by Stanley V. McDaniel
BeyondTheIllusion Website
A great scientific experiment came to a climactic and frustrating
end when, on 21st. August 1993, communication with NASA’s Mars
Observer spacecraft was reported lost after its successful
completion of an eleven-month journey to the Red Planet.(2)
Just three days before it was to enter
mars orbit, but shortly after instructions for orbital insertion had
been uploaded, the spacecraft mysteriously failed to respond to
commands from the ground or to signal its presence to its
controllers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena,
California. In the weeks following, repeated attempts to restore
communications have been made. As of this writing, all efforts have
This apparent tragedy, ended the first mission to mars since the
Viking probes of 1976, is part of a much larger story - a story of
deception and scientific irresponsibility designed to suppress or
prevent what might be one of the greatest scientific discoveries in
all of human history. With a replacement mission in the planning, a
very real possibility exists that the scenario that dominated the
Mars Observer mission may be repeated.
This report chronicles the ongoing
picture of scientific, ethical and political concern within which
the Mars Observer mission took place, in the hope that the mistakes
and distortions that plagued that mission will not be repeated.
The Mars Observer, launched 25th. September 1992, was the first of
an “Observer series” of missions for planetary exploration.
principal objective of the mission was to gather information on the
geology and climate of mars (3). Mars Observer was scheduled to
reach its destination in August 1993 and begin its “mapping phase”
by November 1993.
The mapping phase was to last for one Martian
year, or 687 days (4).

During this phase the Mars Observer
camera would relay low resolution photographs of the entire planet
It would take moderate-resolution photographs (size of
smallest visible object 300 meters) and high-resolution photographs
(size of smallest visible objects 11 and 1.4 meters) for the purpose
of securing geological and albedo (reflectivity) information
on targeted areas of interest (5).
The Mars Observer was reported “lost” by
NASA on 21st. August 1993, shortly after instructions for orbital
insertion had been sent to the spacecraft. At this writing,
communication with the spacecraft has not been reestablished, and
NASA is still attempting to overcome the problem.
It is not known
whether the Mars Observer has gone into orbit around Mars or has
passed the planet and entered a solar orbit (6).
During the 1976 Viking mission to Mars, photographs of the plane
were obtained at a 50 meter resolution (7).
The seventeen years
since then independent research groups have engaged in an exhaustive
study of certain unusual surface features revealed in the Viking
images, most of which are located in
an area of Mars known as the Cydonia Plain (8).
All the independent researchers have
concluded that the data supports the possibility that some features
at Cydonia may be the ruins of intelligently designed structures. I
will refer to the hypothesis that the Cydonia features may be of
artificial origin as the AOC hypothesis (Artificial Origin
at Cydonia).
The AOC hypothesis does not claim that there is PROOF of artificial
features on Mars; it claims that the probability of there being
artificial features is strong enough to make new high-resolution
photographs a top priority for any future mission to the planet -
including the Mars Observer mission, should communications with that
spacecraft be restored(9).
Some of the researchers have gone further in their hypotheses
regarding the Martian objects, and others have not. The present
discussion is not intended to support or deny any features of these
extended hypotheses (10).
The immediate purpose of this paper is to
determine and evaluate the relationship between evidence supporting
the AOC hypothesis and NASA’s policy on setting priority levels for
targeting the Cydonian features for observation, as well as NASA’s
policies regarding public access to any such data once it has been
obtained (11).
The long term purpose is to illustrate
the political, ethical and scientific tension that arises when the
potential of a discovery that could cause a major shift in our
understanding of ourselves and our history comes up against the
biases of individual scientists and the interests of a government
This report has been prompted in part by a document distributed by
NASA titled “Information on NASA Re-photographing the Cydonia Region
of Mars” and letters written in January and October 1992 by Dr
Michael Main, NASA Mars Observer Camera Principal Investigator,
and Mark A. Pine, Chief of the Policy and Plans Branch of the
NASA Office of Space Science and Applications (references 8, 9 and
Dr. Malin’s letter indicates that the Cydonia region of Mars where
the AOC landforms are located, was targeted for high-resolution
photography as part of a general plan to secure images of
scientifically interesting natural geological formations. However,
the AOC hypothesis played no significant role in the prioritizing of
NASA objectives.
