by Jeane Manning
Atlantis Rising, No 19, 1999
CenterFromImplosionResearch Website
Our thinking apparatus runs on
water. Our physical bodies are two-thirds water, so obviously its qualities
can heal or harm us. We now learn that water seems to remember and later
convey "information". No wonder the most dynamic frontier in science today
is water research. Or is it a re-search, I wondered, after encountering
researchers who:
show how neuroscience tends
to confirm medieval concepts situating memory, imagination and reason in
water-filled cavities of the brain.
experiment with
transferring, from water to us, the life-force energy chi, also called
prana down through the ages, or study specially-shaped water pipes used
by ancient Minoan culture in Crete; or show how the emanations from
healers’ hands change water.
measure physical qualities
of "holy water," or effects of conscious intent upon water’s crystalline
structure, or build prototype inventions aimed at using water as a
source of energy.
Some study the big picture, such
as the claim that rivers self-organize and energetically recharge themselves
through spinning motions. And some point out the well-known anomalies that
water is densest at 4 degrees Celsius (=39F), and
expands when cooled further, so that its solid state floats on top of its
liquid state. Water as the "universal solvent" melds with nearly any
element. Hydrogen, the main ingredient in water, is spread throughout
galaxies, and ice is found in dust clouds in outer space.
The picture of water that emerges is what Marilyn Ferguson in her book
Aquarian Conspiracy calls" the strangest stuff around." Learning about the
mysteries of water evokes a primal fore-knowing, like a racial memory,
perhaps pro-science, something we have known for a very long time.
Before our materialistic age lost the abilities to sense subtle energetics,
water was central to sacred rituals and symbols: Baptism, The holy river,
Spiritual visions of the Ocean of Love, Myths of the flood or of creation,
Drinking of sacred waters when visiting an oracle or a shrine. The Sumerian
goddess Inanna had a vase in place of a heart, from which flowed miraculous
The Bronze Age civilization of
King Minos at his city of Knossos on the island of Crete apparently lived by
the principle that water should be returned to the earth in the same
conditions it was when it was borrowed, treating all water as holy. Our era
in contrast treats rivers and oceans as dumping grounds, and we face
shortages of drinkable water. Dr. Karl Maret predicts that water will become
the currency in the new century. Meanwhile researchers of water mysteries
struggle for funding.
Ferguson notes:
"The quest to understand
water hasn’t summoned up the capital and glamour of space research,
although it may have more direct bearing on our lives. While humans burn
rain forests and alter other factors that kept our habitat moist, we
should remember the nagging suspicion that Mars was once a watery
Let Water Move, Keep it Cool
We’ve had ample warnings. Austrian forest warden Viktor Schauberger
(1885-1958) warned about wastelands that did and would appear on our planet
when vast forests disappear. He observed the interaction between water and
forest, such as the vitality of cold, pure water in tree-sheltered streams.
He admonished: "Comprehend nature, then copy nature."
He taught that water
is a living rhythmic substance. In maturity, it gives of itself to
everything needing life. However, water can become diseased through
incorrect handling. Dying water harms animals, plants, and fish.
Whether stilled by a dam or a bottle, stagnant and warm waters begin to
deteriorate. Conversely, at a cool 4 degrees Celsius (39F), moving water is
densest, strongest and at its best carrying capacity.
Wild rivers have
inherent self-control mechanisms, if left alone to establish their own
homeostasis, that is if kept cool with natural overhanging vegetation and
allowed to meander around bends and therefore be lively with purposeful
swirling motion. Shortsighted human engineering, clear-cut forests,
mega-project dams, and rivers confined into canals all tamper with the
circulatory system of our planet. Having interfered with the hydrological
cycle, we reap floods, droughts, and other extremes of weather.
Olaf Alexandersson in his book Living Water introduces Schauberger’s insight
into river management, water-fueled devices and energy. Its successor is the
book by Callum Coats, Living Energies, that could be the textbook for a new
eco-technology, to construct or encourage processes which don’t fight nature
but instead work in harmony. Coats researched for two decades into Schauberger’s discoveries from forestry to flood control to soil fertility
and water purification.
Hydrologists could learn by reading this book how
crucial the small variations are in a river’s temperature, and how water’s
spinning motion recharges it with subtle energies.
Water Power without
The naturalist’s warning echoes across the decades, "Prevailing technology
uses the wrong form of motions." Twentieth-century machines leave behind
waste products because their processes use the destructive half of nature’s
creation/destruction cycle, the centrifugal outward moving motions of
heating, burning, pushing, radiating or explosion. They channel air, water
and fuels into the type of motion which nature uses to decompose matter.
