by Gordon-Michael Scallion
ECRNews Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
He is an international known
and respected futurist, teacher of consciousness studies and
metaphysics, and spiritual visionary, now considered by many to be
one of the most
accurate intuitives of our
Educated in electronics, Mr.
Scallion experienced a health crisis and subsequent spiritual
awakening in 1979 that left him with the gift of prophecy and an
ability to view the ancient past and probable future.
Mr. Scallion is the author of
the best selling book Notes from The Cosmos and over 25 audio
learning programs.
He it an editor of 'Intuitive
Flash - The Journal of Matrix Institute' where his latest insights
and teachings may be found. |
Introduction to the
future Map of the World
How is it that a person can know the future?
All of us have experienced precognitive
events in our lives - a phone rings and we know who's calling and
sometimes why they are calling, before we answer it. Dreams often
give us a glimpse of our future.
Stories of people who have been
winning lottery numbers in their dreams appear in the news. We have
all heard reports of travelers who, upon arriving for a flight,
change their plans and refuse to get on the plane became of a
feeling or premonition.
Another phenomenon is the ability that
some people have to detect earthquakes before they happen. These
earthquake sensitives, or Earth change sensitives, who number in the
thousands, demonstrate an ability to detect changes in the Earth
through their bodies, they do this hours, days and sometimes weeks
in advance of occurrence!
On the academic side, subjects such as ESP have been studied by such
esteemed universities as Duke, Stanford, and others.
The data suggest that ESP exists in some
people who are able to demonstrate this ability on command. However
despite all the research, the mechanism that allows such abilities
to occur remains a mystery. The scientific
community simply has no knowledge about how the mind works, only
that it exist and is probably different from the brain.
With the acceleration of Earth changes - earth quakes, hurricanes
and volcanic activity - perhaps no other area of phenomena has
created as much interest as Earth changes predictions.
Since 1979, I have had ongoing visions concerning the Earth,
sometimes as many as ten or more in a day, lasting from a few
seconds to minutes. Then in 1982 I began to sketch a world map based
on these visions, and I updated it through the years as new
information was presented to me. This map is the culmination of a
major ongoing effort to consolidate all the Earth change information
I have received.
As a result, the
Future Map of The
World is the most comprehensive and up to date representation of
Earth change visions and information that has been presented to me.
The purpose of the Future Map of The World is to present a
visual representation of probable geophysical events that may occur
in the future.
I feel that by sharing this information, an early
warning system may be established that takes into account areas to
watch for and unfolding scenarios that may be used as benchmarks to
warn of impending changes.
I further believe that no event or
prediction is final. Predictions are given as probabilities. Even at
this time, consciousness can alter an event, modify changes in a
particular area or at the very least help us to prepare for what is
to come.
One final note, the areas of change presented in the Future Map
of The World should not be taken as absolute. They may differ
from a few miles to several hundred miles depending on many
In the end, Mother Nature and our own
collective consciousness will have the final say.
I hope this map
will stimulate your intuitive sense so that you can use it to focus
on the areas of the map in which you are most interested.
Pole Shift
What could possibly cause the dramatic changes illustrated on this
In the mid-twenty century, Russian scientists discovered numerous
woolly mammoths In the frozen tundra Carbon dated to eleven
thousand-five hundred years ago, the animals contained undigested
grass in their mouths an indication that a cataclysmic event froze
them instantly as they grazed.
Something happened quickly. Not in years
or thousands of years, but in hours or minutes. Core samples from
this period indicate that Earths magnetic pole moved abruptly.
I believe this is what caused the great
changes in weather patterns that ended the Ice Age and caused sea
level to rise more than 300 feet. I also believe a pole shift was
responsible for frigid air being sucked out of the antic areas and
into temperate and tropical areas, causing winds in excess of two
hundred miles per hour.
The result was hundreds of feet of snow
that froze everything in its path It is also estimated that 90
percent of the worlds species became extinct during this same time
It is now 11.500 years later and humankind is once again
poised on the brink of another cataclysm
Pole Shift
The Earth does not rotate perfectly on its axis.
It wobbles in very
specific cycles. One such cycle is known as the Precession of the
Equinoxes and takes 23,000 years to complete a grand cycle.
At the mid points of the cycle -
11,500-year intervals - great stresses are placed on the planet and
the wobble increases. I liken it to a washing machine that is out of
balance in the spin cycle. It eventually begins to shake. This
imbalance will cause a shift in the lithosphere -
a pole shift I do
not see this resulting in Earth tumbling in space, rather I see the
lithosphere slipping over the core and other Earth layers.
From the perspective of one standing on
Earth looking skyward the Sun would appear to move quickly across
the sky some 90 degrees. In reality the entire crust would have
slipped over the magma layers it floats on.
Once the shift has occurred a new North
Pole would be established at approximately 110 degrees East
longitude and 45 degrees North Latitude - in the area of the present
day position of Mongolia.
Human Factors
I believe that a pole shift will be the ultimate cause of the
cataclysmic changes illustrated on this map.
However, other factors
such as global warming, nuclear activity, and the misuse of
technology will act to increase the melting of the poles thereby
throwing Earth even further out of balance and intensifying the
development of a pole shift.
As the pole shift scenario builds and a
melt-off in the poles continues, we will eventually see the
displacement of people and war fought over water and resources.
In the end two wild cards. Nature and human consciousness will
determine the severity of changes. An increase in our awareness of
the Oneness of all Creation and of the sacred trust we have
been given to protect Nature can modify what I present here.
