10, 2021
HumansAreFree Website

There are things on the moon that you cannot explain no matter how
well you try.
The moon has been,
without a doubt, one of the most mysterious and talked about places
in our solar system directly connected with Extraterrestrial
visitations, Secret Alien bases, Secret facilities and all kinds of
weird stuff.
In this article we bring you 3 images depicting advanced flying
on the Moon, which some say are
proof of alien contact...
1. Triangle shaped
UFO above the moon
This picture was taken during the
Apollo 17 mission, by the Lunar
Module pilot Harrison Schmitt, one of the last three men to
walk on Earth's natural satellite.
The picture shows a mysterious triangular-shaped UFO in the upper
right part of the image:

There is no question whether the image is real as it is an official
NASA image which is found on their server together with hundreds of
other images taken during the Apollo Missions.
2. Structures
on the Moon in official NASA picture
Back in 2012 NASA has been caught red-handed once again.
The man in the foreground is
Anthony Colaprete, a space
scientist working for NASA since 2000.
From April to August 2003 he worked as principle investigator in
NASA's SETI Program, an abbreviation standing for 'Search for
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence'.
Evidence that Anthony found what he was searching for can be seen in
a picture laying on his desk (original
high-resolution picture).
The picture has been
taken at the
NASA Ames Research Center.

Here is the detail:

"NASA accidentally
confirms what we have known all along, that there are indeed
structures on the moon.
In this picture taken
at the NASA Ames Research Centre, we can clearly see two
possible structures,

one is quite clearly a square shaped
the other to the right looks like a triangular shaped
structure or maybe a bridge, its arched in any event."
3. A
disc-shaped object flying over the Moon
What are we looking at here is a classical example of a flying
This time, however, the picture was not taken on Earth, but
in space, close to the Moon.

The flying disc that is seen in this Apollo Mission picture is
surely one of the best examples of "Alien ships."
I didn't include the following images but I am not 100% certain if
they are genuine or not, but you can browse them and make up your
own mind.
Here are NASA's
Apollo's Missions images,
don't want You to See...