This position is reiterated in the
letter from Mark A. Pine and in other NASA documents:
“NASA has no plans to treat images
of the Cydonia region any differently than those of the other
regions of the Martian surface (13).”
While the region in general may be
targeted, this does not guarantee any special effort to image the
AOC landforms.
Careful analysis of NASA priorities as
embodied in the Mars Observer mission indicates that in all
probability they would not be included.
Both Dr Malin and Mr Pine were also careful to stress that because
of the technical uncertainties no guarantees could be made regarding
photographs of any specific features.
Yet plans were under way to
photograph other specific features than the AOC landforms, and in
these cases, instead of emphasizing technical uncertainties,
discussion of ways and means of accomplishing this took place.
The special emphasis given to the
possibility of difficulties in the particular case of the AOC
landforms has a clearer rationale as part of a general pattern of
discouraging interest in those particular landforms.
As the Mars Observer mission proceeded, considerable furore arose in
connection with NASA’s policy for data release. NASA announced that
in the case of the Mars Observer mission, unlike previous missions,
there would be “No immediate transmission of photography to the
Data may be withheld from the public for as long as six
months solely at the discretion of the “Principal Investigators”
holding private contracts with NASA (reference 9).
As of June 1993 there were indications
that NASA, under considerable public pressure to modify this policy,
was considering easing the restriction (see chapter nine), However,
hopes for this were dashed when NASA announced that only “selected”
imaged were to be made available for viewing at two or three sites
around the country with no release to the general public via NASA
There was no guarantee that these images
would include the AOC landforms (13). To see the images, a person
would have to travel to Pasadena, Washington or Houston and then sit
watching a special screen for hours or days with no assurance that
the AOC objects would be imaged at all - or, if imaged, “selected”
for viewing.
NASA was apparently trying to create the
impression of a more liberal policy on data release without actually
making any significant change. In later chapters of this report, MASA’s policy on data release will be discussed in detail. The
summary conclusion is that for the Mars Observer mission, NASA
introduced a severe restriction on data release, providing a new
potential for censorship, under the cover of a technicality.
Since 1979, a number of highly qualified independent investigators
have engaged in an extensive analysis of photographs taken by the
1976 Viking Mars mission These photographs appear to be evidence
that some landforms in the Martian region called Cydonia may be
A comprehensive independent analysis of the data supporting this
hypothesis, using established criteria for scientific methodology,
shows that the method of research pursued by by the independent
investigators are basically sound. There is a reasonable doubt as to
the natural origin of the Cydonian objects.
Reputable scientists in several fields,
including physics, astronomy, and geology, have expressed their
confidence in the overall integrity of this report and have called
for further investigations of these landforms by NASA (1). However,
during the seventeen years since the controversial landforms were
discovered, NASA has maintained steadfastly there is “no credible
evidence” that any of the landforms may be artificial.
A close look at NASA’s arguments reveals
that NASA’s “evaluation” has:
consisted largely of initial
impressions from unenhanced photographs, heavily weighted by faulty
reasoning, NASA has failed to apply any special methods of analysis
it has relied upon flawed reports
it has failed to attempt
verification of the enhancements and measurements made by others
it has focused exclusively on inappropriate methodology which
ignores the importance of context
There remains no scientific basis for
NASA’s position regarding the landforms.
Finally, NASA has based its evaluation almost exclusively on the
alleged existence of disconfirming photographs which it has never
identified, and has recently admitted it is unable to identify.
Instead of carrying out legitimate scientific enquiry , NASA has
regularly sent false and misleading statements regarding the
landforms to members of congress and their constituents. NASA has
condoned efforts to unfairly ridicule and discredit independent
researchers, and has insisted that there is a “scientific consensus”
that the landforms are natural- despite the fact that the only real
scientific study of the landforms indicates a clear possibility that
they are artificial.
