Aboard the Mother-Ship
The first part of the spectacular interplanetary space trip was summarized
in 12 pages of chapter 7 of the Preliminary Investigation Report, and will
not be repeated here. It may be well, however, to briefly summarize that
coverage, and make a few corrections to the information available to us at
that time.
We had recorded several descriptions covering various parts of the trip but
did not actually have all the contact notes in our possession and translated
at that time.
Those notes, obtained and translated later, showed that upon receiving
confirmation of the trip for that morning, and the location of the
rendezvous site, Meier set out, driving his already loaded Moped, being
telepathically guided over less crowded route sections, and he arrived on
scene at about 09:30. me the time he had unloaded his bike and had safely
hidden it from accidental discovery, it was after 10:00. He readied his
equipment for quick pick-up as he waited, and the spacecraft showed up a few
minutes after that and he was taken aboard. He turned and took pictures of
his departure before the iris-like opening in the bottom of the ship was
closed. They had brought a special camera screen.
The first part of that trip was to Venus to check on something, where
took more photos. Here we find that what Meier always took for "windows"
were now described as multi-purpose sensors. They were sometimes transparent
but they changed colors and clarity of their transparency under different
conditions, sometimes even becoming even opaque. For that reason, the .....
themselves relied primarily on their 3-D viewing screens for sight. It was a
special adaptation of this technology within a portable unit that had the
illumination adjustment and viewing controls on it, including zoom and
viewing frequency control. This unit was similar to the ship’s normal
viewing screens which picked up a much wider range of frequencies than our
visual range, but this device had been modified to step them down to our
visual range, so that Meier’s camera could record them in our sight
frequencies in the colors we can sense. This also must have given the
extraterrestrials control over all that Meier saw and photographed off the
imaging screen of this device.
They penetrated the Venus cloud layer and broke out underneath at what
Semjase said was about 40 kilometers. There was clear visibility underneath
and Meier could see the surface of the planet very clearly and described a
cratered surface with a medium high range of mountains to the right and a
wide plain to the left. He said he saw no mountains in the polar area. Surprisingly, the Astronomy magazine for August 1976 described almost the
same thing from soundings later made by space probes. (these
magazine-pictures arrived more than one year after Meier’s trip.)
The spacecraft approached Mercury and Meier took a picture of it through the
viewing instrument. After that they checked on something on one of the
satellites of Saturn and returned to Earth in time to observe the
Apollo-Soyuz space docking that day at about 16:30 by Meier’s watch.
Again, Meier shot pictures of the space docking, using the same special
viewing screen provided. In the ship’s screens Meier could see other
spacecraft in the vicinity there which did not show up on his special
screen. When he asked about this, the ET (Semjase ) said that those other
craft were surrounded by energy fields and could only be picked up on
special scanners, which his device did not have access to.
After that they proceeded to the "Gross-Rama" (Great Spacer)
mother-ship in
distant space. It was a huge pyramidal craft with a great central sphere
10.6 miles (ca.17km) in diameter, with three auxiliary spheres nearly 4 miles
in diameter each arranged in a triangle, on extended legs to one side of the
central sphere. One was an agricultural module, one was a basic materials
generator, and the third was a technological manufacturing facility which
produced all the finished consumer goods required by the community and
equipment. The central sphere was the living center for 144,000 people.
I must confess that when the 144,000 figure was given to me initially, I was
told that it was a rounded figure. It sounded too mystical to me at the
time, so I rounded it to "143,000 inhabitants" in my Preliminary
Investigation Report. That was a mistake on my part and I take full
responsibility for my error. Actually, as the population is not static, it
could as easily have been up to 145,000 also, and still been as accurate as
the given 144,000 figure. What if the base figure is correct, and what if
that is the real source of the mystical figure quoted in the Christian
The hangar deck alone, in the lower levels of the big mother-ship, covered
square miles of area, and Meier saw hundreds, perhaps even thousands, an
uncountable number of ships of many sizes and types in there. When he asked
what they did with so many ships, he was told that they may have as many as
500 out on missions at a given time, in our solar system and elsewhere.
Clearly, this was a stupendous operation.
They were taken in a transport vehicle inside of that Great-Spacer to a
control center where Meier was introduced to Semjase’s father, Ptaah, who
did not speak the German language and used a translating device to
communicate with Meier. Ptaah said the Great-Spacer was already moving
toward their "transmit position", and showed Herr Meier some of the control
That is where we left off in the preliminary report.
And now Meier is seated in his little lean-to den, and has made himself
ready for reception:
Semjase- Today is your great day.
Meier - After all you have told me I feel the same way.
Semjase - You had to think about what would be expected. But now I must
explain for this time, that you will have to keep silence about certain
concerns. At a later time I will be able to allow you to tell about the
experience. For that, I will leave out of the transmission of the report
certain things of which you may not speak. But come now, first we make a
journey through your solar system.
(We go to the ship and are lifted up inside by the transport beam, and only
a few seconds after this the ship floats up high and I shoot from about 50
meters height some dia-pictures of the environment of the departure point. I
take the pictures partly from straight above, and partly from the side. I
can take these pictures still through the entrance hatch as we climb very
slowly higher. After shooting the pictures, Semjase closes the hatch, and
within seconds the ship rushes up to several kilometers height without my
noticing any pressure or any other change. Everything is just like I was
standing on solid ground on the Earth. Different sudden alternations of the
course produced no bodily effect, though I can see through the "windows"
aboard that at different times we shoot along in the craziest movements,
like a great pendulum.)
It was from those transmissions and subsequent discussions that we
abstracted the part of this trip published in our preliminary report.
As soon as the trip got under way Meier busied himself examining in detail
the special device the ETs had provided for his photographing efforts. "This
viewing screen looks to me like clear glass, through which everything outside
can be observed. Only I see that this whole viewing screen is very finely
scanned [sharpened image), similar to [laser) scanned photographs. The size
of the screen was about 50cm by 50cm, while the color-radiation device is
installed inside the side of it and recessed, and thus I could not examine
its inner workings. Besides this device, there were many most different
apparatus of all kinds all around the cockpit room, installed within a
circular control console and in the walls. These strange appearing
apparatus, which I had already seen on the first flight, quite evidently
serve for the guiding and controlling of the beamship, while evidently so
serving as well for exploration devices, distance meters, radiation control
means and other things, and play an important role [in the operation of the
flight machine].
