The Apparelhamentum,
General confession liturgy from the Lyons Ritual
We have come before God and
before you and before the ordinances of the Holy Church
that we may receive pardon and penance for all our sins in
thought, word and deed
from our birth until now and we ask of God mercy and of you
that you pray for us
to the Holy Father of Mercy that He forgive us.
Let us worship God and declare all our sins and numerous
offences in the sight of the Father, the Son and the
honoured Holy Spirit, of the honoured Holy Gospels and the
honoured Holy Apostles, by prayer and faith and by the
salvation of all the upright and glorious Christians and
blessed ancestors asleep and here present, for their sake we
ask you, holy lord, to pardon all our sins.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
- Amen.
For numerous are the sins by which we daily offend God,
night and day, in thought, in word and deed, wittingly and
unwittingly, and especially by the desires the evil spirits
bring to us in the flesh which clothes us.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
- Amen.
Whereas we are thaught by God`s Holy Word as well as by the
Holy Apostles and the preaching of our spiritual brothers to
reject all fleshly desire and all uncleanness and to do the
will of God by doing good we, unworthy servants that we are,
not only do not do the will of God as we should, but more
often give way to desires of the flesh and the cares of the
world, to such an extent that we wound our spirits.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
We go with those who are of the world, mixing with them,
talking and eating with them, and sinning in many things so
that we wound our brothers and our sisters.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
- Amen.
By our tongues we fall into idle words, vain talk, mockery
and malice, detraction of our brothers and sisters whom we
are not worthy to judge nor to condemn their faults. Among
Christians we are sinners.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
- Amen.
The penance which we received we have not observed as we
ought to have done, neither the fasting nor the prayer. We
have wasted our days and hours. While we are saying the Holy
Prayer our senses are diverted to carnal desires and worldly
cares, so that at this moment we hardly know what we can
offer to the Father of the Just.
Benedicte, Parcite Nobis.
- Amen.
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Immersion in the parfait community
[...] you must realize that when you
are before the Church of God you are
before the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, as the Scriptures
For Christ said in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew,
"Wheresoever two or three are gathered together in my name there
I am in the midst of them"
And in the Holy Gospel according to Saint John he said,
"If a man love me he will keep my words, and my Father will love
him, and we will come unto him
and make our abode with him"
And Saint Paul says in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians,
"Ye are the Temple of the Living God, as God hath said by
Isaiah, his prophet ; " I dwell in them
and walk in them ; and I will be their God and they shall be My
people. Wherefore come out from
among them and be ye seperate, saith the Lord ; and touch not
the unclean thing ; and I will receive you
, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and
daughters, saith the Lord Almighty"
And in another place he says,
"Seek ye the profe of Christ Who speaketh in me"
And in the First Epistle to Timothy he says,
"These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee
shortly ; but if I tarry long, that thou mayest
know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the House of God,
which is the Church of the Living God,
the pillar and ground of the truth."
And he said also to the Hebrews,
"But Christ is a Son over His own house, Whose house we are"
That the Spirit of God is with the followers of Jesus Christ,
Christ has shown thus in the Gospel
according to Saint John ;
"If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the
Father, and He shall give you another
Comforter, that He may abide with you forever ; even the Spirit
of Truth, whom the world cannot receive,
because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him; but ye know Him,
for He dwelleth with you, and shall be
in you. I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you"
And in the Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew He said,
"Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
And Saint Paul said in the First Epistle to the Corinthians,
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit
of God dwelleth in you?
If any man man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy;
for the Temple of God is holy,
which temple ye are"
Christ shows it thus in the Holy Gospel according to Saint
"For it is not ye that speak but the Spirit of your Father that
speaketh in you"
And Saint John says in his epistle,
"By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, for He has
given us His Spirit."