Of the various landforms investigated by
the independent teams and individuals, the one that began the
research, referred to as
the “Face” because of its resemblance to
the humanoid face, has undergone one of the most exhaustive series
of tests for the evaluation of digital images originating from an
interplanetary probe available to scientists today.
The data collected in the course of
these investigations appears to be highly reliable.
The most advanced techniques of image enhancement, photo-clinometry
and fractal analysis, confirmed by cross-checking and thoroughly
documented, have been used.
The investigators are acknowledged
experts in their fields with strong academic and professional
qualifications. In every test, the data has been consistently tilted
in the direction of artificial, rather than natural, origin.
Moreover, the various test performed, including anthropometric and
aesthetic evaluation, have been mutually cross-confirming.
In September 1992 a new spacecraft - the Mars Observer - was
launched. Now reported lost, the Mars Observer carried a camera
capable of taking high-resolution photographs that would have almost
certainly settled the question of artificiality.
But NASA’s position
regarding the priority assigned to photographs of the landforms has
been throughout to resist any consideration of their possible
artificial origin. NASA’s equivocal statements on the issue of
priorities indicated a clear likelihood that new photographs of the
suspect landforms could not be obtained, or would not be released if
they were obtained.
If NASA’s Mars Observer policy remains unchanged, future missions to
Mars will almost certainly not include meaningful effort to settle
the question of artificiality. NASA is in the process of
evaluating options for a new Mars launch as early as October 1994.
As of this writing, the selection of the
spacecraft and instrumentation to be used for a new launch is under
way, allowing the previous policy to dominate a new mission would
constitute a reprehensible abdication of a clear and compelling
social responsibility.
In 1960, a report titled “Proposed studies on the implications of
peaceful space activities for human affairs” was delivered to the
chairman of NASA’s Committee on Long-Range Studies. The report was
prepared under contract to NASA by the Brookings Institute,
Washington, DC.
The report outlines the need to
investigate the possible social consequences of an extraterrestrial
discovery and to consider whether a discovery should be “kept from
the public” in order to avoid political change and a possible
“devastating” effect on scientists themselves - due to the discovery
that many of their own cherished theories could be at risk.
The concept of withholding information on a possible
extraterrestrial discovery conflicts with an understood NASA policy
to the effect that information on a verified discovery of
extraterrestrial intelligence should be shared promptly with all
A report on the cultural aspects of the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is presently being prepared for
publication by the NASA Ames Research Center. In this report, the
position that NASA would not withhold such data from the public is
said to be strongly supported.
NASA’s actual behavior in the specific case of
the Martian objects,
however, does not appear to be consistent with this policy NASA has
regularly distributed documents containing false or misleading
statements about its evaluation of the Face to members of Congress
and to the public.
The absence of legitimate scientific
evaluation of the landforms by NASA, its ignoring of the
relevant research, its apparently exaggerated warnings that such
photographs would be extremely difficult to obtain, the possible
sequestering of the data under the aegis of “private contract”, and
the ambiguous language used by NASA officials to generate a sense of
complacency around the issue all support the suspicion of a
motivation contrary to the stated policy.
When forwarded enquiries from constituents by United States senators
and representatives, NASA has provided answers which may appear
plausible to the uninformed, but which cannot withstand even the
slightest logical scrutiny.
Among the various misleading assurances
given by NASA are those to do with NASA’s own policy for Mars
Observer camera data release.
On the first mission to Mars in
seventeen years, with growing public interest in the artificiality
hypothesis and NASA’s vigorous resistance to that hypothesis, NASA
made a radical change in the way photographic data from the
spacecraft would be handled. Unlike previous missions, there was to
be no conveyance of camera data to the public as soon as it was
received and converted into viewable images (what is often called
“live” transmission).
Instead images from the Mars Observer
camera would be under the exclusive control of a private contractor
for up to six months after acquisition.
This same private contractor has been given sole authority to
determine not only what images would be released and when, but even
“what objects would be photographed by the high-resolution camera”.
