by Jonathan Sellers
December 2004
With all the hoopla over the
“Rennes-le-Chateau” mystery and other puzzle-related mysteries,
it is only fitting that we begin to present our research on the
subject. This has not previously been touched upon in the
Antiquities of the Illuminati Website. This is not to say that
we have not been researching this thing ourselves, however. We
have, over the years come upon some very interesting things,
that suggests to us a mystery that transcends time and space,
treasure theories, and so forth. It definitely has laid its
roots in the “Western Esoteric Tradition”, “Alternative
Tradition”, or, as we call it, “The Authentic Tradition”. There
are deep roots in the Western Experience. This goes back to our
ancestral traditions, otherwise known as classical mythology.
In the meantime, we present the illustrations. These range from
the “Berenger Sauniere” Bookplate item, as represented in “The
Tomb of God”... really, a creation of Heinrich Madathanus.
Query: are the names Jonathan and Madathan etymologically
related? The Mad Prophet Knows, no doubt. So, from the Golden
Age Revived, to Poussin, to Mezeray, who wrote a rather detailed
history of the Kings of France from ancient times up to the time
of Louis XIV; to a couple of very interesting Masonic
engravings, one of which is the Pierre Lambert de Lintot
engraving for his Rite of Seven Degrees at London. If these
things aren’t related, perhaps, then, this is a mere
coincidence. But if they are related, then what does that say of
all the other researchers who have missed them?
I guessed as much. Well, we have them, and here they are.
Jonathan Sellers
Antiquities of the Illuminati
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Whilst I was meditating upon the wonders
of the Most High and the secrets of hidden Nature and the fiery and
fervent love of the neighbour, I recalled the white harvest which
Reuben, the son of Leah, had found in the fields and had given the
mandrakes Rachel had gotten from Leah for sleeping with the
patriarch Jacob. But my thought went much deeper and led me further
to Moses, how he had made a potable of the solar-calf cast by
and how he had it burned with fire, ground to powder, strewed it
upon the waters, and gave it to the Children of Israel to drink. And
I marvelled most about this prompt and ingenious destruction which
the hand of God had wrought.
But after pondering over it for some time my eyes were opened, just
as happened with the two disciples at Emmaus who knew the Lord in
the Breaking of Bread, and my heart burned within me. But I laid
down and began to sleep. And, lo, in my dream King Solomon appeared
to me, in all his might, wealth, and glory, leading beside him all
the women of his harem: there were threescore queens, and fourscore
concubines, and virgins without number, but one was his gentle dove,
most beautiful and dearest to his heart, and according to Catholic
custom she held a magnificent procession wherein the Centrum was
highly honoured and cherished, and its name was like an
out-ointment, the fragrance of which surpassed all spices. And its
fiery spirit was a key to open the temple, to enter the Holy Place,
and to grasp the horns of the altar.
When the procession was ended,
Solomon showed unto me the unified
Centrum in trigoni centri and opened my understanding to me, and I
became aware that behind me stood a nude woman with a bloody wound
in her breast, out of which came forth blood and water, but the
joints of her thighs were like jewels, the work of the hands of a
cunning workman, her navel was like a round goblet, which wanteth
not liquor, her belly was like a heap of wheat set about with roses,
her two breasts were like two young roses that are twins, her neck
was as a tower of ivory, her eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon by
the gate of Bathrabbim; her nose was as the tower of Lebanon which
looketh towards Damascus. Her head was like Carmel, and the hair of
her head was tied in many folds, like king’s purple. But her
garments, which she threw off, lay at her feet, and were all
unsightly, stinking, and poisonous. And she began to speak:
“I have put off my coat, how shall I
put it on? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile them? The
watchmen that went about the city found me, they smote me, they
wounded me, and took away my veil from me. Then was I stricken
with fear and not conscious and fell upon the ground; but
Solomon bade me stand up again and said: be not afraid when thou
dost see Nature bare, and the most hidden which is beneath
heaven and upon the earth. She is beautiful as Tirzah, comely as
Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners, but nevertheless
she is the pure chaste virgin out of whom Adam was made and
Sealed and hidden is the entrance to
her house, for she dwelleth in the garden and sleepeth in the
twofold caves of Abraham on the field Ephron, and her palace is
the depths of the Red Sea, and in the deep transparent chasms,
the air hath given her birth and the fire hath brought her up,
wherefore she is a queen of the country, milk and honey hath she
in her breasts. Yea, her lips are like a dripping honey-comb,
honey and milk are under her tongue and the smell of her
garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon to the Wise, but an
abomination to the ignorant. And Solomon said further: Rouse
thee, look upon all my women and see if you can find her equal.
