One person who most certainly seemed to be a part of the music and
time experiments at Montauk was Jimmy Abbatiello. He came into my
life through strange circumstances in his own life which I will
explain a bit later. Jimmy is a fantastic drummer who played on many
of the hit records I recorded out at Montauk. He even remembers some
of them. When I first met Jimmy, I could see from his body language
that he was involved with some project. He soon told me that he had
a bizarre medical history.
It turned out he was born with a defect
in his urethra and has an incision in the area which indicates an
implant. Doctors typically say they have seen nothing like it. He
also has a hole in the back of his head which no one can explain.
One doctor indicates it means he had brain surgery, but Jimmy is not
aware of having such. Implants have also been found in his body
which cannot be explained by normal means.
After I learned of his various
anomalies, I told Jimmy that the government would be extremely
interested in him. Together, we figured out that he must be
connected to Plum Island where all sorts of medical and biological
experimentation is done off the north fork of Long Island. Jimmy's
connection to this was realized in part when he went to a medical
doctor and found out that he had feline leukemia. This is a direct
link to Plum Island because it is the origination point of that
particularly rare disease which has no record of occurring in
ordinary humans.
With modem reconstructive surgery and medical technology, it is
conceivable that Jimmy could fix the defect he was born with.
Unfortunately, there have been tremendous barriers to him fixing
this situation. He has already received tremendous amounts of
reconstructive surgery which claimed to fix him. Instead, it was
used for an agenda of implantation. Jimmy is already quite a gifted
psychic. If he were to receive proper and successful surgery, it
would correct his sexual energetics which would make him all the
more powerful. Consequently, tremendous hurdles have been put in the
way of him earning a living and being able to afford the proper
procedures. He feels that he holds the key to some information
buried within him which will go very bad for his controllers if it
gets out. Jimmy has also been told that he holds the psychic key to
myself but does not know what it is.
I first met Jimmy as a result of a problem he was having with a man
I will call Joe who had been administering some sort of New Age
therapy to him. Joe used color, sound and had crystals all over his
all the trappings that can make for a good mind control clinic.
Jimmy would lie on Joe's couch and receive etheric balancing
treatments where it seemed as if time, space, and reality did not
After closing his eyes, Joe would wake him up and tell him
one or two hours went by. Eventually, a psychic friend of Jimmy's
met Joe and perceived that Joe was not all he seemed to be. The
crystals and New Age therapy were actually a facade for mind
control. Joe was living a dual existence and was serving some sort
of reptilian agenda. The psychic said Joe had the soul of a
from Draco. Thereafter, Jimmy referred to him as "the Lizard."
After departing from the Lizard's therapy and company, Jimmy began
to feel drained of all his energy. He said it was as if someone was
beaming energy on him so as to kill him. As Jimmy never recovered
from this "therapy," he figured his demise was at the hands of the
Lizard who had a very powerful mind and was adept at radionics. The
Lizard had some sort of radionics machine that was fixed up with
antennas, synthetic crystals and gadgets which were supposed to make
it super powerful. The Lizard's influence was suspicious because
when Jimmy stopped the therapy and parted company with him, his
mother became very sick with cancer. He also discovered a tumor
which suddenly projected out of the side of his body from nowhere.
He figured it must be the Lizard.
When more of his friends became sick, he
had other radionic people confirm that he and his associates were
under psychic attack. Jimmy even went so far as to contact Charlie
Whitehouse, a famous expert in
psychotronics who did work for the
U.S. Navy and built radionic machines for them. Charlie had Jimmy
take a picture of the Lizard's house. Visiting the neighborhood as
secretly as possible, Jimmy discovered that it was extremely
difficult to photograph the house. Whenever he took a picture,
shadows would come up. He said it was as if a force field was around
the house. After viewing his exposure, Charlie Whitehouse indicated
that in his entire career as a radionic practitioner, he had never
seen so many evil entities or energies as were emanating from the
Lizard's house. Something very weird was going on. Whitehouse
con-firmed it, another radionics practitioner confirmed it, and
Jimmy's own testing also confirmed it. Everybody close to him was
under attack.
When Jimmy told his problems to a friend, she indicated that he
should contact me because I knew about the Montauk Project. When
Jimmy heard the words "Montauk Project," he said he knew something
was right. A bell rang even though he had never heard the term
before. After hearing his story, I told him the "lizard energy" was
used to abduct a soul for use in the projects. It is a common theme
with Montauk people.
Jimmy might just be one of the first human experiments out of the
modem Montauk Project. He believes he was a guinea pig who was part
of a massive mind control experiment on the population. Someone was
certainly interested in keeping him under control from a very early
age. As a teenager, he attended Bethpage High School which is
located right across from Grumman Aerospace, the premier defense
contractor on Long Island at that time. One day, he went to his last
class of the day. He was always the first one in that class as the
room was nearby his previous class. As he sat in his chair, he
suddenly saw hundreds of kids running down the hall to the classroom
where he sat, almost alone.
Someone said, "Where's Abbatiello? Where is he? Point the kid out."
He had no idea what was going on. He eventually realized that
someone said he had been masturbating in the bathroom. It was not
true, but that made no difference. A mob consciousness had taken
over. Witnesses swore on a stack of Bibles that he had done that and
a lot more. He knew they were making it up. Soon, the entire school
population, including the teachers, believed it. It was hard to
convince anybody that he had not done this. Even one of the teachers
laughed at him in a jeering fashion. He lost all of his friends and
was isolated for his last three years of high school. It was a
living hell as he had to fight for his life every day. He was hated
and humiliated.
I have personally verified Jimmy's experience as I know other
graduates from Bethpage who remember the incident. This is irregular
behavior. Most school populations do not care that much about
masturbation. Boys do it quite regularly at that age and are often
caught in the school bathrooms. What happened at Bethpage is an
atypical reaction.
Jimmy had the following to say.
"I finally managed to get out of
that damn school alive. I pretty much concluded they had to do
something drastic to me because at that point I was becoming
psychically aware. I always believed in that stuff. At that
point, they needed to beat me down, and they beat me down so bad
that it took me a good ten to fifteen years to get out of it
psychologically. I am convinced that they needed something to
keep me down sexually. Everything seems to be aimed at
sexuality. They control you through your sexuality, your
kundalini energy. At that point I was starting to develop
psychic awareness of things. They thought they had to do
something as I could be dangerous if I got out on my own. They
had to create something so psychologically humiliating that it
would put me in a state of shock and permanently traumatize me.
It worked beautifully."
All things considered, there have been
too many strange interventions in Jimmy's life for him to be a
simple victim of circumstance. I also personally recognized him from
Montauk. Another peculiar trait about Jimmy is that if I play some
of the "Montauk music" that he helped record, his body cringes and
goes crazy to the point where he cannot even hear the music. As
these experiences occur, he begins to get back bits and pieces of
his memories of doing various recordings at the Montauk sound
This is a very similar reaction to what
Morgan, another Montauk boy, had when he listened to his own
singing. Morgan also had memories of recording at Montauk, but he
was a singer who was literally pulled out of the future to do some
of his recordings. Sometimes, Morgan's recollections were actually
from the future because he had not performed certain recordings in
his current life. When Morgan and Jimmy were introduced to each
other, they immediately recognized each other. A couple of days
after meeting Jimmy, Morgan got more dumps of memories. The two of
them together helped Morgan bridge a time gap in his own
Both of these guys were at different times part of the Montauk house
band. We had a studio in the second level of the underground. From
what I have been told, they moved it to the fourth level. Myself and
several others actually remember the bands. Actually, there were two
house bands, and Jimmy played for both of them. I solidly remember
him drumming in the band, and he also remembers drumming in these
groups as well. As I said earlier, Jimmy is a good quality drummer
and was even a bit of a local legend on the East Hampton club scene
and is still remembered to this day. For years, Jimmy played every
weekend for a house band in a club called the Krugerrand.
Stars would come in routinely. He even
played for Vice-president Quayle who took a picture of himself with
Jimmy and autographed it. Some said he was the best drummer they had
ever seen in the local clubs. He was on call and played with at
least fourteen different bands. Although the fellow who ran Gurney's
(at Montauk) remembered Jimmy playing there at least four times,
Jimmy swears he played there only once. He remembers that in
particular because he had to drive all the way out to the end of the
island for only $75.00. The point here is that Jimmy played at
Montauk without ever remembering what he did.
