by George Sanford

Weekly World News
transcription August 2007

from HealingCancerNaturally Website

Asheville, N.C

"There's not a tumor on God's green Earth that can't be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup!"

That's the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun - who says his simple home remedy can stop and reverse the growth of deadly cancers. The 75-year-old former truck driver has no medical degree and authorities are demanding that he stop dispensing his "wonder drug" - or face a prison sentence.

But his loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call "Dr. Jim" - and say he's a miracle worker.

"Dr. Jim cured me of lung cancer," declares farmer Ian Rodhiuse, 64. "Those other doctors told me I was a goner and had less than six months to live.

"But the doc put me on his mixture - and in a couple of months, the cancer was gone. It didn't even show up on X-rays!"

The gentle, silver-haired grandfather - who has been preparing home remedies since 1954 - says he first hit upon the miracle cure in the mid-1970s, when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer.

"There were five sisters in the family and all of them passed away from the big C by age 50 - except one," he recalls.

"I asked if there was anything different in her diet. She told me she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda. I figured, let me try it out on some of my other patients."

Since then, "Dr. Jim" has dispensed his mixture to more than 200 patients diagnosed with terminal cancer. Amazingly, he claims that of that number, 185 lived at least 15 more years - and nearly half enjoyed a complete remission of their disease.

"You tell me about another treatment that works that good!" he demands proudly.

Medical experts are less enthusiastic.

"This man is a quack, plain and simple," blasts an official at a state medical association. "We intend to see that he is arrested for practicing medicine without a license."

Until that happens, Dr. Jim vows to keep prescribing his treatment:

"I'm just going to keep on saving lives."

Dr. Jim's Miracle treatment is made with baking soda and maple syrup.

Will Dr. Jim's recipe work for you? We don't know - and Weekly World News urges you to consult your own trusted physician before embarking on any course of medical treatment.


But here, for our readers, is Dr. Jim's recipe:

  • Mix one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup in a small saucepan

  • Stir briskly

  • Heat for five minutes

  • Take one teaspoon daily, as needed


Notes by by Healing Cancer Naturally

  • Make sure to use only aluminium-free baking soda (e.g. Bob's Red Mill [Aluminium-Free] Baking Soda, pharmaceutical-grade baking soda etc.).

  • I’ve also seen it stated that this recipe can alternatively be prepared with honey or blackstrap molasses, in which case there would be no heating required.

Compare New and Experimental Approaches to Treating & Healing cancer:

Dr. Simoncini’s Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Treatment and Prostate cancer with osseous metastases testimonial: oral baking soda and blackstrap molasses therapy has helped wipe out bone metastases and reduced PSA to 0.1.