The research conducted in these large fiberglass pyramids was coordinated and carried out by the following institutions in Russia and the Ukraine.



  • Ivanovskii Institute of Virology

  • Mechnikov Vaccine Research Institute

  • Russian Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology


  • Institute of Physics in the Ukraine

  • Graphite Scientific Research Institute

  • Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation & Replication

  • Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics

Areas of research included medicine, ecology, agriculture, chemistry and physics. What is significant about this work is that this may be the first time that changes brought about by pyramids have been scientifically measured and documented.

In the 1960’s, a Czech inventor brought attention to the effects that model pyramids have on preserving food and sharpening razor blades. This strange phenomenon was quickly labeled “pyramid power”.


No one really knew if there was some force or field that caused these effects, but it captivated the attention of the world. I do not think anyone at that time would have imagined the type of research that would be carried out in pyramids in the future. Let us look at some of the experiments by areas of research.




Medical Research

Professor Klimenko and Dr. Nosik at the Ivanovskii Institute of Virology, which is part of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, studied the effect of these pyramids on molecules involved with immunity. These molecules, which we all have in our body, are called immunoglobulins. They fight infections, viruses, and bacteria that may enter our body. These researchers took a specific kind of immunoglobulin (called venoglobulin) and placed it in the pyramid for several days.


They wanted to see if the pyramids effect would change the ability of this molecule to help fight harmful viruses in the body. Then, they obtained a specific virus (encephalomyocarditis) from a mouse. They placed both the immunoglobulin and this virus together in a culture (a dish with nutrients). They also had a control group. That is, they placed immunogobulins that had NOT been placed in the pyramid with the mouse virus. The results showed that the immunoglobulin that WAS placed in the pyramids inhibited the viruses by more than 3 times.

This was a significant result and shows that the immunoglobin was affected by being placed in the pyramids. This could have an important potential for strengthening the bodies immune system against viruses.

To follow up on this experiment, Dr. Yegorova at the Mechnikov Vaccine Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences studied the effect of the pyramid on live animals.


She injected mice with specific bacteria known as S.typhimurium. She than placed some of the mice in the pyramid and the remaining mice were not placed in the pyramid and acted as a control group. It was shown that the survival rate of the mice that were placed in the pyramid was considerably higher than those in the control. Dr. Egorova discusses this experiment in her own words.

Dr N.B. Yegorova:

“…My colleagues and I carried out research to study changes in the general reactivity of the organism on exposure in pyramids.

The most informative models were chosen for these models, one of them involving the use of a typhus specific to mice, caused by a bacterium called salmonella typhi murium. All the experiments were carried out on several groups of mice that were placed in pyramids for various lengths of time and various numbers of times. The control group consisted of mice that were not placed in the pyramids. At various lengths of time after exposure in the pyramids, the mice were infected with salmonella typhi murium and their survival rate was recorded over the course of a month.

It should be said that infection with salmonella typhi murium is a very serious disease in mice and a handful of cells is practically enough to cause death. By the twenty-fifth day of observation practically all the control animals had died. Among the groups exposed in the pyramids 35-40% survived. There can be no doubt that this was connected with the time spent in the pyramid. There was no other reason; the more so, since this was not one but several groups of mice. Factors of the natural resistance of the organism are undoubtedly at play here. It may be changes is cellular immunity and humoral immunity. The investigation of those factors requires very careful and serious research, which we were not able to carry out.

We were very surprised by the result we obtained, because to get a 40% survival rate in mice infected with a fatal dose of salmonella typhi murium is very difficult. It is important to stress that the mice were not given any chemical substances or medication; there were no factors that might act perhaps in one way, perhaps in another. And so we have established that the pyramid itself affects the living organism. Now we need too study the mechanism by which it does so...”

A similar result was observed with mice introduced to different carcinogens. Some of the mice were given water that was placed in the pyramid while the control mice drank customary water. Swellings for the control group appeared more times than for the mice drinking water that was placed in the pyramid.

Another medical study involved Prof. A. G. Antonov’s team from the Russian R&D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology. They investigated the influence of solutions of glucose given intravenously (by injection) and also distilled water (taken orally) to newborns after exposing the glucose and water in the pyramid. The patients were 20 newborns with low indexes (a measurement of the health of the baby). They gave some of the newborns glucose intravenously and some distilled water orally after placing these solutions in the pyramid. All the newborns given these solutions increased their indexes to normal as opposed to the control groups.

A psychiatric study included experiments on 5000 prisoners in a Russian jail. Certain inmates were administered solutions that had been placed in the pyramids. In a short time most violent behavior disappeared within this group as compared to a control group.

Other studies with people of alcoholism and drug addiction have shown that if they are given glucose intravenously or distilled water orally, which had been placed in a pyramid, significant improvement is made in combating their addiction.


The results show the effect pyramids may have on mental processes.



Agricultural Studies

Over 20 different varieties of seeds were placed in a pyramid from 1 to 5 days. Thousands of seeds were sown. The results show that there was an increase in crop yield 20 to 100 % depending on the seeds. The crops were very healthy and when a drought occurred, it did not affect the crops. Even the amount of toxiferous matters in plants was measured and shown to be decreased sharply.

An interesting statistic showed the yield of wheat in a field right near the 12 meter pyramid built in the settlement Ramenskoe of the Moscow region increased four times after the pyramid was built.



Oil Production and Analysis
A small group of pyramids were built on an oil well complex in southern Russia (Bashkiria). After a short period of time, it was observed that the viscosity (thickness) of the oil decreased by 30 % and the production rate of the wells increased. Chemical analysis showed that the petroleum composition (amount of gums, pyrobitumen and paraffin) in the oil was altered.


Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas confirmed these results.




“Locator technicians” or what we call “radar” picked up a large column on their radar near the 144-foot pyramid. Visual observations revealed nothing. Closer inspection revealed that this column was coming off the pyramid and was several miles high and about a half a mile wide.


They were not sure what kind of field it was but conjectured it was some kind of ionized column.


Column Seen on Radar (left) and Russian Locator (right)

Using radar, the “Scientific and Technological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication” in Kharkiv, Ukraine confirmed what they called an ionic formation up to 2000 meters above the pyramid and a width of 500 meters. They described this field as ionization of air. An upward flow of the air over the pyramid was also noted.

Several months after the building of this pyramid, Russian environmentalists noticed that a large hole in the ozone layer in the atmosphere above this pyramid was starting to repair itself. Did the energy column coming off this pyramid cause this? It is extremely interesting to note that Alexander Golod predicted this would happen before he built that pyramid.

Statistics have shown that seismic activity diminishes in areas where pyramids are built. It has been shown that instead of one powerful earthquake occurring, hundreds of tiny ones occur instead.

The level of toxicity of materials including poisons after having had been placed in a pyramid decreases.


Also waste radioactive materials show a decrease in radioactivity after being placed in a pyramid.




Miscellaneous Studies

Other experiments included placing distilled water inside the pyramid during three months of winter. The water did not freeze even though the water temperature reached -38 degrees centigrade. When the vessel with water was shaken up or hit, crystallization inside the vessel started and the water quickly turned to ice.

Other results showed that after exposure in the pyramids,

  • the half-life of carbon was altered

  • the structure of salt patterns changed

  • the strength properties of concrete varied

  • the optical behavior of crystals was altered

A group of researchers from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow examined the effect of a pyramid on an electrical field. An outline of rocks that had been placed in a pyramid reduced an electric discharge.


Thus it had powerful defensive properties by decreasing an electric discharge and restricting its area.