by Randy Koppang
Reconciling the perceptions of orthodox tradition with those of an
increasingly solidified revisionist history may one day be seen as a
challenge of our times.
Today, however as a fair witness to pursuits of unbiased research I find no
consistent climate of constructive engagement for integrating out-of-place
data with prevailing concepts.
Specifically, new revelations concerning the mysteries at Giza
have recently evoked sufficient controversy to suggest that Galileo's
telescope-analogy is no longer adequate. Simple resistance to change is
merely one factor. And in this context, the following is to update
reports of developments at Giza that appeared in Atlantis
Rising Nos. 11 and 12.
Let's review Dr. Joseph Schor's Sphinx Expedition. The
publicized goal seemed to be locating unknown cavities and geological faults
beneath the Sphinx. Yet, as Schor-group documentarian
Boris Said stated here, those pursuits have long since reached an
impasse, and hopes they may any time soon (resolve the impasse) are fading.
Faded they have indeed! As a repercussion of an inexplicable and dramatic
discovery in the Great Pyramid, by Schor consultant Thomas
Danley, achieving the Schor goals, or those of any other
unorthodox expedition may have been permanently preempted.
Danley's credibility was established in his own words, when
introduced by Richard Hoagland as a guest on the July 25, 1997,
Art Bell radio show. He is a trained acoustic
engineer/transducer designer, recently employed by Intersonics of
Northbrook, Illinois. Danley consulted with NASA,
flying two space shuttle payloads, using acoustic levitation techniques for
containment of experimental high temperature new-materials processing.
Danley demonstrated acoustic levitation for producer Boris Said's
NBC special, Mystery of the Sphinx. And Danley's
expertise again was solicited in October/November, 1996. Boris Said
sent Danley to Giza with a film crew. He was, then,
legitimately authorized to perform acoustic (accelerometer)
measurement of dimensions in all upper Great Pyramid chambers, spending
four nights therein. While placing a vibration sensor, Danley noticed
the Col. Howard Vyse (1836) hole into the south-facing granite wall
of Davidson's Chamber, the first of four
construction chambers above the King's Chamber ceiling.
So he climbed
through, finding an obviously new tunnel in the process of being expanded
where the Col. Vyse tunnel leaves off. Danley and Said's
film crew reportedly filmed this new tunneling. On the second level, above
Davidson's Chamber, Danley found numerous large bags of
Turah limestone tunnel tailings; hoisted up at great effort for
apparently temporary storage, not yet taken down for removal. But then,
there was a lot of rock to be cleared.
Danley detailed his inspection on the July 25, 1997, Art Bell Show,
noting that there were enlarged inter-cavities at two points along the new
tunnel. He agreed with Hoagland's view that these two rough-hewn
enlargement cavities made no sense, unless they were for either of two
- way stations for bagged
tailings waiting for removal (implying continued excavation)
- or probing adjacent
areas for something.
Danley said the cavities
were large enough to fit 10 to 12 people into. Weeks prior to Mr. Danley's
July 25 radio interview, he had initiated the public accounting of his
pyramid experience by posting a brief Internet URL communiqué
of the facts, with photos. In both instances he referred to his Antiquities
Inspector escort. Danley told how he briefed the escort at length
regarding these facts, even drawing a map. Danley stated:
The next day he (the escort')
went up to see for himself and then reported it to his boss (which he had
said he was a little reluctant to do). With reported disbelief, the
Inspector personally verified the tunneling, because as Danley
reported, he knew nothing about it?!
This disbelief and reluctance by
the monument security escort to report to his superior is meaningful. The
Inspector's boss would be immediately under Zahi Hawass,
Director General of the pyramids. And any such tunneling project
would certainly have to be formally approved with the signature of Dr.
Hawass. Why then would the Inspector know nothing about it? And as an
enigmatic aside to this question as prelude to Danley's appearance on
the Art Bell Show, Mr. Bell quoted his previous guest,
Dannion Brinkley (Saved By The Light) as saying Zahi Hawass
confirmed to him that there was digging being done above the King's Chamber.