All of the viewing and picture display screens differ basically from all
other known to me apparatus of the same character, of Earth origin. All of
the forms, symbols and figures in these screens were displayed in beautiful
and often fantastic colors and arrays, and were displayed in depth, contrary
to the known to me Earth display or picture screens, which in practice are
only able to show displays of signs and pictures by fore ground [flat
2dimensional, no depth] images, while these screens here showed everything
in vivid 3-dimensional effect, like they were materially real, and not only
generated by impulses...) We must remember that this was all taking place in
1975, before we had multi-color liquid crystal displays and 3-dimensional
Meier’s first impressions of the huge mother-ship including their approach
and entrance into it through an opened port, the fantastically large parking
bay and the many hundreds of other ships seen, some being worked by part
mechanical/part organic humanlike creatures evidently used in labor
operations, the transparent metal walls, the floating shuttle transport cars
used inside the huge sphere, etc., were all described in the preliminary
report, up through the introduction to Semjase’s father. They are now
enroute to the "transmit position", which Ptaah says will take about 30
minutes of our time.
Ptaah and Semjase turn themselves to the instruments at a horse-shoe shaped
formation. Small light bodies illuminate and a dark picture screen comes
alive. Strange forms and symbols appear on it. Other imaging displays are
active. Then Meier hears a tone, a very soft and soothing singing of metal.
He looked up at the transparent cupola and saw the scene wash away in a
whitish milky veil. This only lasted a very short moment, and suddenly he
could see stars again. He felt great tranquility inside him. Then he heard
Semjase’s voice, and wondered about this as Ptaah had asked for silence. He
wondered if something had gone wrong to delay the "transmission"? It had
already been acclished for the first hyperleap of a number that they would
undertake in the next few hours.
Before the Great-Spacer reached its transmit position, Semjase had sent one
of the robotoid creatures back to her beamship in the hangar bay to bring
the special imaging device to the control room for Meier to use in an effort
to take pictures outside the ship. we now turned to him here and suggested
he try.
Semjase - If you want, you can try some photographs here, but whether they
will succeed I can not estimate. By regret we do not know whether Earth
cameras can take pictures through the cupola. But this we will know after
you have developed your films. If you like, we can use the equipment brought
from my beamship.
Meier - - I will be thankful for the instrument, Semjase, for with that it
certainly will succeed. But what is the matter? Is there no success with the
Semjase - Haven’t you noticed?
Meier- I have, but I can’t explain......
Semjase - Then you need only look out the cupola into space; now what do you
see there?
Meier- Girl, there are completely other formations of stars than I know from
Earth. of course I know only a few by sight, but I see none that I can
recognize. Why is that?
Semjase - we have made the first hyperleap.
Meier- This --- man alive, dear, from that!... where are we now then?
Semjase - You are around 500 light-years from your homeworld....... There -
look there above, that formation of stars there, that is our homeworld,
these are the Pleiades. We are only 211 million kilometers from the nearest
star. Unfortunately we cannot arrive closer, because we need a safe distance
to be able to transmit again. Perhaps you can succeed nevertheless in
getting some pictures with the apparatus, which has already been brought.
(Coming from somewhere, an android appears, bringing the photographic
device. Very cleverly it assembles it inside a frame and places it in order.
Suddenly the thing speaks to me, and once more I am flattered although I
understand not a word. Semjase quickly enlightens me).
Semjase - It wishes you a good success.
Meier - But that is impossible. Can this thing think and act independently?
That would be crazy!
Ptaah - But nevertheless it does.
Semjase - Its whole bodily construction is half organic, and its brain
Ptaah - It is real, and highly developed. You will understand this better
after a short time when it is More normal (for you). It is only the newness
that makes it strange. But take care now about the photos, because the next
leap is being prepared...
(I follow the suggestion and hope the pictures come out I keep thinking
about Ptaah’s words. He is correct, as the strange phenomena of the
transparent metal in the space capsules, and the same with the hangar walls,
and now the dome here in the control center, already do not seem so strange.
The same with the photographic apparatus, and the viewing screens, and the
whole control center and instruments. Ptaah is right. It is only a matter of
Ptaah - You are in thoughts my friend. watch the stars - in nine seconds we
start the next jump.
Meier asked about a symbol form of writing or recording that he observed
aboard the ship, and asked how old it was and where did it originate?
Semjase - That is easy to explain: these letters, we are using here, are
only 11,000 years old, and we had taken them over, at that time from our
ancestors, who lived on Earth. Our older letters and script form was much
more complex, while this here now is much easier. This script-form was
developed by different of our scientists on Earth who used
for a pattern, the seen from the Earth star formations. They
connected certain star
pictures by lines, and the result evolved into these forms. As our script
consists of small circles and lines, the circles represent stars and the
lines just connect them.
[This is a surprising statement because a similar description was given to
New Englander John B. Newbrough in a remarkable way by "automatic writing"
in a session at 02:00 in the morning, in the dark, in the basement of his
home, in 1881, in which he was given this symbol form, and was told that it
was the predecessor of all written forms on Earth today, and was derived by
the Magi from observations of the star formations in the sky.
He was also
given at that time, a table of the existing languages derived from this
form. This was said to be the ancient writing of the Gods, and was used as
sacred writing by the Magi.
This symbol-form was used in making magic
talismans in the distant past, and in the signs of the great alchemists (the
first scientists) of history. It was also said to be the secret Holy Writing
of King Solomon, recognized today as the father of certain mystic sects, and
it is still used in secret rites in some societies. Newbrough published his
"transmissions" in an old American work titled OHASPE, first printed in
Meier- That’s interesting, and your explanation suffices for me in that.
This script is no more known on the Earth.
Semjase - It has only been forgotten, but was in use many centuries ago,
during which it was often changed in detail. Still, some few scripts of
Earth humans today are simply altered forms of these shapes that have been
made into letters, which trace back to our old symbols.
Meier- This is astonishing. Then the script on Earth was not developed by
Earth men themselves?
Semjase - If you speak of the Earthbound forefathers of your human races,
and not of the heavenly ancestors, then you are correct. It was first
brought by the Sons of Heaven, who were the ones responsible for the
re-mergence of Earth humans from savagery (villskap).
They were getting ready for the next hyperleap, a big one, and Meier wished
he could record the sensations of the event so he could write them down in
detail later.