That contractor, Dr Michael Malin, is an outspoken opponent
of the hypothesis of possible artificiality. Dr Malin’s arguments
against the hypothesis of possible artificiality have been uniformly
fallacious. Thus the interests of the American public in relation to
Mars Observer camera data were effectively turned over to the
prejudiced decisions of a private individual.
The credibility gap widened as NASA, using contractual
technicalities, insisted that it was treating Mars Observer imaging
data “no differently” than data from previous missions - despite the
fact the end result would have been radically different as far as
immediate public access and public accountability were concerned. It
is impossible, from a logical standpoint, to see NASA’s efforts to
claim “no change in previous policy” as anything but a transparent
attempt at misdirection.
In the face of growing public clamor, NASA also has begun to make
assurances that the “Cydonia region” where the landforms are located
was scheduled to be photographed by the high-resolution camera. NASA
clearly attempted to put the public at ease by making it appear that
the landforms would likely be photographed because of NASA’s general
interest in the geology of the “region”.
But the
Cydonia region is a vast area,
and high-resolution photography would cover only a very small
percentage of that area. No special priority for the specific
landforms in question has ever been contemplated.
Under the standing policy, the
likelihood is high that the landforms will not be photographed,
regardless of assurances about the “region”.
Given the importance of the subject and the urgent need to take
action, I have put forward the following recommendations.
These recommendations apply to the
Mars Observer mission in the event the spacecraft is recovered,
and to any future missions, including a mission specifically to
replace the Mars Observer.
Assuming Mars Observer is not
recovered, NASA will select a spacecraft carrying
instrumentation capable of achieving high-resolution imaging of
the Martian surface at least superior to that of the Viking
missions of 1976, and having the highest degree of camera
flexibility possible, including pointing capability.
NASA and any private contractor who
may be involved in imaging, by agreement, will assign a level of
priority to the suspect landforms that will ensure the obtaining
of high-resolution photographs of these landforms, using all
means at their disposal, subject only to uncertainties beyond
their control. This priority level will be entered into the
imaging Target Data Base and taken into consideration in mission
sequencing. The stated purpose of taking such photographs will
include the possibility that they are of artificial origin.
The camera operator will plan for
and initiate high-resolution imaging sequences on “every
occasion” (20 to 30) times in the case of Mars Observer) during
which the spacecraft ground-track is within the area from 8 - 10
degrees longitude, such that the data strips include the area
40.4 to 41.2 degrees latitude.
All imaging data gathered during
camera passes over the area specified above, will be placed in
the category “news worthy” and will not be subject to the
propriety aspects of any principal investigator’s contract with
NASA. This includes the raw data prior to processing, but after
the camera data has been separated from that of other
The scientific community and the
general public will be given advance notice, within the
constraints of predictability, as to when each such pass will
occur, in order to prepare to receive the data.
The raw data for the specific area
indicated above will be released to scientists and to the public
upon receipt at JPL with no time delay.
Video image conversion of the data
received in the same passes will be released in a continuous
stream to NASA Select-TV, PBS and others who desire to receive
it. NASA will be held accountable for any inordinate delay
between receipt of the raw data and release of video imagery. No
delay should occur other than the minimum time period necessary
for computers to convert the data to video form. NASA should
provide in advance specific technical details of what procedures
are necessary for conversion and how long they are likely to
Video image conversion of “all”
high-resolution camera activity, regardless of location on the
planets surface, will be released as a continuous stream to NASA
Select-TV, PBS and others who desire to receive it throughout
the course of the mission. Because of its extreme importance,
this data release will take precedence over regular NASA
programming for as long as necessary to achieve the goal of
providing the public with open access to the data that may
settle the question of artificiality.
A blue-ribbon interdisciplinary
panel of independent scientists and lay persons should be
appointed to enquire into the circumstances surrounding NASA’s
questionable behavior in the suspect landforms in particular,
and NASA’s concept of SETI (Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence) methodology with respect to
the solar system, particularly Mars and the Moon.
