Other Atmospheric Planets
After the meetings with the DALs, and the exchange of equipment, the Pleiadian ship made a number of hyperleap trips to various locations, and
sometimes things of interest were pointed out to Meier. One of those areas
of special interest to us is the variety of other atmospheric planets
mentioned and their apparent frequency in the widths of the cosmos.
The thirty-fourth contact was a face-to-facemeeting on Sunday, 14 September
1975. It began at 13:43 after being called by Meier to get some answers. He
wanted to identify the writer of an anonymous letter. Semjase went into her
ship, interrogated some equipment devices, and gave him the identification
he sought.
They discussed the Bermuda Triangle at great length in this meeting, and
then the me insisted on transmitting more of the report on the long trip.
That meeting broke up with an arrangement to transmit more trip report in
the very near future.
It was two days later, on the 16th of September that all things were in
order to resume the Thought Transmission on the big trip.
[Here we run into a problem on distances that we cannot at this time
resolve, and so we shall leave these distances out of our presentation
First of all, the ETs do not measure distance in terms of light-years
because that is our unique creation. They say the speed of light is neither
constant nor does it travel in a straight line (except over very small
distances) -- being speeded up and slowed down, and bent every which way by
magnetic fields of force, which are everywhere. They do not find Time fixed
either, as we perceive it, nor linear in the full sense of the word.
Therefore a light-year is a fictitious and meaningless misnomer (gal
benevnelse) created by us. It is like trying to measure the distance between
stars with angle worms.
We calculate the age of Creation to be 12 billion to 20 billion
(milliarder) years, depending on who you consult and when. It was only a few
years ago that it was thought by the same sciences to be about four billion
(still a lot of years) old, but only a few hundred years ago, those same
sciences said our sun was the center of the Universe and that it was created
in six days only a few thousand years before that. Have we reached the
ultimate answer yet?
When we asked about distances of trillions and quadrillions of lightyears,
we were laughed at by scientists. There apparently is no such thing to them.
We never got to decisions -- which has been mentioned in the contact notes.
The lightyear is an arbitrary unit of measure, and while useful for one kind
of measure is useless for another. We can measure a book very usefully in
inches (the width of a thumb to primitive man), but it is a useless value
for measuring the width of our local Galaxy. Perhaps lightyear is just as
useless when we go beyond our familiar realms.
These terms, weak as they are for our purpose here, are all values for our
known physical universe and may not apply at all in another realm or
universe, such as might be postulated for "hyperspace".
Thus, we are in no position to accurately judge the figures given. For this
reason we will omit such references now and simply report the observations.]
A Hyperleap is completed and conditions stabilize.
Ptaah - we are much farther from Earth than before... This is the galaxy of
"ASAP", and there in front of you, you see the world of "Desom". It is
inhabited by human creatures which, according to your history, would be
something equivalent to your Middle Ages. They live in greater villages,
which are similar to those you have in your oriental regions. A second race
on this world does not live in solid houses. It is nomadic and builds huts
from plants and bushes. You will be able to see this world from close-up,
for Semjase will bring you there in her beamship. But look first towards
this giant sun there in front. It has already declined in force, and will
die away after some millenniums. The moon, which you see there, is about
four times as large as the Earth moon. After some 3,200 years, it will rush
into that giant sun, because the three comic bodies work slowly towards one
Meier- And what will happen to the human beings?
Semjase - By then they will have developed a useful for them technology, by
which they will then have the possibility of escaping from their world.
Meier- And if this does not happen?
Semjase - It could be. If this were prevented by something, then help from
outside would be brought in. This is an obligation under cosmic law.
Meier- That is reassuring (beroligende). But how is it now? can we talk to
the human beings down there?
Ptaah - This, by regret, will be impossible, nor on any of the worlds which
we will visit in the next few hours. It is everywhere there suited, that we
not be recognized, thus we have to hide ourselves with our protective
screens. We are only allowed to be seen, where the concerned evolution
allows this...
The trip to the surface lasted only a few minutes and then they returned to
the Great-Spacer where Ptaah was already preparing for the next hyperleap.
Again it was made in a short time.
Ptaah - here we are... in the Galaxy of "Nepon". what you see here is the
system of "Lesa". You see there the three big formations. The two over
there, which stand close together, are two sister planets of immense size.
The little farther in the distance still great formation is the giant moon
of the sister worlds. It is nearly 520 times greater than the Earth.
Meier- Fantastic!