Now what a story like this needs is corroboration. Because, based on
conventional Egyptological academics, there could be no reason whatsoever
for permanently damaging this monument with structural tunneling. None.
Period! Allegations of secret unknown chambers have been scientifically
refuted. And even Rudolph Gantenbrink's robot exploration is
presumably not worthy of pursuit.
Enter our corroborator. When news of the tunneling began to surface, it
attracted the attention of Richard Hoagland's Enterprise
Mission archeo-astronomical interests. Thus, Hoagland
recruited Larry Hunter to investigate. For nearly 20 years and
seventeen visits to Giza, Hunter has privately
researched the geopositioning function of the Great Pyramid in
the Orion-Giza Duat, i.e., its interdisciplinary specifics.
The Enterprise Mission sent Hunter to Egypt in mid-June
and late July, 1997, to independently investigate and film corroborative
evidence of Thomas Danley's claimed experience. Hunter was
successful, albeit wary of commitment to the stated objective since, at that
time, claims from Boris Said's alleged film footage of the tunnel
were never made available to him.
Photo Gallery of Richard
Hoagland's Enterprise Mission
Throughout his intentionally
low-profile career, Hunter established a valuable asset of total
familiarity with Giza monuments and environs. This includes a
working understanding of the academic-political nexus for monument
management which translates into the policies under scrutiny here. But, in
fact, there is a mutual awareness of respective roles between Hunter
and the Egyptian Antiquities Ministry he being the missing link for
our better understanding of what is unraveling.
During Hunter's June trip to Giza, he indeed documented evidence
corroborating specifics of Thomas Danley's tunneling story. On June
17, 1997, he photographed (all in plain view) along the Grand Gallery to
the King's Chamber a two-piece ladder, an electric power cable and rope
extending up into Davidson's Chamber and burlap bags of fresh
hewn limestone tailings sitting right on the Great Step to the
King's Chamber!?
Hunter's evidence may have been more than simply a verification of
Danley's observation. The scene Hunter and his eyewitness
assistant came upon was eight months after Danley's first encounter.
Danley had reported tailings bags hidden out of reach not in plain
view for tourists to notice. The power cable seen in June was apparently the
same one considered new and hot to the touch (compared with cables seen in
November 1996), as reported when Danley returned to Giza
in February 1997 with Boris Said.
Whatever Danley and Hunter documented, it raises many
questions regarding the pronouncement and application of policies by
Director Zahi Hawass. On March 25, 1997, the Guardian newspaper
quoted Dr. Hawass:
There is no secret work at Giza.
Any research project is approved both by the Permanent Committee of Supreme
Council for Antiquities (SCA) and our Security Department.
So, as Thomas Danley
reported, why didn't the official Antiquities Inspector escort to the
Schor group know anything about the evidence of tunneling? To be sure,
according to policy protocol every activity in the Pyramid requires
authorizations and reports a paper trail.
At the close of Hunter's June 1997 trip, he first submitted photos
and displayed limestone tailings samples to General Mohammed Asheik
and second-in-command Mustapha Anah at the Tourist Police Field
Station adjacent to the Great Pyramid. After learning of
their reluctance to investigate, Hunter, to light a fire under them,
phoned to tell them he had submitted the same evidence to Mohammed Sherdy,
Assistant Managing Editor of El Wafd newspaper. Mr.
Sherdy has begun a three-part series, publishing his investigation into
this matter, as of September 4, 1997.
Now, the complexity and contradictions of the story intensify.
Dr. Hawass told Hunter personally, that he had begun receiving
innumerable calls reacting to the story of Mr. Hunter's June
appearance on the Art Bell Show as well as the Internet
reportage. Hawass' explanation for the activity above the King's
Chamber was: cleaning/restoring of hieroglyphics. However, as many of us
non-credentialed Egyptologists well know, there are no hieroglyphics in
or around Davidson's chamber, or anywhere else in the Pyramid!