Among the panel’s charges should be
the undertaking of an unbiased scientific evaluation of the data
gathered by the independent researchers to data, and an
oversight committee to monitor NASA’s compliance with the
additional recommendations set forth below. As members of such
an oversight committee, independent researcher Vincent
DiPietro, Dr Mark J. Carlotto, and
Richard C. Hoagland,
representing the three main lines of approach to the subject
should be included.
(1) Among them: Dr Robert M. Schoch,
Associate Professor of Science and Mathematics (Geology), Boston
University; Dr Horace Crater, Professor of Physics, University
of Tennessee Space Institute; Dr David Webb, Professor of Space
Education, Research and Technology at Embry-Riddle University,
Daytona Beach, Florida; Dr Thomas Van Flandern, former Head,
Celestial Mechanics Branch, US Naval Observatory; James Berkland,
ormer Assistant Professor of Geology, Appalachian State
University; and L.J. Angstrom, the great grandson of the famous
physicist A.J. Angstrom and Director of the prestigious Angstrom
Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden.
(2) Although the official decision that the craft was “lost”
came on Saturday evening, 21st August, announcement of the loss
was delayed until the morning of 22nd August.
(3) Reference 15, pages 489-90.
(4) Reference 15, page 523.
(5) Ibid, page 499.
(6) Information as of 22nd September 1993.
(7) 164 feet. The proper description is “50 metres/pixel” where
a pixel is the smallest bit if digital information in an image.
(8) See references 1-7.
(9) Reference 1, page 130; reference 2, page 30; reference 4,
page 4.
(10) The two main extended hypotheses have been put forward by
Richard C. Hoagland an the one hand, and the team of John E.
Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar on the other.
Hoagland’s view is that the Martian anomalies, if they tuen out
to be artificial, must be the work of an advanced non-indigenous
technological civilization which occupied mars for an
undetermined period of time. The Brandenburg, DiPietro and
Molenaar hypothesis, which they title “The Cydonian Hypothesis”,
proposes that the anomalies were built by an indigenously
evolved race of humanoid Martains. See references 3 and 16.
(11) The Mars Observer spacecraft, launched September 1992,
carried the Mars Observer camera, a three component telescopic
imaging system designed for both high- and low-resolution
photography of Mars. For a detailed account of the spacecraft
and the camera, see references 14 and 15.
(12) Reference 11, page 4.
(13) See Chapter Nine, Part D, under “Data Release”.
1. DiPietro, Molenaar and
Brandenburg, Unusual Mars Surface Features, Mars Research, PO
Box 284, Glen Dale, MD 20769, USA 1988 (4th ed).
2. Pozos, Randolfo R.,The Face on Mars: Evidence for a Lost
Civilisation?, Chicago Review Press, 814N. Franklin, Chicago, IL
60610, USA, 1986.
3. Hoagland, Richard C., The Monuments of Mars: A City on the
Edge of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey Street,
Berkley, CA 94705, USA, 1992 (2nd ed.).
4. Carlotto, Mark J., The Martian Enigmas: A Closer Look, North
Atlantic Books, 1991.
5. Torun, Erol, “The Geomorphology and geometry of the D&M
Pyramid”, unpublished paper, available through Compuserve,
ISSUES Forum, section 10 under the file name payami.rsh.
6. Carlotto, Mark J., “Digital Imagery Analysis of Unusual
Martian Features” Applied Optics, vol. 27, no. 10, 1988.
7. Martian Horizons: The quarterly journal of The Mars Mission,
vol. 1, nos. 1,2,3, Mars Mission, 122 Dodd Street, Wechewken, NJ
07087, USA.
8. Letter of 2 January 1992 from Dr Michael Malin, Mars Observer
Mission Camera Principal Investigator, NASA, to Mark Archambault,
reproduced in “Martian Horizons”, vol. 1,no. 3, and (in part) in
reference 3, page 386.
9. Letter of 23 October 1992, from Mark A. Pine, Chief, Policy &
Plans Branch, Office of Space Science and Applications, NASA, to
Mr. David Laverty.
