Chapter Two
Hyperdimensional Physics
One of the first things Hoagland and Torun noticed was that
throughout the observed solar system, planetary disturbances and
upwellings of energy seemed to preferentially cluster around this
key 19.5° latitude.
In addition to Neptune's Great Dark Spot (as it
came to be known), the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, the erupting
volcanoes of Jupiter's moon Io, Olympus Mons on Mars (the largest
shield volcano in the solar system - below) and Earth's own Mauna
Kea volcano in Hawaii all were at, or very near, 19.5° latitude
[Fig. 2-1].
Beyond that, clusters of sunspots occurring from the heightened
energy output of the sun during the peak of the solar cycle also
centered around 19.5°.
And interestingly, whether the upwelling
event was located in the north or south hemisphere depended on the
alignment of the bodies' magnetic field. If the field were anchored
at the South Pole, the disturbance appeared at or around 19.5° in
the northern hemisphere.
Conversely, if it were anchored at the
North Pole, the disturbance appeared in the south. It was as if
there really were "giant tetrahedrons" inside the planets, driving
the physics of these energy upwellings and forcing them to comply
with some mysterious, unseen rules of behavior.
Excess Heat
Another key observation Hoagland and Torun made in these early days
was the role that this theorized "tetrahedral physics" might play in
another ongoing mystery of the outer solar system.
Beginning in the mid 1960s, ground-based telescopic observations of
the solar system began to turn up the startling detection of
anomalous internal infrared radiation coming from the planet Jupiter
[Fig. 2-2].
Later Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft observations across
the 1970s and '80s added the other "gas giant planets," Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune, to the list of solar system worlds that somehow,
without internal nuclear fusion processes (like stars) still managed
to radiate more energy out into space than they receive directly
from the sun (below).30
After much initial debate, the conventional understanding of these
anomalous "infrared excesses" eventually settled on three possible
internal sources:
Primordial Heat. Leftover "fossilized thermal echoes" from the
enormous energy associated with the accretion and collapse of the
planet during its formation. Under this scenario, this energy was
still stored inside the planet after literally billions of years,
but slowly being radiated into space.
The Helium Drip Model. Heating caused by eventual internal
separation of light elements in so-called "gas giant" planets
(helium from hydrogen), releasing potential energy as the helium
falls further toward the center of the planet (a form of ultra-slow,
continued gravitational contraction).
Radioactive Decay. Anomalous energy release due to excess
radioactive decay of heavy element concentrations located within
massive gas giant "rocky cores."
Of the three conventional explanations for these "energy anomalies,"
only the first applies to Jupiter.
Because of its mass (318
"Earths"), Jupiter just barely falls into a category of worlds that
could retain such primordial heating for the lifetime of the solar
system (almost five billion years) and still be able to radiate
observable heat.
But when scientists got around to actually measuring the amount of
excess heat Jupiter radiates, it quickly became obvious that the
"primordial heat model" was inadequate to account for Jupiter's
infrared emissions. Even today, the current ratio of absorbed solar
energy to emitted (five billion-year-old) internal Jovian energy is
still almost two to one.
This is far in excess of what would be
expected after such an enormous amount of time.
After the Voyager fly-bys of the 1980s, the second "internal heat"
proposal - the "helium drip model" - was favored for the heat excess
observed from Saturn. But, because of their relatively light masses
(less than thirty times the Earth's), only the third possibility -
massive internal radioactive decay - has been seriously attempted as
an explanation for Uranus' and Neptune's more puzzling anomalous
infrared emissions.
There are, however, serious problems with all of
these conventional explanations for all planets less massive than
During the Voyager encounters of Uranus and Neptune, spacecraft
instruments detected a barely measurable (but significant) "infrared
excess" for Uranus of about 1.14 to 1. Whereas for Neptune,
essentially Uranus' planetary "twin," the ratio of internal heat
to intercepted sunlight was a striking three to one.
However, simultaneous Doppler tracking gravity measurements
conducted during the fly-bys detected no anomalous central
concentrations of heavy elements in either planet. This would be
required if the excess observed IR radiation is, in fact, caused by
excessive internal radioactive element concentrations.
Having failed to confirm the radioactive decay model, the
conventional planetary physicists searched around for an alternative
explanation for Uranus' excess energy output. They quickly seized on
the one characteristic that separates Uranus from all other bodies
in the solar system - its pronounced "axial tilt."
Compared to all the other planets of the solar system Uranus has an
"obliquity" (the technical term) some 98° to the plane of its orbit
of the sun; Neptune's is much more "normal": about 30°. (In
comparison, Earth's obliquity is about 23.5°.)
This led to a new
proposal, the "recent collision model."
This asserted that Uranus -
somehow, long after its formation - suffered a massive impact with
another major object, perhaps an errant moon. This, according to the
theorists, in addition to accounting for the current "tipped over
situation" of the planet, would have also added a significant amount
of geologically "recent" internal energy to Uranus, driving up
internal temperatures by equivalent amounts. This model argues that
these resulting elevated temperatures in Uranus, derived from a
massive cosmic collision, could thus account for Uranus' current
infrared excess, as observed by Voyager in 1986.
Unfortunately, this explanation also quickly ran into difficulties.
For one thing, Uranus is barely radiating "over unity" (more energy
coming out than is going in) at its distance from the sun, while
Neptune is radiating almost three times more energy "out" than it's
getting from the sun.
When these two planets are "normalized" (i.e.,
when their differing distances from the sun are taken into account),
their absolute internal "over unity" energy emissions are, in fact,
just about the same. If the recent collision model was correct,
Uranus should be radiating far more than Neptune. In fact, there is
virtually no difference.
If a moon or other large object had
recently struck Uranus, it certainly was not responsible for the
planet's excess heat emissions.
What Hoagland then began to consider was that there might be an
external source for this anomalous heat output, perhaps the same
source that was fueling the 19.5° upwellings - but what could be the
source of this mysterious excess energy that seemed to defy
conventional explanation and conform to occult geometric rules?
Hidden History
At this point, Hoagland and Torun had a conundrum.
They had
certainly developed a series of observations and connections that
demanded closer scrutiny - but in what context? It was not enough to
argue that the Cydonia ruins imparted knowledge of tetrahedral
geometry and that this geometry seemed to have some reflected
physical effects in the rotating bodies of the solar system.
had to have a coherent model of the mechanism that was driving all
of these observed planetary upwellings and the anomalous heat
output. The pattern itself implied that there was an underlying
physics involving the energy upwellings.
There is a perfectly natural explanation for such "anomalous energy"
appearing in celestial bodies - unfortunately, it hasn't been
seriously considered by science for over a hundred years. Hoagland
found that the idea that "forces" - like gravity or magnetism -
could be modeled geometrically was becoming quite popular within
modern mathematics.
With that in mind, he began to look back at
physics theories from the 1800s, and found that the very father of
modern day physics, James Clerk Maxwell, had indeed dabbled in some
equations that seemed to fit what he and Torun had observed on the
outer planets.
Maxwell had routinely argued that the only way to
solve certain problems in physics was to account for some phenomena
as 3D "reflections" of objects existing in higher spatial
dimensions. When Maxwell died, this higher dimensional or "scalar"
component was stripped out of his equations by Oliver Heaviside, and
the resulting "classic Maxwell equations" became the basis for our
modern day models of electromagnetic force.
But if Maxwell's
original work was correct - even though it had been discarded - then
that meant his original concepts could potentially explain the
various planetary phenomena Hoagland and Torun had observed.
Tentatively, Hoagland began to examine more closely this early model
of "hyperdimensional physics."
Hoagland found that a number of modern day mathematicians had
actually begun to model these possible higher dimensions
"Topologists" like H.S.M. Coxeter had done a
significant amount of work in mapping the higher dimensional
properties of a rotating "hypersphere," a sphere that exists in more
than just three spatial dimensions.
The arcane mathematics
describing this "hypersphere," and the multiple dimensions above it,
are so complex that they are virtually unintelligible to all but the
most educated math buffs. Yet the signatures of this higher
dimensional physics - as reflected in our own 3D universe - are much
easier to spot and predict.
His equations predicted that such a
figure - if it was rotated - would create roiling vorticular motions
(exactly like the observed dynamics of Jupiter's "Great Red Spot")
in the sphere's 3D geometry, and at a specific latitude -
This was exactly what Hoagland and Torun were seeing in their own
observations of the rotating planets and moons of the solar system.
If these observations were indeed linked to the higher dimensional
properties of the "rotating hypersphere," then it meant not only
that rotating planets existed simultaneously in multiple, higher
spatial dimensions, but also that this new physics could provide
potentially limitless amounts of energy to drive the observed
dynamics of their atmospheres, their internal fluid motions, their
surface geological "upwellihgs" - everything! Even, ultimately,
"life" itself...
The cornerstone of
the hyperdimensional model is the notion that
"higher" spatial dimensions not only exist, but are also the
underlying foundation upon which our entire 3D reality exists.
Beyond that, everything in our observable 3D world is, in fact,
driven by mathematically modeled "information transfer" from these
higher dimensions. This "information transfer" might simply be the
result of changes in the geometry of a connected system, say a
change in the orbital parameters of a planet, like Jupiter or the
Since we are limited in our perceptions to the 3D universe we
live in, we cannot "see" these higher dimensions.
However, we can
see (and measure) changes in these higher dimensions that have
simultaneous effect on our reality. By definition, this change in
higher dimensional geometry is perceived in our 3D universe as an
"energy output" - like the various 19.5° planetary energy upwellings
we have noted previously.
The hyperdimensional model therefore implicitly argues that,
contrary to Einstein's dictates, instantaneous "action at a
distance" in our universe is indeed possible - in fact, it is a
given - because of this higher dimensional information transfer. The
model predicts that the effects of a "cause" in our three
dimensions, whatever it may be, can be felt in measurable and
predictable ways in our perceived universe at speeds incomparably
greater than that of light.
The universe accomplishes this seemingly
impossible feat by the transformation and transfer of information
(as a different "energy") through "hyperspace," i.e. through these
higher spatial dimensions. In our familiar three dimensions, this
information/energy is then transformed back into familiar energy
forms, like light, heat and even gravity itself.
Changes in one gravitationally-connected system on a large scale,
like the planetary scale of a solar system, can therefore have an
instantaneous, measurable effect on other bodies in the same system
- providing there is a "resonance condition" (a "matched"
connection) between those two objects via hyperspace.
Thus, the hyperdimensional model argues that everything, even widely separated
three-space objects like remote planets, are ultimately connected
through this four-space interaction; meaning that a "cause" in one
place (like Jupiter) can have an "effect" in another (like the sun)
- without any measurable 3D force (such as an electromagnetic wave)
having measurably traversed the three-space distance in between.
