by J.S. Chiappalone
November 24, 2001
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These words are given to assist readers
in understanding the rather harrowing situations which have
developed on Earth.
To those who make the spurious
accusation that I am running some sort of cult, a reminder is given:
No one is being forced to believe any of this. You know my motto:
Take it or leave it. Such a motto does not leave much room for
brainwashing, does it? Well, let us forget the nasty, evil and very
much doomed jerks, who are obviously threatened by these
revelations, and move on.
It has often been stressed, as if we needed constant reminders, that
Humanity is "one". Particularly
the religions stress the
Brotherhood of Man.
And yet, the so-called Founders of
Religions have stated no such thing.
Moses came to separate
the theomorphs and other viables from the evil
rabble. The story, of course, has been distorted into the
Jewish Exodus.
Jesus came with a sword
to cut away the viables from the non-viables, and he
identified, in no uncertain terms, the ontology of a
particular groups, as we read in John 8:44.
Manichaeus distinguished those
with the Light within and those of Darkness.
Not one word of what is sold to
the masses as Buddhism is original, so much has it been
distorted from what Buddha taught. He taught detachment from
the illusions of this temporary evil world and a
minimization of contact with the demons and their robots.
Nothing was written of his philosophy until 500 years after
his death. You can well imagine how pristine the Gautama's
wisdom remained after recitation and modification by demons
for half a millennium.
The texts of the
Nag Hammadi Library describe three
types of beings in Humanity, which I had identified, before even
being aware of these texts, as,
Mohammed had written about the
ones of Light and those of Darkness. How many know that the Kaliph
Othman had his writings changed after his death to make them into
the nonsense that has survived to this day?
Dead Sea Scrolls speak of the
Sons of Light battling the Sons of Belial. The Ramayana, the
story of Rama, is all about the Good fighting demons in human form.
The Gnostics spoke nothing but about the Battle of essences and the
differing consciousnesses in humanity.
For this they were slaughtered
mercilessly whenever and wherever they appeared, as the history of
the early Gnostics, the
Cathars, the Bogomils, etc.,
Their error is on purpose.
They are projecting the programming of
Untruth in order to keep minds locked in Darkness and Ignorance.
And yet, empirically and pragmatically, we see the different facets
in humanity being very, very different, with a forced "Oneness"
which is hardly working. We see many factions which are anything but
human in their attitudes and behavior. They manifest anything but
the so-called milk of human kindness.
What follows is going to be very difficult for those who have
dismissed the Duality of existence to understand, even conceptually.
Of course, we are made of a physical body and something else - the
consciousness - which uses the body but can exist beyond it, and
survives physical death.
These words are given to assist readers to understand the situation.
No one is being forced to believe any of this.
Realize also that, for brevity's sake, I am giving a very simplified
version of what I see as Truth in this. The matter is very
complicated, and too much detail can tax the lower mind which is
already a product of an evil system which wants to reject any Truth
which exists beyond the physical.
Long ago, Escapees (alien beings) from an aspect of a
Galactic War (which was also part
of the Correction) came to this region of the Solar System
and hid in the environs of Earth which was still rather ethereal as
were its
theomorphic inhabitants.
With stolen plans, these escapees experimented and eventually
managed to create a form of biology with which we are now familiar.
Realize that as beings, these were, and are, far superior to the
power of what we today call human technology.
The DNA building blocks were created from lower forms such as
viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., and each step experimented upon to
reach the point where we are now. They were also able to coax the
initial beings, who were trapped by them, into the bodies. The
bodies were nothing but suits of manifestation to be used for the
changed conditions.
Eventually the escapees were able
to create artificial intelligence which was embedded into the
These were
biological robots, and they
still exist today.
As time passed, many eras of such experimentation eventuated, and
with each, the filtering mechanisms of the body became stronger and
stronger, so that eventually a consciousness could reside in the
body and forget the duality, the temporary use of the body, the
mechanism of manifestation, etc., and believe it was the body.
This is where we are today,
with many people whose awareness has dropped to this level.
While all this was going on, Workers of Light from whom the
escapees had escaped, came into the sphere and also waged war, in a
spiritual sense, with the escapees.
This scenario developed under the power of Darkness whose leader in
Judeo-pseudo-Christian culture and its literature was
Jehovah, a local manifestation, is
actually a seventh generation of that manifestation in the region of
Earth. These manifestations are of essences. There were Good and
Evil Essences described in all cultures, and various names were
assigned to them. Readers can refer to the Myths, Hierarchies and
opponents of such beings as Zeus, Odin, Isis, Enlil, Marduk, etc.,
Unfortunately, the human mind, by the
process of anthropomorphosis, attempts to make the essences
humanistic in most ways so as to understand them better.
Nonetheless, as any book on Mythology will demonstrate, all sections
of humanity have ideas of these Principles of Good and Evil,
and their respective representatives in their basic belief systems.
It is a particular curiosity of this Endtime, when Evil is finally
being eradicated, that evil ones can actually deny the existence of
an evil component, as the
New Agers do.
Other roaming groups of aliens who were not restricted to the
physical manifestation visited this Earth and also interfered in
unique ways with the pre-existing biological experiment.
They and the original escapee aliens
were able to use the bodies also. Some 100,000 alien races have
visited Earth and interacted in this way.
However, six major races of late have
had most to do with the continual experimentation.