Semjase - That is absolutely normal. Only for the Earth human being and
other non-spacetravelling races do these concerns seem to be monstrous and
fantastic, as you call it. Your scientists can not imagine such giant
worlds, even in their boldest .... The truth surpasses their ability to
Meier- I don’t doubt what you say.
Semjase - come now - on these worlds also, we will undertake a short flight.
(one of the "lesa" worlds is inhabited by human forms of life.)
After the next hyperleap...:
Ptaah - This, here above us is an oxygen-world in similar size to your
Earth. Also the atmosphere has similar values, while the surface of the
planet offers only a certain similarity to your wastes, and in many respects
is more similar to the planet "Venus" from your system. We are still in the
system "Lesa" which is very extensive and must be crossed in hyperleaps. The
planet has quite primitive plant and animal life, but was in earlier times
more populated. A cosmic event destroyed all and reduced it to stone for
millions of years. For some millenniums now, the conditions are changing
again and new life is developing itself. As you are able to see from here,
there are different colors shining. These are waste, water and
forest-regions. These desert-like landscapes consist partly of massive rock,
mountains, and very fried and brittle stones which slowly fall to sand
again, and then, in the course of time, will change into earth. The
mountains themselves are no taller than 2,000 meters, and they then, in the
course of time, will change into earth. The mountains themselves are no
taller than2000 meters, and they look very similar to the mountains of your
Venus. But you will see this for yourself when you are there with Semjase
Again the excursion took only a short time, and they returned and reboarded
the mother-ship. Several more of the now becoming familiar hyperleaps were
made, and the great variety and divergence of Creation boggled Meier’s mind.
The thirty-fifth contact took place at 19:14 on Tuesday the 16th of
September - 75, during which Meier queried:
Meier- I am interested if there exists in the Universe, other worlds and
creatures, who accord to Earth levels now?
Ptaah - Many parallels can be found. Thus also worlds are in existence which
are very similar to Earth, and on which are living also human forms in
nearly the same development state as the Earthman enjoys. Such a world can
be found in the Galaxy "Aratom", in the system "Neb", and the world is
called "Kartag".
Meier - This I do consider interesting, yet with these details I can do
nothing. It is "all a Spanish village" to me.
Ptaah - Kartag is a world where the human beings war against one another.
Their time is one of the use of atomic sciences.
Meier- and why is this not prevented by you?
Ptaah - It is not at our disposal to interfere there, because that system is
under the control of a highly developed form of life, which troubles itself
for the prevention of catastrophe. Kartagian life is at an important point
of change in their evolution, and near the end of their atomic age. They
still destroy one another with atom bombs, but this will not last for long.
They will agree with the controlling intelligence’s.
Meier- Then they are some further developed than the Earth human?
Ptaah - That is correct. They walk their last steps of unreason.
Meier- That is pleasing.
Ptaah - Certainly, but still they have to go the way of their evolution, and
interference’s into this from outside are advised in few cases.
Meier- Does this mean, by this non-interference of more advanced beings who
have means at their disposal, that thousands of forms of life will be killed
- in this case human forms?
Ptaah - Yes, that is it, certainly. Interference can only be performed if
recognizable catastrophe of great extraplanetary extent announce
themselves. (but all happens according to cosmic laws. R.ø. comment.)
Meier- Then this means, that the inhabitants of a world, this world, can be
completely destroyed, if the greater system is not menaced?!
Ptaah - You see the facts well. Each creature must take its own path of
evolution, even if this includes self-destruction.
Meier- This sees somehow rough, and even barbarous. But it is conceivable to
me, for it is a law which is well established in
nature. what degenerates negatively is destroyed so that it cannot
menace (true) the better forms.
Ptaah - That is right. You know the laws very well. only by the observance
of the laws can life proceed. It is wrong when degenerate life is maintained
in such form that it becomes still worse. An elimination represents only the
right observance of the laws of life. Nevertheless they will have to learn
it - sooner than the Earth human expects. But I know as well that much pain
is connected to the process... We shall now transmit to the world of Kartag,
for you shall get acquainted with it.
Ptaah - What you see there is
Kartag. Go now with Semjase, she will show you
the world from closer.
Over Kartag with Semjase
Meier- You have told me that the inhabitants of this world would be a bit
more developed than Earth humans. But I don’t see any airplanes or similar.
If they have atomic bombs, how do they deliver them?
