October 24, 2011
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November is a major decision point. A
strological events on or about
11.11.11 indicate a point of no return. The planets are about to
shift gears in a big way.
Matters will escalate. Political, economic and psychological stuff
will intensify, grow more confusing and, in a word overwhelming.
Political discourse will become increasingly strident and violence
will probably begin escalating. The economic situation only grows
more complicated and uncertain. To get through this, we must decide
who we are and where we stand.
It might still be a little too soon to take action or expect
results. Delays still frustrate. But we can no longer sit on the
sidelines, or simply tread water. It is time to start deciding how
we will answer the questions being raised, how we will meet the
challenges confronting us.
Events will compel us to
make decisions
and commitments.