- Popular Mechanics, while mentioning that an engine
from the South Tower airliner landed in the street, neglected to show
an engine photo, engine street location, and engine positive
identification. Just by identifying undamaged parts from the damaged
engine positive identification of the engine was made in the
article: However,
the engine identified, a CFM56, is the primary engine of the Boeing
737 not the Boeing 767 alleged to have struck the South Tower.
- Shortly after the article was posted, a Boeing 767
airliner mechanic emailed that he concurred with the engine
identification and that it was not from a Boeing 767.
- Excerpts from his email:
- I am an A&P mechanic for a major airline. I
overhaul 767's. The engines are NOT from a 767. No 767 in existence
uses CFM56's. Not enough power to lift a '67.
OFF A 767.
- Engine location. Church & Murray Street.
- In the hardest hitting investigative journalism
since 911, The Power Hour Radio in their completely revamped video,
911 in Plane Site, the Director's Cut (Order) reported that the FBI
roped off the area and photographed the street engine. Has anyone seen
the FBI report on identification of that engine? Or their street
engine photos?
- Since the engine landed 3 blocks away from Ground
Zero the FBI can't say the engine was vaporized. Where is it today?
Ditto for the Pentagon JT8D engine that was identified that was NOT
from Flight 77.
- Full story
- KARL SCHWARZ has the big Pentagon picture in
- l Note the html ending. Visit
http://www.karlschwarz.com/ for
the big 9/11 picture and more.
- In the hardest hitting journalism since 9/11, THE
POWER HOUR RADIO SHOW has totally revamped and added new analysis to
an earlier video. 911 IN PLANE SITE, The Director's Cut. Visit
www.policestate21.com to order. A quote from their South Tower
airliner video analysis: "...there was some sort of incendiary or
explosive that would serve as a match to ignite the enormous amount of
fuel (when the plane hit the ST.)"
HERE the full story.
- Craig Hill also has revamped his dynamite video,
Treason, Inc.
- (Watch Video clip
Treason, Inc.)