Mainstream physics teaches us that this phenomenon - called
"non-locality," which has been observed for decades in laboratory
experiments 32 is simply a baffling "quantum reality" limited to
ultra-short distances at the sub-atomic level, but that it does not,
and cannot, affect larger objects at great distances (like planets,
stars or galaxies themselves).
Because the speed of light is
theorized to be the absolute speed limit of our 3D macro-universe,
no cause is supposed to have a measurable effect on any object
anywhere sooner than it takes light to travel the distance in
Yet these "magical," faster-than-light signals between
atomic particles, and even communication between photons, has now
been overwhelmingly confirmed at macro distances as well. Our
current understanding of the limiting speed of light, based on
Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism, asserts that only certain
kinds of energy, like electromagnetic radiation, can even travel
long distances through the vacuum of space.
In this classical "Einsteinian" view of physics, there is no
"ether" - as it was called in Maxwell's day - to carry
electromagnetic radiation's transverse waves across the vacuum.
the hyperdimensional model, the ether is back-as the actual
transformation medium between the higher spatial realities and our
dimension - through something called the "torsion field" (The word
"torsion" is formed from the same root as "torque" - and means "to
So a torsion field is a "spin field" - a crucial point we will come
back to.
The torsional-etheric field is, therefore, not the 19 -century's
"electromagnetic ether" at all - but rather a spin-sensitive,
geometric etheric state-whereby hyperdimensional information/energy
is detectable in our dimension via spinning vorticular (rotating
and/or precessing) physical systems.
Contrary to mainstream physics dogma, a rich series of experiments -
for over a hundred years - have overwhelmingly confirmed various
aspects of this non-electromagnetic "spin-field ether." The still
developing mathematics and graphs that model this theoretical
cosmology now, unfortunately, are as Byzantine and arcane as
anything in science today.
However, this mathematics is reinforced
by a veritable explosion of theoretical papers and fascinating
laboratory experiments which have been secretly carried out in
Russia for over 50 years - only becoming widely available here (via
the Internet) with the collapse of the Soviet Empire.
So even though there is substantial and growing reason to suspect
that the hyperdimensional/torsion model may ultimately be correct as
the "Theory of Everything," most modern physicists (certainly in the
West) still reject the notion, and stubbornly don't want to "go
Yet that was not always the prevailing sentiment in Western physics.
The mathematical and physical parameters required for such
"information/ energy gating" into this spatial dimension from
potential "n-dimensions" were primarily founded in the work of
several 19th-century founders of modern mathematics and physics.
Among these were,
German mathematician Georg Riemann
physicist Sir William Thompson (who would eventually be knighted by
the British crown as "Baron Kelvin of Largs" for his scientific and
technological contributions)
Scottish physicist James Clerk
British mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton
Riemann mathematically initiated the 19th-century scientific
community (if not the rest of Victorian society) into the unsettling
idea of "hyperspace" on June 10, 1854.
In a seminal presentation
made at the University of Gottingen in Germany, Riemann put forth
the first mathematical description of the possibility of "higher,
unseen dimensions" under the deceptively simple title "On the
Hypotheses Which Lie at the Foundation of Geometry."
Reimann's paper was a fundamental assault on the
two-thousand-year-old assumptions of "Euclidian geometry" - the
ordered, rectilinear laws of "ordinary" 3D reality. In its place,
Reimann proposed a 4D reality (of which our 3D reality was merely a
"subset"), in which the geometric rules were radically different,
but also internally self-consistent.
Even more radically, Reimann
proposed that the basic laws of nature in three-space, the three
mysterious forces then known to physics - electrostatics, magnetism
and gravity - were all fundamentally united in four-space, and
merely "looked different" because of the resulting "crumpled
geometry" of our 3D reality. In essence, he argued that gravity,
magnetism and electricity were all the same thing - energies coming
from higher dimensions.
Reimann was suggesting a major break with Newton's "force creates
action-at-a-distance" theories.
These had been proposed to explain
the "magical" properties of magnetic and electrical attraction and
repulsion, gravitationally curved motions of planets and falling
apples for over 200 years. In place of Newton, Reimann was proposing
that such "apparent forces" are a direct result of objects moving
through three-space geometry, distorted by the intruding geometry of
It is clear that Maxwell and other "giants" of 19th-century physics
(Kelvin, for one), as well as an entire contemporary generation of
mathematicians (like Cayle, Tait, etc.). took Reimann's ideas very
much to heart; Maxwell's original selection of four-space
"quaternions" as the mathematical operators for his force equations
and descriptions of electrical and magnetic interaction, clearly
demonstrate his belief in Reimann's approach - as does his
surprising literary excursions into poetry, vividly extolling the
implications of "higher-dimensional realities," including musings on
their relationship to the ultimate origin of the human soul.
In 1867, following decades of inquiry into the fundamental
properties of both matter and the space between, Thompson proposed a
radical new explanation for the most fundamental properties of solid
objects: the existence of "the vortex atom."
This was in direct
contradiction to then-prevailing theories of matter, in which atoms
were still viewed as infinitesimally,
"small, hard bodies [as]
imagined by [the Roman poet] Lucretius, and endorsed by Newton..."
Thompson's "vortex atoms" were envisioned, instead, as tiny,
self-sustaining "whirlpools" in the so-called "ether" - which
Thompson and his contemporaries increasingly believed extended
throughout the universe as an all-pervasive, incompressible fluid.
Even as Thompson published his revolutionary model for the atom,
Maxwell, building on Thompson's earlier explorations of the
underlying properties of this "etheric fluid," was well on the way
to devising a highly successful "mechanical" vortex model of the
"incompressible ether" itself, in which Thompson's vortex atom
could live - a model derived in part from the laboratory-observed
elastic and dynamical properties of solids.
Ultimately, in 1873, he
would succeed in uniting a couple hundred years' worth of electrical
and magnetic scientific observations into a comprehensive,
overarching electromagnetic theory of light vibrations, carried
across space by this,
"incompressible and highly stressed universal etheric fluid."
Maxwell's mathematical basis for his triumphant unification of these
two great mystery forces of nineteenth century physics were
"quaternions," a term invented (adopted would be a more precise
description) in the 1840s by mathematician Sir William Rowan
Hamilton, for,
"an ordered pair of complex numbers."
Complex numbers
themselves, according to Hamilton, were nothing more than,
"pairs of
real numbers which are added or multiplied according to certain
formal rules."
In 1897, A.S. Hathaway formally extended
Hamilton's ideas regarding quaternions as "sets of four real
numbers" to the idea of four spatial dimensions, in a paper entitled
"Quaternions as Numbers of Four-Dimensional Space."34
According to Maxwell, action at a distance was possible through the
"ether," which he defined as higher spatial dimensions - or what we
now call "hyperspace." In other words, the father of modern
terrestrial electromagnetic physics had come to the same conclusions
as Hoagland's theorized "Martian architect" at Cydonia.
This may seem to be a tenuous connection at first, but when you read
certain lines from his poem presented to the Committee of the Cayley
Portrait Fund in 1887, it becomes quite clear, that he knew:
"Ye cubic surfaces! By threes and nines, draw round his camp your
seven-and-twenty lines - the Seal of Solomon in three dimensions..."
This clear description of the "Seal of Solomon in three dimensions,"
is an overt reference to the geometrical and mathematical
underpinnings of the infamous "circumscribed tetrahedral geometry"
memorialized all over Cydonia.
If you take the base figure of a
tetrahedron - the equilateral triangle - and add a second
equilateral triangle to the figure exactly opposite the first, and
then circumscribe that figure with a circle, you get the familiar
"Star of David," the "Seal of Solomon" that Maxwell describes.
in this figure, the tips of the double triangle touch the circle at
the poles and at 19.5° north and south, directly linking the
identical, hyperdimensional quaternion geometry whose physical
effects we have now rediscovered all across the solar system.
of course, taking this "Seal of Solomon" and drawing it in three
dimensions would give you a double-star tetrahedron circumscribed by
a sphere [Fig. 2-4].
The reference to "seven and twenty lines" is also a not-so-subtle
reference to a 2D sketch of a double tetrahedron encompassed by a
"hypercube," shown as a base 2D form of a hexagon [Fig. 2-5].
The Heavy Hand of Heaviside
In a tragedy for science, two other 19th-century "mathematical
physicists," Oliver Heaviside and William Gibbs, "streamlined"
Maxwell's original equations down to four simple (if woefully
incomplete) expressions after Maxwell's death.
Because Heaviside
openly felt the quaternions were "an abomination," - never fully
understanding the linkage between the critical scalar (a
directionless measurement, like speed) and vector (a directionally
defined value, like displacement) components in Maxwell's use of
them to describe the energy potentials of empty space ("apples and
oranges," he termed them) - he eliminated over twenty quaternions
from Maxwell's original theory in his attempted "simplification."
Oliver Heaviside was once described (by Scientific American) as,
"self-taught and... never connected with any university... [he] had
[however] a remarkable and inexplicable ability to arrive at
mathematical results of considerable complexity without going
through any conscious process of proof."
According to other
observers, Heaviside actually felt that Maxwell's use of quaternions
and their description of the "potentials" of space was "mystical,
and should be murdered from the theory."
By drastically editing
Maxwell's original work after the latter's death, excising the
scalar component of the quaternions and eliminating the hyperspatial
characteristics of the directional (vector) component, he
effectively accomplished this goal single-handedly.
This means, of course, that the four surviving classic "Maxwell
equations" - which appear in every electrical and physics text the
world over, as the underpinnings of all 20th-century electrical and
electromagnetic engineering - never appeared in any original Maxwell
paper or treatise. And every invention, from radio to radar, from
television to computer science to every "hard" science from physics
to chemistry to astrophysics that deals with these electromagnetic radiative processes, are based on these supposed "Maxwell
They are, in fact, Heaviside's equations, not Maxwell's.
The end
result was that physics lost its promising theoretical beginnings as
a truly "hyperdimensional" science over a century ago, and instead
was saddled with a very limited subset of that potentially unifying
theory, thanks to Heaviside.
The advocates of an ether-based model of force were dealt a greater
in 1887, when the Michelson-Morley experiments effectively proved
there was "no material ether." What was lost, however, because of
Heaviside, was that Maxwell had never believed in a material ether
himself - he was assuming a hyperspatial ether simultaneously
connecting everything in the universe.
