Crawford2000 Website
"Iron rods will be
built and iron monsters will bark though the wilderness. Cars
without horses and shaft will come, and man will fly through the
air like birds "....
"The catholic faith
will almost completely disappear, the religiousness will be
quite badly respected, they will not earn any respect due to
their way of living, there won't be many good Christians among
the people, the Commandments of God are no longer
respected by the aristocracy as well as by the smallest worker,
one will not think the greatest unfairness to be a sin. When the
faith disappears also the love of the next one will completely
lose itself, one will not estimate the justice, often the poor
one will not be given right and he will be less respected than a
dog. After this a mischief will arise that has to be regretted,
there will be no order among the people"
"When in the outskirts of the forest the iron road will be
finished, and there the iron horse will be seen, a war will
begin, to last twice two years ...It would be fought with iron
fortresses that move without horses". Two or three decades after
the first war it will come one a Second War still larger. Almost
all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men
will die, without being soldiers. The fire will fall from the
sky and many great cities will be destroyed. And after the end
of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration
will come, so that it will determine everything. There will be
weapons totally new. In one day, more men will die than in all
the previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with
artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will happen. With the
open eyes, the nations of the planet will go through these
catastrophes. They won't know what is happening, and those that
know and tell, will be silenced. Everything will be different
from before, and in many places the Earth will be a great
cemetery. The third war will be the end of many nations".
"You, my children,
won't experience the largest mischief, you, my grandchildren,
won't also experience it, but the third stock, that will easily
experience it."
"Over night it will take place - in a pub in Zwiesel many people
will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the
bridge." ........
"The people will run
out of the forest. Those, who hide themselves at the "Fuchsenriegel"
or at the "Falkenstein", remain spared. Who survives must have
an iron heading. The people become ill, and nobody can help
them... however it will continue, and what follows then, is the
end of the world. Sky and earth burn, because it is the time,
when everything comes to an end. And this time will be, when the
wild hunt with fire and sulphur roars over the country. But it
is still long time, till it will happen, then no humans will
know anymore, where "Zwiesel" and where "Rabenstein" (German
towns) have been. Of all frights the this will be the last. When
the people fall off the bank like the flies off the wall, the
last time begins. It will be horrible." ........
"But when however
someone at the whole Danube stream finds still another cow, then
she is worth it to be attached with a silver bell by the owner."
"After these events
it will be a miracle, if one still sees two or three rulers
going together, after these events the clarity will be anew, and
those who survived, will face a good time for hope".
Millennium Book of Prophecy
by John Hogue
Railroads, Cars, and
"Iron roads will be
built, and iron monsters will bark through the wilderness. Cars
without horses and shaft will come, and men will fly though the
air like birds."
World War 1
"When in the
outskirts of the forest the iron road will be finished, and
there the iron horse will be seen, a war will begin, to last for
twice two years. It will be fought with iron fortresses that
move without horses, and with powers that come from the earth
and fall from the sky."
According to Hogue:
"The day WW1 began
was pinpointed two centuries before it happened by a simple and
reclusive cowherd in the Bavarian forests bordering
Czechoslovakia. On Aug. 1, 1914, a new railroad line between
Kalteneck and Deggendorf (running on the edge of Stormberger's
forest) officially opened -the day hostilities began. The war
did last four years and saw the introduction of terrible new
weapons such as mines "from the earth", poison gas "falling from
the sky" and tanks-"iron fortresses" that move.
1929: The Stock
Market Crash
"Right after this
horrible war there will come a time when money will have no
value. For 200 guilders not even a loaf of bread will be
available, and yet there shall be no famine. Money will be made
of iron, and gold shall become so valuable that for a few gold
coins a small farm can be bought."
The Interval Between
World Wars
"Two or three
decades after the first great war will come a second, still
greater war. Almost all nations of the world will be involved.
Millions of men will die, without being soldiers. Fire will fall
from the sky and many great cites will be destroyed."
"And after the
second great struggle between the nations will come a third
universal conflagration, which will determine everything. There
will be entirely new weapons. In one day more men will die than
in all previous wars combined. Battles will be fought with
artificial weapons. Gigantic catastrophes will occur. With open
eyes will the nations of the Earth enter into these
catastrophes. They shall not be aware of what is happening, and
those who will know and tell, will be silenced.
Everything will become different than before, and in many places
the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third great war will be
the end of many nations."