by Acharya S 2006 from HiddenMysteries Website
One person or group
of people comes up with an interpretation of a giant being or
beings, and then they try to convince themselves and others that
such a god person is ABSOLUTE REALITY, shoving their interpretation
down everyone else's throats, or, as the case may be, into their
minds. Competing books are written and/or compiled as to the nature
and desires of this god person, and wars are fought in his name. So
it goes, endlessly, as new interpretations are developed and new
zealots created.
Few humans have striven to grasp
infinity, and no single human being or group has ever been able to
completely portray the concept. And what is "God," if not the
Infinite and Ineffable? If "God" or the quality of Divinity, is
Ineffable, how can any human mind or book contain or express it?
Ineffable is by its very definition indescribable and
Hence, whatever interpretations of the Infinite, Ineffable Divine
presented by humans are limited and, therefore, erroneous.
According to the interpretations often presented by "God"-cheerleaders, "God" says in effect,
So the competition continues, because this group and that have varying interpretations of such noxiousness, most of which are far from being divine. From an anthropological perspective, or from that of someone not from this planet, all of this human quarrelling over who knows and represents the biggest and best god/godman appears completely savage and barbaric, like so many hyenas grunting and squealing as they pull apart a carcass.
It would also appear quite insulting to
the concept of the Infinite and Ineffable, were these qualities able
to feel insult. To wit, when a God-cheerleader goes about trying to
bludgeon others with his/her "superior" interpretation of the
Divine, he or she looks depraved and idiotic to free-thinkers who
understand that the Infinite and Ineffable cannot
be portrayed or represented with any degree of accuracy or beauty
through such a mind and ego.
The next time you are tempted to defend competitively the existence of "God," or to say some silly platitude concerning "his" nature, remember what you will look like to a person who has studied the world's cultures and the widely varied and frequently ridiculous interpretations of the Infinite and Ineffable: foolish, arrogant and uneducated.
You are not accurately perceiving or
portraying any such god person; you are simply reflecting your own
limited mind and experience. You are expressing your own smallness
and incompleteness, instead of reaching for the grandeur and
boundlessness of the Divine, which can be had and tasted as part of
your own being only if you throw away preconceived notions of What
Is and evolve into the omni-dimensional being that is your true
We have just made our God bigger and better than
yours. And, hopefully, expanded your mind.