In addition to my own memories of Jimmy, I also recognized his drum
style. Each drummer has a style just like each record producer has
his own style. As a sound engineer, I had my own way of making a
song reach out and grab you. No one else quite knew how to make it
reach out in the way I did. Jimmy's style was also unique. It was an
extremely accurate staccato style drumming. I could definitely tell
the difference between him and anyone else. There are probably only
about twenty real good drummers in the New York area, and Jimmy is
certainly one of them.
Unfortunately, there is not a tremendous
amount of work for them. Nevertheless, Jimmy worked consistently
until he met me. After that, he says that someone put the squeeze on
him. Since discovering his role in black projects such as the
Montauk Project, he has been consistently harassed and seems to find
road blocks in every direction. Every time he had an opportunity for
an audition, people were gung-ho to hire him. Then, all of a sudden,
these people would mysteriously disappear. He said it was as if
someone snapped their fingers and put him on a new planet. This
happened with a man I knew named Art who was a vice-president and
producer from Atlantic. He was going to produce Jimmy and then
suddenly disappeared from his life.
Jimmy himself says,
"What transpired here is that I was
in this music project. They did not want anyone else to have me
because then they couldn't be using me constantly. So, every
time I got a break to do something that would involve me
traveling on the road or getting recognition, they would get rid
of the people I was involved with. It would happen every time.
They knew I was as good as anybody out there, and they wanted to
hire me, but it couldn't be done because of the Montauk people
out there with their sticky little business."
This sort of operation also explains why
Mark and Chuck Hamill were never on tour. They were being used. I
believe Mark was also in the second house band out at Montauk.
Jimmy explained to me some very strange events in his life. One
time, a show group wanted to take him to Las Vegas with them. They
were impressed with his playing and hired him on the spot with a
good salary. After being told to come back in a few days, he did so
but discovered that the place he returned to was no longer there!
After banging his head against the wall, he called up his agent who
had sent him there. The agent said he did not know what Jimmy was
talking about. He finally understood why his pursuers needed him.
Jimmy explained the following.
"These people know that they are in
trouble and they're going to get taken out. They've seen the
future. They've sent me in the future to see where they can
escape to and map out where to go. For some reason, I got an
answer the other day. They need me to help them get out of this
reality when the time comes. This is why they're not killing me
or attempting to do any more than they are. They need me so
badly for what they want to do that they can't touch me."
Jimmy is also very concerned that people
want to study him as a lab rat. He is becoming more and more
conscious of what has gone on with him which includes feelings of
being used and manipulated. His controllers are losing a battle to
control him. He is also becoming more and more psychic. This relates
directly to his ability as a drummer because he can literally have
some kind of effect on the consciousness of humanity. Drummers were
not simply picked at random. They were picked for their ability.
Jimmy was used because he was able to integrate his
psi ability with
his inherent talent and put out a psychic message that could be used
for mind control purposes. His drumming style is a way of augmenting
the mind control rhythm of the music.
I remember Jimmy going into a deep hypnotic trance as he played the
drums. He was extremely precise and knew how to maintain a hypnotic
beat with his drumming. That is why he was the drummer for two of
the house bands. He was very good at it.
Consequently, Jimmy was used for many
hit records because his drumming put the listener into a hypnotic
state. In musical programming, the rhythmist, which is usually
referred to as the drummer, is the one that is most important
because he is the one that is ready to put the listener into the
hypnotic state ready to receive the program. In one respect, this is
like tribal Indian or African drumming, however, many of these so-
called "tribal people" do not really know how to do it properly.
They just fake it. When people hear Jimmy play, they routinely say
that they have never heard a sound like that.
It is for hypnotic drumming that he was chosen, and we have
identified close to a hundred hits that he has played on. Many of
these hit records came out of Buddah Records and I remember them.
Jimmy has told me that if you ask any of the stars who recorded the
songs if they remembered Jimmy, they would flatly deny it. No one
wants anybody to know what transpired in these recordings. Many of
them were one hit wonders. The musicians never went on the road or
appeared on television, but there are pictures on album covers with
fictitious names. Jimmy said it would be a catastrophe if certain
musicians admitted to his involvement. The connections roll back to
the Mafia which includes their funding of such projects as well as
other aspects of the music industry which they have their foot in.
If big stars talk about their involvement in that, there will be big
trouble for them, not only public relations wise, but their safety
will be jeopardized.
As I write this, Jimmy is 43 years old but looks about 35.
Physically, he should be past his prime as a drummer because youth
enables one to maneuver a lot more quickly. His old hands are coming
back which is quite strange. I believe he might be moving in time
which could explain the renewed quickness and dexterity in his
While some of this might sound delusional, it is not as simple as
that. Actual people sent him to the auditions and then claimed that
they did not know what he was talking about after the above
occurrences. Even more bizarre was when he woke up to find that all
of his body hair had been shaved off from the waste down. This was a
change in physical reality that could not be explained. The most
obvious explanation is that he was taken from this world to another
reality. This is called reality manipulation or reality swapping.
This might also be how some of the top bands were abducted and taken
to Montauk. Whether UFOs played a role in this, I cannot say, but it
is interesting to note that John Lennon had UFO sightings.
When one is transferred from one reality
to another, it occurs during the same time. Time is continuous, but
the reality is different. This explains how I could work at Montauk
in a different reality than this one and still have a job in this
reality. The key to the different reality is through time. In at
least one respect, time does not really exist. Time is only
expressed as the passage of one reality to another reality to
another reality. If you think of time as a person walking through a
forest, he is going through a series of instantaneous momentary
realities not unlike what you see when a person moves under a strobe
light. Time does not exist as such.
When you manipulate time, you are actually manipulating realities.
Time is only a machination based upon what is happening to our
reality at any given time. This means that when you talk about time
travel, you are really talking of reality travel which is the same
as reality shifting or reality swapping. I realized this when I went
into the future as described later on in this book. Time is simply
going from here to there in reality shifts. You can look at it as if
our reality is a flat plane which for purposes of an example can be
likened to a round pancake.
As this pancake or circular plane moves
from one consecutive incident to another, it can be visualized to
create a "pipe" or "time pipe" of continuous incidents. As time is
moving, that plane is moving through the time pipe and time is
thereby defined by where the plane of reality is in the pipe as it
moves from the past to the present to the future. In order to time
travel, you have to jump from one plane to another plane within the
time pipe. In the future, I actually build a device that is called a
Jump Time Generator. It generates time jumps. One can conceivably
move from any one reality to another.
Although I have used the example of a
pancake or plane and a pipe for purposes of making a more
understandable presentation, it is really not that simple. The truth
is that each instantaneous moment can be more accurately likened to
a sphere. It is more like moving from one sphere to the next, but
those spheres are in a bigger sphere which represents the time sea.
As the sphere-like reality you are in moves through the bigger
sphere, it can move in any direction you want. All time is one big
And your particular time frame is just
one sphere that is just drifting in a big sphere. Wherever it
drifts, that is your ball of time.
Sometimes, a series of consecutive realities can be fed back on
themselves in what is called a time loop where there is a continual
repetition of events. There is such a loop between 1983 and 2003
where the events cannot vary. Duncan called this a dead zone.
Technically, it is referred to as a millennium transition. 1983
represented the end of the millennium and 2003 is the beginning of
the next one. The time in between is a no-man's land. We exist
because the thought is still here, but we are not necessarily as
physical as we were prior to 1983 or subsequent to 2003.
Of course, there were other bridges in time where one reality was
connected to another. The next chapter includes a remarkable
occurrence where I experienced such.
Back to
In an earlier chapter, I mentioned "Swan Lake," a very famous piece
of music composed by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. One of my first
encounters with this piece of music came via my mother, Ginny
Nichols. Her uncle worked in the theater in Manhattan and happened
to be a close personal friend of Bela Lugosi, the actor who was
famous for his portrayal of Dracula. Sometimes the two men would
come to visit my mother, and she would call Lugosi "Uncle Bela." He
once told her that when the movie Dracula was played, he insisted
upon two selections from "Swan Lake" being played before and after
it. Lugosi said that these selections would balance a person's
energies after viewing the horror story Dracula. While this is an
interesting anecdote from my mother's past, I have also seen
evidence that those two pieces from "Swan Lake" can balance one's
energies very well.
