by Ancient Code Team
June 26,
Ancient-Code Website
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Before Noah's
Great Flood - 3 Flood Stories that Predate the Bible
Evidence has been brought forward by a number of archaeologists who
argue that a massive deluge swept across the Earth between 5,000 and
7,000 years ago.
Some argue that the historic flood may have happened, but not on a
global scale, as there are those who argue that a flooding occurred
in the area of what is today the Black Sea, an area many refer to as
the 'cradle of civilization'.
And while Noah's story of the Flood may be one of the most popular
ones, the truth is that it isn't the only flood story out there.
In fact, there are a number of flood stories that predate the flood
described in the Bible.
Flood myths can be traced back into the Bronze Age and
Neolithic prehistory. Flood stories are often referred to as new
starting points in human history.
1. Ancient
Cuneiform Tablets and the Mesopotamian Flood
Translation of ancient cuneiform tablets discovered in the 19th
century suggests the Mesopotamia Flood may have been an antecedent
of Noah's flood mentioned in the bible.
The ancient
Sumerian Nippur tablet is believed
to describe the oldest account of the Great Flood and the creation
of both humans and animals on Earth.
It also records the
names of Antediluvian cities on earth and their respective
In ancient Mesopotamian mythology, we find flood stories
concerning the
epics of Gilgamesh, Ziusudra,
and Atrahasis.
In fact, the Sumerian King List divides its history into
pre-flood (antediluvian) and post-flood periods.
Before the flood had
swept across the land, Earth was ruled by kings who had monstrous
lifespans. In post-flood myths, these lifespans were drastically
The Sumerian Flood story is described in the Deluge Tablet.
It narrates the epic
of Ziusudra, who, after finding out that the Gods plan to
destroy humanity with a great flood, constructs a massive vessel
which eventually saves him from the rising waters.
In the Sumerian King List, we read about the history of mankind,
its Gods and rulers before the flood.
The Sumerian King list suggests how Eridu was the first city on
In fact, according to Sumerian mythology, Eridu was one of the
five ancient cities that were built on Earth before the Great
Sumerian King List reads:
"After the kingship
descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug.
In Eridug, Alulim
became king; he ruled for 28,800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36,000
years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64,800 years. Then Eridug fell
and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira.
"In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43,200 years.
En-men-gal-ana ruled
for 28,800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36,000 years.
3 kings; they ruled for 108,000 years… Then the flood swept
After the Great Flood,
Kish is mentioned as the first city
of the Gods.
"After the flood had
swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the
kingship was in Kish."
A total of twenty-two
kings ruled for a period of 16, 480 years, which make up the first
dynasty of Kish.
2. The Aztec
Story of the great flood
According to the ancient Aztecs,
a massive flood swept
across the lands.
No matter where we look, we find descriptions of a massive
deluge that swept across the Earth in the distant past.
With a few differences, we can say that nearly all flood stories
are similar in one way or another.
The Great Flood was supposedly sent by God or the gods upon the
earth in order to destroy civilization as an act of divine
According to ancient
"Before the great
flood which took place 4,800 years after the creation of the
world, the country of Anahuac was inhabited by giants, all of
whom either perished in the inundation or were transformed into
fishes, save seven who fled into caverns.
"When the waters subsided, one of the giants, the great Xelhua,
nicknamed the 'Architect,' traveled to Cholula, where, as a
memorial of the Tlaloc which had served for an asylum to himself
and his six brethren, he built an artificial hill in the form of
a pyramid…"
Not far from the Aztecs
we find another flood story sent by the Gods.
3. The Unu
Uñu Pachacuti is, according to
Incan mythology, a flood sent by the God
Viracocha to destroy the people
near Lake Titicaca. This great flood is said to have lasted for 60
days and 60 nights.
Before creating humans, Viracocha created a
race of Giants that inhabited Earth, but he destroyed
them in a flood as they proved to be unruly.
The giants were
eventually turned into stone.
Viracocha, one of the most prominent Andean deities decides to save
only two people, in the massive flood, giving mankind a fresh start,
and bringing 'civilization' to the rest of the world.