And Saint Paul said to the Galatians,
"Because ye are sons God hath sent forth the spirit of His Son
into your hearts, crying "Father! Father!" "
Wherefore be it understood that your presentation made before
the sons of Jesus Christ confirms the faith
and teaching of the Church of God as the Holy Scriptures tell
us. For in former times the people of God seperated themselves
from the Lord their God. And they abandoned the will and
guidance of their Heavenly Father through the deceptions of the
wicked spirits and by submission to their will. And for these
reasons, and many others,
we are certain that the Heavenly Gather would have pity on His
people and receive them again in peace
and concord by the coming of His Son, Jesus Christ, and now is
the time. For you are here before the disciples of Jesus Christ
in the place where Father, Son and Holy Ghost have their
spiritual abode as is shown above, to receive that Holy Prayer
which the Lord Jesus gave to His disciples, so that your prayers
might be granted by our Heavenly Father. Therefore must you
learn that if you would receive this Holy Prayer you must repent
your sins and forgive all men. For Our Lord Jesus Christ says,
"If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your
Heavenly Father, forgive your trespasses."
Hence it is meet and right that you be resolved in your heart to
keep this Holy Prayer all your life according
to the custom of the Church of God, in purity and truth, and in
all other virtues which God would bestow upon you.
Wherefore we pray the good Lord who bestowed upon the disciples
of Jesus Christ the virtue to receive
this Holy Prayer steadfastly that He may grant to you also the
grace to receive it steadfastly, in His honour
and for your salvation.
[ The Elder then says the Lord`s Prayer and the postulant follow
him phrase by phrase after which the Elder
will say :
"We deliver you this Holy Prayer that you may receive it of us
and of God and of the Church,
that you may have the power to say it all your life, day and
night, alone or in company, and that you must
never eat or drink without first saying it. If you omit to do so
you must do penance."
The Postulant replies;
"I receive it of you and of the Church"
Then he turns and give thanks and make his melioramentum (bowing
at the feet of the Elder).
Then the Elder asks the postulant,
"My brother, do you desire to give yourself to our faith?"
The postulant being asked three times, and answering "yes" on
all, makes a bow and advances one step between each,
"Bless me",
to which the Elder replies,
"God bless and keep you"
At the third time bowing thus the postulant adds,
"Lord, pray to God for me ,a sinner, that He will lead me to the
good end"
and the Elder replies,
"God bless you and make you a good Christian and bring you to
the good end."
"Do you give yourself to God and the Gospel?
"Do you promise that henceforth you will eat neither meat nor
eggs, nor cheese, nor fat, and that you
live only from water and wood (i.e vegetables and fish) ,that
you will not lie, that you will not swear, that
you will not kill, that you will not abandon your body to any
form of luxury, that you will never go alone when
it is possible to have a companion, that you will never sleep
without breeches and shirt and that you will
never abandon your faith for fear of water, fire or any other
manner of death?"
"Yes" ]
[...] you wish to receive the spritual baptism whereby the Holy
Spirit is given in the Church of God with the
Holy Prayer by the laying on of hands of the Good Men. Of this
Baptism Our Lord Jesus Christ said in the
Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew ;
"Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ; teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"
And in the Gospel of Saint Mark he said,
"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every
creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be
saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned".
