Odin is the
All-Father. He is the oldest and most powerful of the Gods. Through the ages he
has ruled all things. He created heaven and earth, and he made man
and gave him a soul. But even the All-Father was not the very first.
At first there was only a great void, Ginnungagap. Eventually a
region of mist and ice, Niflheim, was formed in the North and a
region of fire, Muspellsheim, was formed in the South.
The great
world-tree, Yggdrasil, reached through all time and space, but was
perpetually under attack from Nidhogg, the evil serpent.
The fountain of Mimir, source of hidden wisdom, lay under a root of
the tree. Niflheim came into contact with Muspellsheim,
and the
fires melted the ice, which yielded Ymir, the Frost-Giant with a
human form.
From Ymir's sweat came a race of Giants, so that a huge
cow (Audhumla) was created to feed them. |