Originally, "Swan Lake" was a ballet and it existed well before
Tchaikovsky was around. If you look at the choreography for the
original ballet, you will see that the general theme of balanced
energies is expressed. In "The Finale", there are two swans, male
and female, on Swan Lake. As a storm comes across the lake, a loud
crash of thundering drums is heard as a lightening bolt hits the
lake. Although the two swans are killed in tandem by the lightening
strike, a vortex forms, and you see the souls go through the vortex
and up to heaven. When Tchaikovsky originally saw this ballet
performed, he was deeply moved. Consequently, he wrote the music,
but as he did, he envisioned a vortex and it became encoded into his
music. The theme for "The Scene" and "The Finale" are
vortex music.
I only came to realize this after years of research and discovery as
regards Montauk and myself.
I have already discussed the fact that music is a thought form. Of
course, many times authors will encode thought forms into the music
without even being fully aware of it. As I did my psychic research,
I began to notice a phenomena when certain people used the mind amp
while "Swan Lake" was played. Sometimes the recording would seem to
skip. There is no common explanation for this because it was a CD,
not a turntable. Also, it only happened with certain people and
repetitively. In other words, if you had them come in on Tuesday and
it skipped, they could come in on Thursday and get the same result.
Most people do not make it skip.
After a certain amount of time, I determined that the recording of
"Swan Lake" that I was using was actually used to create the matrix
for the reality we now exist in. If a person has experienced any
time travel within that matrix, they will be able to affect the
playing of the CD that had that signal on it. In short, this is a
vehicle I use to see if one may have traveled in time.
According to this theory of mine, our entire reality was created via
the Montauk Project. While I have recognized this as self-serving, I
have repeatedly had to face the prospect that it is true. At best, I
am completely correct. At worst, I am resonating with another truth
which explains this reality more concisely. Better theories and
stories are welcome, but I cannot deny what I have experienced and
concluded for the time being.
At Montauk, we took the 1963 recording of "Swan Lake" by Arthur
Fiedler and digitalized the sections known as "The Scene" and "The
Finale." This was then used as the white noise carrier for the
function that was generated through Duncan to create the reality we
are now in. "Swan Lake" is the background matrix.
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time, I discussed that there
are major biorhythms that run through the Earth's grid every twenty
years. 1943 was chosen for the Philadelphia Experiment and 1983 was
chosen for the Montauk Project. 1963 was chosen for an ITT project
at Brentwood, Long Island. But, there is another happening in my own
life that occurred back in 1963 which is right in rhythm with all of
the strange synchronicities of Montauk.
Back in 1963, I was seventeen. This was a strange year because it
was the same time when I had experiences with the Pleiadians (as
told in my book
Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs).
After these encounters, my cerebral palsy became an insignificant
factor in my life. Before that, I had been extremely awkward as a
result of this disease. Additionally in 1963, I acquired a vast
knowledge of electronics which I was able to literally grasp
overnight. None of this made any sense from a "normal" perspective.
In the summer of that year, I was involved in a high school summer
session and was also part of the high school music group.
The head teacher, Mr. Robert Milligan,
had arranged for the high school band to go up to Boston Symphony
Hall and be there for a recording session of Arthur Fiedler and the
Boston Pops. I was not part of the band, but I was experienced and
interested in recording so I talked to Mr. Milligan and got special
permission to go on the trip. He knew I was capable in the area of
When we arrived at Boston Symphony Hall, all of us kids got to sit
in on a discussion between Fiedler, some of the orchestra members,
and the RCA engineers who were doing the recording. Fiedler was
grousing and complaining that when he took the recording tapes home
and played them on his big sound system at home, he heard these
awful rumbles. The engineers then played "Swan Lake" on the big
system in Symphony Hall, and we could hear the rumbles, too. They
were not all that bad, but Fiedler apparently had big speakers at
home with big amplifiers, and the rumbling became accentuated. He
liked a lot of bass. The engineers admitted that they literally did
not know what to do about the rumbles.
At that point, I piped up and said, "Dr. Fiedler, I know what the
rumble is, and we can fix it." One of the RCA people said "You're
just a kid. Shut up". Dr. Fiedler was not so arrogant. He said, "Let
the kid talk."
Immediately, I told him that what he was hearing with the rumbles
were the vehicles and trucks going by Symphony Hall. I then pointed
out that the microphones were on standard floor stands with no
acoustical isolation. I told them that they had to go to the local
department store and buy three stands that hold bird cages, each
with a big loop. The microphones would be hung from the loops.
Stands and stretch chords were soon procured, and I proceeded to
hang the mikes from the stretch chords that were attached to the
loops. They recorded a practice session, and sure enough, the
rumbles were gone.
At that point, Fiedler took an almost instant love to me. He had me
up at the conductor's podium as he conducted the music. I listened
to "Swan Lake."
During a break, I said,
"That's not the way it's supposed to
be played, Dr. Fiedler".
He looked back a little surprised
and said, "You think you could do it?"
'I don't know," I said.
He then told me to give it a try. I took
the baton and began conducting with one hand. I went into a
trancelike state and conducted the orchestra as they played the
music from "Swan Lake." Amazingly, it sounded great.
He looked at me and said,
"Where did you learn to conduct like
"I don't know," I said. "It just
came out. It just came out of me."
Apparently, Dr. Fiedler was quite a
student of Tchaikovsky. He told me that I conducted very much like
Tchaikovsky when his original productions were per-formed back at
the turn of the century. It was the one- handed method. We spent the
whole day on a shortened part of "Swan Lake." I conducted some of
it, and he conducted some of it. What we actually conducted were
"The Scene" and "The Finale," and these two pieces, with my
conducting, were on the final RCA recording.
In the early 1980's, those running the Montauk Project decided to
use "Swan Lake" as a musical frequency matrix to carry the time
waves from the Montauk Project, and they selected the RCA recordings
that I was involved in. This probably had something to do with me
being used as a witness because I was there for the original
recording. I surmise that they chose this particular recording with
me present as I was also designated to operate a key part of the
Montauk transmitter.
This music acted as a carrier for the thought form that was
generated or actually created this reality which, let us say, runs
from 3 million B.C. to 6,037 A.D. Each time you take "the end" of
the future and feed it back to the beginning, it creates a path
between the beginning and the end of time of millennia. Each time
you create this feedback, you are creating what is commonly known as
a superstring. There are different definitions for this term, but
some of the renditions are hampered by the scientists' understanding
of what is really going on. Some definitions are fine, but they are
often designed to support different theories. They can also be too
technical for the average reader. My definition of superstring is "a
string of energy which goes through space and time." It defines our
Einstein theorized that if you move forward in a straight line, you
will end up where you started from. This is a superstring. In
reality, the first run through that creates a superstring would not
have included an Einstein per se nor any of us as human beings.
First, the original string would be something like a circular line
(see "A" in the diagram on the opposite page). This is actually a
time flow and that is the superstring.
What surrounds the inner circle and outer circle is what I call the
"time sea" which represents time at rest. It is thought to be like a
giant torus or doughnut, so I have represented it with two
concentric circles. The time sea represents all quantum
possibilities. That means all possible space and times are here. It
includes all abstract information and ideas, including the universe
of thought.

The astral plane would only be a small
part of the time sea. There are no limits as to what it could
The original string created the first flow of time. When it makes
its first connection, it hits the other side of the doughnut and
could be considered to bounce back and begin spiraling around the
original string so as to form a twister or spinor. This procedure
adds texture and context until you have some form of matrix that
might look like a grid matrix on the inside. From the outside, it
would like a tube or pipe. We call this a "time manifold or just a
"manifold." It forms around the time flow and enables what we know
as "human experience" to take place. The manifold contains a great
deal of continuity and is a continuum all to itself.
It really all begins with a point of stress from the time sea. It is
like reality forming as if to answer some idea of creation. There is
no limit as to the number of manifolds that can be created or
expressed from the time sea. All quantum possibilities could be
expressed. This is what was meant at Montauk when we used the word
"superstring." As I said earlier, there are many other descriptions
by others which have validity as well. Each time you feed back, you
create another reality and that fits through the superstrings.
So, when a thought form was passed to
Duncan Cameron in the chair, it was being carried by the Tchaikovsky
Swan Lake matrix which went from about 3 million B.C. to 6,037 A.D.
and created a superstring that generated another reality based upon
the thought form that went into the original superstring. At this
point, we do not know how many superstrings we have gone through en
route from the Creator's original reality to our present day
reality. But, "Swan Lake" and the thought form generated were a big
part of it.