10. “Technical Review of The Monuments of Mars”, anonymous
memorandum included in a packet of materials sent to Mr. David
Laverty by Mark A. Pine, NASA, apparently representing and
official evaluation, prepared for NASA, of some of the claims
made in Richard C. Hoagland’s book, “The monuments of Mars”
(reference 3).
11. Information on NASA re-photographing the Cydonia region of
Mars”, anonymous document distributed by NASA’s Office for
Legislative Affairs. This document was being distributed as late
as October 1992. About 3 ½ pages in length, it contains no
identifying marks as to its author or date of preparation.
12. “Mars Observer Fact Sheet”, distributed by NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91109, dated May 1987.
13. O’Leary, Brian,, Exploring Inner and Outer Space, North
Atlantic Books, 1989.
14. Malin, Michael, G.E. Danielson et al., “Mars Observer
Camera”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 97, no. E5, 25
May 1992, pages 7699-7718.
15. Journal of spacecraft and Rockets, vol. 28, no.5,
September-October 1991.
16. Brandenburg, Dipietro and Molenaar, The Cydonian
Hypothesis”, Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 5, no. 1,
pages 1-25
The McDaniel Report
Anomalies Website
200-page analysis of the methodology employed by
researchers studying enigmatic objects on the surface of
Mars, including the well-known "face." The report also
analyzes NASA's policy regarding these objects. The
author is Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the
Philosophy Department at a California State University.
The file should be of interest not only to those curious
about the "Face on Mars," phenomenon, but also to any
persons studying Mars and Mars exploration. |
Since 1979, a number of highly qualified independent investigators
have engaged in an extensive analysis of photographs taken by the
1976 Viking Mars mission. These photographs appear to be evidence
that some landforms in the Martian region called Cydonia may
be artificial.
A comprehensive analysis of the data supporting this hypothesis,
using established criteria for scientific methodology, shows that
the methods of research pursued by the independent investigators are
basically sound. There is a reasonable doubt as to the natural
origin of the Cydonian objects.
Reputable scientists in several fields,
including physics, astronomy, and geology, have expressed their
confidence in the overall integrity of this report and have called
for further active investigation of these landforms by NASA.
Among them are
Dr. Robert M. Schoch, Associate
Professor of Science and Mathematics (geology), Boston
Dr. Horace Crater, Professor of
Physics, University of Tennessee Space Institute;
Dr. David Webb, Professor of
Space Education, Research, and Technology at Embry-Riddle
University, Daytona Beach, Florida;
Dr. Thomas Van Flandern, former
Head, Celestial Mechanics Branch, U. S. Naval Observatory;
James Berkland, former Assistant
Professor of Geology, Appalachian State University;
L. J. Angstrom, the
great-grandson of the famous physicist A. J. Angstrom and
Director of the prestigious Angstrom Foundation in
Stockholm, Sweden.
However, during the seventeen years
since the controversial landforms were discovered, NASA has
maintained steadfastly that there is “no credible evidence” that any
of the landforms may be artificial.
A close look at NASA’s arguments reveals
that NASA’s “evaluation” has consisted largely of initial
impressions from unenhanced photographs, heavily weighted by faulty
reasoning (thoroughly documented in this report).
NASA has failed to
apply any special methods of analysis; it has relied upon flawed
reports; it has failed to attempt verification of the enhancements
and measurements made by others; and it has focused exclusively on
inappropriate methodology which ignores the importance of context.
There remains no scientific basis for NASA’s position regarding the
Finally, NASA has based its evaluation almost exclusively on the
alleged existence of disconfirming photographs which it has never
identified, and has recently admitted it is unable to identify.
Instead of carrying out legitimate scientific inquiry, NASA has
regularly sent false and misleading statements regarding the
landforms to members of Congress and their constituents. NASA has
condoned efforts to unfairly ridicule and discredit independent
researchers, and has insisted that there is a “scientific consensus”
that the landforms are natural despite the fact that the only real
scientific study of the landforms indicates a clear possibility that
they are artificial.