And forthwith the woman had to cast off her garments and I
looked at her, but my mind had lost the power of judgment, and
mine eyes were holden, so that I did not recognize her.
But as Solomon observed my weakness, he
separated his women from this nude woman and said:
“Thy thoughts are vain and the sun
hath burned out thy mind and thy memory is as black as the fog,
so thou canst not judge aright, so if thou wouldst not forfeit
thy concern and take advantage of the present opportunity, then
can the bloody sweat and snow-white tears of this nude virgin
again refresh thee, cleanse thine understanding and memory and
restore it fully, so that thine eyes may perceive the wonders of
the Most High, the height of the uppermost, and thou shalt
really fathom the foundations of all Nature, the power and
operation of all the Elements, and thine understanding will be
as fine silver, and thy memory as gold, the colours of all
precious stones will appear before thine eyes and thou wilt know
their production, and thou wilt know how to separate good from
evil, the goats from the sheep. Thy life will be very peaceful,
but the cymbals of Aaron will awaken thee from sleep and the
harp of David, my father, from thy slumber.”
After Solomon thus spake, I was very
much more afraid, and was exceedingly terrified, partly because of
his heartbreaking
works, also partly because of the great glamour and splendour of the
present queenly woman, and Solomon took me by the hand and led me
through a wine cellar into a secret but very stately hall, where he
refreshed me with flowers and apples, but its windows were made out
of transparent crystals and I looked through them. And he said:
“What dost thou see?”
I replied:
“I can only see from this hall into
the hall I just left, and on the left standeth thy queenly
woman, and on the right the nude virgin, and her eyes are redder
than wine, her teeth whiter than milk, but her garments at her
feet are more unsightly, blacker, and more filthy than the brook
of Kidron.”
“From all of them choose one”, said Solomon, “to be thy beloved.
I esteem her and my queen alike and highly, pleased as I am with
the loveliness of my wives, so little do I care about the
abomination of her garments.”
And as soon as the king had thus spoken,
he turned around and conversed in a very friendly way with one of
his queens. Amongst these was an hundred-year-old stewardess, with a
grey cloak, a black cap upon her head, bedecked with numberless
snow-white pearls and lined with red velvet, and embroidered and
sewn in an artful manner with blue and yellow silk, and her cloak
was adorned with divers Turkish colours and Indian figures.
This old woman beckoned to me secretly and swore unto me a holy oath
that she was the mother of the nude virgin, that she
had been born from her body, and that she was a chaste, pure and
secluded virgin, that until now she had not suffered any man to look
upon her, and although she had let herself be used everywhere among
the many people on the streets, no one had ever seen her naked
before now, and no one had touched her, for she was the virgin of
whom the Prophet said: Behold, we have a son born unto us in secret,
who is transformed beside others; behold, the virgin had brought
forth, such a virgin as is called Apdorossa, meaning: secretly, she
who cannot suffer others. But while this her daughter was as yet
unwed, she had her marriage-portion lying under her feet, because of
the present danger of the war, so that she would not be robbed of it
by some roving soldiery and denuded of her stately treasure.
