by Jennifer Hoskins
New Dawn No. 96 (May-June
NewDawnMagazine Website
The Secret Life of Water is the third volume of Dr. Emoto's highly
successful series on water and how we as humans can interact with it to
benefit ourselves and our planet.
The Secret Life of Water is a follow-on
from The Hidden Messages in Water, and The True Power of Water.
These amazing books sprang to worldwide prominence after The Hidden Messages
in Water was featured in the metaphysical documentary film
What the Bleep do We Know?
Masaru Emoto is a Doctor of alternative medicine and has carried out
worldwide research into the resonance or vibration of water and how it
affects humans and the environment.
His own intense curiosity, love,
gratitude, and respect for the environment have inspired his research into
water. What his findings have shown is that the crystalline structure of
water can be influenced by feelings, intentions, sounds and vision.
He takes photographs of water at low temperatures as it starts to freeze.
These images reveal the amazing diversity of crystals that water can form
under different circumstances. He now travels the world, spreading the word
by lecturing and showing his stunning photographs of water crystals. Many
regional groups have formed to follow his work becoming active in their
pursuit of essential water.
When necessary, they strive to alter local
conditions and counteract pollution and chemicals in the environment.
This volume primarily focuses on the nature of water itself. Water comes to
us all from many different sources, including extra-terrestrial by the
agency of
comets and meteorites, as well as the already existing reservoirs
on the earth.
Dr. Emoto looks at the natural history and life-cycle of water, from its
initial emergence as molecular H20, through the distribution via the
atmosphere as rain or snow.
It is ubiquitous, capping the tallest peaks,
soaking into the ground, seeping into the storage basins under the earth,
thawing in the warmer seasons, bubbling into the light of day as springs,
rivulets, brooks, creeks, streams, rivers, torrents and eventually joining
mighty bodies of water such as lakes and oceans.
We are informed that the best water is moving water. Let the water flow!
During water's journey in all its diverse ways, it meets rocks, minerals,
plants and animals. Water both nurtures and learns from them all. We learn
from Dr. Emoto that water has a memory - a memory far longer than our
transient lifetimes.
In this book you will learn that not only does water have a memory, but is
carries secrets too. Every drop of water has had a long history before it
became us. We can actually learn from water, by allowing it to resonate
within us. Seventy percent of our being is water. This gives rise to many
questions and wonders.
As with everything in existence, water has a vibration.
Dr. Emoto calls this
Hado, a Japanese word for the vibration inherent in all things. We know it
by many other names, reflecting our different cultures. Chi, Qi,
Prana, and
Mana are but a few of the familiar names for the universal vibration.
The author has used the Hado of water in healing with the aid of a
fascinating Hado machine which measures the Hado in patients, or pictures of
patients, and then prepares water that will complement and balance the
patient's Hado.
This appears to act very much like homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathy is based on the notion of ‘like treats like' and can attenuate
the remedies so much that there may be none of the original molecules left - just the vibration
- but it is still able to correct an imbalance.
The author spends much time in the text of this book suggesting ways in
which we can improve our lives and that of the planet by using more natural
and harmonious solutions to problems occurring in health and food
production, as well as pollution.
His research into the crystalline
structure of water has wide-ranging implications on how we can approach
problems, both personally and as a global community.
Dr. Emoto also discusses the nature of plant essences such as the
Flower Remedies, which work on the principle of vibration. He also has an
interesting side discussion on the emerging technology of beneficial
bacteria called Efficient Microorganism, or EMTM.
These bacteria were first used
on crops to produce better and healthier yields. It was found that the
beneficial effects lingered long after the EM were gone. Even containers
used to store EM which were thoroughly cleansed were still found to produce
better-than-expected effects when used. EM technology has much to offer both
agriculture and human health as a natural by-product of the fermentation
There is also section on the
benefits of hemp as a realistic modern,
renewable product for agriculture and medicine.
Hemp has definitely suffered
from poor press throughout the twentieth century due to the uses and abuses
of its psychoactive component. Before it was considered a dangerous drug, it
was an important primary product in many countries and gave all kinds of
useful products and by-products.