And in the Gospel fo Saint John He said to Nicodemus,
"Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born of water
and the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God"
And John the Baptist spoke of this baptism when he said,
"I indeed baptize you with water, but one mightier than I
cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy
to loosen ; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with
This gift of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands has been
instituted by Jesus Christ as Saint Luke tells,
and he said that his friends would confer it as Saint Mark says,
"They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover"
And Ananias conferred this Baptism on Saint Paul when he was
For Saint Luke says thus in the Acts of the Apostles,
"Now when the Apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that
Samaria had received the word of God they sent
unto them Peter and John, who when they were come down, prayed
for them that they might receive of the
Holy Spirit , for as yet He was fallen upon none of them. "
Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy
Spirit. This Holy Baptism by which the Holy Spirit is given the
Church of God has kept from the Apostles until now, and it has
come from the Good Men to the Good Men until now and shall do
till the end of the world
And you must understand that power is given to the Church of God
to bind and to loose, to forgive sins
and to retain them, as Christ said in the Gospel of Saint John,
"As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. And when he had
said this he breathed on them and saith
unto them "Receive Ye the Holy Ghost" ; whatsoever sins ye remit
they are remitted unto them, and whatsoever sins ye regain, they
are regained"
And in the Gospel of Saint Matthew he said to Simon Peter,
"I say unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will
build my Church, and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of
the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou
shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
and again
"If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that
they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is
in Heaven. For wheresoever two or three are gathered in my name
there am I in the midst of them"
And in another place he said,
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
And in the Gospel of Saint John he said,
"He that believeth on me, the works that I do he shall do also"
and in the Gospel of Saint Mark he said,
"These signs shall follow them that believe ; in my name shall
they cast out devils,they shall speak with
new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any
deadly thing it shall not hurt them,
they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover"
And in the Gospel of Saint Luke he said
"Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions
and over all the power of the enemy
and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
And if you wish to receive this power you must keep all the
commandments of Christ and the New Testament
according to your ability. And know that He has commanded that
man shall not commit adultery or murder or lie, that he must not
swear any oath, that he shall not seize or rob, nor do to others
what he would not have done to himself, that man must forgive
whoever wrongs him and love his enemies, pray for his detractors
and accusers and bless them; and if anyone strike him on one
cheek, turn to him the other also, and if anyone takes away his
cloak, to leave him his coat also ; and that he should neither
judge nor condemn, and many other commandments which the Lord
made for His Church. Also you must hate this world and its works
and the things of the world, for Saint John says in his epistle
"O my beloved, love not the world, neither the things that are
in the world. If any man love the world the love of
the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust
of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is
not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth
away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God
abideth for ever"
And Christ said unto the Gentiles,
"The world cannot hate you, but me it hates because I bear
witness of it that its works are evil"
And in the Book of Solomon, it is written,
"I have seen all the works that are done under the sun, and
behold, all is vanity and vexation of Spirit"
And Jude the brother of James said for our instruction in his
"Hate the solid garment of flesh"
And by these witnesses and any others you must keep the
commandments of God and hate the world.
And if you continue well to the end, we have the hope that your
soul shall have life eternal.
[ And the Credent shall say,
"I have this will, pray to God for me that He will give me His
" Parcite Nobis. Good Christians we pray you by the love of God
that you grant this blessing,
which God had given you, to our friend here present."
Credent, after making his melioramentum:
"Parcite Nobis. For all the sins I have ver done in thought,
word and deed. I ask pardon of God,
of the Church, and of you all."
Assembly of Cathars and Witnesses:
"By God and by us and by the Church, may your sins be forgiven
and we pray God to forgive you them"
Adoremus, Patrem, et Filium et Spiritum Sanctam.
Adoremus, Patrem, et Filium et Spiritum Sanctam.
Adoremus, Patrem, et Filium et Spiritum Sanctam.
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I, John, your brother and partaker
in tribulation, and that shall be also a partaker in the kingdom
of heaven, when I lay upon breast of our Lord Jesus Christ and
said unto him: Lord, who is he that shall betray thee? [and] he
answered and said: He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish:
then Satan entered unto him and he sought how he might betray
And I said: Lord, before Satan fell, in what glory abode he with
thy Father? And he said unto me: In such glory was he that he
commanded the powers of the heavens: but I sat with my Father,
and he did order all the followers of the Father, and went down
from heaven unto the deep and ascended up out of the deep unto
the throne of the invisible Father. And he saw the glory of him
that moveth the heavens, and he thought to set his seat above
the clouds of heaven and desired to be like unto the Most High.
And when he had descended into the air, he said unto the angel
of the air: Open unto me the gates of the air. And he opened
them unto him. And he sought to go further downward and found
the angel which held the waters, and said unto him: Open unto me
the gates of the waters. And he opened to him. And he passed
through and found all the face of the earth covered with waters.
