from WWatching Website
These maps were of land lots and were used to control taxation.
There are maps made on silk from China around the 2nd century BC. The Mayans and Incas made maps of the territories they conquered. In the early 1300's navigators developed maps of the Mediterranean and other known coastlines.
Finally in modern times we have perfected the art of map making and navigation.
The following maps are very much ancient enigmas because they simply do not fit in our current model of history.
Piri Re'is Map of 1513
This man
was an Admiral in the Turkish navy. Today we only have a fragment of
the original map. (click image right)
These are pretty amazing claims.
initial examination of this map seems to support the idea that the
western portion (the map of the coastline of the Americas) was done
by people with little or no knowledge of what the coastline actually
looked like. The reason for this conclusion is the coastline of the
America's looks very distorted.
One such mechanism for drawing these maps was the "Eight Wind" system. Others including the Sixteen Wind system etc. also were used.
The reasons for such drawing methods have long been assumed to benefit the mariner.
This is because these lines seem to correspond
to the points of the compass, which also began to surface in Europe
around the same time. This method of drawing would also greatly
benefit the map map maker as well.
Further they are all drawn from the same scale.
This suggests that the maps
were not being developed as a result of mariner survey activity.
Also the lack of variance in scale may suggest that the
understanding of these maps, and the mathematical principles behind
them, was not understood.
After a detailed analysis, several interesting observations were made.
He also presented a plethora of empirical evidence to back up these points. Click image left to see a large map from that book indicating the location six maps, the features that have been verified with modern geography, etc.
Although the accurate mapping of the coastline of the Americas is amazing examine the portion of Antarctica that is also illustrated.
NOTE: There is significant debate about whether or not this is actually Antarctica.
Mr. Hapgood himself comments that if this was the only evidence we had that the ancients had mapped Antarctica it would be questionable.
Examine the later section on Antarctica
for much more credible maps of it.
This is a section of an equidistant projection centered on Memphis Egypt. This map was produced by the US Air Force. Note the similar distortion of the coastline of the Americas between Piri and this map.
This map shows the super-imposition of the portolan type projection on the equidistant projection. Note that the numbers on the outside of the largest circle correspond with projection points on the map of Piri Re'is.
The degree of accuracy contained in the Piri Re'is map is extraordinary.
Given that the
author of this map himself claimed to have based this map, not on
his own surveying skills, but rather on ancient maps going back to
the 1400's and earlier, serious questions about the development of
navigation as we currently understand it.
Keep in mind that this projection method is different than those that you are used to seeing today.
Charles Hapgood and his team
converted this map from its current projection method into a modern
projection method. Look at the results.
Click images to enlarge
Well if the existence was only
theorized, the people developing these theories were also able to
theorize the coastal features of this theoretical continent.
There are several other maps of Antarctica that could be presented here.
These are covered
in Mr. Charles Hapgood's book
Maps of the Ancient Sea