"In a quiet moment imagine there is
a purpose to being.
Everything is designed and planned
in an impeccable, synchronistic order, and you are involved in
it; you are not purposeless little molecules struggling in a
meaningless world; you are part of the significant plan, which
can be seen from many different angles.
The greatest of covert operators may
discredit the idea of an immense plan because, no matter how
finely they are tuned, they cannot conceive of a greater energy
that designs existence.
Likewise, many people cannot
conceive of this immense order because they lack the intent of
love or goodwill at the core of their beings.
The universe and all you experience
are inherently built on love, a love so grand that it allows
evil its own reign, knowing that even within evil there is a
The storms may appear to be here to destroy you. In actuality
they unplug a system of control based on electronic and interdimensional tyranny, a dark occultism, a wizardry gone bad.
The darker energy chases you and would do anything to divert
this great power that rises in you, yet it is in dealing with
the darkness that you find your power.
Otherwise, dear friends, we see in
Book of 'Earth' that many have been lazy, many have chosen
fear or simply turned their backs on a great opportunity. And so
the shadow that chases you actually defines your light.
Crisis creates an opportunity designed to shatter patterns of
rigid behavior, which do not fall away simply because you get up
on a quiet morning and say,
'Ah, today I will give up
That is a logical decision; the
change we speak of occurs through your feelings, often through
creating a crisis where you must use your will, heart, and mind
to redesign your life.
Crisis shatters your impenetrable
field, which is like the casing around a young seed, and you
must learn to trust that, when the casing opens, you will have a
sprout to shoot up. Not all seeds sprout, you know.
And in all fairness, not all humans
grow to the fullest of their capabilities.
Begin to trust your belly. Imagine that the intuitive part of
yourself feels from there. You must learn to use all of the
brain in your cranial area as well as the brain in your belly,
the feeling place where you identify and relate to the outside
This is the key to producing the
frequency of love.
If you do not permit yourself to be
honest with yourself and to deal honestly with the simple things
in life, then how can you produce love? Instead you will produce
resentment because you will not mean what you say.
By naming and dealing with the
feelings that arise in this center, you can always move back to
love by addressing what is really occurring.

It is important to understand the reason why you may be
receiving messages through your body about your health.
Your body is the easiest way for
spirit to talk to you when you will not listen. Signs, symbols,
and messages are all around you, and you must learn to interpret
Your body is working with you, not
against you, and right now, no matter what it is doing, your
body is assisting you to learn something. Perhaps you are
speeding up or slowing down. Do not judge. Allow yourself to
feel lousy if you feel lousy, get in touch with it and really
feel lousy.
Learn to express the feelings that
come up from inside of you, and in this way you can be your own
healer. Energy exists around you, and if you would let it in, it
would cleanse and revitalize your body no matter how toxic the
world may be.
It is important to understand that in healing your physical
form, by making yourself grounded and whole and learning how to
build a firm foundation of health, prosperity, and love in your
vibratory field, you can then stretch out the branches of your
blossoming self and grasp what is happening in the rest of
Without firm roots into the living
life of Earth, you will be blown away in the winds of change.
And yet the energies that would knock you over and shake you up
are, in actuality, here to fortify you.
You must find the grace to accept
with dignity and gratitude the great lessons that you are
creating. Learn from them.
The solutions are always very simple
and are usually right there in front of you, and they often
involve doing the one thing that you resist doing the most.
Your lessons often involve humbling
yourself, saying you were wrong or asking for or giving
forgiveness. These are some of the hardest tasks for humans to
Given ten thousand guns, you would gladly go out and
fight a war.
But forgive yourselves or someone
else? A momentous task..."