Hunter also adds that Hawass closed the Pyramid down in 1988
for extensive cleaning and restoration, during which a friend of his climbed
into Davidson's Chamber reporting cleaning being done
then as well. Given that this area is not accessible to anyone (generally),
and there was never anything archaeologically symbolic to view there in the
first place one wonders why all this cleaning is required to the extent of
producing large limestone rock quantities.
Hunter returned to Giza in July to follow up on his
demands for formal inquiry into this tunneling. Investigative reporting from
the press, he feels, was not very effective, due to premature Internet
On Tuesday, July 22, Mohammed Sherdy was invited by Dr. Hawass
to visit his office. Sherdy brought Hunter along for
confirmation. Due to the publicity Hawass had apparently initiated
damage control. Sherdy represents substantial editorial clout in
Cairo and controversy was spreading internationally. Thus, Sherdy and
Hunter presented their case to Dr. Hawass. The root source of
evidence for the tunneling had always come from Boris Said's film
project, as described by eyewitness Danley. When challenged with
this, Dr. Hawass produced a faxed letter of disclaimer, authored by
Said, denying any involvement whatsoever?! Yet with an air of
neutrality, Hawass explained: there is activity of cleaning
hieroglyphics in the Pyramid, but the rumors now being denied by Mr. Said
were (according to Hawass) an effort by Said to coerce
Hawass into granting Said license to complete the NBC film
he's been doing, featuring the Schor activities at the Sphinx
not the Great Pyramid!
In any case, Mr. Sherdy met with Dr. Hawass again, on July 30,
his investigation still ongoing.
It is interesting to speculate if any remote sensing correlations were being
made between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid
data, those Dr. Schor was authorized to make by the SCA.
Even more interesting to know would be whether successful completion of
remote sensing tests was then related to the series of delays and excuses
issued by key SCA officials ultimately bringing the Schor/Said
collaboration to a halt. And, of course, central to historical patterns of
impasse experienced by all of the unorthodox, is reported manipulation by
Egyptian vested interests with private agendas. Thomas Danley
stated it in his Internet briefing:
So far as the Egyptian officials
(are concerned), they were, near as I could tell, a costly, non-stop pain in
the rear with all their in-fighting and internal struggles and grease
Perhaps under the auspices of
Dr. Schor's license the data derived from Danley's expertly
applied testing for acoustic properties of the Great Pyramid were being used
as computer functions in a context totally unknown to Danley?
Given the deep pattern of Egyptian inconsistencies, these questions
seem reasonable. Nothing we know of has yet impugned the credibility of
Thomas Danley a trained observer. Mohammed Sherdy was allowed to
inspect the Davidson's Chamber area, taking photos. He claims
he saw no evidence of tunneling, but the physically demanding circumstances
of the situation may have kept the precise area in question out of his
reach. Likewise, Larry Hunter's Egyptian sources say they know of an
artisan who was sent in to construct a facade covering the tunnel entrance,
which, given the absolute darkness of the area, would be effective.
This report seeks to emphasize the provable possibility that the Great
Pyramid has been permanently violated via tunneling for some very
suspicious reasoning. In the summer 1997 issue of KMT Magazine,
Zahi Hawass stated:
The more tourists who visit the
insides of the pyramids...the more damage is done to them. I personally feel
that pyramids should be viewed only from the outside.
And now we've heard that a
massive tunnel has been dug, compromising such damage control, for reasons
inexplicable. Odd! Dr. Hawass was invited to discuss such questions
on the September 3 broadcast of the Art Bell Show he declined.
Larry Hunter reports that word on the street, in the village adjacent
to the monuments, is that tourist policemen Asheik and Anah
have recently lost their jobs. We will try to confirm this.
One last reference of interest from Thomas Danley: he also described
the acoustic reflectivity tests applied to the same Queen's Chamber star
shaft probed with a robot by Gantenbrink. Danley performed his
test repeatedly, concluding that the positive acoustic discontinuity (echo
reflection) measured a sizable cavity behind the door, perhaps 30 feet
Hunter again left for Egypt on September 18.