by elizabethyoung2000
November 24, 2010
ElizabethYoung2000 Website
Elizabeth Young is a Hollywood screenwriter and the
domestic partner of the late Robert Armstrong, a retired
associate professor in
the Department of
Economics at Drake University.
Armstrong, who received his economics degree from
Harvard in 1958, was a commercial and instrument-rated
who died in 2006
after leaving an Oregon air show in his beloved Hawker
Hunter Mk. 5.
The plane went down
in a residential neighborhood, and, instead of ejecting
to safety, he died as he stayed with the aircraft to
avoid any casualties on the ground.
Armstrong thought
of himself as a pilot
whose hobby was
teaching economics and studying history.
He was an FAA
instructor for the Hawker Hunter and was authorized to
certify and re-qualify pilots after lapse of
aeronautical field expertise as commercial and
instrument-rated pilot led him into a full investigation
of the events surrounding 911.
This blog is
dedicated to and based on the research he worked on
before he died. |
Thanksgiving commemorates the successful harvest and a time the
Pilgrims gathered to give thanks, sharing a feast with their Native
American neighbors, who had made possible their survival in the New
England wilderness.
“Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” written by Henry “Dean”
Alford, the gifted christian leader of the 19th
century and distinguished theologian and scholar, is considered to
be one of the finest harvest and Thanksgiving hymns in all of the
hymnals of christian singing.
Writers and textbook publishers of American history have generally
omitted or, if mentioned at all, glossed over historic accounts of
genocide and inhumane treatment of American Indian populations.
The mythology of the American Revolution, the Declaration of
Independence and the Bill of Rights is a national story of great
significance to the way the United States views itself.
The United States of America was founded on the fundamental
principle of freedom of religion. America’s Founding Fathers
believed that religious freedom and a strong democratic system were
inseparable but only for Christians.
The American Indians worshiped the Earth instead of Jesus Christ,
and according to an interpretation of the 'Bible,'
they had no soul.
Therefore, early settlers believed it
was OK with God to break our word, steal their land and
slaughter them like the other sentient creatures we torture and kill
so we can get a hamburger for a dollar.
“The only good Indian is a dead
Indian” was the battle cry as we let nothing stand in the way of
our Manifest Destiny.
The Indians were not violent savage
people as they are depicted in our filtered history books, movies
and the Encore Western Channel.
Unlike the societies of civilized savages, the indigenous
populations didn’t kill for land, resources and power. The Indians
were brave warriors that fought hard to try to keep their families
safe and worked together to share and provide food, clothing and
shelter to people in need (like the Pilgrims).
Every Thanksgiving you will find Leigh Girl doing a live
Peace Paint in memory of the Indians that were slaughtered then and
throughout history.
She is sorry for what injustice has been
done in the past to such a beautiful people.
“I myself am always sad on
Thanksgiving when I think of the human rights violations
committed against the indigenous populations all over the world,
who only wanted to live in harmony with the Earth.”
Actually, the American Indians presented
other problems for the “white
man” givers.
Indians held a special knowledge of the land and its inhabitants,
and believed they were only a small part of the whole circle of
life, and that each part of creation played a significant role in
the contentment and survival of the other.
Indians accepted the divine idea that all things were equal and no
animal, including man, held dominion over other parts of creation.
American Indians, also known as the People of the Land,
traditionally and historically believed, humans were created to be
caretakers of the garden - Mother Earth.
They held all things of creation sacred
and respected Nature.
Never take more than we need
Thank Creator for what we have
or what we will receive
Use all of what we have
Give away what we do not need
Native Americans were environmental