However, I should not be frightened because of her disgusting
garments, but choose her daughter before all others for the delight
of my love and life. Then she would give and reveal to me a lye to
clean her garments, and then I would obtain a liquid salt and
non-combustible oil for my house-keeping, and an immeasurable
treasure, and her right hand would always caress me and her left
hand would be under my head. And as I then wanted to declare myself
categorically upon this matter, Solomon turned around again, looked
upon me, and said:
“I am the wisest man on earth, beautiful and
pleasing are my wives and the glamour of my queens surpasseth the
gold of Ophir; the adornments of my concubines overshadow the rays
of the sun, and the beauty of my virgins surpasseth the rays of the
moon, and as heavenly as are my women, my wisdom is unfathomable and
my knowledge is inexplicable.”
Whereupon I answered and, half afraid, I bowed:
“Lo, I have found grace in thine
eyes, and since I am poor, give me this nude virgin. I choose
her amongst all others for the duration of my life, and though
her garments are filthy and torn, I will clean them and love her
with all my heart, and she shall be my sister, my bride, because
she hath ravished mine heart with one of her eyes, with one
chain of her neck.”
When I had thus spoken, Solomon gave her
unto me, and there was a great commotion in the hall of his women,
so that I was awakened by it, and I knew not what had happened to
me, nevertheless I believed it to be but a dream and I thought many
subtle thoughts about my dream until the morning.
But after I had arisen and said my prayers, Lo! I saw the garments
of the nude virgin upon my bed, but no trace of her. And I began to
be greatly afraid and all my hair stood upright upon my head and my
whole body was bathed in a cold sweat; but I took heart, recalling
my dream, and thought about it again in the fear of the Lord.
But my thoughts did not explain it, and for this reason I dared not
to scrutinize the garments, much less to recognize anything in them.
I then changed my sleeping-chamber and I left the garments in it for
some length of time ex mera tamen ignorantia, in the belief that if
I were to touch them or turn them over, something peculiar would
happen to me, but in my sleep the smell of the garments had poisoned
and inflamed me violently, so that my eyes could not see the time of
mercy, and never could my heart recognize the great wisdom of
After the above-mentioned garments had lain for five years in my
sleeping-chamber and I knew not what they were good for, I
finally thought to burn them, in order to clean up the place. And
then I spent the whole day going around with such thoughts. But the
next night there appeared to me in my dream the hundred-year-old
woman and she spake harshly to me thus:
“Thou ungrateful man: for five years
I have entrusted to thee my daughter’s garments; among them are
her most precious jewels, and during all that time thou hast
neither cleaned them nor thrown out of them the moths and worms,
and now, finally, thou dost want to burn these clothes, and is
it not enough that thou art the reason for the death and
perishing of my daughter?”
Whereupon I became hot-headed and
answered her:
“How shall I understand thee, that
thou wouldst make a murderer of me? For five years mine eyes
have not beheld thy daughter, and not the least did I hear of
her, how then can I be the cause of her death?”
But she would not let me finish, and
“It is all true, but thou hast
sinned against God, therefore thou couldst not obtain my
daughter, nor the philosophical lixivium I promised thee for
washing and cleaning her garments: for in the beginning, when
Solomon willingly gave thee my daughter, and when thou didst
abhor her garments, that made furious the Planet Saturn, who is
her grandfather, and so full of wrath was he that he transformed
her again into what she had been before her birth; and since you
infuriated Saturn through thine abhorring, thou didst cause her
death, putrefaction, and her final destruction, for she is the
one of whom Senior saith: Ah, woe! to bring a nude woman unto
me, when my first body was not good to look upon, and I had
never been mother until I was born again, then I brought forth
the power of all roots of herbs, and in mine innermost being I
was victorious.”
Such and similar heart-breaking words
were very strange to me, but nevertheless I withheld my indignation
as much as was humanly possible for me, at the same time protesting
solemniter against her sayings: that I knew nothing at all about her
daughter, much less about her death and putrefaction, and although I
kept her garments for five years in my sleeping-chamber, I did not
know them for my great blindness nor ever discovered their use, and
therefore I was innocent before God and all others.