Semjase - That’s not difficult. The booths, which you can see there, beside
the picture screens, are equipped with all necessary means, to store up
feelings and thoughts. The thought impulses received are stored in a special
computer and can later, as may be desired, be repeated word for word from
the recording. The helmet, shapable and adaptable in size, which you see
there, is equipped with very fine sondes and is as well covered by a
special, finemeshed net of sondes which pick up every kind of energy and
transforms it into impulses, which are then transmitted to the computer
where they are registered and stored. The energy of thoughts and feelings is
measured in very high values and can be received only through those
instruments. The energies of feelings and thoughts exist only in very high
frequency-fields, or hyperfrequencies. To now be able to register your
thoughts and feelings, it is necessary for you to place yourself into the
chair and lay the head under the helmet cap, which than will adapt itself
automatically to your head.
Meier - That’s all I have to do?
Semjase - no, that is not all. But now place yourself in the booth. The
great journey starts in 23 seconds.
Meier - At your service Miss general.
(As Semjase explained to me, I quickly sit down inside one of those three
booths, in the extremely comfortable chair. As soon as I have seated myself,
the peculiar helmet moves over my head and sinks down silently. It is big
enough that it closes around my whole head, and only leaves my face open,
thus I can see and watch everything. But the helmet is not touching my head;
only lying close around it, keeping about one and a half centimeters
distance to the skull, as I can see when I placed my forefinger between the
helmet and my heed. Now I am tense and expectant, for I wonder what is going
to happen. Ptaah and Semjase manipulate the apparatus ......)
That hyperleap over, Meier asks where they are now, as he recognizes nothing
familiar outside.
(more information of what he experienced in the hyperspace are installed
here on Norwegian language, and the English book continues afterwards.)
I det tyske kontakt-hefte "Semjase - berichte, block 2" - side 283 beskrives
en høyteknisk metode - hyperroms-sprang - som denne sivilisasjon har
utviklet for å reise i universet utenfor tidsdimensjonen. Slik forflytter de
- dematerialisert - både skip og mannskap på et frekvensplan som
tilsynelatende ligger over de grov- og finmaterielle plan. Men samtidig
opplever de reisende på skipet, hvis frekvens altså heves utenfor materiens
frekvensplan - å få opplevelser som tilsynelatende er helt parallelle til
mange beskrivelser av såkalte "KOSMISKE OPPLEVELSER". Mange har beskrevet
kjærlighets/ekstase-opplevelser som sterkt minner om det som senere her skal
gjengis som en "kunstig" metode. F.eks. har Martinus beskrevet sin åndelige
innvielse i boken "omkring min misjons fødsel", og andre har beskrevet noe
tilsvarende fra sine "nær-døden" opplevelser.
Denne metode med hyperroms-sprang brukes av Pleiaderne for å lage
"egenopplevde demonstrasjoner" av at menneskets ånd eller vesen ikke er
kroppen, eller i kroppen, sansene eller hjernen - men at selve livet
befinner seg på et plan over stoffets verden. At hvert enkelt vesen slik får
egenoppleve udødeligheten.
En slik tidløs kosmisk opplevelse fikk Meier oppleve i forbindelse med en
reise med et av deres kjempestore romskip den 17.juli 1975, og vi går inn i
en innledende samtale mellom Meier og Semjase.
Semjase: "Om få minutter vil vi gjøre et spring på 7 minutter i "evigheten"
eller i "nulltid". Følelsene og opplevelsene der, er helt annerledes enn i
normal eksistens i det materielle liv. Av den årsak er det ikke mulig å
motta dine tanker og følelser med riktig konsentrasjon. Som følge av dette
vil verken jeg eller min far, eller noen av oss - senere kunne gjenta dine
følelser og tanker, slik at du kunne skrive dem ned."
Meier: "Selvsagt er jeg interessert i å kunne huske mine følelser og
Semjase: "Men du må vite at din egen evne til å huske ikke er så høyt
utviklet at du kunne gjenta ord for ord fra minnet. Dette gjelder forøvrig
også for oss, og derfor har vi utviklet teknisk utstyr til å kunne gjengi
ordrette uttalelser.( kommentar: dette er på linje med Martinus analyser av
hukommelses-evnens minst utviklede stadium i den utviklingssone han kaller
"det riktige menneskerike" - som disse Pleiadere tydeligvis tilhører). Meier: "Jeg forstår - hva kan du da foreslå? Naturligvis er jeg interessert
i å skrive ned alt i detaljer".
Semjase: "Det er ikke vanskelig. Boksen som du ser der ved siden av
skjærmen, er utstyrt med det nødvendige utstyr til å kunne registrere tanker
og følelser. Tankeimpulsene mottas og lagres i en spesiell komputer , og kan
senere om ønskelig fremkalles ord for ord. Hjelmen som er regulerbar - er
forsynt med et nett av spesielle sonder, som tar opp alle tanke-energier,
som ligger i området for hyper(rom)-frekvensen. For nå å kunne registrere
dine tanker og følelser, er det nødvendig at du setter deg i denne stolen,
og setter hodet under denne hjelmhette, som automatisk tilpasser seg ditt
Så forteller Meier videre om sine følelser og opplevelser mens dette
hyperromsspranget i den de-materialiserte tilstand foretas, i et utdrag fra
denne kosmiske beretning:
"Som Semjase forklarte for meg, satte jeg meg ned i en av de tre meget
komfortable stoler. Straks kom lydløst hjelmen over mitt hode. Den var stor
nok til at den omsluttet mitt hode, men dekket ikke ansiktet slik at jeg
godt kunne se. Men hjelmen berørte ikke hodet - den lå bare så nær at den
var ca. 1,5 cm far skallen, som jeg kunne fastslå ved å legge min pekefinger
mellom hjelmen og hodet. Nå er jeg spent og forventningsfull, for jeg lurer
på hva som vil skje. Ptaah og Semjase håndterer apparaturen, og nå ser jeg
igjen - (de hadde på samme reise gjort flere hyperromssprang, men da uten å
bruke denne "hjelmen") - hvordan den fantastiske stjernehimmel forandres. I
en brøkdel av et sekund, er de ikke mer enn en hvit melkeaktig masse, en
skinnende masse - som jeg tidligere har sett under de andre hyperromssprang.
Så er plutselig alt borte og det er kun mørke. Men allerede i neste øyeblikk
er alt sammensmeltet i en gylden farge, og nå er alt som sølv. Men - min
kjære - dette strålende lys - i strålende, skinnende glans. Alt er
sammensmeltet i glitrende lys. Det er sterkere enn alle solene i
Universet....å kjære deg, dette glitrende lys virker ikke allikevel
smertefullt å stirre inn i. Å menneske - dette må være evigheten....men se,
det finnes intet annet enn evigheten. Levende menneske - hvor praktfullt.