The "Swan Lake" recording that I participated in was released by RCA
in 1963 and is roughly a half hour recording in its present day CD
format. This is probably the best recording of Tchaikovsky's work
that I have ever heard. You have to order it. It is entitled
"Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake" by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops, and
it is on what BMG music calls their Victrola Series which was
originally released as old recordings put on CDs. They were sold for
$6 or $8 a piece ten years ago. I know they are still around because
I know people who have gotten them recently.
Of course, I recognize that this entire
matter is very strange. Here I was, a seventeen-year-old kid with no
real musical experience or talent conducting an orchestra. My
experience was basically technical. I had not gotten into rock music
production at that point. What were the chances of me picking up a
baton and conducting in a manner that was not only acceptable but
was exceptional? Fiedler said that I used the traditional Russian
conducting method that Tchaikovsky probably used. He was known to
conduct single-handed.
Besides the above, I have had psychic readings and done many
regressions which tell me that it looks to all the world like I
personally am the reincarnation of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
However, it is not that simple. I also have memories of being
Preston B. Wilson, one of the Wilson Brothers who were involved with
time travel and H.G. Wells. As the Wilsons and Tchaikovsky lived at
the same time period, it should be recognized that I have encodings
of their consciousness. Let us just say that Tchaikovsky was part of
the Pleiadian consciousness that had come to Earth in the 1800's.
To the best of my memory, I believe that the recording of "Swan
Lake" occurred on August 12th, 1963. This placed me right in the
middle and at either ends of the superstring that went from August
12th, 1943 (the date of the Philadelphia Experiment) to August 12th,
1983 (the date of the climax of the Montauk Project). If the date is
not exactly correct, it was very close to or exactly in coincidence
with the biorhythm itself.
The story of "Swan Lake" is interesting, but it is not the only
piece of music that is deeply involved with the mysteries of time.
Back to
As I grew up in East Islip on Long Island, my family was always very
interested in and watched a television program which aired on NBC
every Saturday and was called "Victory at Sea". It consisted of film
footage of World War II Navy craft set to the music of composer
Richard Rogers as performed by the NBC orchestra. As a young boy, I
loved this music and had a phonograph record of it that I played to
death. After a while, my folks had to buy me another record because
I had worn the first one out. This one wore out, too, and I did not
think my parents were quite ready to buy me a third record. Over
time, I lost interest and no longer thought about "Victory at Sea."
A few years ago, I was watching television and saw a commercial
indicating that the music for "Victory at Sea" had been re-released.
I remembered loving that music as a kid and soon purchased it. As I
listened to the music, I noticed something strange. I was able to
return mentally to the time when I was listening to this as a kid
with my phonograph and my little five watt amplifier and eight inch
speaker. It was great nostalgia. I listened to it as I laid in bed
and fell to sleep because that was exactly what I had done as I kid.
For some reason, I dreamt that I was on the U.S.S. Eldridge, the
ship that was the focal point of the Philadelphia Experiment. I
dreamt that I was one of the sailors that were imbedded in the
bulkhead when the ship returned to this dimension. Prior to this
dream, I had experienced similar memories with various regressions.
It was time to investigate this a bit further.
I started to play "Victory at Sea" for some of the Montauk Boys,
just to see what they picked up when they were in a trance state.
This fellow from the Midwest, who I will refer to as Bill, listened
to the CD on my Biofiss system (as explained in Chapter 15) and went
into a trance. "Victory at Sea" made quite an impression on him.
When he came out of the trance, he reported that he and a bunch of
other people were on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and were diving
for a crystalline object which he drew for me on a piece of paper.
It was basically a ball with spikes sticking out of it and is called
a "parallel-piped-vent crystal." He said they used this ancient
crystal as a time travel device.
They would park a ship over this crystal
in the 1930's and then activate a group of short wave transmitters.
In those days, what we now call high frequency was known as short
wave. Then, in 1980, they would park the same ship over the same
crystal with the same or a similar group of short wave transmitters.
When the transmitters were tuned up to the same modulation and same
frequency, the switches were flipped. This activated what is called
Einstein-Rosen Bridge. Basically,
they were able to time travel
by standing a boat over a crystal and activating it. This is how we
actually shoved armies and technology from what we could call the
present time back to the past.
This story from Bill explained a few things to me. It demonstrates
how a receiver I built at work was trans-ported back to the 1930's
and was used as the design for the Super Pro (a receiver). I
subsequently found this same receiver at a ham fest. It was being
sold as surplus merchandise, but it contained all the notes I had
left inside the IF (Intermediate Frequency) transformers so that I
could identify it later. There are other indications as well that
other equipment has been made in the future and sent back in time. I
bought a little gyroscope from the John Roberts Estate. It was
definitely a 1960's design, but the date inscribed on it was 19 19.
It was actually engraved in the body of the gyroscope.
All of the above suggests that we have had time travel back to the
early 1900's. We believe crystals such as the one described
previously were old crystals from the Atlantean civilization. Left
beneath the oceans of the planet, the military discovered one close
to South America located about 50 miles off of the northeastern
coast of South America. It was parked under what they call the
"Southern Cross." One of the pieces of "Victory at Sea" is entitled
"Beneath the Southern Cross" which carried an encoded message that
Bill, the Montauk Boy, picked up on. He was involved in some of the
time travel.
Consequently, I did a similar test for
several other Montauk Boys. I told each of them that I had an
interesting recording. They were instructed to go into a trance and
just listen to it. After listening to "Victory at Sea," without any
prompting, these guys picked up recollections of doing time travel
with the same type of crystal. They also recalled being in some sort
of embassy setting where they were attending an embassy ball. They
described a room upstairs as being filled with modem computers. This
occurred just prior to World War II. As quite a few Montauk Boys
recalled very similar memories, I came to the conclusion that
"Victory at Sea" contains encoded information of what we now call
"The Southern Cross Project," an early time travel project.
I began to research "Victory at Sea" and sought out any traces of
information I could find. It was very difficult because it was
recorded back in the 1950's and there were not too many people
around from those days. Finally, I happened to notice that the
producer listed on the CD was Richard Mohr. That name was a little
familiar because I had heard there was a Richard Mohr that used to
work for RCA records on Long Island. I soon visited a retired RCA
engineer who I had bought a lot of old recording equipment from in
the past. Asking him if he knew of Richard Mohr, he told me that he
was one of their producers from years ago. He was still alive and
did not live too far away.
My next act was to visit Richard Mohr. He had a big house and a
servant lady answered the door. I told her that I was interested in
the history Mr. Mohr was involved with in the recording business and
that I would like to see him. She was very polite and said that she
would ask him. When she returned, she said that Mr. Mohr would be
happy to meet me. She got me a soda, and I sat in his study for
about fifteen minutes. Then, an old man came down the stairway and
entered the room. He took one look at me and practically passed out.
He barely made it to his chair.
"Mr. Mohr," I said. "What's wrong?"
"It's you!" he said.
"What's the matter, have I done something to you?"
"No, you haven't done anything to me," he replied.
Mr. Mohr recovered himself as best as he
could and proceeded to tell me a very strange story. He said that
when he produced the "Victory at Sea" recording, Richard Rogers came
into the studio with a man who was the spitting image of me today.
It seemed that this man acted as if he had written the music. Mr.
Mohr said that the man interrupted the orchestra and began
He was very emphatic about the way
things should sound and was not always very nice about what he said.
Richard Mohr swears it was me, complete with the gray hair, big
belly and all that. Richard Rogers was apparently supplying his own
famous name for someone who was an unknown in the 1950's. I realized
that I must have written this music in the future and brought it
back to the past, like a signpost, to help people recall the
Southern Cross Project. Oddly, I know that music today like the back
of my hand.
When Richard Mohr died, he willed me all sorts of paperwork about
"Victory at Sea," but it is rather mundane and does not seem to
indicate too much.
Back to
Some people have been quick to call my writing "science fiction."
This does not make me unhappy because I am aware that the material
is very controversial. Long ago, I learned that hard core science
fiction fans and the establishment of that genre do not like such
stories to be real. They want fantasy and fiction. If it is real,
they reject it either because they are frightened or are serving
some other agenda. Therefore, I have always told people that they
can consider my writing to be science fiction if it makes them more
There is no question that my work has been ripped off by the
television industry, but it is always done rather cleverly so that I
cannot easily wage a lawsuit. For example, there was once a show
about mind control and time travel being done near a lighthouse. The
word "Montauk" is never used though. There have been many other
instances, but one is particularly significant in light of this
current book.
