huygens probe will provide several definitive tests for a
new and widely divergent model of the nature and history of Saturn’s
realm. The new model was proposed by Australian physicist
Thornhill, who has led the way in applying principles of the
Electric Universe to planetary history. He has registered
several predictions as to what Cassini/Huygens will find,
including unexpected parallels with the planet Venus. We
noted the issue in our Picture of the
Day for December 28, 2004:
“In the
Universe, stars can be created within a dusty plasma by the
well-studied electromagnetic ’pinch effect’, a characteristic
feature of cosmic electric discharges. Stars shine thereafter as
electric glow discharges. Electrical star formation may also
involve catastrophic instabilities, including fissioning, when a
part of the star’s core may be expelled, giving birth to a
binary or multiple star partner or a close-orbiting gas giant
planet. Gas giants may later repeat the process on a smaller
scale, expelling core material at intervals to form rings and
satellites. According to this model, satellites that escape the
parent to orbit the primary star become the rocky planets.
Smaller debris from the electrical transactions becomes
asteroids, comets, and meteoroids”.
In June 2004, as Cassini
entered the Saturnian system, Thornhill wrote:
“We should expect to
see family traits amongst the members of the Saturnian family –
including the departed Earth, Mars and Venus.”
See “Titan puzzles
Emily Lakdawalla, the Science and Technology Coordinator
of The Planetary Society, reported events from ESA’s Huygens
mission headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. She wrote on Jan 15,
“I overheard [Marty]
Tomasko [the Principal Investigator for the Descent
Imager Spectral Radiometer] being interviewed by the BBC ... and
he remarked about how Earth-like the images seemed. That really
struck me, because there are two places in the solar system
whose surfaces we can’t see, because they are shrouded by
clouds, Venus and Titan. Venus
is always called our sister planet because of its similar
size and distance from the Sun, but it’s a fiery hell of
volcanoes and desiccated plains with sulfuric acid clouds
choking a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere. As for Titan--with
Cassini’s first views it seemed as though we were going
to see the opposite extreme, a frigid hell, of ice volcanoes and
choking methane clouds. Instead, we’re seeing such an
Earth-like place, with plateaus, basins, river channels and
deltas. It seems so much more benign than it did before,
possibly even beautiful by Earth standards.” Score 1 for
which is larger than the planet Mercury,
seems to be a close sibling of Venus, probably
born from Saturn at about the same time.” And
“Planet-girdling filamentary scars on Venus
are due to equatorial cosmic discharges through a thick
Since Titan
has the densest atmosphere of any terrestrial planet after
Venus, a critical test was to find long filamentary
channels on Titan that could be identified as surface
lightning scars. Lakdawalla reported,
“Marty Tomasko
remarked that the patterns of squiggly dark lines on a bright
surface looked like ’drainage channels’ to him.... Amazing,
absolutely amazing; we still don’t know if there are liquids on
Titan but I haven’t yet heard another explanation
for ’dendritic’ [or root-like] channels seen from up high
and rounded rocks seen from near the surface. Who would have
expected this? Still, we could be seeing something like on Mars,
where there is abundant evidence for past liquids active on the
surface, but no evidence for present liquids. Time will tell.”
The Electric
Universe model alone expected and provided an explanation
for dendritic channels on Titan like those seen on the
desert planet Mars. Score 2 for Thornhill.
The Electric Universe scorecard will be examined more closely
this week.