Det levende menneske - det er praktfullt! Evighet og vidunderlighet er ett
og det samme. Hvorfor skiller jeg det da? Hvorfor setter jeg evigheten inn i
perioder av tid? Tiden eksisterer ikke, og evigheten er praktfull! Menneske
- hva er dette?
Denne ro, denne fryd - hva er den da - hvordan kommer jeg til den?
Kjærlighet, å denne dype omgivende kjærlighet! Intet finnes annet enn
kjærlighet: praktfullt. Å ja, jeg er, og er dog ikke. Alt er så dypt, og
fullt av kjærlighet. Naturligvis er jeg evigheten, og jeg er i evigheten.
Hvordan kunne jeg glemme dette? Dette glitrende lys, denne herlighet, denne
kjærlighet er i alt. Å ja, jeg er et menneske, hvordan kan jeg glemme det?
Jeg er bare en gjest i evigheten - og disse kjærlighetsfylte stemmer som
roper etter meg, men hvorfra kommer de? Jeg ser intet, bare glitrende
godtgjørende lys. Hvem kaller på meg? Jeg ser intet; jeg er overhodet intet
mer. Jeg ser ikke meg selv - jeg er evigheten i evigheten. Men hvordan er
det - jeg ser ikke med mine øyne - men allikevel ser jeg. Og jeg hører ikke
med mine ører, men allikevel hører jeg.
Ja, kjærligheten, hvor mektig den er, hvor veldig, uendelig og herlig. Alt
er kjærlighet og herlighet, hvorfor forstår ikke menneskene det? Og ja, men
det kan dog ikke være, jeg er ikke bare et menneske - jeg er evigheten.
Dette lys, disse glitrende lys, hvor dyp en kjærlighet, ro og fred det dog
er! Å- nå forstår jeg - jeg ser og hører intett - men jeg føler! Jeg føler,
fornemmer og lever! Hvor skjønn er denne fryd - jeg er dog intett menneske,
men evigheten. Interessant - jeg føler hørselen, jeg trenger ikke ørene mer,
jeg ser og trenger ikke øynene mer. Hvor er jeg da, og hvorfor er det slik?
Å ja - evigheten, nå forstår jeg....jeg er altså evigheten.....hvorfor
glemmer jeg at jeg er et menneske som dveler i evigheten. Hvorfor fant jeg
ikke (før) noen sammenhenger? Hvorfor kan jeg først nå tenke klart? Tenke?
Jeg fornemmer dog, - jeg føler. Hvorfor er det mulig - og hvorfra kommer
disse stemmer.............
Alt dette lys, dette herlige glitrende lys - ropene kommer fra dette lys. Er
det evighetens rop? Og hvor vanskelig det er å tenke at jeg bare er en gjest
i evigheten - at jeg er et menneske.... Jeg vil her bli - aldri vil jeg mer
tilbake. Her er væren (das sein) - den virkelige væren. Hvordan kan jeg være
her som et menneske? Jeg er dog intet menneske. Nå vet jeg hva jeg er. Jeg
er jeg - jeg er væren. Hvordan kunne jeg tro at jeg bare var et menneske?
Hvordan kunne jeg bare føle at jeg var fremmed her, og måtte tilbake til den
materielle verden? Jeg er dog her og tilhører her. Sikkert er mitt
materielle liv dødt, og lenge har vært død. Men hvor lenge har jeg vært
her?(Husk opplevelsen her er absolutt tidløs - noe vi naturlig nok vanskelig
kan forestille oss). Hele fortiden er som drømmer - dødsdrømmer. ........om
overgangen formes riktig, om angsten legges vekk for det ukjente.
Eller var dog alt virkelig?(altså tenker han om denne vår verden her er
virkelig) Nei, det er ikke slik, for det er jo nå jeg er evigheten, og
fornemmer det!. Døden er bare mellomrom, mellomstasjoner for livet og væren.
Død? Den er villfarende, den finnes overhodet ikke - men hvordan vet jeg det
- hvem har sagt meg det? Å jo, jeg fornemmer det fra disse hemmelighetsfulle
rop fra de herlige glitrende lys av kjærlighet - fra evigheten selv. Dog -
er jeg ikke selv evigheten?
Å, naturligvis - derfor kan jeg forstå ropene. Hvorfor bekymrer jeg meg da
for det materielle liv og mellomstasjoner? Jeg forstår det ikke - det
berører meg overhodet ikke. Jeg er nå VÆREN, og har alt bak meg. Endelig er
jeg VÆREN, endelig er jeg meg!
.......evigheten e r eksistensen, og overvåker hendelsene i det uvirkelige -
i den materielle livsform". Ja, slik fortsetter det "side opp og ned" med Meiers beskrivelser av sine
opplevelser i denne ikke-fysiske tilstand av ren bevissthet. Ettersom alle
hans tanker og føleleser ble "innspilt", kunne han i ettertid gi en slik
detaljert beskrivelse av sine ubeskrivelige erfaringer. Men etterhvert er
oppholdet i evigheten over:
".....hvorfor går du? Å - lyset forsvakes. Hvor går du? Jeg er igjen jeg -
nei, nei - det må ikke skje; jeg vil ikke tilbake. Nei, nei - jeg tilhører
her, jeg vet - jeg tenker igjen, jeg føler ikke mer. Å - jeg forstår - Lyset
- det glitrende er allerede.......nei, nei, jeg vil ikke. La meg....hvorfor
rister du i meg?
Som ihjelslått ligger jeg igjen i stolen i kabinen, og stirrer fremfor meg -
jeg vil og kan ikke forstå at jeg er her. Jeg vil jo ikke tilbake hit - jeg
vil bli "der oppe". Ikke her blant sorger, problemer og nød. Å denne
elendighet - denne triste virkelighet i det materielle liv - jeg kunne hyle,
hvordan er jeg kommet tilbake?
Hva gjør du her Semjase?"
Semjase: "Forstår du det ikke? Vi har nådd målet, vi har gjort et
hypersprang, men forsinket re-materialisasjonen i syv minutter, for å
muliggjøre at du kunne trenge inn i det tidløse. Vi var alle i det tidløse,
men vi kunne ikke forbli der, fordi vi alle må gå den trinnvise evolusjonen.
