by Mike Barrett
May 24, 2012

from NaturalSociety Website






Honey has long been among the top superfoods used to treat countless health conditions and boost overall health.


Similar to how the benefits of apple cider vinegar range far and wide, honey can be used to help treat an array of health issues experienced daily. This amazing bee-product possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties - making it one of the most beneficial foods to consume.


Here are some of the health benefits of honey that you can experience today.




Health Benefits of Honey - A Handful of Uses

Allergy Protection

Although there is some debate as to whether honey can effectively combat allergies, many individuals do attest to honey’s allergy-fighting ability.


Honey has been utilized as an alternative and natural allergy treatment for many years, with many allergy sufferers swearing by its antiallergenic properties. One study found that the use of local honey resulted in a 60 percent reduction in symptoms for birch pollen allergy sufferers.


If honey doesn’t suffice for you, don’t hesitate to implement one of many other available home remedies for allergies.

An All-Natural Antibiotic - Heals Wounds

Used as a mighty superfood for centuries, and as a solution for infections up until the 20th century, honey has long been utilized for its antibacterial properties.


One study published in the journal Microbiology found that honey prevented a type of streptococcus pyogenes from inhibiting the healing of wounds. Researchers conducting the lab tests found that even the smallest amount of honey was enough to kill off the majority of bacterial cells on the skin which infects the wound site.


Honey could even be utilized to prevent wounds in the first place.

Other research shows how honey could be a potent answer to drug resistant bacteria like MRSA. In fact, some researchers have come to the conclusion that honey could even be more effective than antibiotics in many cases after examining how the superfood can prevent and fight serious skin infections.


After a skin injury like a cut or a scrape, bacteria can penetrate the wound site and cause problems, but scientists have found that honey can destroy such bacteria, as long as its the right kind.

Honey can even painlessly remove pus, scabs and dead tissue from wounds and stimulates new tissue growth.

Soothes Coughs and Eases Colds

Perhaps among the most enjoyed health benefits of honey, the superfood can be used to soothe coughs or ease colds.


A mixture of fresh lemon juice and raw honey provides soothing relief for sore throats and helps stop the tickle that stimulates coughing. Raw honey - with all its components including royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen - is high in nutrients and enzymes which kill bacteria and viruses.


Children given just a little bit of honey before bed often sleep better and cough less than if given nothing. Don’t forget about honey when searching for home remedies for cough.

Further adding on to the health benefits of honey, the food:

  • Increases calcium absorption.

  • Can increase hemoglobin count and treat or prevent anemia caused by nutritional factors.

  • Can help arthritic joints.

  • Works as a natural and gentle laxative, aids constipation.

  • Provides instant energy without the insulin surge caused by white sugar.

  • Contains a wide array of trace minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, chromium, manganese and selenium, which are critical for healthy cellular insulin sensitivity and blood sugar balance. This superfood does have an effect on blood sugar and contains approximately 53% fructose, so one should only consume this in moderation.

Although honey can be a fantastic health-boosting tool, using the wrong kind of honey may give you the health benefits of honey you expect.


A study conducted for Food Safety News shows that at least 75% of the honey sold in the US is actually not real honey, according to Food and Drug Administration standards.


In order for honey to be deemed “honey” in the United States, the honey must contain pollen as it naturally would.


While the FDA has a strict rule on what is and what isn’t considered real honey, they actually don’t bother to check the honey sold, and so many people are consuming fake, nutrient-depleted honey.


The simplest potential solution to this problem would be for you to purchase honey at your local natural health food store, or obtain your honey from a local beekeeper if at all possible.


Additional sources

  • Effect of Honey - Dextromethorphan, and No Treatment on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality for Coughing Children and Their Parents