This, my righteous and well-founded excuse, must have pleased the
old woman not a little, for she looked at me and said:
“I feel and observe from thy
righteous mind, that thou art innocent, and thine innocence
shall be rewarded well and plentifully, therefore I will reveal
to thee secretly and out of my good heart, namely that my
daughter, out of special love and affection towards thee, hath
left thee a grey marbled casket as an inheritance amongst her
garments, which is covered with a rough, black, dirty case (and
meanwhile she gave me a glass filled with lye, and continued
speaking), this same little casket thou shalt clean from its
stench and dirt which it hath received from the garments.
Thou hast no need of a key, but it
will open itself, and thou wilt find two things therein: a white
silver box, filled with magnificent ground-lead and polished
diamonds, and another work of art, adorned with costly solar
rubies: and this is the treasure and entire legacy of my
deceased daughter which she left for thee to inherit before her
transformation. If thou wilt only transfer this treasure and
purify it most highly and silently and lock it up with great
patience in a warm, hidden, steamy transparent and moist cellar,
and protect it from freezing, hail, quick lightning, hot
thunder, and other outward destruction till the wheat harvest,
then thou wilt first perceive the entire glory of thine
inheritance and take part of it.”
Meanwhile I awoke for a second time
and called upon God, full of fear, praying that He would open
mine understanding that I might seek for the casket which was
promised me in my dream. And after my prayer was ended I sought
with greatest diligence in the garments and found the casket,
but the casing was tight around it and seemed grown onto it by
nature, so that I was not able to take it off; then I could not
clean it with any lye nor split it with iron, steel, or any
other metal. I left it alone once more and did not know what to
do with it, and held it to be witchcraft, thinking of the
prophet’s saying: For though thou wash thee with lye, and take
thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith
the Lord God. And after a year had passed again and I did not
know, after speculating and industriously deliberating, how to
remove the casing, I finally went to walk in the garden to rid
myself of the melancholy thoughts, and after long promenading, I
sat down on a flinty stone and fell into a deep sleep. I slept,
but my heart was awake: there appeared unto me the
hundred-year-old stewardess and said: “Hast thou received my
daughter’s inheritance?”
In a sad voice I answered,
“No, though I found the
casket, but alone it is still impossible for me to separate the
casing therefrom, and the lye thou hast given me will not work
on the casing.”
After this simple speech the old woman
smiled and said:
“Dost thou want to eat shells and
shellfish with the shells? Do they not have to be brought forth
and prepared by the very old planet and cook Vulcan? I told thee
to clean the grey casket thoroughly with the lye given thee, and
which proceeded wholly from it, and was not refined from the
outer rough casing. This thou hast especially to burn in the
fire of the philosophers, then everything will turn out for the
And thereupon she gave me several
glowing coals wrapped up in light white taffeta and instructed me
further and pointed out that I should make therefrom a philosophical
and quite artful fire and burn the casing, then I would soon find
the grey casket. And presently every hour a north and south wind
rose, both sweeping at the same time through the garden, whereupon I
awoke, rubbed the sleep out of mine eyes, and noticed that the
glowing coals wrapped in white taffeta lay at my feet; with haste
and joy I grasped them, prayed diligently, called upon God, studied
and laboured day and night, and thought meanwhile of the great and
excellent sayings of the Philosophers, who say: ‘Ignis et azoth tibi
About this Esdras saith in his fourth book:
‘And he gave unto me a
full cup which was full of fire, and his form was as of fire,
and when I had drunk of it, my heart uttered understanding, and
wisdom grew in my breast, for my spirit retained its memory:
and my mouth was opened, and shut no more. The Most High gave
understanding unto the five men, and they wrote by course the things
that were told them, in characters which they knew not. So in forty
days were written 204 books, 70 for the wisest alone, who were truly
worthy of it, and all were written on boxwood.’
And then I proceeded
in silentio et spe, as the old woman had revealed to me in my dream
until, according to Solomon’s prediction, after a long time my
knowledge became silver and my memory became golden. But according
to the instructions and teaching of the old stewardess, I enclosed
and locked up in a proper and quite artistic manner the treasure of
her daughter, namely: the splendid and brilliant lunar diamonds and
the solar rubies, both of which came forth and were found from the
casket and the landscape.