Jeg vet svært vel, hvor smertefullt det føles (å komme tilbake), men vi har
alle opplevd det samme. Men vi har vennet oss til det, og vet at vi ikke kan
bli der under noen omstendigheter - før vi har passert alle
bevissthetstrinn. En lavere utviklet bevissthetsform ville uten tvil ved
tilbakekomsten falle inn i vansinn. Jeg er lei for at du nå føler et slikt
elende i deg, som man kan lese i ansiktet ditt. Men du vil overvinne det,
fordi du er istand til å tenke realistisk".
Noe senere spør Meier hvorfor han tilsynelatende har hatt så mange tanker
under syvminutters-oppholdet undrer "nulltiden" i denne "storenhet"? Og
hvordan han hadde tenkt langt mer enn det kunne være mulig under dette.
Semjase: "Du har ikke tenkt mer, men bare følt og fornemmet. I nulltiden, i
det tidløse, eksisterer kun følelser i storenheten. Du var ikke mer deg
selv, men en liten del av det hele - storenheten. Og i denne var
fornemmelsene trengt inn i deg.
(back to the
original English text):
Semjase - /
Ptaah - have reached our goal.
Meier- Better explain to me now, just what are we actually going to do here? Semjase has said to me that she would have to execute here a special task?
Semjase - Just let yourself be surprised my dear friend. After about ten
minutes you will understand all, and surely, as well, will be delighted.
Meier - : well - as I see it, we are moving through space, only in front of
us I see a star, which is getting bigger and bigger, and far behind that, I
can see five small blue points. what kind of a star is that, and what are
the blue points?
Ptaah - That is Caltos, the last point in this space. Being two times as
large as your home system, it has a greater luminosity. The blue points
visible beyond are also stars, They are self-radiant blue stars which
generate very intense light. You may not be able to see with the naked eye,
but there are not five of those, but eleven stars. If you want, you may of
course take pictures of them.
Meier- Yes, I will, and get the pictures directly through the cupola. I’ll
alternate a little, taking some through your device and than I will just
take pictures through the cupola. That way I can later see which photographs
come out better. I wonder which will ...... (cont. Under)
here - inserted comment:
[CALTOS, this remote and insignificant small system, as solar systems go,
offers us some measure of comparison between our own solar system and that
of the homeworld of Semjase. Caltos is twice the size of our system and has
11 Sub-Suns (big planets as our Jupiter), each with a system of cold body
satellites or planets. Semjase’s home planet’s parent sun, the dim violet
companion to Taygeta as seen from Earth, is about the size and mass of our
sun and 24 times as bright.
Our solar system had four of what the Pleiadians call "sub-suns",
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, for its size.
Caltos, twice as big, has eleven
sub-suns. Thus it is not unusual for a solar body about these sizes to have
sub-sun systems with their own cold body or satellite systems. By simple
analogy, it is entirely possible for Semjase’s planet’s parent sun to have a
number of sub-suns; and her home planet Erra, with other cold bodies, orbits
one of the sub-suns -one of three inhabited planets there known to Semjase’s
If ours has allowed development of rational intelligence and a technological
race like our comparatively primitive one -- how much more likely that such
a one could be coming here from the Pleiades or anywhere else.
If we grant the pan-systemic theory of migration of species advocated by
some schools of UFO philosophy we certainly find abundant evidence of it in
the literature on UFO contacts in recent years.
Those Pleiadians visiting Switzerland have told their contactee that that is
exactly how some of our Earth humanity got here in the first place. And they
told him in the next moment that those same ancestors of ours, and of
themselves as well, went to many other places in our visible universe,
settled, and produced new societies with new technologies, some of which are
also freely traveling in space -- some of those even finding their way to
our solar system here!
No wonder our great mythologies in all societies on all continents of this
planet feature Pleiadian visitors, among others, so prominently in their
There are however, a great many others as well. Some of them, like the
beings from Reticulum, have been repeatedly mentioned by the visitors who
claim they come from the Pleiades. And there are a great many more, perhaps
even unknown to the Pleiadians visiting here.
It comes as no surprise then, that Caltos, another small sun like ours, has
a number of sub-suns and planets in its solar system. What does seem
surprising is that Caltos was pointed out as one similar solar system having
no rational creatures evolving on its planets at this time, as though that
were a noteworthy point to remember for some reason. Perhaps rational life
is more widespread than we ever imagined up to now.]
cont. Conversation between Meier and Semjase/ Ptaah - :
Ptaah - That is up to you. You may do as you prefer.
Meier - Thanks... But what about the blue stars over there, how big are they,
and is there any life on them?
Ptaah - They are no bigger than your homeworld, although this kind of star
is normally five to six times as big... They are as inhospitable and hostile
to life, as the great planets of your solar system, such as Jupiter, Saturn,
and Uranus. The gravity alone makes life very rarely possible on these
stars, and not even any spiritual forms of life are at home on them. and in
the few exceptions, the existing creatures are very small, not exceeding a
height or size of 70cm. The gravity of such stars would damage them if they
were larger. But of course, this is different for each such star or planet,
while the atmosphere itself plays no role, because different forms of life
are accommodated to having different atmospheres. So, not all creatures
breathe oxygen like ourselves and Earth humans.
Meier - But it is said, that very great planets or stars may be inhabited,
too, by accordingly greater forms of life, if there is life at all on them?
Ptaah - So it happens only in certain well defined circumstances. About this
the science of Earth is in error. If life so existed on your planets
Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, then the forms of life would have to be
semi-material only(eteric), and very small. This is not the case that
greatness fosters greatness. For this special case, greatness can only be
conquered by smallness, but only if of extraordinarily stable form. On your
planets Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, great forms of life would never be able
to survive... But as you know, no such creatures are at home on these
planets, neither material nor spiritual.
Meier - I was told about this matter, and also was shown at the place and
location myself, where I also noticed that these called planets are not
really planets. I may appear stupid when I ask a question about the stars,
but I have been show the difference between stars and planets, and surely
this will be of interest to other human beings too. Will you thus explain
the difference between stars and planets?
Ptaah - That is not difficult, and easily explained; planets are cosmic
bodies which have practically no light of their own, and which get their
light by a conversion of their sun’s radiation’s falling on them. Stars are
cosmic bodies which have their me force of radiation, and which generates
light from their own radiation’s. Both are inhabitable by creatures of
sorts; stars as well as planets, if atmospherics and other circumstances
permit it.