Semjase - You err. They have flight machines but they are not like your Earth
airplanes, for they are already more like beamships. They also do not drop
their deadly weapons from out of their flying machines, but shoot them up in
rockets, and then guide them back down onto their enemy. The rockets are
similar to those you use on Earth for launching satellites, only their
technologies and methods of propulsion are different from those of Earth.
Their atomic missiles are very dangerous and much stronger than those you
have on Earth. The time is up.
Meier - So we may go. Where do we jump to now?
Semjase - We will go to the Galaxy of Berberas, to the world of "Neber"
there, in the system of "Kras".
[Notes: UFO researchers are continually turning up
UFO contacts where
punctuality in time and a need to adhere to a predetermined time schedule is
stipulated This is mentioned in a great variety of cases taking place all
over the world, and may signify a need for a certain kind of order
throughout the Cosmos. The term Galaxy as used here may not be exactly as
understood in the popular sense, and might even be according to a grouping
of stars different from that understood by us. We are not clear on this
Meier - - where is that, and what is interesting there?
Semjase - This has been in earlier times a desired objective of many races
capable of space travel. There exist many planets that you would call
ancient worlds enlivened by many animal forms. And some of these animals may
be very big or of extraordinarily tall growth. They may surpass all
standards of similar animals on other worlds. And just this fact attracted
many space traveling races to those .......
Meier- Are there human beings living there also?
Semjase - There are, but not forms of life created on those worlds. On
ancient worlds (such as this) human creatures do not yet exist. They rise
normally at later times.
Back aboard the Greatspacer mother-ship
Meier- I still have other questions, if the time suffices. One quest-ion
here concerns our Earth. I often think that, because the weather and the
climate seem to be playing ....... I consider this being in connection with
the atomic bombs’ explosions, that these could be the cause for that, which
matter is still contested by the dear science... An I going right in this,
or am I wrong in my assumptions?
Ptaah - You search very thoroughly for all reasons in a matter. Earth’s
magnetism has been disturbed by the atomic explosions... in this respect,
the explosions produced a weak repulsion of the Earth, influencing the
rotation by nearly immeasurable value. on this means the Earth has also been
forced a little out of normal orbit and now slowly searches out its new
orbital course. By this this act, the Earth scientists have committed a
crime against their own planet and all Earth mankind, because the forced
changes by these explosions will have a far-reaching effect, of great
importance, and can produce catastrophic results. Already the magnetic poles
are being displaced increasingly.
Thus, today, the magnetic pole is already displaced into the Canadian Ice
Sea, while also the south pole has been dislocated, and moves in the
direction of South America. on the time of the third millennium, in about
1,000 years, the migration of the poles will have progressed so far, that
the south pole will be in South America, while the north pole will have
moved to Saudi Arabia. The calculated location of the north pole in the year
3,000 (AD) resulted in a location point between Jidda, on the Red Sea, and
(NORDPOLEN PÅ ILMARSJ var tittelen på en avisartikkel i Jyllandsposten for
28.des.-98, der det står i undertittel : FORSKERNE VET IKKE HVORFOR DEN
akselerert slik at den nå har beveget seg mer på 4 år enn bevegelsene mellom
1831 og 1904. Avisartikkelen ref. også en mulig magnetisk polvending.)
A much greater danger is presented by the release, in those explosions, of
elementary radiations, which still present great riddles to Earth
scientists, because they have not conceived their sort of form. Three main
factors of Earth life are influenced by the release of these elementary
radiations, and are injured... The catastrophic effect after an atomic
explosion the size of the Hiroshima bomb lasts for several centuries, and
negatively influences all processes of life preservation. The pure
atmospheric stratums of the Earth are influence in a quite catastrophic
manner by the release of these elementary radiations, which change
electrical energies in great magnitude.
This happens in very high frequency ranges, which still are unknown Earth
sciences. These energies do .. deal with the known to you usual electrical
energy, but of an electrical radiation energy, which is near the
ultra-violet spectrum. This radiation energy mingles itself with the oxygen
in the air and generates huge quantities of Ozone. This ozone value
increases 34 fold a short time after an explosion. These dangerous
concentrations destroy in wide surroundings, all micro-organisms of wide
variety, which are of critical importance for the preservation of Earth
life. Then a short time after the explosion the ozone values decrease
drastically to very low levels. Certain elementary effects penetrate all
matter and endure for hundreds years, during which time they always and
continually kill all micro-organisms which come near them. One factor in
relation to the ozone is this lethal destruction.
