The Church
This church is dedicated to Mary de Magdala. It was consecrated in

Just before the door, under the Virgin’s statue Father Saunière had
a Visighothic pillar put. This pillar originally hold the previous
altar. The cross drawn on it is called the cross of silence(la croix
du silence).
What puzzled many people is that Saunière had it put the wrong way
up. He had " Mission1891 " carved on it. It was the date of the end
of restoration.

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Mission 1891 |
On the gate are 2 sentences :
" My home will be called House of prayers "
" Terribilis est locus iste " :This place is terrible
But they are not complete. They should be :
- My home will be called House of Prayers, but you made it a thieves
den . (Matthieu 21, 13) - This place is terrible, it is God’s home, the doorway to
Heaven. (Genesis, 28, 17)
"Please, remember I don’t know the exact words of the English bible, I
only translate what’s said in the french one. "
On the porch’s keystone are the arms of Pope Léon 13(elected in1878
and dead on 20 July 1903
This work finished in 1897 and it is said that it costed 3 500 000
nowadays Francs. Saunière paid for the roof, the framework and the
vault. There is a secret room in the sacristy. The statues, tympanums
and bas relief were constructed by Mr. Giscard from Toulouse and the
stained-glass windows by Mr. Feur from Bordeaux. There was a hiding
place (built in the 13th century) under the belltower and the floor.
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Inside the Church
On the ground of the church is drawn a chessboard of 64 squares
oriented towards the four cardinal points. At the entrance of the
church is a devil who is holding the stoup :He is Asmodeus, the
limping devil who guards King Solomon’s temple. The statues of
angels are on a pedestal on which are carved 2 griffons, treasure
keepers. They could also be 2 salamanders, Angouleme Counts
symbol. Above him is written BS ; and higher are the statues of
four angels. Under the angels one can read the sentence Emperor
Constantin had seen in the sky :Par ce signe tu le vaincras
:With this sign, you will vanquish him. (Of course this is about
the sign of the cross. ) But the sentence Constentin saw was just
: Par ce signe, tu vaincras. With this sign, you will vanquish :
Those 2 letters added to the original words raised many
questions and many answers : Adding 2 letters makes the total of
the letters 22. And we know that the crane on the cemetery gate
has 22 teeth ; and also that Magdala tower has 22 crenels.

The L and E are the thirteenth and fourteenth letters, now the
last of the Templar Knights Jacques de Molay was
burnt in 1314 .
The L is the twelfth letter of the alphabet and the e is the
fifth. 12+5=17. The tarot card 17 is l’etoile (the star) like the
star on the top of the church.
Mary Magdalene has been painted under the altar by father
Saunière and father Courtauly. There was an inscription which has
been erased by a vandal. It was :
"Jesus, you remedy against our pains and only hope for our
repentance, it is thanks to Magdalene’s tears that you wash our
sins away. "

We know that Saunière as a priest had studied latin, but it seems
there are some mistakes in this inscription, both in grammar and
spelling(pOEnitientum should be PAEnitientum). This looks like a
word to word translation. It would have been more correct like
that :

Pontius Pilate and his throne are just like King Solomon in
Poussin’s picture, according to the description given in the

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The pulpit

Confessional |

The Knights flagstone
This stone is mysterious.
It can be seen in a book : Les pierres gravées du Languedoc(The
engraved stones in Languedoc) published in1884 under the name of
Eugène Stublein (born in 1832 in Alet and dead in 1899 in Les
It was princes Sigebert 4, Sigebert 5 and Bera 3 ‘s tombstone. It
was built in 771. On the reproduction, it looks better preserved
than it really is. On it is drawn Sigebert 4’s arrival when he
was saved by his uncle Levis Bellisen on January 17th 681. In the
book, there is also a drawing of the inscription engraved on
Marchionness Hautpoul’s tombstone.
The problem is: if one looks at Stublein’s bibliography, one
find out he never published that book.

Come to me all of you who are overcome by pain, and I will ease
your suffering.
The children have 18th century clothes. . .

Playing with light
- On 13 January (Christ’s baptism’s day) :The first sunray falls
on the Christ’ feet and moves upward on the statue. - On 17 January (St Antoine’s day) : A sunray falls upon the
statue of St Antoine. - On 4 April :taking one week long, a sunray, passing through the
stained-glass window of Lazarus’s resurrection, casts the shadow
of Christ on the front wall, appears to Mary, falls down and
then, disappears. - Holy Friday : A perfect triangle is cast through the stained-glass
window where Christ teaches his apostles. - In winter, at twelve o’clock (solar time) :An apple tree that
bears 3
blue apples is cast through the southern stained-glass
All of the statues look at the ground.
On the right of the altar, the Holy Virgin is holding a baby. On
the left, Joseph is also holding a child. Two babies Jesus in one
church…We enter the theory of Jesus’ twin brother…
Behind the statue of St Antoine de Padoue is Sigebert 4’s tomb.
He was Dagobert 2’s son. His grave was closed by the Knights
flagstone. It would be in this tomb Saunière found golden coins
dating from St Louis. It is said he would have found the grave
thanks to Marchioness of Hautpoul tombstone.

The original statue
The statue nowadays

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St Antoine
Ste Germaine |

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St Antoine de

St Roch
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St Jean Baptiste
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The way of the cross
14 Stations The Way of the Cross is in the opposite direction to
the other churches.

Station 1
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Station 2 A young man has fallen on his knees before a golden helmet. Jesus
is wearing a red cape. A ladder is oriented towards the sky.

Station 3
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Station 4 |

Station 5 |

Station 6 |

Station 7 In the background, one can see Magdala tower through an open
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Station 8 A Frankish warrior takes the red cape away. A woman wearing a
mourning veil and a child wearing a plaid. We know that
Freemasons call themselves :The widow’s child. There is also a
scottish rite in Freemasonry ;and also a blue grade.

Station 9
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Station 10 A guard brandishes the red cape
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Station 11 A man helps the Christ to carry his cross . A guard takes the red
cape. In the background, one can see a ladder in the
dark. Now, theorically, night falls only after Jesus ’s death.

Station 12
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Station 13
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Station 14 One must notice the wounded left side. The Golpel says the
Christ was buried at night, now here it’s done during the day. We
have 2 hypothesis : Jesus was buried during the day. This image represents the burial’s morrow and some people are
stealing the corpse. . . |
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