Meier - - I see, and what about the suns? Are they perhaps only on the
outside solar formations, while inside may exist inhabitable planets?
Ptaah - How made you come by this question?
Meier - oh, I have read in books about these matters. A man by the name of
Jacob Lorber, has written decades or even centuries ago, some about such
things. me, moreover, has also written about Saturn and other planets, which
with Semjase, I have now seen for myself, when Semjase brought me to these
planets, and I was able to explore them with her help.
Ptaah - I understand, unfortunately, there exist on Earth many humans who
write such kinds of books and other literature. As you can see, these are
the products of fantasy. Also the fantasy interpretation with respect to
livability of your sun... as no sun is like such statements.
Meier - Yes. Okay, I thought so...
It was at this point that the Pleiadian ship effected a rendezvous with
another Great Space mother-ship of the DAL Universe, where meetings were
held between the two societies, and where Meier, to his great surprise, was
able to meet Asket again, after ten years. That was his surprise... He went
over to the DAL ship with Semjase in her small craft, and they were taken
He was almost overcome with excitement and emotion. He thought,
alive! There she stands! There stands Asket and she smiles. I - I me can’t
speak. A confounded block is in my throat... Now Asket walks toward me -
wordless and smiling, and now she touches my hand, squeezes it and draws me
toward her... Dear me, is this real, I am not dreaming... Oh girl..."
Asket - You really are not dreaming. Be very welcome with us. It is a
delight and honor to greet you here. I see that a change has happened. I am
Meier- You mean my arm?
Asket - Yes
Meier - do know that I have already accommodated myself to it, long ago, and
I can’t even imagine any more, a life with two arms for me. I have forgotten
Asket - If you say so, then it must be. But me don’t you wear a helping
Meier - on Earth, unfortunately, these things are still very primitive.
Asket - - I could have a device produced for you, which would fully substitute for your arm. A half organic apparatus.
Meier- many thanks, Asket, that is really very kind of you. But do believe
me, on the one hand I can no more imagine myself a life with two arms, and
on the other hand, I know very well, that I have not just lost my arm
without purpose and sense. The accident and the loss had to be. By that
event I have learned immensely much, and will further on learn still more.
Asket - - These thoughts are worthy of you. I just thought that a help in
certain ways would be of service to you.
Meier- I really thank you very much, Asket, But I do not want it. You know
that such an apparatus would also conjure up many Earth troubles. We have
many others there who have also lost legs and arms, who would then desire
such means, and against whom it would be unfair for me to conceal such from
them. To this moreover is added the problem, that many of those humans, if
they had such helping devices, would again become
unappreciative (uforstående) forms of life. You know, things being as they
are, that the human being falls again into materialism, if only he me
well-up again.
On the other hand, scientists and governments would discover the matter, and
this could lead to catastrophe. If I had such a semi-organic apparatus or
prosthesis, then for sure I could not conceal it for long. The consequences
would be that they would take ii away from me to examine and study very
thoroughly, and if it was semi-organic, than a way for understanding and
duplicating the details may not take long, from which scientists could than
produce robots and similar things. (In our present society) these would be
used for evil war-connected purposes, possibly catastrophic for earth. As
enticing as your offer is, Asket, just for those reasons I could not accept
Asket - Those are unselfish words, dear friend, and you are right in them
too. I allowed myself to be guided by my compassion.......
There was considerable discussion of plans and missions and a number of
other things, and the transmission Meier received in that first "sitting"
after his return filled scores of pages. We have only been able to abstract
c little here, disconnected parts that seemed to be of special interest to
casual students of this phenomenon, or that might answer some of the scores
of questions so often raised about this case. The whole thing is highly
exotic and difficult to believe under any circumstance.
[Almost immediately after returning from the big trip with his exposed rolls
of film, Meier took them to his regular commercial photo processing company
to be developed. Meier and the group waited anxiously. They all wanted to
see the spectacular pictures. Finally the slides and prints were ready for
pick-up, which took a lot of money for the number of rolls of film exposed
and the small number of people to pay for them. The group thought they now
had the photo proofs they wanted. The films were sent for and when the
packages arrived and were opened, they all were crushed to see that every
picture made using the "special viewing screen", with both Meier’s camera
and the second similar one used by Semjase, were grossly overexposed and
light to the point of losing nearly all the image in the pictures.
They were so bad that they were not even reproducible. The other pictures
taken aboard the ships, without using the device, had wavy flashes of color
shot through them, and were also distorted and all but useless as well...
Most were also overexposed, evidently due to the properties of the light
aboard. (....dersom de ikke var bevisst manipulert med av etterretningsfolk,
som beviselig kontrollerte alt filmateriale som kom til fra Meier via den
lokale fotohandler. Dette omtales et annet sted i boken, under den
omfattende delen om film- og billedanalysene - som ikke er medtatt her. På
et tidspunkt fikk han film tilbake som direkte var kopiert speilvendt - og
dette beviser at han ikke fikk tilbake orginalfilmen, men kun kopier av sine
filmer. Og vedrørende bildene tatt i moderskipet, kan man også spekulere på
om nevnte overvåknings / etterretningsfolk ikke nettopp beholdt de evt. gode
bilder som var fremkommet her, og returnerte overeksponerte kopier av
filmene tilbake. Dette ville være en enkel jobb for fotoeksperter).
Another problem was also noted now that the pictures were back, the 49mm,
slightly wider than normal angle of spread of the lens on Meier’s camera was
too wide to get close-up shots of the images in the special viewing screen,
and even worse with the smaller normal viewing screens, without getting the
edges of the screen in the picture also, and he had problems with the focus.
The disappointment was disheartening, and Meier was forced to resort to
collecting other images to illustrate what he was trying to describe,
including observatory pictures of some of the stellar wonders. Some of these
were mounted in the picture albums by his friends (who kept them up), and
eventually became confused by others as the pictures from the trip. In fact
that is what we were once told by somebody there also, which we knew was not
true, because those views are only possible from the point in space occupied
by the Earth, and even then through special hydrogen and other filters not
available for small cameras.
Meier communicated his disappointment to Semjase, who later picked up the
diapositives for their scientists to study to see what could be done to
improve the effort. Those were never brought back to Meier.
Another problem was the one experienced before, with the disappearance of
spacecraft photos. Here again, most of the photos made aboard the
mother-ship, not using the special screen, were "lost" in the processing
line of handling, from laboratory back to Meier, and he never saw them.