As I write this in 1999, the Sci Fi Channel has been producing a new
series of one hour long shows. One is called Farscape and another is
called Sliders, an old show that has been picked up and produced
again. There is a third one entitled First Wave. An additional one,
Poltergeist: The Legacy is also being produced. As of October 1999,
these four shows were shown every Friday night and rerun the next
day. During the first weekend of October 1999, a very interesting
and revealing episode was on First Wave.
This show starts out with a typical introduction that the "First
Wave" is based upon the first, second and third waves of an alien
invasion prophesied by one of the lost writings of Nostradamus. The
general story line is about this guy who Nostradamus lists as a
twice blessed man who is supposed to be the savior of mankind. He
chases aliens around the country who call themselves some name like
"the Consortium." The "blessed man" is usually chasing after
something the aliens are doing. Some of the aliens are concerned
with a biological agenda, others with a psychological factor, and
others have a different slant altogether.
The first weekend in October 1999, First
Wave featured an episode about the music business. There was a
fictitious band named "Big Sur" or something like that and the
producer of the band was an old time mix maven who just happened to
be named "Preston". This particular Preston, along with one of the
band members, was a member of the group of aliens.
According to the story line, this
Preston had built a secret device into the mix board that he used to
record the band. The device was designed to trigger a hormone that
comes up in puberty and will cause teenagers to go nuts and commit
all sorts of violent acts. This adds up to a conspiracy that the
aliens are going to put signals into our music that will manipulate
civilization. I found this show very interesting because this
parallels to quite an extent what I did in the music business. I was
a master of mix downs and knew exactly what the public wanted to
hear in the old days.
As the episode of First Wave continued, some of the band members
wanted to fire Preston as the producer, but others resisted. They
recognized that this Preston knew what the listening audience wanted
to hear and knew how to distribute the music. The band members knew
they needed him so he was kept on. At the same time, Preston was
putting signals into their performances and recordings. The people
who heard it went nuts.
The Preston in this show also spoke of wanting to put together a
private label and set up a distribution system. Of course, you have
already read about my involvement in Buddah Records. Although my
friends and I never set up our own distribution, we tried very hard
and eventually hired Neil Bogart.
This show obviously reflects my own work in the music business. The
character had a different last name, but it is interesting that they
used my first name in a scenario that is slightly distorted as to
what I did in the past. All of this is very curious as the episode
was written, produced, and broadcast well before the manuscript for
this book was even completed. Did someone put this concept out so
that when this book hits the market, the public would already have
in the back of their minds that I was a bad man who represents the
Perhaps it is a result of one of the production people I
knew in the past who is trying to cash in on the awareness they feel
the public might have of it. I really do not know, but someone is
sending a message. They are saying that Preston Nichols is very
famous indeed inside of the music business. Hollywood is notorious
for the little innuendos of truth they insert into their mediums. In
this case, they have lived up to their reputation with flying
Back to
Sometime during the middle to late 1930's, ultra-sonic scanning came
into being. This gave the military a new toy which they used
immediately. One of their first projects was to ultrasonically scan
the entire country in order to get a beat on what might be
underneath our environment. At Montauk, they picked up a
disturbance. When they looked at the chart of the ultrasonic
scanning, it looked like there was a huge rock pyramid underneath
the village of Montauk. It was maybe a mile or two square at the
base and two or three miles high. Concluding this was a pyramid, the
military decided to pursue it and began a new project that would
change Montauk Point forever.
In the early 1940's, I believe in 1941, Montauk Point was scraped
flat. This project was apparently what obliterated the old Indian
pyramids that were photographed and shown in Pyramids of Montauk.
Although we are not absolutely certain, we believe these pyramids
were at Montauk Point, not far from Camp Hero. The military built
the Montauk underground at this point, mainly as a jumping off point
in order to tunnel off to the rock pyramid underneath the village of
Montauk. Four levels were built. Two were below ground and the other
two above ground.
The two above ground levels were covered
with dirt and were made to look like rolling hills. Eventually, the
entire topography of Montauk Point was changed. If you look at old
maps of the area, you will find this definitely to be the case.
There are even old pictures that show Montauk Point as a flat
grazing land for cattle. Today, shrubbery abounds. They were "terra
forming" well before this concept ever was commonly bandied about by
science fiction fans. When they finished, there were four levels
underneath the ground. They also rebuilt the gun emplacement bunkers
during this period.
In the early 1950's, public attention was given to erosion of the
shore near the Montauk lighthouse. In order to prevent the
lighthouse from falling into the ocean, all sorts of rocks and sand
were brought in and piled up to protect Montauk Point against the
elements. This was very convenient because at the same time, they
were building levels five and six of the underground. The tailings
and debris from this project were used to shore up the land around
the lighthouse.
It was not until the late 1960's that they finally started to dig
tunnels down to the pyramid.
Somewhere in the mid 1970's, they
actually got to the pyramid and discovered some sort of doorway.
Breaking their way in, they found different chambers. Inside one of
these chambers was a sampling of ancient technology, presumably from
Atlantis. There were huge crystal discs that measured about three
feet in diameter. Players were also found that revealed the discs to
be recordings.
This technology was reverse engineered
and eventually found its way into the world as the CD player which
is in common use today.
Back to
I realize that some of you in the reading audience will be very
curious about the mind amplifier or Biofiss sound system I described
earlier in this book. Some of you will even be interested in
purchasing them as well. In the initial printings of The Montauk
Project, there used to be a blurb that anyone interested in
psychotronic equipment could contact me at Space-Time Labs. This
open line to the public was derailed due to some very unfortunate
circum- stances in 1995 that were reported on in The Montauk Pulse,
a quarterly newsletter that is written by Peter Moon and has been
regularly published since 1993.
On Friday, February 24,1995 the facilities of Space-Time Labs were
raided by six officials who claimed to be from the Food and Drug
Administration. Two carried small handguns. They first found me and
immediately told me that they wanted me to discontinue the
manufacture and sales of biosondes. The biosonde is a radionics
machine I devised that consists of a spiral copper coil within a
wooden box. It can be plugged in to emit a certain frequency which
is nil as far as normal electronics is concerned.
The theory behind the biosonde is that
if you put a witness (meaning something that identifies a specific
person, like a lock of hair or a photograph) in the coil along with
something else, the second object will have an effect on the person
connected to the witness. For example, if you wanted two people to
fall in love, you would put both of their photos in the coil along
with a heart or other love talisman. If you wanted someone to heal,
you would put their hair or photo along with the proper herb or
other healing remedy. You could also write a piece of paper with the
words "good health" on it.
I never considered or purported the
biosonde to be a healing device because it is too dependent on
intangible forces to be of use in practicing medicine. In fact, I
required customers who bought it to sign forms indicating that they
realized it was not a healing device. I did note that people
sometimes reported it effective for healing and also for ensuring
good agricultural products. Even so, the FDA representatives claimed
it was an unlicensed medical instrument. They entered my premises
without a legal search warrant and claimed there was a new law that
negated their need to have a search warrant if they suspected a
violation of their laws.
It is entirely possible that these
people were not from the FDA but were using that as a cover story.
They were harassing and intimidating in their behavior. As a result
of this and further harassment, I closed down sales of any
Space-Time Labs products. This decision has made my life much easier
to live.
Although the above is bad news for those who might be interested in
some of my psychotronic equipment, there is some hope for those who
would like to experience some form of mind amplification. This
involves a story which goes back to 1984.
At the inception of the International
Tesla Society, which I founded with a couple of friends of mine, I
did a lecture on quantum electromagnetism and performed a
demonstration of the first bioelectric sound system. This was the
forerunner of the mind amp and Biofiss but worked on the same
principles. At that point, the sound system consisted of a large old
studio tape recorder, a digital processor that I had built, a pair
of rebuilt old Fischer audio amplifiers, and Altec speakers with
some strange coils in them. The unit created a wonderful 3-D sound
that was very well received by the attendees. No one said that I was
all wet. In fact, most of the people who heard that sound system
were amazed at the sound. The lecture went too well.
When it was time to return home, I packed up all of my equipment
very carefully. There were nice wooden crates for the receivers and
audio equipment. It was put on the plane in Denver. After a layover
in Chicago, we flew to New York, and I brought it home. Upon
unpacking the crates, the first thing I noted was four of the
circuit boards in the sound system were no longer plugged in. The
unit had four such boards that mounted vertically and plugged into
sockets. The top had a piece of foam rubber to hold the circuit
boards down on the main board, just like in a computer.