Of the various landforms investigated by
the independent teams and individuals, the one that began the
research, referred to as the “Face” because of its resemblance to a
humanoid face, has undergone one of the most exhaustive series of
tests for the evaluation of digital images originating from an
interplanetary probe available to scientists today. The data
collected in the course of these investigations appears to be highly
The most advanced techniques of image enhancement, photoclinometry
and fractal analysis, confirmed by cross-checking and thoroughly
documented, have been used. The investigators are acknowledged
experts in their fields with strong academic and professional
qualifications. In every test, the data has consistently tilted in
the direction of artificial, rather than natural, origin. Moreover,
the various tests performed, including anthropometric and aesthetic
evaluation, have been mutually cross-confirming.
In September 1992 a new spacecraft, the Mars Observer, was
Now reported lost, the Mars Observer
carried a camera capable of taking high-resolution photographs that
would almost certainly have settled the question of artificiality.
But NASA’s position regarding the priority assigned to photographs
of the landforms has been throughout to resist any consideration of
their possible artificial origin. NASA’s equivocal statements on the
issue of priorities indicated a clear likelihood that new
photographs of the suspect landforms would not be obtained, or would
not be released if they were obtained.
If NASA’s Mars Observer policy remains unchanged, future missions to
Mars will almost certainly not include any meaningful effort to
settle the question of artificiality. NASA is in the process of
evaluating options for a new Mars launch as early as October, 1994.
As of this writing, the selection of the spacecraft and
instrumentation to be used for a new launch is under way. Allowing
the previous policy to dominate in a new mission would constitute a
reprehensible abdication of a clear and compelling social
In 1960, a report titled Proposed Studies on the Implications of
Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs was delivered to the
Chairman of NASA’s Committee on Long-Range Studies. The report was
prepared under contract to NASA by the Brookings
Institution, Washington, D.C.
The report outlines the need to
investigate the possible social consequences of an extraterrestrial
discovery and to consider whether such a discovery should be kept
from the public in order to avoid political change and a possible
“devastating” effect on scientists themselves due to the discovery
that many of their own most cherished theories could be at risk.
The concept of withholding information on a possible
extraterrestrial discovery conflicts with an understood NASA policy
to the effect that information on a verified discovery of
extraterrestrial intelligence should be shared promptly with all
A report on the cultural aspects of the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) is presently being prepared for
publication by the NASA Ames Research Center. In this report, the
position that NASA would not withhold such data from the public is
said to be strongly supported.
NASA’s actual behavior in the specific case of the Martian objects,
however, does not appear to be consistent with this policy. NASA has
regularly distributed documents containing false or misleading
statements about its evaluation of the Face to members of Congress
and to the public.
The absence of legitimate scientific
evaluation of the landforms by NASA, its ignoring of the relevant
research, its apparently exaggerated warnings that such photographs
would be extremely difficult to obtain, the possible sequestering of
the data under the aegis of “private contract,” and the ambiguous
language used by NASA officials to generate a sense of complacency
around the issue all support the suspicion of a motivation contrary
to the stated policy.
When forwarded inquiries from constituents by United States
Senators and Representatives, NASA has provided answers which
may appear plausible to the uninformed, but which cannot withstand
even the slightest logical scrutiny. Among the various misleading
assurances given by NASA are those having to do with NASA’s policy
for Mars Observer Camera data release.
On the first mission to Mars in
seventeen years, with growing public interest in the artificiality
hypothesis and NASA’s vigorous resistance to that hypothesis, NASA
made a radical change in the way photographic data from the
spacecraft would be handled. Unlike previous missions, there was to
be no conveyance of camera data to the public as soon as it was
received and converted into viewable images (what is often called
“live” transmission).
Instead, images from the Mars Observer
Camera would be under the exclusive control of a private contractor
for up to six months after acquisition.
This same private contractor had been given sole authority to
determine, not only what images would be released and when, but even
what objects would be photographed by the high resolution camera.
That contractor, Dr. Michael Malin, is an outspoken opponent
of the hypothesis of possible artificiality. Dr. Malin’s arguments
against the hypothesis of possible artificiality have been uniformly
fallacious (as is thoroughly detailed in the report).