The major source of confusion surrounding Maxwell's actual theory,
versus what Heaviside reduced it to, is its math - a notation system
perhaps best described by H.J. Josephs:
"Hamilton's algebra of quaternions, unlike Heaviside's algebra of
vectors, is not a mere abbreviated mode of expressing Cartesian
analysis, but is an independent branch of mathematics with its own
rules of operation and its own special theorems. A quaternion is, in
fact, a generalized or hypercomplex number."
In 1897, Hathaway published a paper specifically identifying these
hypercomplex numbers as "numbers in four-dimensional space."
modern physics' apparent ignorance of Maxwell's nineteenth century
success - a mathematically based, 4D "field-theory" - would seem to
originate from a basic lack of knowledge of the true nature of
Hamilton's quaternion algebra itself.
And, unless you track down an original 1873 copy of Maxwell's
"Treatise," there is no easy way to verify the existence of
Maxwell's "hyperdimensional" quaternion notation; for, by 1892, the
third edition incorporated a "correction" to Maxwell's original use
of "scalar potentials," thus removing a crucial distinction between
four-space "geometric potential," and a three-space "vector field"
from all subsequent Maxwellian theory - which is why modern
physicists, like Michiu Kaku, apparently don't realize that
Maxwell's original equations were, in fact, the first geometric
four-space field theory, expressed in specific four-space terms -
the language of quaternions.
One of the difficulties of proposing a "higher dimension" is that,
inevitably, people (and scientists are people), will ask "well,
where is it?!"
The most persistent objection to the four-space geometries of
Reimann, Cay ley, Tait and Maxwell was that no experimental proof of
a "fourth dimension" was readily apparent.
One of the more easily
understandable aspects of "higher dimensionality" was that a being
from a "lower dimension" (a 2D "Flatlander," for instance) entering
our "higher" 3D reality, would appear to vanish instantly from the
lower-dimensional world (and, consequently, appear just as suddenly
in the higher dimension, albeit geometrically distorted.) When she
returned to her own dimension, she would just as "magically"
To the scientific mind, however, people in our dimension don't just
turn a corner one day and promptly vanish into Reimann's fourth
While mathematically derivable and beautifully
consistent, to "experimentalists" (and all real science ultimately
has to be based on verifiable, independently repeatable experiments)
there seemed no testable, physical proof of hyperdimensional
physics. Thus hyperspace - as a potential solution to unifying the
major laws of physics - quietly disappeared, not to resurface until
April 1919.
At that time, a remarkable letter was delivered to one Albert
Written by Theodor Kaluza, an obscure mathematician at the
University of Konigsberg in Germany, the letter's first few lines
offered a startling solution (at least to Einstein, who was
unknowledgeable of Maxwell's original quaternion equations) to one
of physics' still most intractable problems, the mathematical
unification of his own theory of gravity with Maxwell's theory of
electromagnetic radiation via introduction of a fifth dimension.
(Because Einstein, in formulating the General and Special Theory of
Relativity in the intervening years since Reimann, had already
appropriated time as the fourth dimension, Kaluza was forced to
specify his additional spatial dimension as a fifth. In fact, this
was the same spatial dimension as the four-space designations used
by Maxwell and his colleagues in their models over 50 years before.)
Despite its stunning mathematical success in apparently finally
uniting gravity and light, the same question was asked of Kaluza as
had been asked of Reimann over sixty years before. Because there was
no overt experimental proof of the physical existence of another
spatial dimension, Kaluza got the same "OK, where is it?" challenge
to his assertions. Kaluza had a very clever answer: he proposed that
the fourth dimension had somehow collapsed down to a tiny circle,
"smaller than the smallest atom."
In 1926, another essentially unknown mathematician, Oskar Klein, was
investigating the peculiar implications of Kaluza's ideas in the
context of the newly invented atomic theory of quantum mechanics.
Klein was a specialist in the truly arcane field of mathematical
topology - the higher dimensional surfaces of objects. Quantum
mechanics had just been proposed a year or so before Klein's further
topological investigation of Kaluza's ideas, by Max Planck and many
others rebelling against perceived limitations of Maxwell's (now
sanitized) electromagnetic theory.
The "quantum mechanics" theory
would eventually become a highly successful (if bizarre, by
common-sense standards) non-geometric effort to describe
interactions between "fundamental particles," exchanging "forces"
through discrete "quantitized" particles and energy in the
sub-atomic world. Eventually, combining the two inquiries, Klein
theorized that, if it truly existed, Kaluza's new dimension had
likely collapsed down to the Planck length itself - supposedly the
smallest possible size allowed by these fundamental interactions.
However, that size was only about "ten to the minus thirty-three"
centimeters across.
Thus, the main obstacle to experimental
verification of the Kaluza-Klein Theory (and the reason why people
simply didn't "walk into the fourth dimension") was that quantum
mechanics calculations affirmed that the only way to physically
probe such an infinitesimally tiny dimension was with an atom
There was only one small technical problem:
The energy
required would exceed the output of all the power plants on Earth,
and then some.
Thus, the brief blip of new interest in
hyperdimensional physics -
the discussions of Kaluza-Klein among physicists and topologists -
dropped through the floor by the 1930s.
This occurred both because
of Klein's proof of the apparent impossibility of any direct
experimental verification of additional dimensions, and because of
the dramatic revolution then sweeping the increasingly technological
world of big science.
There was at that time a flood of verifications gushing forth from
atom smashers all around the world, feverishly engaged in probing
quantum mechanics. The rapidly multiplying populations of
"fundamental particles" spawned by this bizarre mathematical world
led Einstein to refer to the theory as "sorcery."
Later, even though
he accepted some of the experimental results, he remained skeptical
that it was a complete answer to the questions posed by the physical
Thirty more years would pass before scientific interest in
hyperspace would be reborn as superstring theory - in which
fundamental particles and "fields" are viewed as hyperspace
vibrations of infinitesimal, multidimensional strings.
For most
physicists currently interested in the problem, the superstring hyperdimensional model has overwhelming advantages over its
predecessors. Besides effectively unifying all the known forces of
the universe, from electromagnetism to the nuclear force, in a
literally beautiful "ultimate" picture of reality, it also makes a
specific prediction about the total number of n-dimensions that can
form: ten or twenty-six, depending on the rotation of the "strings."
The bad news is that they can't be tested either, because all ten
dimensions are curled up (in the model) inside the experimentally
unreachable Planck length.
The hottest mainstream scientific theory to come along in more than
half a century, the closest thing we have to a "Theory of
Everything," is not only a hyperdimensional model of reality, it is
yet another theory which, by its fundamental nature, can't be
scientifically tested - while a hyperdimensional model which can be
tested (and was, apparently, for decades behind the Iron Curtain)
has been systematically ignored in the West for over a hundred
Tesla, Bearden and DePalma
As Hoagland continued to make new connections of
the geometry of Cydonia with the historical treatment of hyperspatial realities, he
encountered a number of independent, rouge experimentalists who had
been working along these same lines.
Foremost among these were Dr.
Bruce DePalma, an M.I.T. physicist and researcher, and Lt. CoL
Thomas Bearden, a nuclear engineer and physicist who had been
working on Maxwell's original model since his days on the U.S.
Army's scalar weapons programs.
Bearden had tirelessly researched Maxwell's original writings, and
concluded that Maxwell's original theory is, in fact, the Holy Grail
of physics - the first successful unified field theory in the
history of science.
Bearden had done dogged detective work to
uncover Maxwell's papers, and from them had concluded that Heaviside
had literally hijacked Maxwell's theory and set modern science back
almost a hundred years. According to Bearden, not only would modern
physics never find the single unifying element for gravity,
electricity and magnetism (because it was all based on Heaviside's
broken version of Maxwell's model), but that if the original model
were restored, it had the potential to unleash nearly limitless
amounts of energy, and to allow humanity the means to actually
"engineer" forces like gravity at the quantum level.
This radical view was supported by Bearden's own research, which was
based on papers and experiments carried out by Sir Edmund Whittaker
Nicola Tesla in the early 20th-century, and later confirmed in
the so-called "Aharonov-Bohm" experiments.
Tesla, the inventor of modern civilization (through his discovery of
alternating current), had conducted a number of relevant experiments
his lab in Colorado Springs in 1899.
During one experiment, he
observed and recorded "interfering scalar waves." Via massive
experimental radio transmitters he had built on a mountaintop in
Colorado, he was broadcasting and receiving (by his own assertion)
longitudinal stresses (as opposed to conventional EM "transverse
waves") through the vacuum.
This he was accomplishing with his own,
hand-engineered equipment (produced according to Maxwell's original,
quaternion equations), when he detected an interference "return"
from a passing line of thunderstorms.
Tesla termed the phenomenon a
"standing columnar wave," and tracked it electromagnetically for
hours as the cold front moved across the west. Tesla's experiments
were suddenly stopped when his benefactor, J.P. Morgan, discovered
the true purpose of his experiment - to generate unlimited amounts
of electricity "too inexpensive to charge for."
Bearden was also interested in generating energy by creating
"longitudinal stress" in the vacuum using Maxwell's
quaternion/hyperdimensional potentials. Bearden wrote several papers
on the theory, eventually published by the Department of Energy on
their official website.37
Bearden then set about the task of actually constructing a device
that could draw "energy from the vacuum," eventually patenting a
device (The "Motionless Electromagnetic Generator") that seems to
generate energy from literally nothing.38
Of course, you can't really get something from nothing, and Hoagland
quickly realized that the effect Bearden was describing was the same
"hyperdimensional" effect he was seeing in the heat generation of
the outer planets.
There is now much fevered discussion among Western physicists on the
Quantum Electrodynamics Zero Point Energy of space - "the energy of
the vacuum."
To many familiar with the original works of Maxwell,
Kelvin, et. al., this sounds an awful lot like the once-familiar
"ether," merely updated and now passing under an assumed name.
Described as some sort of exotic quantum effect to make it seem
acceptable, this "zero-point energy" is nothing more than Maxwell's
hyperdimensional physics in another guise.
Thus, creating and then relieving a "stress" in Maxwell's vorticular
ether is precisely equivalent to tapping the energy of the vacuum
that, according to current quantum mechanics models, possesses a
staggering amount of such energy per cubic inch of empty space.
inefficiently releasing a tiny percentage of this "strain energy"
into our three dimensions, or into a body existing in 3D space,
could make it appear as if the energy was coming from nowhere -
something from nothing. In other words, to an entire generation of
students and astrophysicists woefully ignorant of Maxwell's original
equations, such energy would appear as the dreaded "P" word...
"perpetual motion."
As we shall show, it is this "new" source of energy - in a far more
controlled context - that seems to also be responsible for not only
the anomalous infrared excesses Hoagland has noted in the so-called
giant outer planets of this solar system, but for the radiated
energies of stars themselves.