I heard the voice of Solomon who said:
“My beloved is white and ruddy, the
chiefest among ten thousand. His head is as the most fine gold,
his locks are bushy, and black as a raven. His eyes are as the
eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and
fitly set. His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers:
his lips are like roses, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. His
hands are as gold rings set with the beryl: his belly is as
bright ivory overlaid with sapphires. His legs are as pillars of
marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as
Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. His mouth is most sweet: yea,
he is altogether lovely.
This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of
Jerusalem. Therefore shalt thou hold him, and not let him go,
until thou bringest him into his mother’s house, and into his
mother’s chamber.”
And when Solomon had spoken these words
I knew not how to answer him, and I became silent, but I wanted
nevertheless to open again the locked-up treasure, with which I
might remain unmolested. Then I heard another voice:
“I charge you, O ye daughters
of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that
ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till she please, for she is a
garden enclosed, a spring shut up, a fountain sealed, the
vineyard at Baal-hamon, the vineyard at Engeddi, the garden of
fruits and spices, the mountain of myrrh, the hill of
frankincense, the bed, the litter, the crown, the palm-tree and
apple-tree, the flower of Sharon, the sapphire, the turquoise,
the wall, tower, and rampart, the garden of joy, the well in the
garden, the spring of living water, the king’s daughter, and the
love of Solomon in his concupiscence: she is the dearest to her
mother, and the chosen of her mother, but her head is filled
with dew, and her locks with the drops of the night.”
Through this discourse and revelation I
was so far informed that I knew the purpose of the Wise and did not
touch the locked
treasure until through God’s mercy, the working of noble Nature, and
the work of mine own hands, the work was happily completed.
Shortly after this time, just on the day of the month when the moon
was new, there occurred an eclipse of the sun, showing
itself in all its terrifying power, in the beginning dark green and
some mixed colours, until it finally became coal-black, darkened
heaven and earth, and many people were much afraid, but I rejoiced,
thinking of God’s great mercy, and the new birth, as Christ Himself
pointed out to us, that a grain of wheat must be cast into the
ground, that it may not rot therein, else it bringeth forth no
fruit. And then it happened that the darkness was covered with
clouds, and the sun began to shine through, yet at the same time
three parts of it were still heavily darkened; and lo, an arm broke
through the clouds, and my body trembled because of it, and it held
in its hand a letter with four seals hanging down from it, on which
stood written: ‘I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem,
as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon: Look not upon me,
because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me, etc.
But as soon as the fixum acted in the
humidum, a rainbow spanned itself and I thought of the covenant of
the Most High, and of the fidelity of my Ductoris, and of what I had
learned, and lo, with the help of the planet and the fixed stars,
the sun overcame the darkness, and over every mountain and valley
there came a lovely and bright day; then all fear and terror had an
end, and everything beheld this day and rejoiced, praised the Lord,
and said: The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers
appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and
the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; the fig tree putteth
forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a
good smell. Therefore let us make haste to take the foxes, the
little foxes that spoil the vines, that we may gather the grapes in
time and with them make and drink wine, and be fed at the right time
with milk and honey-comb, that we may eat and be filled.
And after the day was done and the
evening fell, the whole heaven grew pale, and the seven stars rose
with yellow rays and pursued their natural courses through the
night, until in the morning they were overshadowed by the breaking
of the sun’s red dawn.
And behold, the Wise who dwelt in the land arose from their slumber,
looked heavenward, and said: Who is she that looketh
forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and there
is no spot in her, for her ardour is fiery and not unlike a flame of
the Lord: so that no water may extinguish the love, nor any river
drown it; therefore we will not leave her, for she is our sister,
and though she is yet little, and hath no breasts, we will bring her
again into her mother’s house, into a shining hall, where she hath
been before, to suck her mother’s breasts. Then she will come forth
like a tower of David, built with ramparts whereon hang a thousand
shields, and many arms of the mighty men; and as she went forth the
daughter praised her openly, and the queens and the concubines spake
well of her: but I fell upon my face, thanked God, and praised
Holy Name.’
