The Phoenix Educator: A LIGHT IN EVERY MIND!
OCTOBER 6, 1998 |
Mitar Tarabich—Serbian
An Update
by Nora
September 29 1998
PhoenixArchives Website
Many months ago Hatonn
suggested that I obtain information on the Prophetic Visions Of Mitar Tarabich. He gave the name of
Swami Veeten as a library
reference and said Mr. Tarabich’s prophecies were more accurate even
than Nostradamus.
It has been a long search, but thanks to the help of many, and
especially Gail Irwin, some information about Mr. Tarabich and his
prophecies has been gathered. At this point we seem to have
exhausted the possibility of finding anything on Swami Veeten. If
one of you readers has access to, or happens to come across his
work, I will be most interested in hearing from you.
Unexpectedly, a relative of mine was able to obtain a copy of Mr. Tarabich’s prophecies from a bookstore in Germany. It was copied
from notes made by the Serbian Orthodox priest to whom Mitar confided his prophecies by the priest’s great-grandson,
Dejan Molenkovic,
with the help of Dragoljub Golubovich. The name of their book is
Kremansko Prorocanstvo (The Prophecy From Kremna). It is written in
the Serbian/Croatian language using the Roman letters and was
printed in 1982. It is perhaps the most complete information
available at this point. However, I do not understand the language.
This book is over 200 pages long and contains numerous photos of the
priest and his relatives as well as relatives of Tarabich. Due to
the language difficulty I could not identify a photo of Mitar
Tarabich. Hopefully, someone can help us with the language problem.
Gail Irwin’s first find on Mr. Tarabich was by surfing the Internet.
The Internet lists of libraries, bookstores and their catalogs were
A Tim Hobbs,
website author, provided a short summary of work in progress by
Jura Sever, editor of an upcoming book on the prophet’s life and
prophecies. Mr. Hobb’s website is (or was)
I understand from Gail that the information on Tarabich was not
available at this website upon a second attempt to locate it.
Fortunately a printout of the material had been obtained the first
trip to the site. It was from Tim Hobbs that Gail Irwin obtained
Jura Sever’s name and website: Sever Jura
3js49@qlink.queensu.Ca and eventually learned of the
availability of the book she and Zoran Vanjaka were writing on Mr.
Tarabich. It is available from Vantage Press, 516 West 34th St., NY,
NY 10001, and is titled The Balkan Prophecy (price $9.95 + S&H). It
is a small paperback book with 89 pages. From the bibliography I see
that they made use of the priest’s great-grandson, Dejan
Malenkovic’s work, Kremansko Prorocanstvo, as well as several other
reference works to provide the basis and historical support for the
accuracy of Mr. Tarabich’s prophecies.
Mr. Tarabich (1829-1899) was an illiterate peasant and therefore did
not write down his prophecies but told them to his godfather and
priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836-1918). The priest wrote down the
visions and prophecies. Unfortunately some of them were lost due to
a fire. It is possible that the Serbian government has a secret file on the prophecies, which they kept from the public. Mr.
Tarabich’s prophecies were so accurate the government didn’t want
the people to know about them. They interviewed Mr. Tarabich at
length and kept a record of the inter view. Therefore it is possible
that additional information could come forth at a future date.
The reason the
government was so concerned is that Tarabich’s visions were
primarily about the future of Yugoslavia from before the time of
World War I, the rise and fall of ruling dynasties and how some were
murdered or fled, the various wars among the people and the changes
in relationships with Turkey or the Ottoman Empire, the
Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Nazis, and Communism. He predicted
the rule of Tito, his death and the government that followed—all
accurate except the way Tito died. Tarabich said Tito’s death would
be caused from a fall from his horse. Sever and Vanjaka state that
death was caused by exacerbated diabetes. (One wonders if it could
have been a combination of both causes.)
In any event, the
extended period covered by Tarabich’s prophecies and the astounding
way they have proved so accurate for the people of the Balkans make
his prophecies for our time of critical interest and concern today.
Tarabich appears to have been a loving, humble man, faithful to his
beliefs, his country and family, although he greatly lamented the
various wars between his people. He considered himself a Yugoslavian
and not a Serbian, although his village of Kremna was in Serbia and
he spoke the language. He considered the Croatians, Serbians,
Slovenians, etc., all brothers. Even the languages are made up of
words familiar to them all. Tarabich speaks against the hatred that
rises up between them. He prophesied that after World War II there
would be a time of apparent peace and abundance, but then that old
hatred would rise again (and so it has).
On a world scale Mr. Tarabich predicts World War III, in which every
country would be affected except one country as large as Europe
which is surrounded by water (Australia?). He predicted some of the
modern inventions, and described some of the modern military
missiles. He predicted that people would go underground for
protection but that millions of people would die. He states that
those who are ground soldiers will fare better than those flying the
skies. He sees a lot of dead bodies falling from the sky onto a
field near his home. He also predicted a world court, which would be
disregarded by some big kings and some small kings, and that there
would be numerous small wars prior to the larger WWIII. In the end
Archangel Michael would return (he is considered a guardian angel of
the Balkans), and there will be a man with red hair, who will rule
the world in peace for a thousand years! I have made my comments
short so that you can read the greater details and more prophecies
in The Balkan Prophecy.
Always remember that prophecies do not have to happen. Man can
change things.
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