December 20, 2011
PreventDisease Website
Spanish version
Spirituality is not about a religion.
Neither is it about gods and rituals.
Spirituality is a principled
way of life; it's an attitude.
Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons:
exert control
instill morality
stroke egos,
...or whatever it does.
Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the
equation. You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate
churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it.
All those factors remove you from god.
Spirituality is born in a person and
develops in the person. It may be kick started by a religion, or it
may be kick started by a revelation. Spirituality extends to all
facets of a person's life. Spirituality is chosen while religion is
often times forced.
True spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself. It
is your way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and
people around you. It cannot be found in a church or by believing in
a certain way.
Consider the following in favor of the spiritual path:
There is not one religion, but
There is only one type of
Religion is for those who want
to continue rituals and the formality
Spirituality is for those who
want to reach the Spiritual Ascent without dogmas
Religion is for those who are
Spirituality is for those who
are awake
Religion is for those that
require guidance from others
Spirituality is for those that
lend ears to their inner voice
Religion has a dogmatic and
unquestionable assembly of rules that need to be followed
without question
Spirituality invites you to
reason it all, to question it all and to decide your actions
and assume the consequences
Religion threatens and terrifies
Spirituality gives you inner
Religion speaks of sin and of
Spirituality encourages "living
in the present" and not to feel remorse for which has
already passed. Lift your spirit and learn from errors
Religion represses humanity, and
returns us to a false paradigm
Spirituality transcends it all
and makes you true to yourself
Religion is instilled from
childhood, like the soup you do not you want to take
Spirituality is the food that
you you seek, that satisfies you and is pleasant to the
Religion is not God
Spirituality is infinite
consciousness and all that is. It is God
Religion invents
Spirituality discovers
Religion does not investigate
and does not question
Spirituality questions
Religion is based on humanity,
an organization with rules
Spirituality is DIVINE, WITHOUT
Religion is cause for division
Spirituality is cause for union
Religion seeks you so that you
Spirituality causes you to seek
Religion continues the teachings
of a sacred book
Spirituality seeks the
sacredness in all the books
Religion is fed fear
Spirituality is fed confidence
Religion lives you in your
Spirituality lives in your
Religion is in charge of the "to
Spirituality is in charge of the
"to BE"
Religion is a dialectic
Spirituality is logic
Religion feeds the ego
Spirituality makes you transcend
Religion makes you renounce
yourself to the world
Spirituality makes you live with
God, not to renounce Him
Religion is adoration
Spirituality is meditation
Religion is to continue adapting
to the psychology of a template
Spirituality is individuality
Religion dreams of glory and
Spirituality makes you live it
here and now
Religion lives in the past and
in the future
Spirituality lives in the
present, in the here and now
Religion lives in the
confinement of your memory
Spirituality is LIBERTY in
Religion believes in the eternal
Spirituality makes you conscious
of all that is
Religion gives you promises for
the after-life
Spirituality gives you the light
to find God in your inner self, in this life, in the
present, in the here and the now
There are a dozen attributes to life, to
building a positive attitude, embedded in the very word
Each letter of the word 'spirituality'
has a representing meaning.
'S' stands for
Seva, to think
beyond yourself and reach out to others. Seva is to be
selfless in your thoughts and way of life. Most of us are
sevikas or sevaks in some form or other; for we know that
the joy of giving is far greater than the joy of receiving.
'P' signals two aspects, the
first of which is the passage of life. None of us are
So on this passage of life as William Penn, the
poet wrote,
"I expect to pass
through the life but once, if there be any kindness
I can show, let me do it now, as I shall not pass
this way once again."
And even as you do so, please do
it with a sense of perseverance for perseverance can move
mountains. So run your own race in very act of life.
Moving on to the three 'I's in
the word 'spirituality', these reflect three distinct
Integrity, Inner Voice and Inspire - be inspired and
inspire others.
Integrity is character. Inner voice is the
stairway to spirituality as it always goads you to do what
is right, to live by one's conscience and by values.
Following this stretch is inspirational for you and others
as well.
'R' is to learn to smell the
roses on your way. Being positive is so restorative. You
will never feel that you are ever in the midst of a storm.
Every situation can then be faced with equanimity and
fortitude. For one knows that this, too, shall pass.
'T' stands for transcendence, so
transcend with inner reflection, meditation, yoga,
self-control and compassion. The second 'T' says, if you
practice these creative ways of looking at life, you will
surely attain tranquility and be at peace with yourself.
'U' is all about the
universality and oneness of humankind. On realizing this,
increasingly you are able to brush aside prejudices.
Differences cease to matter. Aren't each one of us just a
speck in the universe?
'A' is for acceptance. Accept
yourself and others unconditionally. 'A' also entails the
total negation of arrogance, and with humility being the ACE
in your chosen field.
And this brings us to the letter
'L' that reminds you to have the largeness of heart to
remember only the goodness of people and blanket out any
pain or hurt that is encountered in varying degrees of
relationships. The past and future are of no relevance as we
cannot control or predict either. Most important, learn to
travel light. The Moment is now. Life is too short, so
cherish every moment.
'T', the second last letter in
spirituality, stands for Trust.
Something that Steve Jobs
would say:
"You can't connect the
dots looking forward; you can only connect them
looking backwards. So you have to trust that the
dots will somehow connect in your future. You have
to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life,
karma, whatever. This approach has never let me
down, and it has made all the difference in my
How true!
And finally - 'Y' - the last
letter, stands for You - and for me, too. Only YOU can make
this happen.
May peace, happiness and universal love
continue growing in your heart.
You are all that is.