Stephanie Relfe
B.Sc. (Syd.)
from The Mars Force:
Pat’s Story
Removing sabotaging
from the Wernicke’s area of the Brain, using Kinesiology
The mind is an energy field. Clearing removes charge from the mind.
But clearing does not necessarily remove negativity from the brain.
The brain is a physical ‘switchboard’ between the mind and the body.
Research has shown that words are stored in a specific area on the
left side of the brain. What is not so well known is that there is
an equivalent area in the right half of the brain which is also
involved with language. Both these areas are called the Wernicke’s
According to Professor Julian Jaynes, lecturer in Psychology at
Princeton University, up until around 3,000 years ago, mankind was
basically not conscious as he is today. He did not think in terms of
concepts, and he was not introspective (i.e. he did not ‘turn
inwards and think about himself). Instead he operated with what is
called a “bicameral mind”. The bicameral mind was man’s mind before
he developed self consciousness. Early man did not make any
decisions on his own. The concept of “self”, of being independent
and self-reliant, did not exist.
Whenever a decision had to be made, early man looked for a “sign”
from an outside authority, such as a king or a god, to tell him what
to do. For example, if he went along a road which divided into two
roads, he might throw some stones into the air to see which way they
fell, to tell him which road to take. Other signs that early man
used to determine what action he should take when he was faced with
a decision were often “voices” which he heard in his head and which
brought immediate obedience.
Experiments have shown that if the Wernicke’s area
in the left half
of the brain is electrically stimulated during speech, it will
interfere with the ability to talk properly, almost halting speech.
The same type of stimulation to the Wernicke’s area in the right
brain, however, causes a person to hear “voices” or “commands”.
These are usually of an authoritarian or dictatorial nature, and can
be identified as the voice of one who was feared, admired or “looked
up to” by the person being stimulated. We call these commands
“Wernicke’s commands”, because they are commands stored in
the Wernicke’s area of the brain.
The two Wernicke’s areas are connected to each other by a thin
bridge of tissue. This is where the term “bicameral mind” comes
from. It seems that the “voices of the gods” were in fact internal
dialogue coming from the right half of the brain. If mankind was to
become civilized, this simple mind had to greatly improve and
consciousness had to develop.
However, the bicameral
tendency is still present today! It is the bicameral mind, the right
side of the Wernicke’s area, which we “hear” when we hear those
little words of self-invalidation and sabotage. The ‘authorities’
who might have put commands into this mind are no longer “gods” -
they are anyone that we might have looked up to at some time.
These can include
parents, teachers, peers, politicians, and doctors. Have you have
ever been told to “grow up”, “shut up”, “eat up”, “forget that” or
“give up”? Have you ever been told “you’re mad”, you’re bad”,
“you’re stupid” or “you’ll never make it”?
If somebody you thought was powerful said “you’re too fat”, “you’ll
never change”, “you’ll forget”, “you’re a slow learner”, “eat ALL
your food”, you’re not good enough”, “strong enough”, “pretty
enough”, “clever enough” “you’ll go to hell” etc. etc. then they may
have made an ‘entry’ in your right Wernicke’s area, an implanted
command, which is still influencing you to this day!
When people do any work
or therapy to get rid of negative beliefs, the beliefs they try to
get rid of things are usually worded as “I …” eg. “I’m not good
enough” or “I’m too fat”. But “find the truth, and it will set you
free”. These beliefs are not filed in the brain (which is like a
super powerful computer) under an “I” point of view. The commands
are entered as said by another person, as if the person is right
there, talking to you! For example, the belief may be “I’m no good”
but the original command (which is stored in the brain)
was “You’re
no good”.
Normal kinesiology has a correction called a Goal Balance which is
designed to get rid of negative beliefs. However, it often does not
seem to work. However, in 1996 Australian kinesiologist David
Bridgman made an astounding discovery. He realized how to remove
negative beliefs from the brain!
The key to removing these beliefs is that they are stored in the
brain as though another person said them e.g. “You won’t remember”.
The brain then tries to make sense of a command and translates it,
for example, as “I won’t remember”.
This command then interferes with the person. To get rid of the
command you must find the EXACT wording of the command, which in
this case is “You won’t remember”. This specific kinesiology
procedure enables a person to REMOVE the sabotaging commands from
the brain. Instant improvement is generally noted in the person who
has done this.