Thus the interests of the American
public in relation to Mars Observer Camera data were
effectively turned over to the evidently biased decisions of a
private individual.
The credibility gap widened as NASA,
using contractual technicalities, insisted that it was treating Mars
Observer imaging data “no differently” than data from previous
missions despite the fact that the end result would have been
radically different as far as immediate public access and public
accountability were concerned. It is impossible, from a logical
standpoint, to see NASA’s efforts to claim “no change in previous
policy” as anything but a transparent attempt at misdirection.
In the face of growing public clamor, NASA also began to make
assurances that the “Cydonia region” where the landforms are located
was scheduled to be photographed by the high-resolution Camera. NASA
clearly attempted to put the public at ease by making it appear that
the landforms would likely be photographed because of NASA’s general
interest in the geology of the “region.”
But the Cydonia region is a vast
area, and high-resolution photography would cover only a very small
percentage of that area. No special priority for the landforms in
question has ever been contemplated. Under the standing policy, the
likelihood is high that the landforms will not be photographed,
regardless of assurances about the “region.”
Given the importance of the subject and the urgent need to take
action, I have put forward the following recommendations.
These recommendations apply to the Mars
Observer mission in the event the spacecraft is recovered, and to
any future missions, including a mission specifically to replace the
Mars Observer.
Assuming Mars Observer is
not recovered, NASA will select a replacement spacecraft
carrying instrumentation capable of achieving
high-resolution imaging of the Martian surface at least
superior to that of the Viking missions of 1976, and having
the highest degree of camera flexibility possible, including
pointing capability.
NASA and any private contractor
who may be involved in imaging, by agreement, will assign a
level of priority to the suspect landforms that will ensure
the obtaining of high-resolution photographs of those
landforms, using all means at their disposal, subject only
to uncertainties beyond their control. This priority level
will be entered into the imaging Target Data Base and
taken into consideration in mission sequencing. The stated
purpose of taking such photographs will include the
possibility that they are of artificial origin.
The camera operator will plan
for and initiate high-resolution imaging sequences on every
occasion (20 to 30 times in the case of Mars Observer)
during which the spacecraft ground-track is within the area
from 8 to 10 deg. longitude, such that the image strips
include the area 40.4 to 41.2 deg. N. latitude.
All imaging data gathered during
camera passes over the area specified above will be placed
in the category “newsworthy” and will not be subject to the
proprietary aspects of any Principal Investigator’s contract
with NASA. This includes the raw data prior to
processing, but after the camera data has been separated
from that of other instrumentation.
The scientific community and the
general public will be given advance notice, within the
constraints of predictability, as to when each such pass
will occur, in order to prepare to receive the data.
The raw data for the specific
area indicated above will be released to scientists and to
the public upon receipt at JPL with no time delay.
Video image conversion of data
received in the same passes will be released in a continuous
stream to NASA Select-TV, PBS, and others who desire to
receive it. NASA will be held accountable for any
inordinate delay between receipt of the raw data and release
of video imagery. No delay should occur other than the
minimum time period necessary for computers to convert the
data to video form. NASA should provide in advance specific
technical details of what procedures are necessary for
conversion and how long they are likely to take.
Video image conversion of all
high-resolution camera activity, regardless of location on
the planet’s surface, will be released in a continuous
stream to NASA Select-TV, PBS, and others who desire to
receive it throughout the course of the mission. Because of
its extreme importance, this data release will take
precedence over regular NASA programming for as long as is
necessary to achieve the goal of providing the public with
open access to the data that may settle the question of
A blue-ribbon interdisciplinary
panel of independent scientists and lay persons should be
appointed to inquire into the circumstances surrounding
NASA’s questionable behavior in regard to the suspect
landforms in particular, and NASA’s concept of
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
methodology with respect to the solar system, particularly
Mars and the Moon.
Among the panel’s charges should
be the undertaking of an unbiased scientific evaluation of
the data gathered by the independent researchers to date,
and an oversight committee to monitor NASA’s compliance with
the additional recommendations set forth above.