And he passed through beneath the earth and found two fishes
lying upon the waters, and they were as oxen yoked for ploughing,
holding the whole earth by the commandment of the invisible
Father, from the west even unto the sunrising. And when he had
gone down he found clouds hanging which held the waters of the
sea. And he went down yet further and found hell, that is the
gehenna of fire and thereafter he could go down no further
because of the flame of the burning fire. And Satan returned
back and filled up (passed over again) the paths and entered in
unto the angel of the air and to him that was over the waters,
and said unto them: All these things are mine: if ye will
hearken unto me, I will set my seat in the clouds and be like
the Most High, and I will take the waters from this upper
firmament and gather together the other parts (places) of the
sea, and thereafter there shall be no water upon the face of all
the earth, and I will reign with you world without end.
And when he had said thus unto the angels, he went up unto the
other angels, even unto the fifth heaven, and thus spake he unto
each of them: How much owest thou unto thy lord? He said: An
hundred measures (cors) of wheat. And he said unto him: Take pen
and ink and write sixty. And unto others he said: And thou, how
much owest thou unto thy lord? and he answered: An hundred jars
of oil. And he said: Sit down and write fifty. And as he went up
through all the heavens he said thus, even unto the fifth
heaven, seducing the angels of the invisible Father. And there
came forth a voice out of the throne of the Father, saying: What
doest thou, O denier of the Father, seducing the angels? doer of
iniquity, that thou hast devised do quickly.
Then the Father commanded his angels, saying: Take away their
garments. And the angels took away their garments and their
thrones and their crowns from all the angels that hearkened unto
And I asked of the Lord: When Satan fell, in what place dwelt
he? And he answered me: My Father changed his appearance because
of his pride, and the light was taken from him, and his face
became like unto heated iron, and his face became wholly like
that of a man: and he drew with his tail the third part of the
angels of God, and was cast out from the seat of God and from
the stewardship of the heavens. And Satan came down into this
firmament, and he could find (make) no rest for himself nor for
them that were with him. And he asked the Father saying: Have
patience with me and I will pay thee all. And the Father had
mercy on him and gave him rest and them that were with him, as
much as they would even unto seven days.
And so sat he in the firmament and commanded the angel that was
over the air and him that was over the waters, and they raised
the earth up and it appeared dry: and he took the crown of the
angel that was over the waters, and of the half thereof he made
the light of the moon and of the half the light of the stars:
and of the precious stones he made all the hosts of the stars.
And thereafter he made the angels his ministers according to the
order of the form of the Most High, and by the commandment of
the invisible Father he made thunder, rain, hail, and snow.
And he sent forth angels to be ministers over them. And he
commanded the earth to bring forth every beast for food
(fatling), and every creeping thing, and trees and herbs: and he
commanded the sea to bring forth fishes, and the fowls of the
And he devised furthermore and made man in his likeness, and
commanded the (or an) angel of the third heaven to enter into
the body of clay. And he took thereof and made another body in
the form of a woman, and commanded the (or an) angel of the
second heaven to enter into the body of the woman. But the angel
lamented when they beheld a mortal shape upon them and that they
were unlike in shape. And he commanded them to do the deed of
the flesh in the bodies of clay, and they knew not how to commit
Then did the contriver of evil devise in his mind to make
paradise, and he brought the man and woman into it. And he
Commanded to bring a reed, and the devil planted it in the midst
of paradise, and so did the wicked devil hide his device that
they knew not his deceit. And he came in and spake unto them,
saying: Of every fruit which is in paradise eat ye, but of the
fruit of the knowledge of good and evil eat not.
Notwithstanding, the devil entered into a wicked serpent and
seduced the angel that was in the form of the woman, and he
wrought his lust with Eve in the Song of the serpent. And
therefore are they called sons of the devil and sons of the
serpent that do the lust of the devil their father, even unto
the end of this world. And again the devil poured out upon the
angel that was in Adam the poison of his lust, and it begetteth
the sons of the serpent and the sons of the devil even unto the
end of this world.