Yet how does one create a "stress in the
ether" to generate energy,
or test this hyperdimensional physics theory? The theoretical
notions of Maxwell and Bearden had already been tested, albeit
inadvertently, by the aforementioned Dr. DePalma.
DePalma, brother of the famed film director Brian DePalma, long
before he and Hoagland met, had been running (since the '70s) a
series of groundbreaking "rotational experiments" which remarkably
confirmed much of what Hoagland would be theoretically rediscovering
twenty years later.
One practical invention was DePalms's
"N-Machine" - a high-speed, "homo-polar generator" which is able to
pull measurable electrical power literally out of thin air" (the
vacuum) with no expenditure of fuel...
Among DePalma's many other radical results was an experiment in
which he simultaneously ejected two metal balls - one spinning at
over 27,000 rpm and one not spinning at all - from the same test rig
He then measured the rate at which they both rose and fell.
In shocking contrast to the expected result if standard "Newtonian"
mechanics are at work, the spinning ball rose farther and faster,
and fell to the ground faster, than the non-spinning ball - even
though exactly the same upward force (momentum) had been applied to
both [Fig. 2-5].
The implication was that the spinning ball had somehow managed to
gain energy from somewhere - which simultaneously altered both the
effects of gravity and inertia on it... exactly as Bearden's model
had independently proposed.
DePalma conducted countless additional rotational experiments,
including with massive gyroscopes, throughout the 1970s. In the
course of these mechanics, he discovered that gyros, when spun up -
and simultaneously-induced to mechanically precess (wobble on their
axis of rotation), could also be used to substantially negate the
effects of gravity. In one experiment, a 276-pound "force machine"
was reduced in weight by six pounds - about a 2% loss - when the
gyros were switched on.
Depalma also discovered that these massive rotating systems, even
when carefully isolated, could induce "anomalous rotational motions"
in other gyroscopic set ups, even in other rooms... but only if
they were also rotating.
As a result of these years of painstaking laboratory
experimentation, with a great variety of different spinning systems,
DePalma ultimately argued that all rotating objects - including
planets and stars - must intrinsically precess.
"Precession" is the
tendency of spinning objects, like a child's top or a planet like
the Earth, to wobble on their rotational axes. In conventional
mechanics, precessional motion is explained as coming from an
outside force (like the Moon's gravity tidally tugging on the
Earth's slightly bulging equator) unbalancing an object's spin.
Based on DePalma's empirically-derived measurements of rotation, he
predicted that even apparently isolated spinning objects would
precess - by virtue of their interaction with other rotating
They drew energy from some kind of non-magnetic,
non-gravitational field (termed "the OD field"...), which he
proposed had to exist to explain his perplexing "energy accreting"
spinning ball experiment. Ironically, totally unknown to DePalma -
because of the Cold War and the KGB's strict secrecy controls - what
he was observing was also being simultaneously observed by his
Russian counterparts, and termed "a torsion field" - based on the
same rotational interactions.
The idea of "isolated precession" - the logical conclusion of
DePalma's decades of observations of all kinds of anomalous spinning
systems - has never been experimentally examined under controlled
laboratory conditions (at least, in any published literature in the
West...), as DePalma needed a "zero gravity" (force-free)
environment to conduct the proper test.
Unfortunately, before
Hoagland (with his NASA associations and connections) could conclude
arrangements for just such test of Bruce's remarkable hypothesis, to
be conducted at NASA-Lewis's vacuum zero-gravity drop test facility, DePalma suddenly died in 1998.
Ultimately, Depalma's fascinating prediction concerning intrinsic
rotational precession - which can now be elegantly explained by
invoking multiple rotational motions and torsion interactions
occurring simultaneously in higher dimensions - will come to have
great significance in our story later on.
With Bearden and DePalma's experimental input in hand, Hoagland
began to consider serious methods of doing the one thing that all
the other hyperdimensional theories had been unable to accomplish:
carry out actual testing of their core assumptions.
A Testable Theory
The true scientific method is something that is woefully
misunderstood in our modern world, even by many scientists today.
The history of science is replete with debates that have raged back
and forth in colossal wars of ego and self-interest - but the method
itself is supposed to protect us from scientists becoming a new
priesthood, by making sure that when models don't fit the new data,
they are discarded, no matter how appealing they may be to some
Unfortunately, it rarely works that way.
Hoagland wanted to immediately separate his
concept of hyperdimensional physics from the earlier models in one
distinct way - prediction. Only if his new ideas could be either
confirmed or falsified would his modern version of
Maxwell's revolutionary ideas ever gain traction - and in order to
accomplish that, the first order of business for any valid
scientific model is to produce testable predictions based on that
Fortunately, there were several implicit tests of the hyperdimensional model almost immediately suggested by the original
observations themselves. Eventually, Hoagland settled on four
additional key predictions that would determine if Cydonia's
"embedded tetrahedral physics" and the resulting "hyperdimensional
model" would be falsifiable.
All of these tests would invariably
spring from the same, somewhat surprising source.
Angular Momentum
Hoagland's first focus was on the anomalous heat emissions he and
Torun had noted in the outer planets.
Since in three dimensions all
energy eventually "degrades" to random motions, via Kelvin and
Gibb's laws of thermodynamics, then "stress energy" of the
(vacuum) released inside a material object, even if it initially
appears in a coherent form, will eventually degrade to simple,
random heat, ultimately radiated away as excess infrared emissions
into space.
In the end, all energy, whatever its source, ends up
looking the same.
Because of this, Hoagland focused on the initial, astrophysical
conditions under which such "Maxwellian space potentials" can be
released inside a planet or star. The idea was to predict a specific
set of signatures that would uniquely identify the source of these
energy emissions as hyperdimensional, versus a "normal" 3D effect.
In attempting to understand the anomalous IR radiation, one thing
quickly became clear; to a first order, the infrared excesses of the
giant planets all seemed to correlate very nicely with one parameter
each has in common-their total system "angular momentum."
The mass of a body and the rate at which it spins, in classical
physics, determines an object's angular momentum. In the
hyperdimensional model, it's a bit more complicated, because objects
apparently separated by distance in this dimension are in fact
connected in a "higher" (four-space) dimension.
So, in the hyperdimensional model, one also adds in the orbital
momentum of an object's gravitationally tethered satellites - moons
in the case of planets, planets in the case of the sun or companion
stars in the case of binary star systems.
In this view, then, the one advocated by Hoagland and derived from
his "meaningless" observations of the mathematics of Cydonia, this
total system angular momentum was the key to understanding how
things really worked in our 3D universe. This is in stark contrast
to the currently accepted view of field theory and electromagnetic
force, which views a planet or star's mass as the most important
characteristic dictating astrophysical behavior.
Because mainstream
physicists are working with Heaviside's version of Maxwell's
original concepts, the most significant "force" they can observe is
gravity. Since gravity is driven by mass, modern physics has always
assumed that mass is the single most influential aspect of
astrophysical interactions.
However, when we measure total solar system angular momentum, we get
something of a surprise... [Fig. 2-6]
Jupiter as it turns out, which has less than 1% of the mass in the
solar system, somehow possesses 60% of the angular momentum, whereas
the sun, which possesses 99% of the mass, has only 1% of the angular
momentum. If the conventional view of the solar system is correct,
then in fact the distribution of angular momentum to mass should be
roughly equivalent.
Instead, it is completely flip-flopped.
notions have been floated to explain this theoretical discrepancy,
including the idea that the sun somehow magically "transferred" its
angular momentum to the planets - but there are big problems with
all of these ideas, and formation theoreticians are not close to
providing an answer.
Hoagland had first begun to examine the role angular momentum might
play in his emerging theory when he made one significant association
- the common link connecting all the objects for which the Cydonia
"embedded tetrahedral model" works, from the planets to the sun,
seemed to be based on a relationship between angular momentum and
magnetic fields.
Before the adoption of the present, complex
"self-excited dynamo theory" (with internal, circulating, conducting
"fluids" as the mechanism for general planetary and stellar
magnetism), another, strictly empirical, hypothesis was proposed - a
strikingly simple relationship between the observed total angular
momentum of the object, and a resulting magnetic dipole.
Termed "Schuster's Hypothesis" (after Sir Arthur Schuster
[1851-1934], who made the original correlation and whose very name
and empirical discovery is, inexplicably, completely missing from
all NASA literature on planetary magnetism), it has been successful
in predicting magnetic field strengths (Blackett 1947, Warwick 1971)
ranging from the Earth's, to the sun's, to Jupiter's vast field
(20,000 times the terrestrial dipole moment).
Schuster's prediction,
made over sixty years prior to the 1973-74 Pioneer 10 and 11
close-up confirmations (Warwick 1976), led Warwick to comment thusly
on the remarkably predictive power of "Schuster's hypothesis" in
"Dynamo theory has not yet successfully predicted any cosmical
fields. Its use today rests on the assumption that no alternative
theory corresponds more closely to observations."
Indeed, after Mariner 10 detected a magnetic field around Mercury
that not only fit Schuster's hypothesis, but also directly
contradicted the dynamo theory, even Carl Sagan admitted that there
was a need for serious revision of science's view of planetary
Taking Schuster's 1912 proposal, Hoagland and Torun plotted
contemporary parameters for angular momentum versus the observed
magnetic dipole moment (for all planetary objects now visited by
spacecraft with magnetometers), and found Schuster's hypothesis
confirmed - with the exception of Mars (which had its magnetic field
stripped away in a recent catastrophe, which we will deal with
later) and Uranus (discussed below).
The truth is, the dynamo theory
has never produced a single correct prediction of any planetary
magnetic field, and Schuster's Theorem has been correct in almost
every case.
Uranus, as the sole exception to the accuracy of Schuster's Theorem,
may in fact be the exception that proves the rule. Uranus has a
rotational period almost exactly the same as Neptune's, and should
by definition have a similar magnetic field strength.
Neptune has a magnetic field strength about half of Earth's while
Uranus' is almost two thirds that of Earth's.
If Schuster's Theorem
is correct, then the two planets' magnetospheres should be about the
same intensity. Instead, there is an almost two-to-one ratio.
Uranus, however, is exceptional in many other ways - its obliquity
is almost 90° from solar vertical, implying that it may have
suffered a significant pole shift in the recent past that could
account for this discrepancy.
If this happened in the geologically
recent past, then there would logically follow a period of
non-compliance with the theorem.
Given that there was also a
significant hyperdimensional factor (related to DePalma's tests with
spherical precession) that may have accounted for Uranus' present
condition, and since Schuster's observation works quite well for the
other planets, it seems likely that there was an external factor not
yet fully understood for Uranus' noncompliance - but clearly, if
Schuster's Theorem is valid in seven out of nine cases and the
Dynamo theory is zero for nine, Schuster's observation would appear
to be a far closer fit.