The only way those boards could have
been taken off is for someone to have taken the top of the box off.
Then, when I unpacked the receiver, I spun the dial and it would not
move. The reason the dial would not tune was that the idler that the
knob drove was mechanically disconnected from the dial. Looking that
over, I noticed screw shafts sticking up out of the intermediate
frequency transformers. It was as if someone took a big hunk of wood
and pounded them down. On the front panel, there were only two
screws remaining out of sixteen that held it together. Someone had
roughly disassembled this equipment and had done it in a very fast
Many other things were awry. The system
was unusable and had to be repaired. Obviously, someone had
ransacked my equipment, presumably during the layover in Chicago. An
industrial spy most likely attended the conference and notified an
influential superior who was able to cause a layover in Chicago that
was longer than normal. This sort of thing happens in industry all
the time. I did not get a clue about all this until about six month
The following winter, a friend and former coworker of mine applied
for work at Alpine Electronics in Long Island City. As my friend was
given a tour of the lab at Alpine, he noticed something in one comer
that looked very familiar to him. There was a workbench with maybe a
dozen chassis on it, and he saw what looked exactly like the
amplifiers I had rebuilt and modified for my sound system that had
been crudely disassembled the summer before. Asking what this was
all about, the people at Alpine told him that they were trying to
reverse engineer and copy a competitor's amplifier system.
They said that they had made twelve of
them, but they could not figure out how any of them worked. I could
only conclude that Alpine probably photographed everything in
Chicago. They were evidently trying to copy my amplifiers and
duplicate the 3-D sound I had developed. As they were completely
deficient in the understanding of esoterics, they were not going to
be very successful.
Eventually, the parent company went from Long Island City to Japan
and a one-bit D to A converter emerged from the Orient. This
converts the digital signal in CD players to analog sound and is a
replication of my original processor. The earlier CD players used an
R2R ladder D to A converter. I improved the quality of sound by
modifying auto-correlating routines originally worked out by Bob
Carver, a man who designed audio equipment for an outfit called
Phase Linear. Today, just about every CD player out on the market
today utilizes a one-bit D to A converter.
Although the one-bit converter improves the quality of sound, it
does not alone make a 3-D sound. I added vacuum tube amplifiers to
get that effect on my sound system. This did not help the Japanese
until tube chips were developed. A tube chip refers to a solid state
transistor that emulates a vacuum tube. Tube chips can be identified
by what is crudely termed a "vacuum tit" or "evacuation tit" coming
out of one of the comers. They were created by the military and
licensed to industry. The evacuation function removes air in order
to create a vacuum. That is hooked to a vacuum pump and a space is
sealed off so that the chip has an actual vacuum in it. The spacing
is so small that you can get quantum effects with 60 or 70 volts
that bigger tubes take 400 or 500 volts to get.
For those of you who are interested in having the best sound system
available, you do not need to be directed to me. Today, amplifiers
are virtually all "chip amps," meaning they utilize chips instead of
the old vacuum tubes. Many of these chip amps, but not all, use tube
chips to create an array of vacuum tubes in chip form. Ideally, you
want an FET amplifier where the chip amp is composed completely of FET transistors.
FET stands for "Field Effect Transistor" which is
the first cousin or outgrowth of the surface barrier transistor.
This was the strange transistor
mentioned in Montauk Revisited that was produced by the E.T. Company
on Long Island. If you have an FET amplifier, you connect it to a CD
player (one bit D to A), being sure to eliminate that analog
processing amplifier that comes with it. I usually connect the
output jack of the CD player right to the output of the D to A and
then to the amp. This creates a 3-D sound. Although it does not have
an etheric image, it comes very close to approximating what 1 did
with the Biofiss. As there are no audio inputs, it is not a
biofeedback device.
It is not talked about in any of their literature, but I know that
the expensive mini stereo by Denon has tubed chips in it. It is top
of the line and currently sells for about $ 1.500. Some of the JVC
equipment has tube chips, and I believe Aiwa uses them in just about
all of their mini stereos.
For those of you who are obsessed about the mind amplifier and are
wealthy enough to afford one, I suggest you save your resources.
They are very expensive and problematic to put together. I once
assembled one for a gentleman who was insistent that I build one for
him. As he was willing to pay a considerable sum, I went ahead and
procured all the necessary parts. I think it spooked him because I
soon saw that it collected nothing but dust.
It is not a toy.
Back to Contents
What you have just read more or less concludes the insights I
discovered as a result of my work as a sound engineer. Of course,
there are always more memories to unlock and new data to be
discovered, particularly when we are dealing with the phenomena of
time. For the rest of this book, we are going to focus on some of my
experiences since The Montauk Project was written. I am aware that
there is a big gap for the reading audience as far as what has
happened to me since then. The reason this entire story has not been
told up to now is that there have been a lot of problems with the
circumstances and it was considered too dangerous to put into book
form until recently. At least for the time being, things have
This story begins in the early 1990's when the culmination of my
experience in the music and electronics industries eventually led to
me owning different radio stations. Although I had accumulated
considerable sums of money in my various ventures over the years,
none of these funds went into the radio industry. I ended up
spending most of it on research and development of various
technologies and projects. After speaking out on the Montauk Project
and making a lot waves in the defense industry, I was laid off by my
Things were not going well for me
financially when I met Peter Moon and we began writing the Montauk
books. Soon after that, I had the good fortune to meet an old school
mate of mine who would get me back in the radio business. This began
a long and circuitous journey which was apparently designed to make
time travel once again possible.
My experience in radio goes back to 1974 when I joined the Riker/Maxson
Audio Visual Services Corporation as a studio and transmitter
specialist. I was first hired as a "tech" and then a consulting
engineer at Riker/Maxson. During this period, I became closely
involved at one of the premier radio stations in New York City,
Columbia's WCBS FM 101.1. This was when they began playing the
"Golden Oldies." Their entire system was automated on what we called
carts (of tape cartridges). If you remember the old eight track
tapes, the tapes they used were similar except that they were four
track tapes. There were huge numbers of these things in round
cylindrical stacks. As the stack rotated, a mechanical arm took a
particular tape and loaded it into the machine, played it, and put
it back before rotating again to play a new tape. It was like a huge
juke box. I basically put together this cart system at WCBS FM.
As FM stereo generators at that time were not very reliable, I set
up a system for them which enabled the stereo encoder to be used
once only for each song. We ran the cartridges at fifteen inches a
second and set it up for half-track stereo. This refers to the
format of the tape. One half of the tape is filled with one track.
The other half of the tape is filled with the other track. I set
this system up so we put L + R (Left channel + Right channel) on one
track and L -R (Left channel minus Right channel) at 38 kilohertz on
the other track.
Therefore, all we had to do is take the
two tracks, sum them and put them in the transmitter. This system
did not become too popular throughout the industry although the
entire Columbia Radio network picked it up from Riker/Maxson. We
built a lot of them under contract to Columbia. Through Riker, I
used to repair the CBS transmitter and also did a lot of work on
their studio equipment. I was fairly well known at CBS FM from
roughly about 1974 to about 1982.
It was during my work at CBS that I ran into an old classmate of
mine, who I will refer to as Patty. I ran into her a number of
times, and we recognized each other. Both of us said we had not
changed much since our days in the eighth grade at St. Mary's. She
had become a lawyer and had specialized in broadcast law. That
explains her role at CBS. We became a little friendly, but I did not
see her again when I returned full-time to the defense industry.
In 1992, I received a call from Patty. She had left CBS FM long
since and had also lost her husband. She needed my help. Two of her
attorney friends and her had purchased the license for 103.1 from
Jack Ellsworth of WALK radio on Long Island. If I recall properly,
they paid a million dollars for the license. In my opinion, they had
overpaid, however, it was the last open channel on Long Island.
Basically, they had run out of money
buying the license and setting up the offices. She had no money to
buy equipment either. Old FCC rules and regulations would have
required them to post a security bond for $250,000 or $500,000 to
ensure that they would be able to run the station once it was built.
This was no longer the case. If you get an erection permit, you can
build a station. Patty offered me a one-third interest in the
station if I provided all of the equipment and agreed to set it up
and run the station for the first year. As I was laid off, it
sounded like a great deal to me.