These commands can be put in our brain either unintentionally (as by
our parents) or intentionally (as by the mind controllers). These
commands are hidden in the brain a bit like the way that ‘drop down
menus’ are hidden on the computer screen. Sometimes you can’t see
the menus, but they are still there. When you do the correct
kinesiology procedure, the sabotaging commands “drop down” and then
you can delete them. But they do not all appear at once. It can take
a number of sessions to get rid of them. This is a simple,
revolutionary and very powerful procedure.
The key to doing these corrections successfully is to get the EXACT
wording. Generally, throughout these sessions it would take up to
seven attempts each time to get the precise wording. Mostly the
correct wording would be found after two or three attempts.
Throughout these sessions, I did not record our incorrect attempts
to find the commands. Only the successful attempts were recorded.
you know how to muscle test and would like to know how to do the
correction, please see the website
or the appendices in ‘The Mars Records’ or email
stephanie@relfe.com for information on a video
teaching this technique.
From Book One of “The Mars Force – Pat’s
Session 1:
Violent Reaction
Sunday September 23 2001
Michael and I picked Pat up at the bus
station. Although she had come a long way, I felt that I should
give her a short kinesiology session that evening. The session
was done in my home. It was lucky that God was looking after us
and made sure that the first session was on a Sunday, because
Michael was at home and he was definitely needed!. Pat
lay on the massage table but almost as soon as I started to
muscle test her I got a violent reaction. After doing sessions
on hundreds of different people, I had never seen anything like
this. She was blocked, which is not unusual.
What was unusual was
that as soon as I tried to unblock her she began to scream. Plus
her left arm started moving in circles all by itself. It would
start at her side and then move in a jerky movement across her
body. Then move back to her left side and then start off again.
I felt that it was her body reliving a time when it was pulling
against restraints. Pat thought it might have been her
deflecting energy, possibly in some way connected to the
“alters8” that we later discovered she had. I called in
Michael to help me and it was only through the deliverance
that he did, with the help of Jesus Christ, that I was able to
continue at all. The first session was quite frenetic and I did
not take many notes, although it was taped and we were able to
later on hear again the screams that suddenly came out of Pat’s
mouth – a lady who until then had appeared very gentle, soft
spoken and ladylike.
I got that she had metaphysical alien circuitry on her
and began to remove it, while Michael was praying for
her. She also seemed to have metaphysical implants in her which
I removed as best I could. Her central nervous system,
small intestine, and spleen were out of balance (as
they are in many people). Her Psoas muscle, which relates
to the kidney, was also out of balance, but I was not able to
rebalance it until I removed a Wernicke’s command
which was:
• “Don’t
remember this”
As soon as we got
this Wernicke’s command, we again got a very big
reaction from Pat. More gasps, body jerks etc. Michael
had to do tons of deliverance. As he did this, pains began to
manifest and disappear in different parts of Pat’s body.
At one time she even started gagging and threw up a small
amount. (Alter: A split personality, generally one
that has been created artificially by mind control.)
I was not able to
complete a full 14 muscle balance on her, even after one hour.
Normally this would take me only about ten minutes. Pat
needed sleep and we decided that enough had been done so I drove
her back to her motel. On the way back in the car something very
odd happened. While stopped at a light I remembered that I
hadn’t asked her to do something that I normally do at the end
of a session. In order to help people to get present after a
session, and to fill in any ‘holes’ in their space that may have
been created by clearing stuff away, I get the person to name
things that they can see around them out loud.
I asked Pat
to do this. She was doing it quite slowly, when suddenly she
went into a trance. It was very eerie. She sat as stiff as a
statue beside me in the car. She didn’t answer anything I said.
Her eyes were open. I didn’t know what to do, and said I was
taking her back to Michael, when suddenly she snapped out
of it. She said that this had happened to her before. She was
able to hear everything I said, but wasn’t able to move or
Session 2: A Reptilian Attacks Pat’s Heart
Monday September 24 2001
Because of what happened yesterday, we didn’t do a session
until the evening when Michael was able to be in the
house in case he was needed again. He was for part of the
session, although it was not anywhere near as bad as yesterday.