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And thus is brought to a close, ye beloved and true Sapientiae et
doctrinae filii, in all its power and its glory, the great secret
of the Wise, and the revelation of the Spirit, about which the
Prince and Monarch Theoph. in Apocalpsi Hermetis saith:
‘It is a single Numen, a divine, wondrous, and holy office, while it
encloseth the whole world within it, and will become true with all
else, and truly overcometh the elements and the five substances. Eye
hath not seen, nor hath ear heard, neither have entered the heart of
any man, how the heaven hath naturally embodied to truth of this
Spirit, in it the truth doth stand alone, therefore it is called:
the voice of truth. To this power Adam and the other patriarchs,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, owed their bodily health, their long
life, and finally prospered in great wealth thereby.
With the aid of this Spirit, the Philosophi founded the seven free
arts, and acquired their wealth therewith. With it Noah built the
Ark, Moses the Tabernacle, and Solomon the Temple and through this
provided the golden vessels from pure gold in the Temple, and for
the glory of God, Solomon also wrought with it many fine works and
did other great deeds.
With it Esdras again established the Commandment; and with it
Miriam, the sister of Moses, was hospitable. And this Spirit was
much used and very common amongst the prophets of the Old Testament.
Likewise it is a medicine and a cure for all things, and the final
revelation, the final and highest secret of Nature.
It is the Spirit of the Lord which hath filled the sphere of the
earthly kingdom, and moved upon the face of the waters in the
beginning. The world could neither understand nor grasp it without
the secret gracious inspiration of the Holy Ghost, or without secret
teaching. For the whole world longeth for it because of its great
powers, which cannot be appreciated enough by men, and for which the
saints have sought from the creation of the world, and have
fervently desired to see.
For this Spirit goeth into the seven planets, raiseth the clouds,
and dispelleth the mists, giveth light to all things, transformeth
everything into gold and silver, giveth health and abundance,
treasures, cleanseth leprosy, cureth dropsy and gout, cleareth the
face, prolongeth life, strengtheneth the sorrowful, healeth the sick
and all the afflicted, yea, it is a secret of all secrets, one
secret thing of all secret things, and healing and medicine for all
Likewise it is and remaineth unfathomable in nature, and endless
power and an invincible might and glory, that is a passionate
craving for knowledge, and a lovely thing of all things which are
beneath the circle of the moon, with which Nature is made strong,
and the heart with all members is renewed, and kept in blossoming
youth, age is driven away, weakness destroyed, and the entire world
Likewise this Spirit is a spirit chosen above all other heavenly
things or spirits, which giveth health, luck, joy, peace, love,
expelling altogether all evil, destroying poverty and misery, and
also causing that one can neither talk nor think evil; it giveth to
men what they desire from the depths of their hearts, worldly honour
and long life to the godly, but eternal punishment to the
evil-doers, who put it to improper use.
To the Most High, Almighty God who hath created this art and who
hath also been pleased to reveal this knowledge unto me, a
miserable, sinful man, through a promise and true vow, to Him be
given praise, honour, glory and thanks, with an entirely humble and
fervent prayer that He will direct my heart, mind, and senses
through His Holy Ghost, so governing that I talk to no one about
this secret, much less communicate it to some one who doth not fear
God, nor reveal it to any other creature, lest I break my vow and
oath, and break the heavenly seals, and thus become a perjured
Brother Aurae Crucis, and utterly offend the Divine Majesty, and
thereby commit and perpetrate knowingly an unpardonable mighty sin
against the Holy Ghost. Wherefore may God the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, the Most Blessed Trinity, mercifully preserve and protect me
constantly. Amen. Amen. Amen.
This is the first of the elements in this complex puzzle. It came to
our attention, of course, because it was Berenger Sauniere’s
book-plate. We have not read the data on this outside of seeing it
in Andrews and Schellenberger. We have seen on an interesting
webpage about Madathanus’ work that the little circle represents the
Egg of the World. That this is a glyph depicting the Womb of the
Planet from which all Life comes. Okay, what can we do with that?

