by Preston Nichols & Peter
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time was released in June of l992 and
has created a stir of intrigue and queries for more information ever since.
Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity sought to answer many of
those questions and ended up providing an even more elaborate scenario that
left us on the threshold of the occult and its relationship with the major
mystery schools of Earth. The third book in the Montauk series, Pyramids of
Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness digs deeper into the psyche of the
Montauk phenomena and gives startling insights into the construction and
drama of the universe. This prelude is designed to familiarize the first
time reader who is new to the subject and also to reorient those who have
read the first two books.
The origin of the
Montauk Project dates back to 1943 when radar invisibility
was being researched aboard the USS Eldridge. As the Eldridge was
stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the events concerning the ship have
commonly been referred to as: the "Philadelphia Experiment".
The objective
of this experiment was to make the ship undetectable to radar and while that
was achieved, there was a totally unexpected and drastic side effect. The
ship became invisible to the naked eye and was removed from time and space
as we know it! Although this was a remarkable breakthrough in terms of
technology, it was a catastrophe to the people involved.
Sailors had been
transported out of this dimension and returned in a state of complete mental
disorientation and horror. Some were even planted into the bulkhead of the
ship itself. Those who survived were discharged as "mentally unfit" or
otherwise discredited and the entire affair was covered up. After the war,
research continued under the tutelage of Dr. John von Neumann who had
directed the technical aspects of the Philadelphia Experiment.
His new
orders were to find out what made the mind of man tick and why people could
not be subject to interdimensional phenomena without disaster. A massive
human factor study was begun at Brookhaven National Laboratories on Long
Island, New York. It was known as the Phoenix Project.
Von Neumann was not only the inventor of the modern computer and a
mathematical genius in his own right; he was able to draw on the enormous
resources of the military industrial complex which included the vast data
base of Nazi psychological research that the Allies had acquired after World
War II.
It was against this background that von Neumann attempted to couple
computer technology with sophisticated radio equipment in an attempt to link
people's minds with machines. Over time, his efforts were quite successful.
After years of empirical experimentation, human thoughts could eventually be
received by esoteric crystal radio receivers and relayed into a computer
which could store the thoughts in terms of information bits.
This thought
pattern could in turn be displayed on a computer screen and printed out on a
piece of paper. These principles were developed and the techniques were
enhanced until a virtual mind reading machine was constructed. At the same
time, technology was developed so that a psychic could think a thought that
could be transmitted out a computer and potentially affect the mind of
another human being. Ultimately, the Phoenix Project obtained a superior
understanding of how the mind functions and achieved the sinister potential
for mind control. A full report was made to Congress who in turn ordered the
project to be disbanded, at last in part for fear of having their own minds
Private concerns that helped to develop the project did not follow the
dictate of Congress and sought out to seduce the military with the idea that
this technology could be used in warfare to control enemy minds. A secret
group with deep financial resources and some sort of military tie decided
they would establish a new research facility at Camp Hero, a derelict Air
Force Station at Montauk Point. New York.
This locale was chosen because it
housed a huge Sage radar antenna that emitted a frequency of approximately
400-425 Megahertz coincidentally the same band used to enter the
consciousness of the human mind. ln the late '60s, the reactivation of
Hero began despite no funding from the military. By1972, the Montauk Project
was fully underway with massive mind control experimentation being
undertaken upon humans, animal and other forms of consciousness that were
deemed to exist.
Over the years, the Montauk researchers perfected their mind control
techniques and continued to delve further into the far reaches of human
potential. By developing the psychic abilities of different personnel, it
eventually got to the point where a psychic's thoughts could be amplified
with hardware, and illusions could be manifested both subjectively and
objectively. This included the virtual creation of matter. All of this was
unparalleled in the history of what we call "ordinary human experience" but
the people who ran the Montauk Project were not about to stop.
They would
reach even further into the realm of the extraordinary. Once it was
discovered that a psychic could manifest matter, it was observed that it
could appear at different times, depending on what the psychic was thinking.
Thus, what would happen if a psychic thought of a book but thought of it
appearing yesterday? It was this line of thinking and experimentation which
led to the idea that one could bend time itself. After years of empirical
research, time portals were opened with massive and outrageous experiments
being conducted. The Montauk Project eventually, came to a bizarre climax
with a time vortex being opened back to 1943 and the original Philadelphia
None of this information would have come to light except for Preston B.
Nichols, an electronic genius who one day discovered that he was an
unwitting victim of the experiments. Working for a Long Island defense
contractor, Preston war researching telepathy in psychics and found that
persistent radio waves were being transmitted which were blocking the people
he was working with. As a radio and electronics expert, Preston traced the
radio signals directly to the Montauk Air Force Station and began exhaustive
research that lasted over a decade.
He acquired much of the equipment that
was used during the Montauk Project and discovered to his dismay that many
people from Montauk remembered him working there. It came to a culmination
point when his cousin's husband insisted that he had been at Montauk. The
two men almost came to blows over Preston's contention that he had never
been at Montauk. Shortly after this argument, Preston began to get glimmers
of a life he'd not previously been aware of. After talking to many different
scientists and engineers who had some sort of association with the Montauk
Project, Preston was able to put together what had happened. Somehow, he had
survived on two separate time lines. On one, he worked at Montauk; on the
other, he worked at a different location.
Preston's discoveries were confirmed when a strange man by the name of
Duncan Cameron appeared at his door in 1985. Duncan had an uncanny aptitude
for psychic research and eventually claimed to have been trained in this
field by the NSA (National Security Agency). Without mentioning his own
ordeal with Montauk, Preston took Duncan out to Montauk and was surprised to
discover that he knew the entire layout of the base and remembered working
there. Duncan was considered to be the primary psychic used in the time
travel experiments and also remembered having been aboard the U.S.S.