A further important factor is the effect on the ozone belt which surrounds
the Earth and protects it from the ultra-violet radiations from the Sun.
Those gasses are injured in several ways and can no more absorb the
ultra-violet rays...
Meier- Semjase has already spoken of that in relation to industrial gasses.
But one thing is not clear to me yet. Natural flashes of the atmospheric
lightning also produces ozone. Why does this not destroy the
Ptaah - Nature works exactly according to her law. The industrial ozone is
generated by different factors than lightning. The lightning cleans while
the other pollutes. The healthy ozone belt provided a nature protection for
Earth creatures from the strong ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. Direct
irradiation of living creatures by this radiation and further similar
radiations from other parts of the universe, would inevitably evoke death
for all forms..... Nature herself always generates just as much ozone as
necessary to guarantee life...
Meier- what about the atomic radiations, which from my reckonings must
surround the Earth at very great heights?
Ptaah - Your reckonings are nearly right, but it does not deal with the
actual radiation. As I said, quite special elementary radiations are
generated in the explosion. These reach great height and spread them- selves
around your globe, influencing the different stratums. In your denominations
these stratums are very differently named, as for example, the menaced
stratum which you call the "Van-Allen Belt". This belt consists especially
of caught by the Earth magnetic field electrons and protons, which have a
life- important function for Earths existence. About this I am not yet
allowed to give you more information, because from the explanations your
scientists could gather much knowledge for their researches... which they
could not master.
Meier- So nothing can be done about this. With the
Van-Allen Belt I can
imagine nothing, as little also can I elaborate of the matter with the
electrons and protons, but all the same, I am interested in how this belt is
structured and built. I mean what movement does it have?
Ptaah - The Belt exists at a height of 1,000 kilometers average. The charged
particles are in constant movement, and that on spiral courses from pole to
Meier- So far I understand, but everything else is to me a so-called
"Bohemian village". This unfortunately is physics, and of that I understand
just about as much as our technicians and scientists know about your
technologies, which is: Nothing!
Ptaah - That is not of great importance to you, for the insides of that
existing spiral values are decisively greater and of more important
[Meier was given comparative values for the ozone fluctuation after an
atomic air explosion. The ETs said that a normal ratio under Earth
conditions is 500,000 parts of air to one part ozone. After an atomic
explosion the ozone immediately increases by 34 values to 28 parts ozone.
Shortly after this peak concentration, the ozone level rapidly drops to an
extremely low level which results in ozone holes in the ionosphere which
takes hundreds of years to rebalance normally.]
Meier- You may be right. If you allow, I want to ask you about some matters
respecting contacts. How many contactees exist in the world today.....
Ptaah - The exact number of real contactees on Earth
is presently 17,422
(1975). They are scattered over all your states and lands. Of that number
only a few percent come to public attention. Many of them are working
according to our advice (ETs collectively) at different labors and tasks,...
In different cases such persons are also having contacts with us without
being informed that we do not belong to Earth... Of all this 17,422 contactees (the number increases continuously) only a few hundred are known
And then came one of those truly remarkable occurrences that have developed
so often in this case. Meier asked:
Meier - ... How far outside our solar system is the next
inhabited system,
and does that world’s inhabitants know of our Earth?
The answer was astounding. (See note down.)
Ptaah - The
next inhabited system is around five light years away from
Earth. Different worlds in that system are inhabited by human forms of life,
who differ little from your races. In their development, they are some years
in advance of that of Earth human beings, spiritually as well as
technologically. They have already achieved space flight in primitive form,
and also do visit Earth. Because their cosmic flight capabilities are very
limited, they depend on assistance stations. Mid-way between their world and
Earth, they have constructed a space station, which you can see far outside
in space there (pointing to the viewing screen). They need such stations
because they are still unable to launch their ships over large distances.
Also, connected to their space-flight now is severe body pain, from which
they narcotize them- selves for longer journeys in the cosmos. Besides the
other races of these worlds, this one race comes often to Earth. This is
because their homeworld, which is no greater than Earth herself, suffers
from overcrowding, and needs huge quantities of food. For this reason,
beings from that planet, called AKART come to Earth often, to collect there
plants, vegetables, fruits and grains, to nourish their 23 billion
population. They are mostly satisfied with taking seeds of fruits, grains,
and vegetables, and also plant stocks, to set out on AKART - to grow there.