Pat was in balance, so yesterday’s work had done
something. With her eyes open, her gaits and cloacals
were out of balance. I then tested her with eyes shut. Her
hyoid and cloacals were out of balance with her eyes
shut. Muscle testing indicated the cause of this was an emotion
“withholding at 34 years old, related to a grey alien
When we got to this
part in the session, her left arm started to move again in the
same weird way. Pat began to get pictures of restraints,
as though her arm was trying to pull away from something. I was
getting the same pictures/idea as Pat, although I
didn’t tell her this. I had to remove some Wernicke’s
These were:
useless to try” (from a reptilian
“Don’t even
think about it” (from a grey)
“You’ll die
if you remember this” (reptilian)
“Have a
heart attack if you remember this” (grey)
– note that she had previously had many fears of having
a heart attack
“Have a
stroke if you remember this” (reptilian)
yourself if you remember” (government – MK
whoever helps you remember”
whoever helps you to remember” (Since commands No. 7 and
No. 8 were basically the same, it was interesting that
they put basically the same command in twice. To find a
Wernicke’s command,
every single word must be found EXACTLY.
Presumably this was to make extra sure that the command
sunk in).
At this stage, we
both got that a remote viewer appeared and was putting hooks
into Pat. They started attacking her heart. We prayed it
off. Then a reptilian appeared in spirit. He
wouldn’t go no matter what any of the three of us did. I tried
to command him to leave. I got angry. No response. Then I had a
brilliant idea. I gave him a great, big, very loving hug. He
took off on the instant. As soon as this happened, the pain that
had appeared in Pat’s heart stopped.
I continued removing Wernicke’s commands.
“Don’t tell
anyone about this”
“You will
die if you remember this”
“Stab to
death the person who helps you remember this”. When I
was driving Pat home I asked her to name things
again in the car. The same thing happened as last time –
she went into what looked like a trance. This time I
just kept driving. She snapped out of it by the time we
got to her motel.
For more information,
Book One of “The Mars Force – Pat’s
From Book Two of “The Mars Force – Pat’s
Session 8: Wernicke’s to Kill Us
3rd September 2002 am
I did a kinesiology balance on Pat. As I hadn’t seen her for a year,
it was not surprising that she was quite out of balance. Her gaits
and cloacals were out of balance. Then I was unable to muscle test
accurately. The cause appeared to be interference from remote
viewers. I tried doing deliverance against them but that didn’t
work. Then I brought Michael in. He also tried deliverance but that
also didn’t work until he prayed against principalities. This caused
a lot of retching and other reactions in Pat.
With her eyes shut, her
cloacals and spleen were out of balance.
When I balanced these, her arm started moving by itself. Muscle
testing indicated that the cause was three draconians
who were interfering. Muscle testing indicated that she had been
abducted at least four times since we had last seen her. I then
looked for booby traps.
The following Wernicke’s commands were
removed from Pat’s alter called Anne.
• “Kill them in
their sleep” (this referred to us, Michael and Stephanie Relfe,
as Pat was staying with us during this visit and not at a
hotel). • “Give a floating strike to the Relfe’s in their sleep” (this
is a killing martial art technique, done to the throat). Pat
then went into a trance, and was unable to do the eye movements
which are needed to remove Wernicke’s commands. I didn’t write
down what I did next, but some how managed to find and remove
the last command: • “Give a Dim Mak strike to the Relfe’s in their sleep (this is
another killing Martial arts technique)
Session 9:
Wernicke’s from Reptilians
3rd September 2002 pm
We removed many Wernicke’s commands from Pat given to her by
“You remember nothing that we said” 2. “You remain ours” (from reptilians)
3. “Do not resist us” 4. “Do as we say”
5. “Resistance is futile” 6. “Don’t think for yourself”
7. “We are your friends” 8. “Don’t remember wernicke’s”
9. “Stephanie and Michael are your enemy”
10. “Michael and Stephanie are your enemy” (This was tricky
of them to use much the same command, only worded slightly
differently) 11. “Your mind is a blank” 12. “You remember nothing of this”
13. “Don’t pray” 14. “Don’t practice psychic stuff” (Note: One reason why
came to see me was because she felt there were blockages to
her using her psychic abilities. She would constantly put it
off by finding other things to do. For example, sometimes
she would get a sudden impulse to clean a closet or go
shopping). 15. “Put off psychic practice” 16. “Don’t believe in yourself”
The following commands
were removed from her alter called Laurie:
“Remember this” 2. “Never forget your mission”
3. “You have perfect memory” 4. “You have photographic memory”
5. “You have eidectic7 memory 6. “Tell only us”
7. “Your debriefing is only to us”
8. “Watch him” 9. “Watch Michael”
10. “Trust no one” 11. “You have no friends but us”
12. “We love you”
For more information,
Book Two of “The Mars Force – Pat’s