And after that I, John, asked of the Lord, saying: How say men
that Adam and Eve were created by God and set in paradise to
keep the commandments of the Father, and were delivered unto
death? And the Lord said to me: Hearken, John, beloved of my
Father; foolish men say thus in their deceitfulness that my
Father made bodies of clay: but by the Holy Ghost made he all
the powers of the heavens, and holy ones were found having
bodies of clay because of their transgression, and therefore
were delivered unto death.
And again I, John, asked the Lord: How beginneth a man to be in
the Spirit (to have a spirit) in a body of flesh? And the Lord
said unto me: Certain of the angels which fell do enter unto the
bodies of women, and receive flesh from the lust of the flesh,
and so is a spirit born of spirit, and flesh of flesh, and so is
the kingdom of Satan accomplished in this world and among all
And he said to me: My Father hath suffered him to reign seven
days, which are seven ages.
And I asked the Lord and said: What shall be in that time? And
he said to me: From the time when the devil fell from the glory
of the Father and (lost) his own glory, he sat upon the clouds,
and sent his ministers, even angels flaming with fire, unto men
from Adam even unto Henoch his servant. And he raised up Henoch
upon the firmament and showed him his godhead and commanded pen
and ink to be given him: and he sat down and wrote threescore
and seven books. And he commanded that he should take them to
the earth and deliver them unto his sons. And Henoch let his
books down upon the earth and delivered them unto his sons, and
began to teach them to perform the custom of sacrifice, and
unrighteous mysteries, and so did he hide the kingdom of heaven
from men. And he said unto them: Behold that I am your god and
beside me is none other god. And therefore did my Father send me
into the world that I might make it known unto men, that they
might know the evil device of the devil.
And then when he perceived that I had come down out of heaven
into the world, he sent an angel and took of three sorts of wood
and gave them unto Moses that I might be crucified, and now are
they reserved for me. But then (now) did the devil proclaim unto
him (Moses) his godhead, and unto his people, and commanded a
law to be given unto the children of Israel, and brought them
out through the midst of the sea which was dried up.
When my Father thought to send me into the world, he sent his
angel before me, by name Mary, to receive me. And I when I came
down entered in by the ear and came forth by the ear.
And Satan the prince of this world perceived that I was come to
seek and save them that were lost, and sent his angel, even
Helias the prophet, baptizing with water: who is called John the
Baptist. And Helias asked the prince of this world: How can I
know him? Then his lord said: On whom soever thou shalt see the
spirit descending like a dove and resting upon him, he it is
that baptizeth with the Holy Ghost unto forgiveness of sins:
thou wilt be able to destroy him and to save. And again I, John,
asked the Lord: Can a man be saved by the baptism of John
without thy baptism? And the Lord answered: Unless I have
baptized him unto forgiveness of sins, by the baptism of water
can no man see the kingdom of heaven: for I am the bread of life
that came down from the seventh heaven and they that eat my
flesh and drink my blood, they shall be called the sons of God.
And I asked the Lord and said: What meaneth it, to eat my flesh
and drink my blood? (An answer and question seem to have fallen
out.) And the Lord said unto me: Before the falling of the devil
with all his host from the glory of the Father [in prayer], they
did glorify the Father in their prayers thus, saying: Our
Father, which art in heaven; and so did all their songs come up
before the throne of the Father. But when they had fallen, after
that they are not able to glorify God with that prayer.
And I asked the Lord: How do all men receive the baptism of
John, but thine not at all? And the Lord answered: Because their
deeds are evil and they come not unto the light.
The disciples of John marry and are given in marriage; but my
disciples neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as
the angels of God in heaven. But I said: If, then, it be sin to
have to do with a woman, it is not good to marry. And the Lord
said unto me: Not every one can receive this saying (&c., Matt.
xix.11, 12).