This is a joining of the black and white version with the more
detailed engraving. The Latin reads as follows:
Three are wonderful God and Man : Mother
and Virgin : three together and one
The Latin around the small circle:
The Latin in the small circle is not exactly Latin. In the
Age Restored there is talk of this phrase.
“When the procession was ended, Solomon showed unto me the unified
Centrum in trigoni centri and opened my understanding to me, and I
became aware that behind me stood a nude woman with a bloody wound
in her breast, out of which came forth blood and water, but the
joints of her thighs were like jewels, the work of the hands of a
cunning workman, her navel was like a round goblet, which wanteth
not liquor......”
A Trigoni is translated from our Cassell’s into “a ball for
playing”, (the word being Trigon and Trigonis). Another word,
trigonalis, “three-cornered”. A play on words: the ball for playing
is in the centre of the Trigon. The centre of the Trigon, either
one, is approximately where the Star is at the top of the small
circle, Just below the cross. Well, this is not solving the Centrum
It does not mean Centre. Just before this, he states:
“...according to Catholic custom she
held a magnificent procession wherein the Centrum was highly
honoured and cherished, and its name was like an out-ointment,
the fragrance of which surpassed all spices. And its fiery
spirit was a key to open the temple, to enter the Holy Place,
and to grasp the horns of the altar.”
This Centrum sounds more like something
pertaining to the Ark. (The Ethiopians have their procession of the
Ark, for example.)
So what is being said here? An object that is the Key to opening the
Temple. A Clue of some sort. Three together and one: This will be
the next picture to be examined. Also suggests the Sacred ARBA, or
Sacred FOUR. This has significance in the Royal Arch Tradition, as
does the Ark itself. Three together and one: Three shepherds and the
shepherdess in the Poussin painting, Bergers d’Arcadie. See what
happens with the picture...
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click to enlarge
Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Even
though in this rendition the fingers don’t match up with the
Circle and the Star, they are close enough for it to warrant our
considering these two items to be related, pieces of a bigger
puzzle, spanning centuries. So the Womb of the Virgin, the
Circle, the Sacred Ark, is the Tomb. We need not go into much
over the Poussin painting for now. In the follow up volume there
will be more time for that. Coming next: from the late 17th
Century. Sieur de Mezeray’s Histoire ... What follows shall be
the illustrations themselves, no explanations. The explanations
will come in the next volume.

click to enlarge
This is the frontispiece. A lot can
be pulled out of the panel at the top. More in our companion
volume. Notice the clump of trees on the left. See below for a
two-page enlargement.

click to enlarge
This frontispiece is in the abridged
click to enlarge
This is an enlargement of the upper
panel from the full-length History.
BAPTISM 1640-42

click to enlarge
Why is this included here? It was
painted not long after the famous Shepherds of Arcadia painting.
What brings this painting, the Shepherds of Arcadia painting,
and the Mezeray engraving together?

click to enlarge
The main thing to take into consideration here is the lower left
hand side. It is a pillar with three nude men dancing in front
of it. It says “Nothing Without the V-Point.” However, there may
be other clues as well. See below for a detail of this
portion of the engraving.

click to enlarge
Detail from the engraving
We still do not know exactly what
the words over the three heads mean

click to enlarge
All of the Lambert engravings are
circa 1786. They are filled with mysteries, clues, riddles,
enigmas. For this one, we are interested in the round tracing
click to enlarge
Cherchez et vous trouverons. Seek
and you shall find.

Et in
Arcadia Ego, Guercino |

Et in
Arcadia Ego, Poussin |

Shepherd's Monument |

click to enlarge
This is the second engraving from
this Dictionary. Notice the Pentagon, and its seemingly
imperfect lines. Notice the rest of the engraving, particularly
that which is inside the pentagon.
Cherchez et vous trouverons.
Seek and you shall find.

click to
From Antoine Joseph Pernety, The Great Art.
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