The Montauk Project was beginning to
sell at the time, but these books have only represented a very
modest income for me. I had enough money from savings to buy what
equipment I did not already have or could build. So, for the first
year, B103 (as 103.1 was known), WBZO was on the air. There was no
one live at the mike, and everything was on total automation. The
computer ran the two CD players, and the commercials and jingles
were on the hard drive of the computer. I managed the station by
tuning into the station on the radio at my house. Every so often, I
went down to the studio, changed the program on the computer, and
recorded new cartridge spots. I literally ran the station this way
for two full years.
Suddenly, the station took off and became the sixth highest rated
station on the island. As soon as we became successful, Patty and
her two attorney girlfriends sold the station without consulting me.
As they owned two-thirds of the shares, there was nothing I could do
about it. They sold it to the Barnstable Broadcasting Corporation. I
have always joked that this company has a brown thumb when it comes
to New York radio. Everything they touch turns to manure. My shares,
which at one point were considered to be worth about $750,000, went
up to about five million over a two month period.
The reason for this was that Barnstable
had offered us twelve million dollars for the station. No one had
ever paid that kind of money for a small FM radio station that had
only been on the air for three or four years. It was unprecedented.
The following bizarre elements and dealings in my own life have
often caused me to wonder if this great deal was engineered by
unseen powers in order to assist me in accomplishing certain things.
This possible angle will become more apparent as my story continues.
I was already familiar with the
Barnstable company because I had already done business with them.
When they purchased IBC, the old Island Broadcasting Company, there
were some stations they acquired that were doing poorly. As they did
not want them, I purchased them and built them up with the dividends
I received from B103. When B 103 was sold, I lost my dividends and
could no longer afford to maintain the stations. I was able to swap
them back to Barnstable for some stock in the company. I could not
use the money acquired from the sale of B 103 for tax reasons that I
will explain later.
I stayed on at B 103 as Broadcast Executive Consult-ant, but I only
dealt with technology. This went on for about two years. It was not
too long after Bamstable had purchased B103 that they decided they
wanted to sell it. The supposed reason for this was that they wanted
to purchase 103.5 in Manhattan. There were regulations at the time
with regard to how many radio stations could by owned by one company
in the New York market. In order to buy 103.5, they needed to shed a
few stations. By that time, B 103 had gone way down in the ratings
to number twelve or thirteen. As I still had stock in the company at
this point, the vice-president of Barnstable, Mikee Conet,
approached me and asked if I wanted to buy the B103 operation. We
negotiated and agreed upon a deal where I paid about six million for
two-thirds of the stock.
Of course, you might wonder why I would want to buy a station for so
much money when I had just received a large cash payout. There was
actually a very good reason. It is called taxation. If I had "cashed
in" my profits, I would have walked away with very little after
capital gains and windfall profit taxes. Believe it or not, there
would have been only about $800,000 left over. One legal solution to
employ in such a matter is something called a "capital corporation"
which is a sort of tax shelter. In other words, the money can be
placed in the corporation's account which can then be used to buy
other capital property. It could be more deftly explained by an
accountant, but the idea is to legally avoid capital gains taxes
until the time that the money is finally cashed in.
Besides not paying extremely high taxes,
I could also declare dividends at the end of each quarter and
receive an income. Although there were taxes on the income, it was
next to nothing compared to the huge capital gains and windfall
taxes that would have been levied otherwise. In this method of
sheltering taxes, there is a statute of limitations determined by
the IRS for each case. It is usually about three to seven years.
Once that is exceeded, you can take out whatever money you want and
only have to pay regular income taxes. I have oversimplified the
entire matter. Each case is different and you should consult an
accountant if you are interested in pursuing any of these avenues
yourself. Basically, these are rules that wealthy people use to
avoid paying huge taxes.
As Barnstable still owns one-third of the station, it is still
listed as a Barnstable affiliate. I control the executive decision
making process. This is good because, as I said, they have a brown
thumb. When I came back, I discovered they had only a thirty song
play list. Not only that, the songs repeated themselves daily. In
other words, if you tuned at 10:00 a.m. one morning and heard a
song, you would hear it the next day at the same time. This was
corny and hurt the station. The staff did not want to add to the
play list because it would require additional copyright reports and
that sort of thing. I told them to put a "shuffle" on their computer
so that it would at least move the songs about randomly. Eventually,
the number of songs were increased and the station recovered.
There was a lot of wheeling and dealing that went on during this
period, and I have certainly not recounted every last detail. One of
the vehicles my accountant set up for me was a real estate trust. I
was advised to diversify some of my assets in real estate.
Accordingly, I went to a big real estate broker and told them I
wanted to buy a strip mall. I had about two million dollars to spend
for this purchase. They told me I could pickup about six stores for
that price. About three weeks later, the broker called me and said
he had a fantastic deal for me.
They were just handed a mall to sell. It
had about twenty stores and was located near Port Jefferson. There
were three owners and one of them had just died. In order to settle
the estate, they had to sell the property very fast. If I could come
up with a million and half, which was well below the book value, I
could buy the mall. I checked it out and found it to be a very good
deal. The title search was done, and I was soon the owner of a
shopping center.
Six months later, this gentleman with a Jewish name approached me
and informed me that I owned another building on the outskirts of
the mall parking lot. It was occupied by the phone company who had
built the structure to their own specifications and leased it for a
period of thirty years. Actually, as it turned out, I did not own
the building. I owned the property that the building was on. This
issue was coming up because the thirty year lease had expired. The
phone company was supposed to be moving.
The man himself actually owned the
building and wanted to sell it to me. I was not interested. As this
man was motivated to sell, he offered me the building plus four
other industrial buildings behind it. It was a good deal for about
one million dollars, and I ended up owning the whole comer. The next
thing I knew, I am approached by FG Industries. They wanted to buy
the whole comer and offered me eight million dollars. It was too
much to refuse. I ended up selling the entire shopping center as
well as the comer property they originally wanted.
After reading this, most of you will think that I am an exceptional
business person, but I do not consider this to be the case. Most of
my activities were precipitated by good advice from accountants,
lawyers, and just plain good fortune. The other side of the coin is
that most of what acquired was only paper wealth. It did not fatten
my personal bank account.
Earlier, I alluded to the idea that
perhaps some unseen forces were working in the back-ground to assist
me. You see, if you give a person like me vast sums of money, I can
tinker with all sorts of equipment and produce all kinds of
interesting effects. Of course, this includes time travel research.
If there were indeed forces that were trying to help me, it soon
became apparent that there were other forces which were not so
friendly. These forces showed their ugly face in 1996 when my friend
and associate, John Ford, was unexpectedly arrested and jailed.
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Many people who are serious investigators of UFOs have heard the
name of John Ford. For those of you who are not familiar with him,
John Ford was the president of the Long Island UFO Network, a
nonprofit enterprise that he himself founded along with Richard
Stout. John was a very high profile investigator of UFOs on Long
Island. He made a lot of waves and was extremely thorough in his
investigations, sometimes to the point of boredom. He often called
on me to help with his investigations, particularly with regard to
surveying the electromagnetic fields where UFOs had reportedly
crashed. We had worked together for many years.
On the 13th of June in 1996, I was scheduled to go to John Ford's
house. Before I left for his house that day, I received a phone call
from an unidentified lady in upstate New York who warned me not to
go. She indicated there would be trouble for me if I did. I took the
hint and stayed at home. On that very evening, John Ford and
Joseph Mazzuchelli were arrested and jailed by the Suffolk County police
with a list of different charges. Another man, Edward Zabo, was
later arrested as well.
The most bizarre charge was that they
had conspired to poison and kill John Powell, the Republican party
chief in Suffolk County, by placing radium in his toothpaste.
Although this sounds comical and is virtually impossible to
accomplish, the arrest made headlines and was covered as the lead
story on most of New York's major television stations. It was big
news. Other charges included possession of an illegal substance
(radium) and illegal firearms.
The District Attorney arranged to have
media people on location as video tapes were shown of the inside of
John's house and included a panning of his sizable gun collection.
This was an apparent attempt to make him look like a "militia
wacko." To almost everyone's surprise, John was never a member of
the militia, and all of the firearms he owned were acquired legally
and registered. He is a collector of guns. The prosecution and media
had to back off on this charge right away, but they never corrected
their mistake. The media only reported the prosecution's version.
These were very sad and distressing times for myself and anyone who
knew John Ford. He soon phoned me from jail as I was virtually his
only contact on Long Island who could help him. His mother had died
in the recent past. He also had a brother and sister who lived out
of state, but they were not particularly sympathetic towards his
views about UFOs. This meant that I was the one elected to go to his
house and see that his pets were taken care of and that no vandalism
or other problems occurred.