Those would have been the best ones. Some frames came back completely black.
Only the few pictures that were on other rolls together with pictures
through the special viewing device ever came back to Meier. Very little of
the photographic efforts aboard the Great-Spacer survive today, and what
does is of little value for analysis.
The transmission of the trip notes was resumed in the thirty-second contact
at 14:16 on 8 September 1975, as a Thought Transmission Contact called by
Meier to settle some problems he was having with the notes on the big trip.
Semjase was busy and unable to engage in any very long contact and asked
Meier to hold off until the next day when she would have more time. The
contact was re-opened on 9 September 1975. The discussion concerned a number
of matters which Meier was not allowed to reveal to any other people. He was
advised of a series of events that would transpire, involving him and also
others of our world. The reason for secrecy was to avoid influencing the
events and thus the course of evolutionary patterns already cast. He was
given the information so as to be able to measure our position in "event
time" which is not the same as clock time.
These notes also reviewed a discussion of religions and the real spiritual
nature of Earth humans at this position in time. A discussion of parallel
worlds in both super- and sub-ordered dimensions and their effect on our
world normal to us at this time was also reviewed for the notes. A
discussion of efforts by Earth powers to create ships similar to those of
the extra-terrestrials observed in our skies was also reviewed.
The thirty-third contact on Friday 12 September 1975, was the first
face-to-face meeting since the extended trip, and it took place at 10:57 in
the morning after urgent calls by Meier for a contact.
Semjase - Yesterday you tried several times to call me. Unfortunately, I
could not respond, because there were some very important things to do which
could not be postponed (utsettes).
Meier - This I found out, as you just warded me off. what had you to do that
was so important? I as well had something important, appearing so for me.
Namely, on the night of Wednesday the 10th of September, at 20:45 hours,
south, west of Hinwil, we saw a very great orangered color (luminous)
(flying) abject. Seen from my house, it was about 1.20 to 1.40 meters
(apparent size) in diameter, and without any doubt it was a spherical
formation. After a few minutes the object disappeared in a black and
evidently artificial cloud. At 21:45 I could see the object again in the
southeast. The light of the object was this time very intense, and the sky
had a very peculiar violet-red-blue color. Enough light was generated that I
could film the object while it jumped around like a jack-o-lantern. Then it
suddenly sank down very steep in the area near Bachtelberg, and there it
simply hung in the air. This also I was able to film.
Then it shot off like a missile towards the east, returned again rapidly to
very close, and started to pulse a very in-tense light. The peculiar color
of the sky faded, and than the object jumped around again like crazy. soon I
was able to film it, while it disappeared from my viewer frame. twice more I
got it in the camera field and filmed it again. I only hope the film comes
out well, which I will tell you when it is developed.
What I am wondering is this; was this object a beamship? was it one of
yours? why did you demonstrate so openly (over town) if it was one of yours,
because it could be seen as well by others? Or was it a strange object? Add
why do you suddenly fly around here with such big ships when you told me
that the great ones would only come here in an emergency? The object would
have to be at least 600 to 700 meters in diameter, if I have estimated the
distance from me to the ship right, which was at the farthest about 20
Last night I saw the object again at 21:00, when it hung very far away in
the air, near the mountain we call the " ". This mountain is, seen from my
house, in the Southwest direction. what about this object, and why do you
just swoop along here in the environment with it?
Semjase - It was just concerning this. We were so much occupied by the
object seen by you, that I could not speak with you, and had to tell you to
wait. The yesterday and before yesterday object was the same, which you had
already seen in the evening of 20 April, and photographed. That was not a
beamship, as we say, but a "small-spacer" type. Also, it does not belong to
us, but to rather unkind intelligence’s. They are very interested in our
work. And for some time they have been interested in you, for they want to
kidnap you. These intelligence’s intend to bring Earth and Earthmen under
their control. For this they do not shrink from kidnapping. It is one of the
groups who operate through Earth religions and find success in this.
The conversation then turned to events in the
Bermuda Triangle
and the
reports of strange things happening there. Semjase observed that some of the
strange events had a natural origin, but acknowledged that not all were
really natural.
Her biggest concern though, was our unnatural employment of atomic energy
and its dangers to all life here. These extraterrestrials are not the only
ones to express such concerns, however, and the damage to our ionosphere by
chlorofluorocarbons pales in comparison to that caused by radiation energies
from atomic explosions.
There are other more serious conditions produced by man which are having an
even greater destructive effect on our ionosphere, which may already be
irreparably out of control.
A UFO contactee in Minnesota, who also is told by his entirely human
extraterrestrial visitors that they are coming from what we call the
Pleiades, who has been visited by them since his first abduction in 1958,
has carried on extensive dialogues on scientific and technical subjects so
profound that he had to enroll in college physics courses to learn enough to
grasp what they were trying to explain to him.
They told him that our toying with the atom was our greatest danger, and
worse, our scientists had no knowledge of the dangers they were introducing
in our world.
At those extraterrestrials’ suggestion, he produced a monograph on "Nuclear
Energy vs. Planet Earth", and sought to bring it to the attention of science
circles and open minds wherever he could. And to give this emphasis, they
ETs told him in advance what our survey team sent to the South Pole to study
the recently discovered hole in the ionosphere over the Antarctic would
This monograph was written in August 1986, as a team was being prepared for
the expedition to Antarctica to try to find out what is causing the hole
discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1979 and growing.
A copy of that monograph is reproduced following this page for your review.
We have also included a copy of the letter transmitting this monograph to us
so you can see for yourself that we received out copy weeks after the first
ones were sent out.
What astounded us, was the earlier evidence that the Pleiadians visiting
Switzerland had explained the same destructive effect of our atomic
explosions to Meier in 1978. In an uncirculated dialogue on the dangers of
our atomic sciences in the hands of people who did not know enough about
what they were doing to be safe, they cautioned that we may already have
gone too far and signed our suicide note!
They explained, in effect, that the radiation particles produced by our
fission and fusion reactions are only the gross result of the disarrangement in mass, but that far more serious is the permanent an ever
growing imbalance in the still undiscovered particles and force in the
deranged ("forvirrede") atom and its effect on its neighbors; constantly
growing in matter -- "like a cancer"!
For what Meier was told in this respect, refer back to the notes on his 35th
contact presented here on page 148 and subsequent. As was expected, the team
sent to the south pole came to no conclusions, an even more important, our
predicted holes at the north pole were also discovered by the TOMS satellite
late in 1986!