I asked the Lord concerning the day of judgement: What shall be
the sign of thy coming? And he answered and said unto me: When
the numbers of the righteous shall be accomplished that is, the
number of the righteous that are crowned, that have fallen, then
shall Satan be loosed out of his prison, having great wrath, and
shall make war with the righteous, and they shall cry unto the
Lord with a loud voice. And immediately the Lord shall command
an angel to blow with the trumpet, and the voice of the
archangel shall be heard in the trumpet from heaven even unto
And then shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give
her light, and the stars shall fall, and the four winds shall be
loosed from their foundations, and shall cause the earth and the
sea and the mountains to quake together. And the heaven shall
immediately shake and the sun shall be darkened, and it shall
shine even to the fourth hour. Then shall appear the sign of the
Son of man, and all the holy angels with him, and he shall set
his seat upon the clouds, and sit on the throne of his majesty
with the twelve apostles on the twelve seats of their glory. And
the books shall be opened and he shall judge the whole world and
the faith which he proclaimed. And then shall the Son of man
send his angels, and they shall gather his elect from the four
winds from the heights of the heavens unto the boundaries of
them, and shall bring them to seek.
Then shall the Son of God send the evil spirits, to bring all
nations before him, and shall say unto them: Come, ye that did
say: We have eaten and drunk and received the gain of this
world. And after that they shall again be brought, and shall all
stand before the judgement seat, even all nations, in fear. And
the books of life shall be opened and all nations shall show
forth their ungodliness. And he shall glorify the righteous for
their patience: and glory and honour and incorruption shall be
the reward of their good works: but as for them that kept the
commandments of the angels and obeyed unrighteously, indignation
and trouble and anguish shall take hold on then.
And the Son of God shall bring forth the elect out of the midst
of the sinners and say unto them: Come, ye blessed of my Father,
inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the
world. Then shall he say unto the sinners: Depart from me, ye
cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil
and his angels. And the rest, beholding the last cutting off,
shall cast the sinners into hell by the commandment of the
invisible Father. Then shall the spirits of them that believe
not go forth out of the prisons, and then shall my voice be
heard, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd: and the
darkness and obscurity shall come forth out of the lower parts
of the earth -that is to say, the darkness of the gehenna of
fire- and shall burn all things from below even to the air of
the firmament. And the Lord shall be in the firmament and even
to the lower parts of the earth. (read And the distance from the
firmament unto the lower parts of the earth shall be) as if a
man of thirty years old should take up a stone and cast it down,
hardly in three years would it reach the bottom: so great is the
depth of the pit and of the fire wherein the sinners shall
dwell. And then shall Satan and all his host be bound and cast
into the lake of fire. And the Son of God shall walk with his
elect above the firmament and shall shut up the devil, binding
him with strong chains that cannot be loosed. At that time the
sinners, weeping and mourning, shall say: O earth, swallow us up
and cover us in death. And then shall the righteous shine as the
sun in the kingdom of their Father. And he shall bring them
before the throne of the invisible Father, saying: Behold, I and
my children whom God hath given me. O righteous one, the world
hath not known thee, but I have known thee in truth, because
thou hast sent me. And then shall the Father answer his Son and
say: My beloved Son, sit thou on my right hand until I make
thine enemies the footstool of thy feet, which have denied me
and said: We are gods, and beside us there is none other god:
which have slain thy prophets and persecuted thy righteous ones,
and thou hast persecuted them even unto the outer darkness:
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
And then shall the Son of God sit on the right hand of his
Father, and the Father shall command his angels, and they shall
minister unto them (i.e. the righteous) and set them among the
choirs of the angels, to clothe them with incorruptible
garments, and shall give them crowns that fade not and seats
that cannot be moved. And God shall be in the midst of them; and
they shall not hunger nor thirst any more, neither shall the sun
light on them nor any heat. And God shall wipe away every tear
from their eyes. And he shall reign with his holy Father, and of
his kingdom there shall be no end for ever and ever.
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