The fascinating, observed correlation between angular momentum and
magnetic dipole moment led Hoagland to make a similarly simple
empirical connection to his own work.
When he looked at the
relationship between the anomalous infrared emissions and angular
momentum, he discovered that it too correlated precisely with each
planet's total system angular momentum.
When one graphs the total angular momentum of a set of objects, such
as the radiating outer planets of this solar system (plus Earth and
the sun) against the total amount of internal energy each object
radiates to space, the results are striking [Fig. 2-7].
The more total system angular momentum a planet (or any celestial
body) possesses, the more anomalous energy it is capable of
generating (actually, the energy - like the "anomalous energy"
DePalma observed in his spinning ball experiment - is being "ducted"
into the interior of the rotating mass from a higher dimension, via
the 3D "etheric/torsion field").
For the "hyperdimensional physics" model, this simple but powerful
relationship seems to be the equivalent of E=MC : a celestial
object's total internal luminosity seems dependent upon only one
physical parameter: luminosity equals total system angular momentum
(object, plus all satellites).
What this implies is that the amount of energy a given object
radiates is dictated by the force exerted on it through hyperspace,
and that this hyperspatial energy is measurable in our 3D world as
angular momentum. In graphing this fairly obvious correlation [Fig.
2-7], everything seemed to line up quite nicely. All the planets
fell right where they should along the graph - the only exception
was the sun. Somehow, the sun seemed to be missing a substantial
quantity of its angular momentum.
The conventional view of the sun, and all stars like it, is that
they are massive nuclear furnaces, fueled by the collapse of matter
into a raging fireball of energy.
This process causes a literal
fusion of atoms in the sun's interior, and
should by implication produce fusion byproducts.
One such expected
fusion byproduct is neutrinos, sub-atomic particles that lack an
electrical charge. However, experiments to measure the sun's
neutrino output have discovered that the sun is not emitting
anything like the number of neutrinos required by the standard solar
model for its observed energy emission. If its energy is due to
"thermo-nuclear reactions" (as the standard model demands), then the
observed "neutrino deficit" is upwards of 60%.
Even more remarkable,
certain kinds of primary neutrinos (calculated as required to
explain the bulk of the solar interior's fusion reactions, based on
laboratory measurements) turn out to be simply missing altogether.
Recently, a combination of theoretical
readjustments to existing quantum theory, coupled with the results
of new neutrino detectors brought on-line, seem to have reconciled
the observed "neutrino deficit" for the sun-bringing the observed
number (and "flavor") back in line with the adjusted theory. But,
there is the nagging suspicion on our part that this tinkering with
the original neutrino/standard solar model - remember, created
before the anomalous solar neutrino deficit had been observationally
discovered - is a kind of "academic cheating"...
The answer to the sun's apparent violation of the standard solar
model, ironically, is contained in its striking "violation" of our
key angular momentum/ luminosity diagram. In the hyperdimensional
model, the sun's primary energy source - like the planets' - must be
driven by its total angular momentum, its own "spin momentum" plus
the total angular momentum of the planetary masses orbiting around
As we pointed out above, though the sun contains more than 98%
of the mass of the solar system, it contains less than 2% of its
total angular momentum.
The rest is in the planets. Thus, in adding
up their total contribution to the sun's angular momentum budget, if
the hyperdimensional model is correct, we should see the sun
following the same line on the graph that the planets, from Earth to
Neptune, do. It does not.
The obvious answer to this dilemma is that the hyperdimensional
model is simply wrong. The less obvious conclusion is that we're
missing something-like additional planets.
In trying to account for the missing angular momentum, Hoagland had
found his first testable prediction of the hyperdimensional model.
By adding another big planet (or a couple of smaller ones) beyond
Pluto (several hundred times the Earth's distance from the sun), the
sun's total angular momentum could move to the right on the graph,
until it almost intersects the line (allowing for a percentage,
about 30%, of internal energy expected from genuine thermonuclear
This creates the specific prediction that the current
textbook tally of the sun's angular momentum is deficient for one
seemingly obvious reason: we haven't found all of the major planets
in the solar system yet.
So the first implicit prediction of the hyperdimensional model was
that eventually, observatories would find one massive planet in a
prograde orbit, or two smaller solar system members in retrograde
Either observation, within certain limits, would allow the
sun to move to its predicted location on the graph and confirm the
correlation between energy output and angular momentum.
Yet there was one even bigger implication of the relationship
between angular momentum and energy output. If the connection was
real, then it means that our view of the hierarchy of the solar
system is completely backwards. In the hyperdimensional model, the
tail (the planets and moons) wags the dog (the sun)... an assumption
that would begin to have far-ranging implications.
The next step in testing this aspect of the model was to begin a
search for any evidence that another member of our solar system
might conceivably exist.
For years, there has been an ongoing search
for "Planet X" in astronomy. This search has grown out of the
observation that something, presumably a large undiscovered planet,
seems to exhibit an influence on the orbits of Neptune and Uranus.
The search for this "perturber" eventually led to the discovery of
Pluto, but no such large planet has yet been found, at least not
There have, however, been some very interesting "unofficial"
discoveries that may have a bearing on this prediction. In 1982, a
front-page article appeared in the Washington Post,40 including an
interview with JPL's Dr. Gerry Neugebauer about an object spotted in
Orion by the IRAS infrared satellite, at an estimated 50 billion
miles from Earth.
This object fit Hoagland's prediction within very
tight parameters.
To date, no follow-up observations or papers have
been published on this object, and in inquiries to Dr. Neugebauer,
he stated that the quotes in the story were "taken out of context. I
do not know about it nor any follow-up."
Neugebauer strained credulity with this reply. How many of us would
claim they didn't know anything about a subject for which we had
been featured in a Washington Post article? When you read the actual
interview and story, which is clearly based on Neugebauer and Dr.
James Houck's information, it seems clear that they are not coming
clean. The article describes the object as small and dark, about the
size of Jupiter, and at a range of 50 billion miles from Earth.
this distance (about 537 A.U. Astronomical Units), the object would
probably have to be a brown dwarf, a body roughly the size of
Jupiter but 50 times as massive. The Post article goes on to say
that "two different telescopes" were enlisted to do a visual search
for the object - yet Neugebauer insists it was never followed up.
Clearly, there seems to a blanket of denial that has now fallen
around this early IRAS observation.
In 1999, evidence for yet another solar system member, this time in
Sagittarius (exactly opposite Orion in the celestial sphere) was
cited in several news reports.41 In this case, the object was
assumed to be about the same size as the IRAS object, but many times
more distant - between 25,000 and 32,000 A.U. Its presence was
implied by the patterns of long-period comets.
Both of these observations show that Hoagland's prediction of
additional planet(s) found at great distances from the Earth is at
least somewhat supported by various observations. What separates
Hoagland's model from all the other Planet X theories is the
specific prediction that the object in question - when it is finally
officially acknowledged - will possess enough angular momentum to
move the sun to its proper place on the graph.
But what has to be questioned is if NASA does find our missing tenth
major planet - Pluto's recent demotion to mere "solar system object"
notwithstanding - will they tell us? There are numerous rogue
researchers who have long predicted the existence of Planet X, and
to admit that it had been discovered would give credence to their
models and theories.
As we dug in deeper on this mystery, it became
obvious that NASA's reasons for quieting Neugebauer had far more to
do with politics (as usual...) than science.
Infrared Variability
The next implicit test of the hyperdimensional model also grew out
of the infrared emissions observation.
If Hoagland and Schuster's
observations were right, and there was a direct connection between
luminosity, magnetic field intensity and angular momentum, then this
had some fairly stunning implications.
Since the infrared emissions
in Hoagland's model were implicitly presumed to be hyperdimensional
in nature - i.e. connected to higher spatial geometries - then
orbital changes in the configuration of the "system" (the constantly
moving planets and moons of the solar system) should by implication
lead to varying outputs of energy - like turning a rheostat up and
down to control the output of a light.
This is a crucial point,
since conventional physics, by rote, demands that energy outputs for
these planets be "constant," perceptibly decaying only in the very
long term.
If the ultimate source of planetary (or stellar) energy is this
vorticular (rotating) spatial stress between dimensions (a la
Maxwell), then the constantly changing pattern (both gravitationally
and dimensionally) of interacting satellites in orbit around a major
planet/star, coupled with its equally changing geometric
configuration vis-a-vis the other major planets of the system, must
modulate that stress pattern as a constantly changing, geometrically
twisted "ether."
Hoagland's hyperdimensional model, it is this
constantly changing hyperspatial geometry that is capable of
extracting energy from this underlying rotating, vorticular ether
and then releasing it inside material, rotating objects.
Initially, this excess energy can appear in many different forms -
highspeed winds, unusual electrical activity, even enhanced nuclear
reactions - but, ultimately, it must all degrade to simple excess
Because of the basic physical requirement for resonance in
effectively coupling a planet (or a star's) rotating 3D mass to the
underlying 4D ether rotation, this excess energy generation must
vary with time, as the changing orbital geometry of the "satellites"
and other major members of the solar system interacts with the
spinning primary (and the underlying vorticular ether) in and out
of phase.
For these reasons, time variability of this continuing energy
exchange must be a central hallmark of this entire hyperdimensional
process. It should also be straightforward to determine.
All that is
required is to take measurements of Jupiter's IR output at various
points in time along its orbit and at different positions relative
to the other planets. If the hyperdimensional model is correct, then
differing orbital configurations should make Jupiter's (and all
other "gas giant") IR output(s) highly variable.
At certain times,
it should be more than its canonic two to one output. At others, it
should be less [Fig. 2-8].
Again, the historical scientific record provided considerable
support for this.
Dr. Frank J. Low made the first observations of
Jupiter's anomalous heat output from highflying aircraft in 1966 and
1969. Low, considered the father of modern infrared astronomy,
published the early results that showed Jupiter's output was in the
3-1 range.42 He later went on to create the proposal that led to the
creation of IRAS, the first infrared space telescope that made the IR observations of the possible "Planet X" in Orion that we
discussed earlier.
Three years later, Low made further observations that reduced the
figure from 3-1 to 2-1, a better than 30% difference that was far
beyond the margin of error of the instruments in use on both
Later ground based telescopic observations during the
1970s revised the figure even further downward, to about a 1.67-1.00
ratio, a further 30% reduction! 43 The Voyager missions largely
confirmed the 1.67 ratio in the early 1980s. The assumption, despite
the wide discrepancy, was simply that the earlier instruments were
crude and their measurements were just way off.
