InannaReturns Website
This report is dedicated
to Metaphysical Musing - my metaphysical writings based on my own 40
years of meditation, reading, and research. Who am I? I am anyone
whoever sought the truth, whoever felt themselves to be a 'stranger
in a strange land', whoever longed for their freedom.
I was born almost 60 years ago in the wild-wild-west. From the very
first time I remember feeling, I felt misplaced, born out of family,
out of time, from another planet. In 1964, I began to seriously
study what I now collectively call metaphysics – the search
for truth 'beneath the curtain of each atom.'
Over the years I have read hundreds of books on metaphysics,
spirituality, and religion. I have found the Sanskrit texts of
Hinduism and the writings of the Sufis to speak more clearly – at
least to me. This website will include many sources, but for the
past two years I have been focusing on translations of the Sanskrit
texts and thus my understandings will reflect these timeless and
eternal ancient teachings.
Nothing is set in stone. Nothing.
These words are only meant to
inspire you and invite you to wander through your holographic
reality, and there create your own inimitable, private, personal
relationship with the God-within you. Question everything and never
believe anything that does not resonate with your own inner being.
Your path Home is unique to you and solely yours. Why would Isness/God,
who is infinitely diverse in It's manifestations, want us all to
realize our Oneness in the same way? Clones are only useful to the
mechanisms of control and consumption; with little or no
imagination, they are disposable.
Find you own Way. That is the
future of Truth.
The basics of my current understanding:
1. God is
everything and every one – meaning IS-ness pervades the
entire universe, you and every other living being, and the
myriad other universes.
2. God pervades this & every other universe, and
simultaneously dwells in our heart – meaning God dwells
within the Heart Chakra of every human being waiting for us
all to turn to that, 'the With-in' and in Remembrance of what
we have always been, become One again.
3. God/Isness is LOVE - not elusive personal human love, but
LOVE as the entire Field of Creation, the force that unifies
all others.
4. We are currently living in the Twilight of the Age of
Conflict & Confusion - the Kali Yuga, as it is known in
Sanskrit. We humans are like supercomputers with no user's
manual. Through the power of time, the frequencies of the
Kali Yuga have literally cooked our consciousness, reducing
our awareness to the limited five senses.
5. Access to the myriad worlds beyond the prison of the five
senses is our God given Right. The paranormal is normal in
other Cycles of Time. The so-called secret, veiled and
hidden teachings are only secret because 99% of the
inhabitants of this planet are currently so shut down that
they are no longer capable of understanding the Real.
6. Sex is not physical. Sex is sacred and can allow you to
achieve specific states of higher consciousness. These
states of consciousness can serve to enlighten you. Or if it
is your intention to bring children into this world, attract
7. ETs are in fact the diverse inhabitants of what is known
as the astral planes. The etymology of the word 'astral' is
star - and the ETs are merely the beings within the myriad
layers of multidimensional realms that have always existed
all around us.
8. We humans are genetically linked to these various
hyper-dimensional ET races. Some are evolved and friendly –
others are not.
9. Location is the result of consciousness – thus you
contact the beings within the Invisible Realms and the
extraterrestrials you resonate with; some see demons, while
others see angels.
10. The countless heavens and hells so vividly described in
every religion are illusory temporal realms created over the
Four Cycles of Time (only one MAHA-YUGA of 71 within a
MANVANTARA) by the mind of man. They are temporal, and not
11. We are blinded-by-science. Science has given us many
comforts, but it is also leading us to our own extinction.
Why? Because modern science is based solely on the
mathematical tools of the five senses. It virtually ignores
the invisible-to-us realms that support the visible world
because most scientists simply do not have the consciousness
to apprehend these nested and intertwined implicate
metaphysical realities.
12. The Truth isn't 'out there' – the Truth is within,
through the Heart. Now is the time for us all to wake up, to
REMEMBER who we are, to return to our Home within, and to
open the Gate on the Path for the next Cycle of Time.