Eldridge during the original Philadelphia Experiment with his brother
(now recognized as Al Bielek).
According to the accounts of both Preston and Duncan, the
Montauk Project
culminated on August 12, 1983. A full blown time portal was fully
functioning, but things were out of control and Duncan called together a
group of people and decided to crash the project. While sitting in the
Montauk Chair (a device connected to esoteric radio receivers studded with
crystals that sent thoughts out of a giant transmitter), Duncan unleashed a
giant beast from his subconscious which literally destroyed the project. The
people who had been working on the base suddenly abandoned it. The air
shafts and entrances to the major underground facility beneath the base were
subsequently filled with cement. The full circumstances behind all this
remain a mystery to this day.
Although an unauthorized video had been widely distributed regarding this
story and several lectures had been given on the Montauk Project, no book
was forthcoming on the subject. Different writers had attempted to undertake
the task but were either mentally incapable of dealing with the subject or
were frightened off one way or the other. One science reporter for the New
York Times started the project but backed off when he discovered to his own
surprise that the Montauk Project was indeed quite real.
I came upon Preston while researching an elaborate sound system he had
invented and soon found myself listening to a spectacular story that was at
least better science fiction than I'd ever heard. After several months, I
decided to undertake writing The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time.
book was written without consulting anyone other than Preston (who wanted to
protect his sources). Rather than do a costly and time consuming
investigation, my strategy was to get the information out as fast as
possible and use the book to gather other clues that would corroborate or
eventually prove the existence of this incredible story.
As The Montauk Project was published further research and events continued
that would indeed establish that there was a real scenario behind the wild
information Preston was talking about. These were chronicled in Montauk
Revisited. but the most spectacular of all these corroborations was the
discovery that the Montauk Project was inextricably linked to the most
infamous occultist of all time:
Aleister Crowley, often described as "the
wickedest man in the world".
According to reports, Crowley himself had used
the practice of sexual magic in order to manipulate time itself,
communicate with disembodied entities and to travel interdimensionally. It
was even suggested that the interdimensional nature of the Philadelphia
Experiment could have been the outward expression of Crowley's magical
The startling proof of Crowley's association developed over a long period of
time, but the discovery began to take shape in my very, first conversation
with Preston when he seemed to blurt out of the blue that he was connected
to the magician Aleister Crowley. In an earlier life, he believed that both
himself and Duncan had been Preston and Marcus Wilson, respectively. These
brothers were twins and had been the first manufacturers of scientific
instruments in Great Britain. In addition to being friends of Aleister
Crowley's family, they had also been involved in a joint business enterprise
with them.
All of the above sounded like one more wild story, so I began to look for
any references to the Wilsons in Aleister Crowley's various books. None
turned up. To my surprise though, I discovered that not only had Crowley
visited Montauk (in 1918) but he had mentioned a "Duncan Cameron" in his
autobiography. Subsequent to this, numerous instances of synchronicity
between the Cameron and Crowley families were discovered, (these are
detailed in Montauk Revisited) but I still could not find any references to
the Wilson brothers.
The meaning of these various synchronicities (between the Cameron name and
Crowley) began to be explained when I found out about a woman who called
herself "Cameron". She is perhaps most famous for having been married to
Jack Parsons, the world's first solid fuel rocket scientist and a disciple
of Crowley. Together, they had participated in an interdimensional activity
known as
the Babalon Working (a ceremonial act which included sex magic and
has been hailed by some as the greatest magical act of the century).
Through a further series of incredible synchronicities I would fly to
Southern California on other business and meet a friend of Cameron's quite
by "accident". Discovering to my surprise that she lived in California, I
soon found myself telling her about the Philadelphia Experiment, the
Project, and the Crowley/Cameron relationship. Much to my surprise, she
informed me that her real name wasn't Cameron at all. It was Wilson!
lt now became obvious that Preston's story about being a Wilson could not
be discounted nor could his general credibility be denied. Perhaps more
importantly, it revealed that some very strange correspondences were at work
that had to do with interdimensionality.
I would receive an astonishing letter several months later that would close
the case as regards whether or not the Wilson brothers had existed. It was
from a man named Amado Crowley who claimed to be an illegitimate son of
Aleister Crowley. Not only did he remember his father talking about the
Wilson brothers. but he also provided clues which revealed that the odds of
his lying about his parentage were nil.
Amado not only verified the existence of the Wilson brothers, he gave a
spectacular account of his father's whereabouts on August 12, 1943 (the day
of the Philadelphia Experiment). Aleister had directed a magical ceremony at
Men-an-Tol in Cornwall, England where a large donut style rock lays upright
in the water. According to Amado, Aleister put him through the hole in the
rock whereupon a line of rough water ran from the coast of England to Long
Island, New York.
For the most part, this is where the book Montauk Revisited ends.
Amazing discoveries were made which showed that Preston was not off his
rocker and that his general line of reasoning was valid. That is what this
book was meant to do. Additionally, it showed that the forces which
manifested the Montauk Project were deeply entrenched in the occult.
While Montauk Revisited did reveal a fascinating web of intrigue that is
unparalleled in certain respects, it did not deliver many final conclusions.
But even though we were left hanging at the edge of our seats with many
unanswered questions, the book did accomplish something very important. It
ushered us to the very threshold of the mystery schools, those secret
organizations which have existed since time immemorial and have sought to
regulate our consciousness and personal freedom.
It is at this point that we
open the door to our current book:
The Pyramids of Montauk - Explorations in