Since the energy
output had seemed to stabilize around the 1.67 figure in the late
1970s and early '80s, it was generally assumed this was the case and
that the earlier results were written off.
Fortunately, there have been a couple of probes to the outer solar
system since the Voyager days, Galileo and Cassini, and both carried
instruments that could measure the infrared emissions of the outer
gas giant planets. So the only thing keeping Hoagland from testing
this aspect of the Model is in getting someone to take the
measurements, or to release them if they did take them.
That has proven to be a harder task than one might imagine.
Calls to
the universities where the infrared data for both spacecraft are
gathered and archived resulted in a distinct lack of co-operation.
Hoagland was told that in order to get the figures for the
measurements, he would have to "prove" his affiliation with an
"approved" research center or university. However, a search of
NASA's online astrophysics abstract database yielded some
interesting information.
In a recent paper, observations made with Cassini's Composite
Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) seemed to offer confirmation of
Hoagland's prediction.44
The team of researchers found that Jupiter's infrared emissions did
not fit the expected "1.67 to 1.00" ratio that had been the canonic
number since Voyager.
While it does not give exact numbers, the
abstract states that,
"the equatorial temperature minimum is much
more pronounced than observed at the time of Voyager," and that "it
is likely related to the temporal variation in the equatorial
stratospheric temperatures that have been reported from ground-based
Not only does Jupiter appear to be continuing to
display variable heat output consistent with Hoagland's model, but
the latter statement also implies that more recent ground based
observations have been seeing the same thing.
While we won't go so far as to claim a cover-up of the more recent
thermal imaging data for Jupiter and the other outer planets,
clearly the results are anomalous for the conventional models and
consistent with Hoagland's key HD prediction.
Unfortunately, we will
have to wait for actual published numbers before we can rack this
prediction firmly in the "confirmed" category.
Short-Term Amplitude Variations
This same aspect of the model could also be applied on a smaller
scale to produce yet another prediction. In our own planetary
system, all the "giant" planets possess a retinue of at least a
dozen satellites: one or two major ones (approximating the size of
the planet Mercury), with several others ranging down below the
diameter and mass of our own moon, in addition to a host of smaller
Because of the "lever effect" in the angular momentum
calculations, even a small satellite orbiting far away (or at a
steep angle to the planet's plane of rotation) can exert a
disproportional effect on the "total angular momentum" equation-just
look at Pluto and the sun [Fig. 2-6].
Even now, Jupiter's four major satellites (which have collective
masses approximately 1/10,000th of Jupiter itself), during the
course of their complex orbital interactions, are historically known
to cause time-altered behavior in a variety of well-known Jovian
phenomena - including "anomalous" latitude and longitude motions of
the Great Red Spot itself.
As Hoagland presented at the U.N. in 1992, the Great Red Spot
(GRS) - a mysterious vortex located for over 300 years at that
infamous 19.5° S. Latitude, via the circumscribed tetrahedral
geometry of the equally infamous twenty-seven line problem is the
classic "signature" of hyperdimensional physics operating within
The existence of decades of recorded anomalous motions of this Spot,
neatly synchronized with the highly predictable motions of Jupiter's
own "Galilean" moons are clearly not the result of conventional
gravitational or tidal interactions, given the relatively
insignificant masses of the moons compared to Jupiter itself.
Rather, they seem to be following the models of Maxwell, Schuster
and Whittaker; the result of powerful hyperdimensional modulation
from the changing geometric configurations of these same satellites.
It is the long lever of angular momentum and harmonic torsion
resonance on the constantly changing, vorticular scalar stress
potentials (torsion field states) inside Jupiter that are causing
the changes in the GRS.
So, hyperdimensional test number three: look for small, short-term
amplitude variations in the infrared emission levels of all the
giant planets, synchronized (as are the still-mysterious, but cyclic
atmospheric motions of the GRS on Jupiter) with the orbital motions
and conjunctions of their moons, and/or, the motions of these outer
planets relative to the other major members of the solar system.
Confirmed short-term variations in the current planetary IR outputs
of a few hours (or even a few days') duration - and synchronized
with the orbital periods of the planets' satellites themselves -
would thus be stunning evidence that all the mainstream explanations
are in trouble, and that the hyperdimensional model deserves much
closer scrutiny.
Rising or falling output over years and decades (as
strongly implied by the historical IR observations of Jupiter, from
Frank Low to Cassini) would support a longer-term, planetary
modulation of these internal HD energy releases.
In fact, of course, both sets of modulations should be occurring
simultaneously - easily separated via a suitably written computer
observation program ... providing someone even looks.
These changing interactive stresses in the boundary between
hyperspace and "real" space (in the hyperdimensional model) now also
seem to be the answer to the mysterious "storms" that, from time to
time, have suddenly appeared and disappeared in the atmospheres of
several of the outer planets.
The shrinkage and virtual
disappearance in the late 1980s of Jupiter's Great
Red Spot is one remarkable example; as was Saturn's abrupt
production of a major planetary "event," photographed by the Hubble
Space Telescope in 1994, as a brilliant cloud erupting at 19.5° N
(where else?); Neptune's "now you see it now you don't" major "19.5
storm" - the Great Dark Spot - is yet another.
And, in the latest solar system mystery to confound NASA theorists,
there is the sudden formation of a second red spot, nicknamed
"Junior" which occurred on Jupiter in 2006. This massive
(Earth-sized), atmospheric vortex coalesced over a few weeks from
three smaller vortices (each about the size of Mars) and then
immediately began also turning "GRS red."
And NASA is admittedly "clueless" (again) to what is actually going
on ....
Since the prevailing NASA view is that these planets' excess IR
output must be constant over time, no one has bothered to look for
any further correlations between a rising or falling internal energy
emission and the (now historically well-documented) semi-periodic
eruptions of such "storms" - and they should.
This whole notion, that the changing configuration of a planet's (or
star's) system members relative to the "primary," can have an effect
on its total energy output, is revolutionary to current thinking,
but hardly without precedent.
There is a very well known, long period and still mysterious
variability associated with the largest "hyperdimensional gate" in
our own neighborhood - the sun.
Its complex changes, which include a host of related surface
phenomena-solar flares, coronal disturbances, mass ejections, etc. -
is termed "the sunspot cycle," because the number of simultaneous
"spots" (lower-temperature vortices appearing dark against the
hotter solar surface, as this activity occurs) waxes and wanes over
about 11 years.
The full magnetic reversal of the sun's polarity
takes two complete sunspot cycles to return to "zero" - thus the
complete "solar cycle" is somewhat over twenty years.
In the 1940s, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) hired John
Nelson, a young electrical engineer, in an effort to improve the
reliability of short-wave radio communications around Earth. Such
radio transmissions had been observed to be more reliable in the
"lulls" in between solar activity associated with "peak" sunspot
To his surprise, Nelson soon specifically correlated this rising and
falling radio interference with not only the sunspot cycle, but with
the motions of the major planets of the solar system. He found, to
his increasing astonishment, a very repeatable - in essence,
astrological - correlation between the inexorable orbits of all the
planets (but especially, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, which
hold essentially all the solar system's known angular momentum) and
major radio-disturbing eruptions on the sun.45
The hyperdimensional model finally provides a comprehensive
theoretical explanation - a "linking mechanism" - for these (to a
lot of astronomers) still embarrassing decades-old RCA observations.
For, in essence, what John Nelson had rediscovered was nothing short
of a "hyperdimensional astrology" - the ultimate, very ancient, now
highly demonstrable angular momentum foundations behind the real
influences of the sun and planets on our lives.
Nelson also
"rediscovered" something else:
"It is worthy of note that in 1948, when Jupiter and Saturn were
spaced by 120°, and solar activity was at a maximum, radio signals
averaged of far higher quality for the year than in 1951 with
Jupiter and Saturn at 180° and a considerable decline in solar
In other words, the average quality curve of radio signals
followed the cycle curve between Jupiter and Saturn rather than the
sunspot curve..."
These decades-old observations are very telling... not only
confirming Jupiter and Saturn as the primary "drivers" behind the
sun's known cycle of activity (in the hyperdimensional model), but
strongly implying an additional direct effect of their changing
angular relationship on the electrical properties of Earth's
This, of course, is totally consistent with these
changing planetary geometries affecting not just the sun, but the
other planets simultaneously as well, just as "conventional"
astrologers have claimed, via Maxwell's "changing scalar
At this point, then, only the hyperdimensional theory:
Points to the deepest implications of the simple astronomical
fact that the "tail wags the dog" - that the planets in this physics
are fully capable of exerting a determinant influence on the sun,
and each other, through their disproportionate ratio of total solar
system angular momentum: over 100 to 1, in the (known) planets'
Possesses the precise physical mechanism - via Maxwell's
"changing quaternion scalar potentials" - accounting for this
anomalous planetary angular momentum influence.
Has already publicly identified, at the United Nations in 1992, a
blatant geometric clue to this entire hyperdimensional solar
process: the maximum sunspot numbers (those large, relatively
"cool," rotating vortices appearing on the solar surface), rising,
falling and methodically changing latitude, during the course of the
familiar twenty-two-year solar cycle - and peaking every half-cycle
(around eleven years), at the solar latitude of about 19.5°.
Pulsars are yet another area where the hyperdimensional physics
theory can be put to the test.
Hoagland and Torun predicted that
pulsars, because of their incredible angular momentum and magnetic
properties, should be excellent hyperdimensional physics test beds.
In fact, in the case of one specific pulsar, they may be a major key
in validating the overall Hoagland/Torun model [Fig. 2-9].
B1757-24, a pulsar first observed in July 2000, was found to possess
far more angular momentum than it should have. In fact, the object
defies all known and accepted "laws of physics" and seems to be
tapping additional angular momentum from an unseen source.
unseen source, according to Hoagland and Torun's prediction, is
higher dimensional energy released by the rapid rotation of the
Under the conventional physics model, stars are assumed to be "born"
from spinning gas and dust nebulae. As they contract (under
gravity), like an ice skater tucking in her arms, they must spin
faster. This is the central tenet of a fundamental law of (current)
physics, called "the conservation of angular momentum."
The only way
a star is supposed to be able to get rid of this fixed quantity of
angular momentum transferred to it at birth, is to "re-transfer" the
momentum to space through one of basically two means: direct mass
loss and/or magnetic interactions (accelerations) between the star
and any surrounding nebulae or bodies (such as a companion set of
planets or another orbiting star).
