October 2009
AphroditeAstrology Website
If you've landed here, chances are you've heard of
the Web Bot project.
But for those who
haven't, it's a project that's concept is aimed at tapping into the
collective unconscious of the universe and it's inhabitants. But it
didn't start out that way. It started out as a program developed to
make stock market predictions.
There's a bit of mystery surrounding the Web Bot Project due to the
anonymity that is closely kept and guarded by it's creator, a
gentlemen who wishes to remain known only by the name of Cliff.
According to the guys
over at
Peoplenomics, Cliff was a,
"senior programmer
with a software company in the Pacific Northwest and besides
being an SQL ace, he was also heavily into linguistics and a
language called Prolog, which is more like an artificial
intelligence language than anything else.
After looking up the
patent he held for the technology, I was convinced that this
fellow was for real and might be on to something with the method
of looking for linguistic shift on the Internet as a tool to
forecast future events."
Now the Web Bot project
isn't voodoo by any means, but at times it may seem so,
"What becomes
obvious when reading about the technology is that it sometimes
reads a bit like the
I Ching, the Chinese Book of
Changes, because the technology doesn't come out and say 'go
look for a terrorist attack over there.'
What it does is it
gives phrases that would be associated with how people talk
about an event, or more accurately, how they change their speech
to reflect their thought processes because of an event.
The web bot
technology apparently taps in to an area of 'preconscious
awareness.' It's here that you run into the ramifications of
Dean Radin's work at the Boundary Institute and the work of the
Princeton Global Consciousness Project."
Dean Radin's mind
bending work can be seen here titled "Time-reversed
Human Experience: Experimental Evidence and Implications."
So, what conclusion did Dean Radin's work produce?
According to
"The mind-bending
evidence in Radin's work is that in a laboratory, people begin
to react to an event as early as 6-seconds before it takes
place. In other words, if you are about to show someone a
horribly grotesque picture of something, they will already be
physically reacting to it before the picture actually becomes
Up to 6-seconds, or
so, and within the confines of a lab! In quantum terms, Radin's
work demonstrates that people are physically able to perceive
6-seconds into the future."
Amazing, is it not?
"We are not human
beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings
having a human experience."
And it appears that each
one of us is internally blessed with precognitive instincts. Brings
to mind the phrase "listen to your gut" as there seems to be some
hard evidence that, indeed, our guts do speak to us.
Those are primal
instincts that each of us are granted by Mother Nature as a natural
defense mechanism. However, our continually developed false sense of
security within our culture leads many to ignore these God given
instincts nowadays and chalk them up to "hooey."
"When you study
natural science and the miracles of creation, if you don't turn
into a mystic you are not a natural scientist"
Albert Hoffman
So, does Peoplenomics
have a theory about how the Web Bot technology works?
"Sort of. It's like
changes in language precede large emotional events. The larger
the emotional impact of an event, the more advance notice the
bots seem to give. If you picture some pin holes in a piece of
paper - and you imagine being able to look through each pinhole
for a fraction of a second - with the objective of seeing the
future on the other side of the paper - that's where the web
bots are today.
Ever since Plato's Allegory of the Cave, people have sensed that
odd things go on at the archetype level of consciousness. The
web bots are a linguistic attempt to use the high data density
of the Internet to sample language and seek linguistic shifts
that we believe may precede events. The initial results suggest
that language shifts on a macro level begin to occur 45 to 90
days before society-changing events.
We believe we've
demonstrated, most recently with the Northeast Power Outage
forecast, that changes in language do indeed precede events - on
a far broader scale than
Dean Radin's
early lab results suggest - and these subtle language changes
are publicly available by massive sampling and analysis routine
Internet traffic."
You may ask,
"So why isn't the
government behind this?"
Peoplenomics explains,
"We've decided to
keep the project low key and out of headlines and government
control. Even talking with the History Channel's production
company puts us out at the edge of our desired profile. We turn
down media requests regularly because we're not trying to sell
anyone anything. Universe provides, we've discovered."
The Peoplenomics folks
can provide you the information to answer many of your questions
like where to find Cliff's site and the Web Bot data runs, a link to
the Web Bot subscription page and a link to free daily Web Bot
updates by visiting them at "Decoding
the Past: Doomsday 2012 - Viewer Notes."
It's a great page that provides a lot of additional information
about the Web Bot Project and gives you a glimpse into the brilliant
mind behind it and the open-mindedness surrounding the project.
"First, we are
extremely clear that there is no witchcraft or woo-woo in what
we do - it's hard core computer science and radical
I'd advise anyone
interested in or seeking additional information about the Web Bot
Project to pay them a visit. Many thanks to Cliff, the Web Bot's
developer at Half Past Human, and the folks at Peoplenomics and
I couldn't have
explained it any better myself, therefore, I didn't try to.
Shape of Things to Come (2010)"
covers bot predictions from July 20, 2009 until July 11, 2010.
Regrettably, Cliff
"Very, very grim
material indeed. NOT necessarily life enhancing."
When considering the Web
Bot project and matters such as this - always remember, as a
beautifully brilliant mind once said,
"Great spirits have
always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter
cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to
hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his
Albert Einstein