They collect more useable nourishment’s on other (less
populated) worlds
which they also visit often and periodically. In themselves, these forms
are of rather peaceful character, and have had to suffer much in the last
centuries. Today they live under a dictatorship, as you would call it, by
which they have relatively better living conditions. Their great problem is
their severe overcrowding, which they could relieve by emigration, but their
technologies have not solved space transportation on sufficient scale to be
of help.
[Note: Remarkably, when we were working on the big book, UFO ABDUCTION AT MIRASSOL with Dr. Walter K. Buhler down in Brazil, we discovered that he had
investigated a UFO abduction case in Sarandi, in southern Brazil, where Artur Berlet, the abductee, was taken to a super-populated planet those
called ACART.
In German the same phonetics would be spelled AKART. We
obtained permission to translate that story of Berlet’s 8 day stay on that
planet in a book we have titled UFO CONTACT FROM PLANET ACART. All the
indications are that that super-populated planet is a very near neighbor of
our own sun. A very remarkable coincidence indeed.]
Meier- That is a lot. But do other creatures of that system also come to
Earth, and why don’t they assist that overpopulated planet?
Ptaah - The others come there, and also to Earth, but this occurs rather
seldom The reason they do not assist the overpopulated race, is that these
creatures have not proceeded far enough in their development or their
improvement to offer them greater technical and spiritual help. These humans
are still too much caught up in the material and worldly things, and are not
allowed access to greater power.
Meier- I see. Again the law of evolution... oh yes, I still have one more
question: How do you see the matter of your (public) appearance on Earth;
when will you land officially and present yourselves to the people of Earth?
Ptaah - This is not provided for still a very long time, as well with others
too. On the contrary, nearly all our extraterrestrials will retire from your
planet, if certain circumstances come up. This will be, when an until now
unknown to us human race from the cosmos will start to visit Earth. Our
reckoning in probability indicate this occurring before the year 2,000, or a
short time before, if unanticipated factors before then do not put this
enterprise in question. If these negative factors do not develop, then
earthmen will, in this coming time, around 2,000, first officially meet with
human beings from other worlds .......
But no danger from these human-like forms will menace (true) you, because
they will be peaceful and harmless. Their culture and their spiritual estate
will be very much superior to your own, and so they will not just land on
Earth unexpected. They will announce themselves to you first by radio and
television, and prepare Earth men for their arrival, and will then land with
one of their egg-shaped ships, which will be used by 8 to 12 other forms of
Meier- This is very interesting; but where will they land?
Ptaah - It will assuredly be in America.
Meier- Always this America, why so?
Ptaah - That is the way it is, because they have the best communication
means. The population of that country is more resilient (fleksible) in
connection with the clearing up of information about extraterrestrial forms
of life and their existence, and may be more prepared to overcome too large
a panic at the first official meetings.
Meier- But surely there are other possibilities besides America, are there
Ptaah - Surely, there are, but I only explain to you what our probability
calculations have shown. It will be of revolutionary importance, if this
landing can be successfully performed, which is still really dependent on
the negative factors which could develop. In any case a plan is not fixed,
whether the occurrences will happen this way, be-cause I do not take this
information from a view into the future, but from probability calculations.
Meier - So this is not clearly fixed? can you tell me from where these
human beings will come?
Ptaah - I am not allowed to give information officially. It is connected to
the development of the forms of life there on Earth.
Meier - - I understand...
With this thirty-fifth contact we have come full circle back to the earliest
statements by Semjase with reference to the coarse particle damage to our
ionosphere by the clorofluorcarbons and brom-gasses, and her urging of Meier
to call this to the attention of the world scientists before it was too
late. (see in advance in the text before).
Now she has explained the even greater damage to our ionosphere by the fine
particle forces released in every atomic fission/fusion reaction, including
the underground atomic tests, and even atomic power plant normal operations.
This is exactly what other extraterrestrial Pleiadian UFOnauts told their
witness in St. Cloud, Minnesota, using a slightly different phrasing. (see
in advance in the text before).
Eduard Meier was given this information in 1976, and I have had copies of
these contact notes in my possession since 1977. The witness in St. Cloud
was given his similar information earlier, but was only allowed to recall it
in 1985 when he was re-awakened to his on contacts. The witness in Minnesota
did not release anything on this until 1986, and then it was before he knew
anything about the Meier contacts in Switzerland.
It seems we had been warned in plenty of time to avoid the disaster we have
created for ourselves, but we have persistently refused to heed the warnings
-- until it may now be too late for us all.
Where have our great experts been all this time???