For most of a star's "main sequence" life, the period when it is
assumed to be relatively stable in its spin and energy output
(although the hyperdimensional model states that this output also is
not "constant" or completely "stable" - but that's another
argument), these mechanisms are supposed to be able to transfer at
best a few percent of the star's original angular momentum.
So, a
star at the end of its billions-of-years-old life is supposed to
have pretty much the same quantity of angular momentum as it was
originally born with.
When a massive star (between five and twenty times the mass of the
sun) reaches the end of its life (defined in the conventional models
as "the exhaustion of its nuclear fuel"), it goes supernova. In
these models, roughly ninety percent of the outer parts of the star
leaves by this means (ultra-rapid mass transfer into space - in
excess of 5,000 miles per second!), leaving the remaining,
collapsed, ultra-dense core behind, as a now rapidly-spinning
"neutron star."
Such spinning, incredibly dense objects
(essentially, the mass of the sun and the density of an atomic
nucleus, smashed into a volume about the width of a small city) are
supposed to be at the heart of the "pulsar phenomenon."
Thus, when "born" in this violent end-process of stellar evolution,
such a rapidly spinning object is supposed to have been given
(through the previous mechanisms) a finite quantity of angular
momentum - not as much as the original star (because of the large
fraction of mass lost in the explosion, taking that angular momentum
with it), but just as finite.
In the ensuing "pulsar phenomenon," such a spinning, highly
magnetized object is far more likely to interact with other nearby
gas clouds, etc., than the original star. This is because the
original magnetic field of the whole star is also supposed to be
conserved, and is now collapsed down to the new volume of a
"city-sized" object, from an original volume perhaps several
trillion times as large.
Such incredibly high-strength magnetic
fields are then supposed to be able to accelerate matter still in
the vicinity of this newly-born, rapidly spinning object (the
outwardly exploding shell of the original star) and fling some of it
away from the star via "magnetic acceleration" at an appreciable
fraction of the speed of light.
This phenomenon is what's supposed
to create the accelerating beams of matter that spin with the
rotation of the star (up to a hundred times per second), producing
the rapidly rotating, ultra-stable "light house effect" of radio,
gamma ray and optical emissions that characterize the "pulsar
phenomena" seen even thousands of light years away.
If a planet, like the Earth, is in line with these beams of matter,
then we can "see" the lighthouse effect. If it is not, we will never
spot the pulsar. In this model, because such an exotic, rapidly
spinning, comparatively tiny object (but with the mass of the sun)
is heavily interacting (through its now incredibly strong surface
magnetic fields) with the still slowly (comparatively speaking)
expanding shell of its own outer layers (from the original supernova
explosion), it should also be transferring - at a measurable rate -
its own finite amount of angular momentum to the larger cloud.
has to inevitably result in a slow, steady and observable "spin
down" of the neutron star.
Radio, optical and x-ray/gamma ray observations of the almost 1,000
known pulsars discovered since 1968 have measured this "spin down"
effect in a wide variety of situations. The incredibly regular
radio, optical and x-ray/gamma ray pulses emitted by such stars have
been observed time after time to slowly lengthen by a tiny but
measured amount over several years - an indication of an ultra-slow
"despinning" of the tiny stars.
Using the (assumptive) law of the
conservation of angular momentum, this steady spin down is viewed as
confirmation not only of the known laws of angular momentum, but
also as a means to "date" the ages of these stars, a kind of "pulsar
clock" with a presumed constant half-life.
Because about half of all known stars are binaries, when one of
these stars explodes as a Supernova it releases itself and its
companion in opposite directions, at whatever the original orbital
velocity was between them. In the Sagittarius pulsar, the fleeing
pulsar eventually flew right out of the slowly expanding shell of
gas from the original explosion (the expanding blast wave ran into
an interstellar cloud and slowed way down, the neutron star core
Using the known distance, space velocity and geometry of
the pulsar/ cloud relationship, the new VLA measurements of the
actual space velocity of this pulsar was discovered to be only about
300 miles per second - way below the estimated 1,000 mps previously
From the observed "spin down rate," the previous estimate of the age
of the neutron star/pulsar (when the original supernova exploded)
was about 16,000 years-but from the "kinemetic" age of the star
(measured by its known velocity beyond its own expanding envelope),
the age of the original explosion is now estimated as happening
about 170,000 years ago - a factor of ten disparity.
Since the now-measured space velocity of the pulsar is not open to
any alternative interpretation (it's a very simple measurement, as
compared to the model for a despinning pulsar), the age since the
pulsar's formation (and separation from its binary companion) must
be about the same: 170,000 years.
So, for 170,000 years this pulsar
has been on its own, yet the rate at which its rotation is slowing
indicates a much younger age. Obviously, something is radically
wrong with the pulsar model of a finite amount of angular momentum
slowly being expended.
The simplest explanation for this "impossibility" is that the star
has been able to tap into a previously unknown source of angular
momentum, which has been "trickle charging" the spin of the neutron
star even as the acceleration of charged particles in its beams has
been draining it at a rate which has extended the pulsar's active
life approximately ten times the observed "rate" of deceleration.
Such an "unknown source" of energy is precisely predicted by the hyperdimensional model, which says that the more angular momentum an
object initially possesses, the more it can "tap" into this
invisible source of energy to maintain that momentum against known
3D transfer mechanisms.
The actual mechanism for maintaining the
pulsar's spin is probably the conversion of the star's precessional
energy (which, in DePalma's experiments, is not contingent on a
nearby gravitating companion) into rotational energy. An apt analogy
would be a bathtub with a hole in it.
Water is flowing out of the
hole at an observed rate - but, unknown to the "observers," there is
a hidden plumbing network, refilling the tub at a rate which almost,
but not quite, replaces the water lost through the hole. The result
is a significantly extended "lifetime" for the bathtub reservoir,
but with no obvious sources of the refilling.
Result: the water in
the tub drains out a lot slower than it should, even though the rate
of water through the hole is well known.
There is, flatly, no other explanation for this "extra" angular
momentum in pulsar B1757-24. Unlike anything that may be dreamed up
by the conventional theorists in an after-the-fact attempt to patch
up their broken theory, the hyperdimensional model not only
implicitly - but Hoagland and Torun specifically - predicted exactly
this sort of finding.
This now makes five specific predictions of
Hoagland's hyperdimensional physics model, a model based on the
supposedly meaningless tetrahedral alignments of the monuments of
Mars that have been confirmed by empirical observations.
There is another "test bed pulsar" - PSR B1828-11 - which also seems
to be on the verge of proving the hyperdimensional model right, this
one via a very different set of measurements: Bruce DePalma's
still-to-be-laboratory-tested hypothesis regarding "free
PSR B1828-11 is an "isolated" pulsar (meaning, it is not a member of
a binary star system), and is also located in the direction of
In late 2000, a set of radio telescope measurements
made by three Jodrell Bank astronomers revealed a remarkable
property about this rapidly spinning neutron star: it had three
simultaneous radio pulsar "periods," as opposed to the usual one - a
"fundamental period" of about 1000 days, and three "sub-harmonics"
of 500, 250 and 167 days each.
The first interpretation of this data by the discoverers was that
the pulsar - despite being totally isolated - was somehow exhibiting
"free space precession"; its radio beams sweeping by us on Earth at
increasingly different geometries and times... in these repeating
cycles... revealing the physical precession of the spinning neutron
star itself!
Several alternative theoretical explanations for this remarkable
behavior were immediately proposed by other astrophysicists:
"The B1828-11 pulsar, even though composed of a superdense sea of
free neutrons compressed inside a sphere only about 20 kilometers
across, with a surface gravity a hundred billion times the surface
field of Earth, is not perfectly round; it is this slight intrinsic
deformation (by less than a tenth of a millimeter) which causes PSR
B1828-11 to spin slightly off-axis... to "precess."
"The pulsar's dense 'neutron sea,' flowing superconductively under
its brittle surface 'crust,' hasn't quite kept pace with the solid
surface's decreasing rotation (caused by the pulsar's intense
magnetic braking forces); this, in turn, is causing 'procession' to
occur - essentially from 'sloshing' of the lagging, internal neutron
From another paper:
"The pulsar is potentially surrounded by a close-in 'accretion disc'
of gas and dust, orbiting at a significant angle to the pulsar's
equator. This, then, causes a hidden 'forced precessional torque,'
through simple gravitational tidal effects from the orbiting
"PSR B1828-11 is potentially orbited by a strange matter 'quark
planet' (denser than even a collapsed neutron star), which is
causing the precession by its significant tidal interactions," etc.,
etc., etc.
Each of these theoretical attempts to explain PSR B1828-11 's
bizarre behavior has serious objections - beginning with the
"neutron sloshing model"; according to other astrophysical
theoreticians, any internal fluid motions ("slosh" in the neutron
sea) should "damp out" (dissipate energy) after only a few hundred
rotations of the pulsar.
Since PSR B1828-11 is rotating two and a
half times per second, and the pulsar has an estimated age of a
hundred thousand years, those astrophysicists have a real problem
explaining how such lagging fluid behavior could still persist...
after over eight trillion neutron star rotations.
Hoagland has a very different (and simpler) explanation for this
baffling behavior - drawn directly from hyperdimensional theory and
DePalma's empirical experience with "rotating systems":
That PSR B1828-11 could simply be the most unambiguous Galactic
evidence, so far, of actual HD precession.
In other words, a stunning astronomical example of exactly the type
of laboratory "HD test" Hoagland was trying to arrange with NASA for
DePalma... when DePalma died.
When asked the most fundamental rules of Hyperdimensional Physics,
Hoagland will often wryly respond: "rotation ... rotation ...
Courtesy of long-time associate, David Wilcock, a few years ago
Hoagland was sent several papers on an almost unknown field of
Russian science. As he began reading the translations - from decades
of past and current researchers, and their intensely controversial
experiments in the former Soviet Union-he suddenly realized that
here was a completely separate database, with literally thousands of
published scientific papers, all totally consistent with DePalma's
equally baffling 1970s observations of his "OD field" around
rotating masses.46
As one of these Russian reviews (written by Yu.V.Nachalov and
A.N.Sokolov) noted:
"...Over the course of the XX century, various investigations in
different countries, representing a variety of professional
interests, repeatedly reported the discovery of unusual phenomena
that could not be explained in the framework of existing theories.
Since these authors could not understand the physics of the observed
phenomena, they were forced to give their own names to the fields,
emanations and energies responsible for the creation of these
For instance, N.A.Kozyrev's 'time emanation,' W.Reich's
'O-emanation' or 'orgone,' M.RBlondlot's "N-emanation,1 I.M.