Schauberger observed that the
centripetal inward-spiraling force is the
creative, cooling, sucking motion without friction, which results in
increased order instead of destruction. He applied his understanding of
cycloid spiral motion to a wide range of inventions; methods that are in
harmony with nature’s creative motion.
This "water magician" found solutions for agriculture, for energy
generation, as well as transporting water in pipes that encourage the
inward-spiraling motion of water. Today’s researchers follow and expand on Schauberger’s earlier knowledge.
For instance, the Swedish Malmo group use the phrase "self-organizing flow"
to describe what they are creating, since Schauberger’s technology made use
of the natural orderliness spontaneously created by a system under the
correct conditions. Meanwhile, new energy-generating processes, such as
Randall Mills’ Black Light Power, convert ordinary water into hydrogen and
oxygen. Paul Pantone of Utah runs engines on water mixed with waste
substances, and the air that comes out the exhaust pipe won’t dirty-a white
handkerchief held at the end of the pipe.
About a century ago, John Worrell Keely figured out how to run a motor on
the power of cavitation or
implosion, while alternately compressing and
expanding water. He harnessed that we dismiss as nuisance - the water hammer -
in water pipes. Dale Pond, researcher of Keely’s physics, says that
Hydro-Vacuo motor created a water hammer shock wave which when synchronized
with the wave’s echo,
"results in Amplitude Additive Synthesis, a process
which tremendously increased energy accumulations in quick order."
warns that this resonance amplification is similar to the process, which
breaks wine glasses.
Liquid Memory, Do We
Really Know Water?
At Water-science conferences which this journalist attended in recent years
such as the one at Seniamhoo Resort, WA, Nov. ’98 (funded by Living Water
International); a privately funded ’97 meeting in Los Angeles organized by
Linda McClain; and the Institute of Advanced Water Sciences (AWS) symposium
the previous year in Dallas, TX the one fact that emerged was that water is
not a single homogeneous product of nature.
Water in living cells has unique structure, and clusters of its molecules
have organized relationships. Another factor is what Schauberger called the
"immature taker" vs "life-giving mature" water. Since water without minerals
is a relentless solvent, if we could distill 100% of impurities out of a
batch of water, it would be dangerous to drink, leaching minerals from our
Then there’s the movement-vitality factor. Stagnant bottled water, even
though chemically clear, is dead compared to water in the rushing brooks.
But it has to be proper movement. As water is pushed through cities in the
unnatural confines of metal pipes, its energetic oscillations interfere, and
the natural order in water’s structure is canceled.’ How do we know this?
For one, German engineer Theodor Schwenk and his Institute for Flow Science
developed a technique for photographing the internal structure of water.
In drops of water taken near
pristine springs, a symmetric rosetta pattern was revealed. On the other
hand, the internal structure of damaged municipal water is-chaotic. Chemical
contaminants and electromagnetic pollution compound the damage and cause
chaotic clustering of water molecules. These meetings wrestled with
questions such as whether ’living water’ is an organized state of matter and
energy, and capable of storing and transmitting information. If so, the
implications go beyond homeopathy and ’energy medicine" and into the interaction between water and consciousness.
Dr. David Schweitzer is the first scientist to photograph the effects of
thoughts, captured in water. This shows that water can act as a liquid
memory system capable of storing information. David Schweitzer first stepped
into this trail by becoming an authority on blood analysis. He learned that
blood cells express themselves in
sacred geometry and their harmonious
shapes and colors. Since blood cells hang out in water, he looked farther
into that substance for answers about our thinking processes. After ten
years of observing blood, in 1996 he made the discovery which opened the
door to photographing the stored frequencies in homeopathics and natural
remedies and to researching the impact of positive or negative thoughts on
bodily fluids.
"Having studied the
relationship between the brain, cells and emotions," he told Joseph
Duggan in Vancouver, "I came to realize that certain trace elements were
needed to send information from one area of the brain to another."
Minerals alone could not convey
information. To find out if the carrier was water itself, Dr. Schweitzer
experimented. French scientist Jacques Benveniste had already shed light on
the memory of water in homeopathy. He and a dozen other scientists
demonstrated that water can retain a memory of molecules it once contained.
Nature magazine in 1988 published their experiments showing that if water
containing antibodies was diluted repeatedly until it no longer contained a
single molecule of antibody, immune cells still respond to the water.
publication drew outrage from orthodox professors, and the magazine later
sent a team to Benveniste’s laboratory including the magician James Randi
and Walter Stewart, a self-appointed investigator of scientific fraud. The
team judged the French scientists’ results to be a "delusion." However, a
recent book by Michel Schiff says the slander of Benveniste was the
Dr. Schweitzer says, aspects of the homeopathic research couldn’t be
measured by the investigators’ instruments. The witch hunt in France didn’t
stop him from radical thinking. He remembered Albert Einstein’s idea that
particulate "light bodies" act in ways we don’t yet understand. Waking up
one morning with insight on how to make these bodies visible, Schweitzer
began working on a fluorescent microscope at a certain light intensity.
wanted to see somatids change in response to thought and other influences.
