Barbara Marciniak
March 07, 2018
Italian version

The avatars and masters
have now permeated the grid-work of the world, bringing with them
their own tools for teaching.
The tools that are being
utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your
dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own.
They make up what is known as the Language of Light...
You are implanted with a structure, a geometric form, which triggers
certain information within you. It also facilitates, for those who
work with you, the sending of information directly into your being.
The large majority of you are implanted, and, if you are not now,
shortly you will be if you choose to open and align yourself. No one
is implanted who does not choose it.
This structure of the Language of Light is a way of receiving
information and energy to facilitate your development.
It is a method of
learning without doing it through books or through the intellect. It
involves opening to the belief that there is indeed a hierarchy,
immense beyond your comprehension, that has been working with
humanity since the very beginning.
This hierarchy works with love, cherishes who you are, and has been
able to see through the time mechanisms that are keyed into the
planet to know that consciousness is ready for the evolutionary
There are 144,000 members of the spiritual hierarchy who are infused
the grid-work of the planet at this
Each master has its own
seal that represents one portion of the Language of Light,
and you have 144,000 seals of energy that will eventually be
infused within your being.
We have said that the cells in your body contain the entire history
of this universe. Ideally, you will come to realize the existence of
this golden library within yourselves during this lifetime and learn
how to read what is there.
Taking the spiral within is one part of the journey. The trick is to
both go within and go without - and to realize that they are the
The spiral exists in many dimensions. When you visualize the spiral,
you will feel that you have known it, yet at first you are only
knowing one aspect of it. When you begin to grow with the spiral,
you will realize that it has
so many dimensions that you could
spend the rest of eternity-to use your term exploring it. It grows.
The spiral is the key to tapping into what is inside of you. Your
DNA is in the form of a spiral.
Spirals are all around
you, and the Language of Light rides upon the light-encoded
filaments that also descend in spiral form. This is something that
is experiential, and it will grow for you.
These Language of Light geometrical shapes and forms are
collections of experiences of individuals who have incarnated on
this planet, defied the human laws, awakened themselves to high
abilities and then manifested themselves as language and geometric
Once these energies
existed as men and women on this planet. They have evolved
themselves into geometric symbols, and they exist in their
sphere of activity just like you exist in your body.
These entities exist in a language system or a geometric
There are universes of
these systems, and there are visitations into your own universe from
those universes at this time. There are circles and other shapes
being put upon this planet in the grain fields that are inexplicable
as far as you are concerned.
These imprints are a frequency, not a process or action.
There is a song or story or language that is being implanted on the
surface of Earth with language symbols.
These symbols come to
establish a certain frequency, and they are going to increase.
third-dimensional reality, many
portals are now being opened to bring about evolution upon Earth. At
one time, the planet was sealed off and put in quarantine because
there were forces that fought here.
There have been
incredible wars upon this planet,
and some of the vestiges of these wars still exist as very barren
areas upon the planet. This was the time of chaos and confusion when
creator gods fought creator gods.
During the most recent wave of the wars, about ten or twelve
thousand years ago, Earth was sealed off because those beings who
operated with light lost the battle.
Light does not always
win, you know. Light is not always the victor as you think of a
victor, for light must learn to integrate with all portions of
itself. Prime Creator is within all things, and light and dark are
part of the Creator.
Therefore, light must
incorporate with the dark portion of itself.
Time has orchestrated and brought events together. A number of
cycles were set to pass since the last wars, after which time the
energy portals into the planet would again be opened so that light
could enter. This is that time period.
Light is being orchestrated to, once again, come onto
the planet, and it is increasing daily.
In order for energy to work its way through
your consciousness, it must
house itself on the planet. Intelligence penetrates in the form of
waves making geometric shapes on Earth. It is not that a spaceship
comes down,
makes crop circles in the night,
and then takes off.
Although some circles
have been caused by ship landings, intelligence can take the guise
of any form it wants, and very often intelligence comes in the
form of a wave.
A time will come when there will actually be a wave of light that
sweeps Earth.
Intelligence is beyond the spoken word and beyond the written word,
for it is frequency that sometimes comes in geometric shapes.
Pythagoras had a
beginning grasp of this, but his geometry was not
understood by others. Geometry is an evolved intelligence, a
collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of
Actually, crop circles all over the planet are put there by
sounds above human frequency to implement these language shapes.
Many times, in the beginning, these shapes are circles. They will
evolve into triangles, lines, and many other things.
The circles and shapes being put on Earth are here to assist you in
holding and managing your frequency and having the courage to live
your light. They make frequency information available in a very
subtle way, and no one can figure them out yet.
These shapes are all
connected to one another, and if they were all written out
simultaneously on some farmer's field, something would happen to
them immediately.
They are spaced from one
continent to another, and they move a frequency band around the
planet that will help activate Earth's grid-work. They will allow
you not to feel so weird with what you know and to feel more
comfortable with the changes in frequency as they occur.
As we have said, geometric shapes and forms are carriers of
intelligence. They are frequency waves that can be modulated
and changed.
The shapes coming onto Earth are like energy gates or
energy glyphs. They hold intelligence and are being set up to
eventually connect and make an intelligent grid-work around the
This grid-work will have
a frequency that humanity can use to evolve.
Remember who you are.
You are all portions
of beings who are striving in a most glorious way to become
As you remember that, and
as you remember that there are those who would assist you as your
guardian, guides, advisors, as you learn to recognize who you are
and what path you are headed on, you can carry this out to the
fullest expression of joy.
You would be astounded at
what would start happening to you.
Remember that you are this light being, this light entity and you
will carry a steadfastness of power and beauty to wherever you are
going and you will not have to feel or be affected by the vibrations
of others.
When you buy into any
version of fear, it can become your experience because
your molecules are intelligent and your energy responds to the
predominant feeling in your being.
The focus of your mind is
exactly what gives the orders to create what you experience. You
must learn to end the wars in your world by ending
them in your minds.
There are numbers on your planet who have been highly evolved beings
and it was in a state of grace to be in their presence. This is what
you are learning. This is what you need to recognize.
Do not advertise by word
of mouth. Live by aura of being.
It is a high state...