Shakhparonov's TVIon-emanation, A.G.Gurvich's 'mitogenetic
emanation,' A.L.Chizhevsky's 'Z-emanation,' A.I.Veinik's 'chronal
field,' M-field, AA.Deev's T)-field,' Yu.V.Tszyan Kanchzhen's
biofield,' HMoriyama's 'X-agent,' V.V.Lensky's 'multipolar energy,'
'radiesthesietic emanation,' 'shape power,' 'empty waves,'
'pseudomagnetism,' H.A.Nieper's 'gravity field energy,' T.T.Brown's
'electrogravitation,' fifth force,' 'antigravitation,' free energy.'
This list can be easily continued...."
The Russians, in this review, realized that all these apparently
disparate anomalous phenomena were actually only different
manifestations of the same phenomena - ultimately termed "Torsion
Field Physics."
Torsion, as noted earlier, is still essentially unknown to Western
science... and not by accident; until the collapse of the Soviet
Union in 1991 and the sudden flood of torsion scientific literature
appearing on the World Wide Web, "torsion" was literally a forbidden
subject to export to the West; now, more than 20,000 research papers
on torsion physics have been published in the open scientific
literature - over half of them by Russian (and former Soviet Bloc)
Here's what one Western engineer, Paul Murad,47 currently employed
by an American institution that is researching space propulsion
applications of torsion field theory has to say about the current
"state-of the art":
"... The only field that (can] support faster than light phenomenon
according to some Russian physicists [is] the spin or torsion field.
Torsion is different from these other three fields [electrostatics,
magnetics and gravities] that [hove] spherical symmetry.
[can] be right-handed or left-handed and is based upon a cylindrical
field and can be created by large accumulations of electricity and
rotation of a body that if, above a certain speed, [will] enhance
the torsion field. Torsion can lead to other phenomenon to include
frame dragging. Here in a vacuum, frame dragging occurs when a rod
is inserted concentrically inside of a cylinder and has no physical
contact with that body.
If the rod is suddenly removed, the cylinder
will also move or is dragged along with the rod.
Other examples
exist regarding rotational bodies that would also influence adjacent
rotating bodies due to the interaction of one spin field ...with
"Obviously one would like to find a theory that relates all of these
effects with the result of better understanding gravity. The closest
thing I could find [in reading the existing Russian literature] is a
comment made by Matveeko that the torsion field is identical to the
transverse spin polarization of the physical vacuum and a
gravitational field is identical to the longitudinal spin
polarization of the physical vacuum.
Thus, these two fields, gravity
and torsion, appear to be related and may be the key [relationship
we must understand] before we learn how to harvest [limitless]
energy fromthe physical vacuum or the zero point field.
These issues
are all interesting theories and definitely should be further
explored if mankind-wishes to get serious about space travel to
planets and the far horizons."
The theoretical "father" of torsion physics is generally considered
to be French mathematician, Dr Elie-Joseph Cartan, who in 1913
published a refinement of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity,
whereby curved "spacetime" could flow in spiral patterns around
rotating objects, a phenomenon not originally dealt with in
Relativity, termed "torsion."
Ultimately known as "Einstein-Cartan Torsion (ECT)," the initial
physical predictions were extremely limiting and disappointing; the
resulting forces from ECT were calculated to be some "27 orders of
magnitude (27 powers of ten!) smaller than the gravitational effects
of Relativity."
Further, these effects were calculated to be
restricted to static (non-moving) field geometries around rotating
objects, fields that could not propagate through space as "waves."
Because of these severe limitations, ECT is thought by most
physicists (those who even know about Cartan's contributions to
Relativity theory) to be, at best, a minor curiosity - and to play
an almost infinitesimal role in the universe at large, even at the
sub-atomic level.
However, later Russian theoreticians (like Dr. Gannady Shipov),48
applying separate torsion ideas originally propounded by the
17th-century philosopher, Rene Descartes - that, ultimately all
motion (even apparently linear motion) is "rotation" (in a "curved"
universe) - would go on to prove that torsion fields are ultimately
not static (as Cartan had calculated from his erroneous assumptions
regarding what constitutes "rotation"), but actually dynamic.
Dynamic torsion (also called "Ricci torsion" - after the ^^-century
Italian mathematician who refined Decartes ideas and combined them
with the pre-Relativity spatial geometry of Bernhard Riemann) is
generated by any moving and simultaneously rotating object [from
spinning atoms, to entire nlanets (especially those precessing);
from orbiting stars, to entire galaxies stars ...].
The calculated
strength of dynamic torsion fields is something like "21 to 22
orders of magnitude stronger" than Cartan's "static fields."
only that, but these fields can travel... as a "torsion wave"
through spacetime - capable (in the equations of some Russian
theorists cited by Murad - above) of exceeding the vacuum speed of
light by at least a billion times.
(That's the lower bound, the
actual speed could be a lot higher; the theoretical maximum velocity
at which a dynamic torsion wave can travel is actually still quite
unknown - Fig. 2-11...)
For those having trouble visualizing how "torsion" works, how it
compares to more familiar forms of information and energy
transmission - such as electromagnetic radiation - perhaps a couple
of analogies will help; if spacetime (Maxwell's "ether") is
pictured as "a 2D porous, geometric structure" - like a very thin
sponge, or maybe a paper towel - then electromagnetic energy can be
pictured as water seeping through the sponge or towel at a finite
rate of speed (as a substitute, in our analogy, for "C" - the
"velocity of light in a vacuum").
Now, in this thought experiment, allow a drop of water to fall on
the towel/sponge, entering its 2D surface (and bringing in
additional energy ...) from "a higher dimension." Two things will
simultaneously occur:
On impact, the droplet will create ripples in the water in the towel
or sponge (remember, our fluid analog to electromagnetic radiation),
similar to raindrops on a pond [Fig. 2-10]; simultaneously, the
impact will also create invisible sound waves within the material
structure of the towel/sponge (our analogy with the geometric
structure of our 3D ether).
Since the speed of sound in this material structure is much faster
than the speed of pressure waves (ripples) in the water... the
information regarding the input of new energy into the sponge/towel
structure, arriving from a "higher dimension," will be communicated
almost instantly throughout that structure via the sound waves its
appearance triggers... while the tiny water ripples, set up by the
same impact, will take much longer to physically flow to every
Portion of the towel/sponge...
In our analogy, this difference in relative speeds represents the
vast gap in velocity between electromagnetic radiation - limited to
"the speed of light" in our 3D reality - and dynamic torsion, which
(according to Kozyrev's own astronomical measurements) can travel -
as a spiraling wave - through the ether incomparably faster...
The reality of "torsion physics" - information communicated through
the ether from a higher dimension, analogous to invisible and much
faster sound waves, compared to "physical ripples on a pond" [Fig.
2-10] - changes everything.
Suddenly, the bizarre "OD field effects" observed by Depalma
surrounding his rotating gyroscopes, able to somehow influence the
spin of other rotating objects even in distant rooms, and the
equally mysterious "non-Newtonian pendulum anomalies," discovered by
Nobel Laureate Dr. Maurice Allais during a total solar eclipse over
Paris, in 1954, all are suddenly revealed to stem from an identical
foundation-Modifications to Einstein's fundamental "Theory of
General Relativity."
If Einstein and Cartan are the "god fathers" of
current torsion theory, the late Russian astronomer - Dr Nikolai A. Kozyrev - is definitely the "building architect" of this new
Kozyrev, a Soviet astrophysicist, became world-famous in 1958 for
his controversial spectroscopic detection of the first apparent gas
emissions from the Moon (thus indicating it was, at some level,
still active geologically).
In parallel to his major astronomical career, Kozyrev also quietly
conducted 33 years of empirical laboratory investigations of
"rotation on rotation" behind the Iron Curtain.49 This work was
completely independent of DePalma's eerily similar, equally
painstaking efforts in the West.
Revealing the astronomical entry point for his "new physics,"
Kozyrev wrote in 1963:
"... It is of interest that even such a concrete question - namely,
why do the Sun and the stars shine, i.e., why are they out of
thermal equilibrium with the ambient space - cannot be answered
within the known physical laws...."
In the end, all these scientists - DePalma, Kozyrev and Hoagland,
separated by half a world and two completely different ideologies -
independently confirmed the same inexplicable phenomena surrounding
"rotation," and the simultaneous appearance of anomalous energy into
all rotating objects as a result... an energy somehow, in Kozyrev's
prophetic words, coming from beyond "the known physical laws."
The difference is Kozyrev's 33 years of countless laboratory
demonstrations of this physics (and consistently anomalous results)
eventually inspired a new generation of Russian mathematical
physicists - like Shipov, decades later - to search out the
theoretical foundations of these multiple "torsion phenomena."
It is safe to say that, without the major work of Nikolai Kozyrev,
the currently exploding field of "torsion physics" - based on
decades of his repeatable experiments - simply would not have
And, without Hoagland's serendipitous discovery of Kozyrev's work in
2005, "hyperdimensional physics" would still be lacking the sweeping
experimental and mathematical foundation of "torsion physics" it has
now suddenly discovered is its direct heritage.
For, surprise, surprise...
The energy and information existing in higher physical dimensions,
accessible in three dimensions only through the physical "rotation"
of mass, is the ultimate source of all "torsional phenomena" that
Kozyrev observed...
In 1993, the Angstrom Foundation, in Stockholm, Sweden, awarded the
"International Angstrom Medal for Excellence in Science" to Hoagland
for his role in rediscovering the hyperdimensional physics upon
which Maxwell's original treatises were built.
You might think, based on all the information just outlined, that
the theory of "hyperdimensional physics" - replete with correlated
observations, testable predictions and significant experimental
successes - should be making quite a bit of noise in the world of
advanced theoretical physics. Regardless of the reductionist
arguments, Hoagland and Torun formed a coherent, productive and
eminently testable model of the reality of the Cydonia artifacts.
This model contains no less than eight specific, testable
predictions, five of which have already been confirmed or have been
supported by initial observations. By any reasonable standard, that
would be more than sufficient (one would think) for conventional
science to at least consider taking the ideas and their source
(Cydonia) seriously.
Instead, with the exception of the Angstrom Foundation, the
political reaction has been stone silence.
Hoagland, who at one time was warmly embraced by various NASA
facilities and programs, suddenly found himself on the outs with
those same institutions when he pressed the issue of the tetrahedral
mathematics of Cydonia.
His ideas were welcomed, it seemed, as long
as there was no real means of proving his hypothesis. It was only
when he ventured into the realm
of hyperdimensional physics and sought for it the same status as any
other testable theory that NASA suddenly decided it would no longer
lend an ear to his ideas.
It was at this point - as we entered the 1990s - that we began to
suspect that there was something seriously wrong with this picture.
Chapter Two Images

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