Ford's bail bond was a whopping $500,000 which the prosecutors knew
he could not possibly meet. Typically, when a person is arrested on
suspicion of murder, their bond is set at about $100,000. Ford was
only suspected of conspiring to commit murder by placing radium in a
toothpaste tube, a laughable prospect at best.
No one had been killed, and certainly no one believed that such a
scheme would work, even if it were seriously attempted. I knew John
well enough to know that he was not interested in killing anyone.
All of the above prompted many questions. It was all too weird. The
motivations behind the arrest of John Ford seemed entirely
political. After all, his mother had been a pivotal character in
politics for years. John Ford himself was very much involved in the
Conservative Party which is very closely tied to Republican
politics. His main rival was John Powell, the party chief who was
the alleged target of an "assassination by toothpaste." It was very
funny except for one important point. John Ford was incarcerated
with no possible hope of release.
As I went about taking care of John Ford's personal effects, Peter
Moon began focusing on the facts of the situation with particular
regard to the legal justification for the arrest. Deputy District
Attorney, Martin Thompson, claimed that an informant in the weapons
case alerted authorities of the murder plot on Wednesday, June 12th.
Later that day, authorities taped the conversations during which
they claimed to have overheard Ford and Joseph Mazzuchelli discuss
the plot. The two were soon arrested. This raised a curious
question. How would the informant have knowledge of such a plot?
Were Ford and his buddies advertising for hit men? Thompson said
that Ford's conversations were recorded. If this were true, this
would have been accomplished by bugging or phone tapping. In either
case, a warrant would have to be authorized. Electronic bugging
would entail going onto Ford's property.
After considering the above information, Peter called me and asked
if there was a search warrant. As the arresting officers had left a
copy at Ford's house, I had already made my own copy. While
answering Peter's question, I noticed that the search warrant was
dated after the arrest had taken place. Eventually, the D.A.'s
office reported that the date on the warrant was incorrect. When
John Ford's lawyer, John Rouse, asked for a copy of the warrant, it
was a different warrant than the one I had obtained from Ford's
premises. Rouse filed a motion charging the prosecution with filing
an insincere document, but the judge dismissed it. This was just the
tip of the iceberg as far as funny circumstances surrounding the
arrest of John Ford were concerned. Two different reporters
investigated the matter and came up with astonishing revelations,
but no one would publish their findings. They were too politically
What was disturbing to me was that someone wanted John Ford taken
out of circulation. Whoever that was apparently wanted me taken out,
too. I was scheduled to be at Ford's house on the evening of his
arrest and was probably slated for jail as well, but I had a lot
more luck going for me. I received a phone call before the meeting
telling me not to go. A lady told me there would be trouble for me
if I did. I heeded the warning and have never regretted it.
As the situation with John Ford's arrest unfolded, Peter Moon
continued to tackle the irregularities in the case and published his
findings in The Montauk Pulse, a quarterly newsletter which reports
on developments and circumstances with regard to the Montauk
Project. I was not so sure and thought the information might be too
dangerous to put into print. There had already been one attempt on
my life, and I had directly worked for Ford's Long Island UFO
Network as a scientific consultant.
I consulted one of my friends who I refer to as "the Colonel." He
served in special forces in the Air Force and is also a nuclear
physicist. I met him in my consulting business many years ago when
he happened to mention the Montauk base and said that he had worked
there. He told me about going down an elevator to the underground
where he would service their vacuum tube equipment as an independent
contractor. He even told me the exact location where he was taken to
access the elevator. It was a small blue wooden building in what is
now a grassy field south of the tennis courts at Camp Hero.
I knew about the building because I have
pictures of it from my initial investigations of the base back in
the late 1980's. It was demolished years ago, and there is now no
longer any trace of the building. The Colonel took some interest in
my stories, but we also had a professional relationship. We
complement each others' knowledge quite well. He is an expert in
nuclear physics, and I am an expert in electro-magnetism. While we
both know a lot about each others' fields, there is always more to
learn for both of us. Although he has acted as a friend and has
definitely protected me over the years, I still have not completely
figured him out. He did tell me that he is still connected to Air
Force Intelligence.
With regard to John Ford, the Colonel informed me that there was a
lot of trouble brewing in Suffolk County politics. Stories
circulated indicated that Suffolk County had gotten far too big for
its britches. They had become a rogue element all to themselves and
even had plans to secede from New York State and even the United
States of America. While this might seem farfetched to some, there
was a major publicized effort for a new county to be formed on the
east of end of Long Island that would include East Hampton and
It was to be called Peconic County, but
thus far, that movement has been defeated. John Powell, the man who
was allegedly targeted by John Ford in the toothpaste plot, was known
to be the most powerful man in Suffolk County. His nickname was "Bugsy,"
and as the political boss of the Republican Party, he oversaw who
would represent the party in elections, including judges. Needless
to say, the situation between Ford and Powell was intense and there
was a lot of power behind the latter.
Whether or not the thesis about Suffolk County wanting to secede
from the United States of America was true, there were some pretty
strange goings on. Additional revelations came to light when Peter
Moon was told by an informant within the legal system that
radioactive waste from Camp Hero was being dumped in the East
Hampton Town dump. Peter was told not to tell anyone as "someone
could get killed." John Ford not only knew a lot about county
politics, he also knew a lot about illegal dumping of toxic waste.
His home was very close to the Brookhaven Town landfill, and there
was a movement to declare his property, along with that of his
neighbors, eminent domain so that it would be sold and used to
expand the town dump. He and some of his neighbors had already begun
a grass roots movement to counter this effort. Without any reference
to his UFO investigations, his knowledge of these things alone was
enough to make him a target for his political opponents.
Ford's primary political opponent was the alleged target of the
"assassination attempt," John Powell, one of the most powerful
Republicans in New York and certainly the political leader of
Suffolk County. Powell was de-scribed in the newspaper for even
being able to make the New York Governor "jump." He bragged that
when he phoned Pataki, the Governor had to take his calls. The
reason for this at least has something to do with the fact that
without Powell's political influence and voter support, Pataki
would never have won the election for Governor. If there is a
stronger connection behind the scenes, I do not know. But, Pataki
was reported in Newsday to have been one of the first to offer his
sympathies and concern when Powell was supposedly targeted for
assassination by John Ford.
In the midst of all this political stuff, I received a phone call
from the Colonel who told me to watch a rerun of a 1994 episode of
Northern Exposure, a television show that was scheduled to appear on
a cable channel. The entire episode was surreal in that it was too
hauntingly familiar to the John Ford scenario to be an accident. The
show featured a conspiratorial rabble-rouser who wore army fatigues
and possessed a personality that was some-thing of a combination of
John Ford and myself with some extra zaniness thrown in as well.
The rabble-rouser was blowing the
whistle on a fireworks dealer from Maspeth, New York who was dealing
arms in connection with the Iran-Contra scandal. The thesis was that
a fireworks manufacturer could easily smuggle or ship fire arms
under the umbrella of regular commerce. In other words, where do
fireworks end and firearms begin? In the show, the bad guys were
trying to put the rabble-rouser in a sanitarium on the grounds of
being mentally incompetent. Boy, did this sound familiar. John Ford
was eventually declared men-tally incompetent and never received a
trial with regard to the accusations made against him.
Although the television show revealed many coincidences to the John
Ford case, the reference to a fireworks dealer was a new twist. It
just so happens that one of the biggest and most prestigious
fireworks dealers in the world is located on Long Island not too far
from the city of Maspeth, New York. John Ford's nemesis, John
Powell, was known to be allied to a Long Island fireworks
Whatever the actual truth and circumstances were, here was a
television show from 1994 making an oblique reference that covert
arms dealing was taking place on Long Island. The show was certainly
prophetic with regard to an attempt to have John Ford declared
mentally incompetent and put in a sanitarium. It was years ahead of
its time with regard to that. How did the television writer "pick
up" on this?
John Ford had not even been arrested at
the time the show was originally produced. Was this a simple
coincidence or was somebody using the television industry to deliver
a message? And, here I was being tipped off about the show through a
man in Air Force intelligence. As this story unfolds, you will see
that it is entirely possible that the message from this show
actually came from the future and was somehow, subconsciously or
otherwise, leaked through the television industry.
In the meantime, no one needed to watch a television show to
understand that there were some major problems on Long Island.
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