Just before the water on the microscope slides evaporated, he saw certain
formations develop,
"dependent on the thoughts or energy atmosphere it had
been impregnated with."
"l observed that this cluster
could be modified at will."
Further work showed that microscopic light
bodies in the water intensify in the presence of positive thoughts. They
shine brightly if thoughts are backed up by emotion, and it makes a big
difference whether the emotions are negative or positive.
Intrigued by the tiny light-bodies, he tested holy waters of religious
faiths, from Italy, Russia, Yugoslavia and North America and saw somatids
floating even after years of being bottled on shelves.
"This means there is
an ideal balance when somatids never touch,’ each other, which gives them
the greatest capacity to store information."
But when he studied homeopathic
remedies, careful storage of energy medicine is crucial. French immunologist
Jacques Benveniste had learned that electronic circuits can impress lasting
information upon water, and low-frequency electromagnetic radiation and heat
destroy homeopathic strength. Further, Dr. Schweitzer has a warning about
purified water we buy in clear plastic bottles that have been exposed to
fluorescent lighting.
When we drink only this water, our lips dry out and
become chapped and cracked.
"Normally, drinking water
does not dry out the mouth, but fluorescent lighting changes the
structure of water such that it dries out the mucous membranes."
Randy Ziesenus, of Edmund,
Oklahoma, says anyone can personally improve the water they use.
"It’s amazing what happens
when you take a glass of water and hold it between the palms of your
hands and ask your higher Self to work with that water and whatever you
need for your highest good. And then drink it; incredible what that
little (ritual) does."
Ziesenus is president of
Bio-Com, a company that specializes in the development of biotechnology
using radio-frequencies (RF) to alter water’s bonding structure. He says,
"if you drink water that’s harmonious to the human body, water will pass
through the body within ten to 15 minutes. Then you’ve got to go to the
restroom. The (harmonious) water will carry out toxins."
One of his inventions condenses water from air.
"That’s one of the biggest
things I’ve been working on by using frequencies to draw moisture out of
He and researchers from Los Alamos National Laboratory are working on
"a program where you can take a photocell device, put it out in the desert,
and it will make a gallon of water overnight." The unit is powered by photovoltaics (electricity from sunlight).
Ziesenus agrees with Dr.
Scheitzer’s claim that our AC electricity leaves a harmful imprint on water.
William Tiller
At the Living Water conference, professor emeritus William Tiller quietly
obliterated the conventional view that humans cannot meaningfully interact
with their experiments,
"Conventional science would
even more emphatically state that specific human intentions could not be
focused into a simple electronic device, which is then used to
meaningfully influence an experiment in accord with the specific
intention. We have made a valid test and found conventional science
conclusion to be in serious error."
In his work Dr. Tiller describes
the people who are capable of sustaining high-coherence in intentions as
"imprinters." They, for example, sit around the table while putting out the
intention "to activate the indwelling consciousness of the system" so that
the pH of the experimental, water increased or decreased significantly
compared to the control. It did. How does he explain this?
The theory used by Tiller and co-researcher Walter Dibble, Jr., is
multidimentional. These scientists see water as a special material,
suited for information/energy transfer from this frequency domain into our
conventional domain of cognition, the physical."
Regarding the factor of
mental capability of whether imprinters know enough science to visualize
changes in pH, Dr. Tiller said, "the unseen intelligence of the universe is
an even more important factor." Later he added, "in my view it is the spark
of Spirit in the cells that give rise to the life force."
Another scientist at that meeting, Dr. Glen Rein, points out, that
physicists know about the existence of energy fields with properties, which
are not explained by classical equations. He refers to the non-classical
fields as quantum fields. Rein’s work again shows that this
non-electromagnetic energy - information from the primordial vacuum of space -
can be stored in water and can later communicate with living cells.
Perhaps Viktor Schauberger’s most startling observation was that subtle
qualities of water can affect humans mentally and spiritually, either
revitalization or deterioration of society.
Dr. Thomas Narvaez has proven to
his own satisfaction that a vitality factor exists and can be increased or
decreased in water by human activity.
"We now see that our
thoughts not only affect our own bodies, but also the bodies of those
around us. Members of this group (speaking to the Institute of Advanced
Water Sciences, in 1996 ) who bottled water or who worked with
broadcasted energies like crystals or magnets therefore have a
responsibility to keep our view of the world upbeat and positive."