Today, supporters of hemp cite myriad
commercial products that are cheaper, stronger and more economical to
The author states that the Hado of hemp is positive and of a high order,
making it grow quickly. He considers it to be a gift from nature. In fact,
the state religion of Japan, Shinto, has hemp as a sacred plant. Some of the
products now harvested from hemp include industrial products such as diesel
fuel oil, ethanol, methanol, paper, cloth, rope, and plastic.
The fruit of the hemp plant is
high in protein and the seed oil is widely used as a natural medicine. It
can also be used in soaps and shampoos due to its moisturizing properties.
This is one fantastic natural product that most of the world is currently
ignoring. Watch this space! Thank you for reminding us Dr. Emoto.
In chapter five of this book is an extremely important discussion of the
efficacy of prayer. It has been well-researched elsewhere by Dr. Larry Dossey M.D., who found that healing could occur through
the power of prayer.
Dr. Emoto has taken the concept several steps further and used his water
photography to emphasize that our thoughts and feelings have a huge effect
on the environment.
I know many readers will be
exasperated by the notion that prayer can make a difference. After all,
thoughts and intentions are invisible, and hard to pin down. There are often
inflexible religious themes attached to prayer that have negative
connotations from our childhoods.
Many of us have prayed and didn't seem to
get an answer - or did we? I say cast these doubts aside and give it a go!
The author has participated in group prayer around the world that has made a
difference to how water looks, tastes and behaves. In his books he takes
care not to offend the religious - or atheistic - sensibilities of his
Most people accept that there is a higher power of some sort, what they call
that power is of no consequence when engaging in positive feelings and
intentions toward the environment. Positive feelings enhance and negative
feelings detract. To be grateful for the beauty of the earth and everything
that we have is to be in a state of Grace. It took me fifty years to figure
that one out.
In the spirit of ‘like attracting like', I urge the reader to try some
positive thinking and see how it manifests in your life. You may be quite
surprised. The immediate results are precisely why the classic positive
thinking books are never out of print - they work.
What sets Dr. Emoto's researches and books apart is the affection, respect
and gratitude he expresses for all life. When you read his words and see the
pictures, you will see that he is not doing it solely for his own
improvement or gratification - although I sincerely hope he gets an
abundance of that - but as a gift to humankind and to the planet.
If large
groups of enlightened people actively change attitude and behavior toward
their environment because of these books, his job will be well done.
For readers approaching these books for the first time, the feeling is one
of extreme surprise and perhaps even shock, at
the beauty of water crystals.
The eyes hungrily take in the color plates and the circumstances under
which they were made. The crystals remind one of snowflakes, just as
complex, just as evanescent.
One person I spoke to recalled
wanting to press the picture to her forehead - a desire to impress the
memory of the picture into the brain. Surprise! It is already in the brain
as soon as it is viewed, and it may just be recognition, rather than a need
to possess.
There is nothing living in our world that can do without water. It is the
universal nurturer, healer and solvent. Our language is replete with watery
words and phrases.
For instance: "Did you come down in the last shower?" or
"My blood turned to ice."
Consider what some of our greatest poets and
philosophers had to say about water:
"A lake is the landscape's
most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into
which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
Henry David Thoreau
"The true peace of God begins at any spot a thousand miles from
the nearest land."
Joseph Conrad
"Water its living strength first shows, When obstacles its course
Johann Wolfgang von
"Water is the mother of the vine, The nurse and fountain of fecundity,
The adorner and refresher of the world."
Charles Mackay
Water is arguably the simplest,
most essential and yet tragically ignored substance - unless we have a lack
of it.
Should we not treat it as it deserves to be treated? After all,
without it there is no life. Each drop of moisture we see and absorb into
our bodies can teach us how to move in the world in a more harmonious way - if we allow it.
I can't seem to get enough of Dr. Emoto's writings and breathtaking
photographs of water. I recommend all of his books and products without
Anyone who is concerned for the future of humanity and our
planet will quickly become aware that these books are quite extraordinary
and precious.