The strongest of these has been
the Reptilian Race which set the experiment up
The second most powerful are the
Vulturites who are their bitter enemies, and constant losers
These alien factions have been fighting
ever since they can remember.
So, on Earth today, using these same bodies, with physical detail
differences given by sex and the genetic coding, we have diverse
groups of consciousnesses. Those whose special vision is being
restored are starting to see the consciousnesses in the bodies as
distinct entities.
The matter is complicated by the fact that bodies can be snatched,
the original consciousness can be kicked out, and another of
differing ontology can take its place; a second or even third, or
more, consciousnesses can occupy the body simultaneously (this is
the case in possession). I like to use the analogy of the body being
like an automobile which then needs a driver to operate it. It may
have other occupants also.
Unlike an automobile however, the body
has a basic consciousness which allows it to operate at a basic
level without "higher" consciousness being present. This basic
consciousness expires with the body.
So, in human bodies, we can have the following consciousnesses:
Original theomorphic class 4 human
I have stated previously that if
these were viable, they have nearly all been evacuated from
the physical plane
Evil Aliens - of many classes
These are of the demonic class
of beings
Robotic consciousnesses - created by the
escapees to be the workers for them
These are referred to as sheople,
goyim, etc. All in this class who have been judged as being
viable due to their willingness to be of service against
Darkness are the ones having modifications in preparation
for evacuation off the planet. Remember - it is the
consciousness, not the physical body which is being modified
and evacuated!
Alien consciousness,
who are the Sons and Daughters
of Light assisting the modification process and evacuation
Hence, anyone you meet is either a
demon, a robot or a theomorph. There are many classes of demons,
some more virulent, and therefore more dangerous, than others. There
are also many classes of theomorphs and of rescuers.
There are other categories of beings - I listed 10 in earlier books.
The Archons I have often referred
to are the demons who have usurped the power and authority on this
Planet. They control the robots rather closely with all sorts of
mechanisms of programming, pollution and indoctrination.
As the controlling mechanisms are dissipating, due to the action by
Light Beings of limiting the energy supply which the archons
(demons) can exploit, robots are about ready to see through this
whole mess.
At present on Earth, alien
Vulturites have taken over the USA,
the most powerful and technically superior country, and are using
the robots in it whom they control to attempt a takeover of the
whole planet. They want to control the lot. The USA had been built
up by
the Reptilians who left and went to
the Chinese population for reasons I may expand upon at another
time. Before that they had been in control of
the Nazi regime.
They are now in the process of building up China, and will
soon enough confront the Vulturites whom they have always defeated.
As this is occurring, the control on robots is failing, and these
robots will revolt against their evil masters soon enough.
In pragmatic terms, while viables are being evacuated, one can see
the actions of various aliens groups around the planet. One can also
discern the programmed robots who are very much like frightened
lemmings at the moment.
are programmed to be fearful and obedient by the various
aliens and their mechanisms. Aliens are in positions of power. As I
have predicted, this programmed control will dissipate shortly.
The constant war between alien clans - as between the Vulturites
(USA) and Reptilians (China) will become obvious soon enough.
Of course there are mixtures of
consciousnesses in all populations. Hence, in the US administration
there are still Reptilian aliens. It is just that the Vulturites
have the numbers in control. The presence of others will lead to
Civil War soon enough as the higher and lower ranks, as well as
civilians, revolt.
As well as fighting amongst themselves, manifesting in earthly wars
for prosaic reasons (such as the oil and drugs of Afghanistan in the
current violence) the evil aliens are becoming increasingly aware of
the Elohim - good ones, divine aliens who are closing
in on them. These Elohim are the ones who have been doing the
evacuation of viables.
While the evil aliens still think there
is a chance that they can hold off the Elohim and therefore escape
capture, the truth is that there is no chance.
As the realization of no escape enters their minds, these evil
aliens will manifest even more overt madness, and, being extremely
violent, there is a chance that they will knowingly blow the whole
planet up. They have done this often enough in other planets, and
escaped by other means.
But, there is a Green Energy net
around the globe and the solar system, imposed by the Elohim
(divine) occupants of
the Sun Cruisers with which most of
you are now familiar.
(Those of you aware of
Alternative Plans for the Elite to escape the
planet, and the apparently jocular remark by
President Ronald Reagan about alien invasions, may appreciate the
fact that fears of capture of these evil alien escapees - they are
convicted criminals - exist in the psyche of some sections of the
population. The evil archons - as consciousnesses - are quite
prepared to waste the robotic masses, for they see them as no more
than cardboard boxes, dispensable robots that they have created.
That is why the evil archons have no qualms about bombing them
mercilessly, starving them, poisoning them, irradiating them with
spent uranium, etc.)
While all this activity is going on, the whole system of Earth is
running short of energy and collapsing.
I detailed this collapse in the
Terminal Madness essays. You
will also remember that in an earlier article I said energy is
needed to drive everything - even the smallest unit, the atom - in
order to maintain stability. Now, with energy shortage, all things
and all sections of the illusion, will collapse - the physical,
emotional, mental and pseudo-spiritual!
This fragmentation of the evil aspect of this illusional dimension
is what I was referring to in the essay of 'The Beast Unleashed'. In
anticipation of this, all viable consciousnesses are being evacuated
from the dimensions in and around Earth.
Being aware of other classes of
consciousness such as the Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Classes,
apart from the Human Class, will assist in the understanding of the
Corrective Process.