by Stephen Smith
October 19, 2011
Thunderbolts Website

The moon
Enceladus leaves a "footprint" in Saturn's electromagnetic field.
NASA/JPL/University of Colorado/Central Arizona College.
Saturn exhibits a
circuit between Enceladus and its electrical environment
One of the most surprising results of the Galileo space probe’s
mission to Jupiter was the identification of electrical activity
between several Jovian moons and their parent. So-called “volcanic”
plumes were seen erupting from the moon Io.
The plumes are the
result of cathode arcs, electrically etching the surface and
blasting sulfur dioxide “snow” up to 150 kilometers into space.
Io acts like an electrical generator as it travels through Jupiter’s
plasmasphere, inducing over 400,000 volts across its diameter at
more than three million amperes. That tremendous current flows along
its magnetic field into the electric environment of Jupiter.
Electric Universe proponents argued at the time of Galileo’s
discovery that plasma discharges from the moon, which is
electrically connected to Jupiter, are contributing to the intense
aurorae around the gas giant’s poles. Some astronomers even
acknowledged that electrical connection when Io’s circuit pathway
was seen in Jupiter’s polar aurora. Later, it was found that
four of Jupiter’s large moons also leave their imprints.
According to
a recent publication, the same kind of activity has
been found connecting the moon Enceladus with Saturn’s poles: an
ultraviolet “footprint” in the auroral oval.
During the August 11,
2008 flyby, Cassini’s plasma sensors found ion and electron beams
propagating from Saturn’s northern hemisphere. Their variability was
something of a puzzle until it was noted that time-variable
emissions from Enceladus’ south polar vents could correspond with
the footprint’s brightness variations in Saturn’s aurora.
Astronomers have suggested that the vapor plumes from Enceladus are
due to Saturn’s gravity field “kneading” the moon as it orbits. The
particles then flow as an electric current to Saturn.
electricity does not flow in one direction the one-way connection
cannot be correct, so how is the electricity moving between Enceladus and Saturn?
NASA scientists will continue to monitor the plumes from Enceladus
to see if there is a definite connection between the two phenomena.
Electric Universe advocates assume that the results will confirm the
electrical exchanges between Saturn and its moon.
Conventional theories assume that the Universe is electrically
neutral, so when observational evidence confirms electrically active
plasma for instance, localized phenomena no matter how improbable
are invoked. Tidal forces and “cryo-volcanoes” are presented as the
cause for the activity seen on Enceladus and the evidence for
electric circuits is ignored.
Saturn is connected with the Sun and the Sun is connected with the
Milky Way. The Milky Way is probably connected with the Local Group
and then with the Cluster and so on and so on. That idea is what
forms the basis of
Electric Universe Theory.
An electrical
interaction between Saturn and its moons means that they are charged
bodies and are not electrically neutral.
Saturn exists in a dynamic electrical
relationship with the Sun and with its orbiting family.