Always keep in mind, no forecast or
prediction is absolute as long as free will exists.
Africa will be divided into three parts.
The Nile will significantly widen. A new
waterway will split the country, from the Mediterranean Sea towards
Gabon. The Red Sara will expand, creating a waterway through areas
of the Sudan. Africa's new waterways will look like the letter "Y"
placed over the continent, with the vertical line extending south to
Cape Town.
In Egypt, the Great Giza Plateau will go under water, but great
archeological discoveries will be made there before this happens.
As the Red Sea expands, Cairo will be
lost to the sea. Most of Madagascar will be lost to the sea. New
land will rise in the Arabian Sea. A landmass will rise north and
west of Cape Town.
New mountain ranges will be thrust above ground
in this area. Lake Victoria will merge with Lake Nyasa and flow to
the Indian Ocean.
Central eastern Africa’s coast-lines
will be inundated.
The Ring of Fire that passes through Asia is a highly seismic area,
and as a result will experience the most active and severe Earth
changes in this region.
Land will be inundated from the Philippines to Japan, and north to
the Bering Sea, including the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands. As the
Pacific Plate shifts its position some nine degrees, the islands of
Japan will sink, leaving a few small islands. Taiwan and most of
Korea will be lost to the sea.
With the shifting of the plate, the coastal region of China will be
pushed inland hundreds of miles. Indonesia will break up, although
some islands will remain and new land will rise. The Philippines
will disappear beneath the sea.
Asia will lose a significant amount of its land mass through these
changes, yet new land will be born.
Antarctica will be reborn, becoming fertile land again.
The land
once known as Lumania will be uncovered, and great cities and temple
sites will be rediscovered. Land will rise from the Antarctic
Peninsula to Tierra del Fuego, and eastward to South Georgia Island.
Australia will lose approximately twenty-five percent of its land
mass due to inundation of coastal areas. The Adelaide area will
become an inland sea all the way north to Lake Eyre.
The Simpson and
Gibson Deserts will become fertile land. Great communities based on
spiritual principles will form between the Great Sandy and Simpson
Deserts. Another settlement will arise in Queensland. New land will
rise off the coast.
New Zealand
New Zealand will grow in size, once again joining the land of old
Australia. The two lands will be joined by an isthmus, formed by
rising land and volcanic activity. New Zealand will become the new
Europe will go through some of the quickest and most severe Earth
Much of Northern Europe will go beneath the sea as the
tectonic plate upon which it rests collapses. Norway, Sweden,
Finland, and Denmark will be inundated, leaving hundreds of small
Most of the United Kingdom, from Scotland to the Channel, will go
beneath the sea. A few small islands, about the size of what is now
Shetland Island, will remain. London and Birmingham will be among
the remaining islands. Ireland will go beneath the sea except for
higher ground.
Russia (the former Soviet Union) will be separated from Europe by a
large new sea as the Caspian, Black, Kara, and Baltic Seas merge.
The new sea, divided by the Ural Mountain range, will stretch all
the way to the Jenisej River in Siberia. The region's climate will
become more temperate, enabling Russia to supply much of Europe's
The Black Sea will merge with the North Sea as well, leaving
Bulgaria and Romania under water.
The region from Poland to Turkey will see great turmoil. A great
Holy War will be born in this region, ending with the purification
of the land by fire and water. Portions of western Turkey will go
under water, creating a new coastline from Istanbul to Cyprus.
of central Europe will be inundated; most of the land between the
Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Sea will be lost. Many of the World
War II battlegrounds will go beneath the sea, and small islands will
be formed.
Much of France will go under water, leaving an island in the Paris
region. A new waterway will separate Switzerland from France, along
a line from Geneva to Zurich. Italy will be divided by water.
Venice, Naples, Rome and Genoa will be claimed by the sea, but the
Vatican will be saved by moving to higher ground. Higher elevations
will remain as islands. New land will rise from Sicily to Sardinia.
North America
Hudson Bay and the Foxe Basin will expand to form a large inland
sea. Parts of the Northwest Territory will be pushed in as much as
two hundred miles.
Areas in Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
and portions of Alberta will become the survival center of Canada
during the early changes. Migrations will arrive from British
Columbia and Alaska.
United States
Major global Earth changes will begin in the United States as the
North American Plate buckles, creating the Isles of California — 150
islands in all. Eventually, through tectonic plate buckling and
fractures followed by inundations, the West Coast will recede
eastward to Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado.
The Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway will join and flow
through the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. Coastal areas
from Maine to Florida will be inundated and pushed in for many
Coastal areas of Mexico will be inundated far inland. The California
Baja will become a series of islands. Most of the Yucatan Peninsula
will be lost to the sea. Volcanic and seismic activity will continue
into the twenty-first century.
Central America and the Caribbean
Central America will be inundated and reduced to a series of
islands. Elevations above 500 meters will be considered safe. A new
waterway will form from the Bay of Honduras to Salinas, Ecuador. The
Panama Canal will become impassable.
South America
In South America great Earth changes
will occur, including earthquake and volcanic activity.
The land will be affected like a blanket
shaken severely from one end to the other. Venezuela, Colombia, and
Brazil will be greatly inundated. The Amazon Basin area will become
a great inland sea. Peru and Bolivia will be inundated.
Salvador, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and parts of Uruguay will go
beneath the sea, as will the Falkland Islands. Another great inland
sea will come in to claim much of central Argentina.
A new landmass, which will include yet another inland sea will rise
and combine with the land of Chile.
