Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe
The CAVE is a
cavity inside the earth which may be either natural or artificial in origin.
Natural caves come into existence by the action of water or tectonic
displacement. Both natural and artificial caves have served humankind in
various capacities since time immemorial.
Caves are ambiguous spaces, offering both protection and shelter but can
also trap and imprison. Because of its location within the earth, which many
cultures have identified as female, the cave has been
identified as the womb of Mother Earth, and associated with
birth and regeneration. Although sacredness may have been invested in many
other natural forms and objects (such as trees, mountains, etc.) during the
prehistoric period, the earliest known sacred places are naturally-formed
caves, such as that at Lascaux in France. In various cultures,
caves have been location for the celebration of diverse cults and mysteries,
and this was most likely the case at Lascaux.
Natural caves have long been a focus of veneration and appear frequently in
both mythological and religious stories. The Greek god Zeus was born
in a cave on Mount Ida (or Mount Dikte) on the Island of Crete. When
excavated in this century, both caves were filled with votive offerings.
Sacred caves are found throughout Greece, such as the Corycian Cave at
Delphi sacred to the nymph Corycia and Pan. Rites
associated with the Phrygian Mother Goddess Cybele took place in
A sacred cave may also contain a sacred spring which may possess special
healing or divinatory properties. Famous sacred caves are found in India, at
Ajanta, Ellora, and Elephanta which have been embellished with carvings and
Besides naturally occurring caves, artificial caves were dug into mountains
as at Abu Simbel in Egypt. Often the mountain itself was also
artificial. The pyramids in Egypt were man-made sacred mountains inside of
which were created artificial caves. It may be argued that a number of
prehistoric megalithic 'burial' mounds, such as Newgrange in
Ireland were built to 'house' an artificial cave. Conceived along the same
lines are Myceneaen tholos tombs and Etruscan tumuli.
The Neoplatonist Porphyry (234-305 CE) explains that before there
were temples, religious rites took place in caves. In this sense, it may be
argued that temples in ancient Greece and Rome were in some respects
man-made substitutes for the cave. It can be pointed out that the cella
or naos of a classical temple was not provided with windows, so that
the interior space was dark and cave-like. One set of doors provided the
only access and the only source of natural light. The doors would have been
opened on religious occasions, and perhaps at times when the location and
angle of the sun (and because the temple was so oriented in the first place)
permitted sunlight to penetrate directly into the otherwise dark interior
space (such as occurs at Abu Simbel and Newgrange).
A cave-like environment is also experienced in Christian Romanesque
churches; their dark, gloomy 'Mediterranean' interiors contrasting with the
impression of a light-filled forest grove which characterizes North European
Gothic architecture (Chartres).