Further on - the extraterrestrials’ suggestion, of the contactees produced
monograph on "Nuclear Energy vs. Planet Earth":
Nuclear energy and PLANET EARTH
Nuclear fission and fusion as employed today for energy production and
military uses are killing this planet, and no one in the scientific
community has any idea why it’s dying or how to save it. The reason for
this is simple - they do not understand atomic structure, solar structure,
or the complete dynamics of falling bodies.
Physics textbooks erroneously
declare our sun to be, in effect, a nuclear reactor. It is not. Because the
scientific community feels confident that nuclear power is a part of nature
they, as a body, have ceased to consider the possibility that perhaps they
do not have all of the answers. Due to this arrogance, they are not even
looking at nuclear technologies as possible causes of the damage we see
occurring to our ionosphere, and if they do not look they will not see.
planet is very sick and is weakening daily. It has reached a point where
Earth’s own mechanisms can no longer heal the wounds as quickly as they’re
being inflicted. In other words, we have reached a point of no return in
that if nuclear fission and fusion are not abandoned and salvage operations
begun immediately, the ionosphere will continue its rapid disintegration
until life on Earth ceases to exist.
In this paper we will attempt to explain in brief what is happening and why,
but most particularly we aim to warn the reader of what the future holds if
this insanity is not stopped - and soon.!!!
Our emphasis must be on predictions because frankly, the tests and results
upon which we base our theory break many currently accepted "laws" of
physics, and so will be rejected out of hand by many of those who have spent
their lives properly memorizing those laws. To prove we are credible and do
indeed know what we’re talking about we must therefore predict what the
scientific community has not predicted and can never explain using current
physical law.
Only in this way can we impress the reader with the truth of
what we say, and gain allies in our effort to halt these deadly technologies
before it’s t late. So then, to begin....
During the process of nuclear fission and fusion an atom is forced open a
electrons escape. Science and industry assure us that this process is safe,
because even though our knowledge of atomic structure is incomplete, any
unforeseen damaging effects are prevented by the massive steel and concrete
containment vessels.
They are correct insofar as containing electrons is
concerned, but what they have yet to realize is there exists much smaller
particles of mass and energy which pass easily through the containment
walls, and which strip off particles from the containment vessels themselves
as they pass through. This results in an unforeseen and rapid decay of the
containment structure itself - weakening it greatly within a decade - which
in turn allows even larger particles (still smaller than an electron) to
escape. Obviously, the problem quickly becomes progressive.
These minute particles released from an atom are negative in respect to
planet earth. This means that these particles will be repelled from earth’s
surface to the outer regions of the ionosphere. Of course these particles
are yet more negative in value than solar energy, and are also repelled from
the energy emitted from the sun. Because these very negative particles are
repelled from solar energy, they move around the earth, staying on the dark
side of the planet in order to avoid direct contact with solar energy. These
very negative particles tend to ’settle in" at any location which remains in
darkness for substantial periods of time. For a part of the year this area
is at the Southern Polar region (Antarctica). Accumulating at the South
Pole, these particles assemble themselves with the normally positive ions of
the ionosphere, which results in the production of an extremely negative
As the South Pole again begins to face toward the sun (Sept.-Oct.) this
highly negative plasma is repelled, and now has nowhere to go but to Earth.
This results in a hole in the ionosphere in the South Pole region. Because
of the massive amounts of these very negative particles being released, the
hole in the ionosphere will be found to have increased dramatically in size
in 1986, possibly as far as the 600 parallel line.
If the phenomena is monitored, it will be noticed that the hole will develop
a 24 hour oscillation, and that the oscillation will always be away from the
suns light. This again is due to the fact that these very negative
particles, now assembled into a very negative plasma, will be repelled from
solar energy.
As the South Pole faces toward the sun, the North Pole lies in darkness.
Therefore, the negative, unassembled particles in the upper atmosphere will
tend to "settle in" near the North Pole, and will assemble with positive ion
there. When once again the North Pole faces toward the sun, the resulting
negative plasma will be forced to the surface of Earth. Our calculations
indicate that in the early months of 1987, a hole in the ionosphere will be
found to have appeared over the North Pole.
Some of the results of this disruption of the ionosphere will have immediate
effects. For instance, as great shells of this negative plasma are pushed
into existing shells of plasma, very adverse and abnormal weather conditions
will be experienced world wide. In areas where the ionosphere is thicker,
there will be an over filtering of solar energy, causing a reduction of
sunlight available on earth and a subsequent increase in rainfall. In areas
where the ionosphere has thinned, expect severe heat waves and drought
Also, iron deposits attract these negative particles of mass and
energy, and so areas with large deposits of iron can expect drastic changes
in their weather cycles. A less immediate effect of this attraction to iron
deposits will be that life forms in these areas will experience genetic
changes, and an alarming increase in birth defects will be seen in these
areas. Likewise, incidents of cancer and other diseases related to a
breakdown in immune system activities will be noted.
As the destruction of the ionosphere continues, more drastic effects will be
observed. For example, as these undetected particles of mass and energy are
accepted at the poles (and elsewhere) they will undoubtedly result in an
increase in the energy exchange of our planet. This will cause an increase
in the rotation rate of the Earth. At first this increase will be considered
a negligible factor, but the increase will be progressive, and will
eventually result in the earth changing it’s orbit. The elliptic will
increase, and the Earth will begin it’s drift away from the sun.
The increase in energy exchange will also ’wheat" up the interior of our
planet, resulting in great internal pressure. This pressure will be released
in the form of great earthquakes and increasingly greater volcanic actions.
The end result of these actions will be great continental shifts, and areas
lying along existing fault lines will be at great risk. This increase in
energy exchange will also cause a warming of the earth’s surface, and the
polar ice caps will begin to melt. Coastline areas will begin to disappear.
Much more could be said, but this outline of events will give the reader a
fair idea of why we say the situation on Earth is critical. To date the
focus of the anti-nuclear movement has been to eliminate bombs and testing,
control radioactive wastes, etc. Few people have considered that perhaps the
splitting of atoms in and of itself is anti-nature. Unless it is stopped and
decontamination procedures initiated, our future is bleak. The problems will
not go away by themselves. Humankind has done the damage, and now we must
repair it.
The technology now exists which will provide the tools, but our
group cannot do it alone. We seek allies!!