Reema Gehi
February 16, 2011
When physiotherapy, yoga
and painkillers failed, Mirror reader Nandini Rajan Adhvaryu took to
sound therapy to fight her
spondylitis problem.
She recounts her
Nearly seven years ago, a bout of spondylitis put Nandini Rajan
Adhvaryu's personal and professional life on hold. Her tutoring job
and long hours spent on the computer only worsened the problem.
Slowly, the 48-year-old started shirking everyday chores and even
began neglecting her daughters' academic work.
"The unbearable pain
affected my emotional state of mind and social life," she reveals.
She underwent the routine drill of physiotherapy, painkillers and
medicines prescribed by her husband, incidentally a homeopath.
also started practicing yoga, but the relief was temporary as the
pain reoccurred and exacerbated.
In tune
Two years ago, a family friend introduced her to sound therapy. It's
based on the belief that everything in the cosmos (including humans)
has a unique rhythm and pulse.
Together it generates a distinct,
natural sound frequency.
"Every cell consists of 70 per cent water,
making our system an excellent conductor of vibrations and sound
therapy an effective method of healing," says Harendra Khurana, a
music therapist with Sound Space.
The aim is to get the mind in tune with the body with the aid of a
healer. At a certain 'zero state', the chakras turn sensitive to
sound and the patient can sense the healer's vibrations.
Using this
interpersonal healing process, Khurana helps people balance their
chakras that control all body functions.
"An imbalance causes
diseases, but if they are in order, it boosts immunity and helps
react to medicines. The resonance module helps align the chakras
through the power of human voice, bija mantras, music, color and
visualization," adds Khurana.
Therapy time
During the once-a-week, 45-minute long sound therapy sessions,
Adhvaryu was made aware of her chakras.
She also learnt to align
them by channelizing her own voice. The therapy involved reciting
bija mantra with the help of a
tanpura where the instrument
helped give her the right pitch to create the desired resonance.
"The process calmed me down. I was able to concentrate on
my faulty chakras and my incorrect seating posture. I couldn't do
that earlier due to problems such as acidity and anxiety, which were
again related to spondylitis."
Within seven months, Adhvaryu witnessed improvement.
Today, she is
not only fit but has also weaned her body off medication.
"I feel
more energetic and can put in more hours of work in everyday
activities. It has improved my lifestyle, for the better," she
Know your chakras
The seven chakras which are vulnerable to sound are:
Muladhara (root
support), Svadhisthana (sacral), Manipura (the solar plexus),
Anahata (heart), Vishuddhi (throat), Ajna (third eye) and Sahasrara
Starting from the perineum at base of the spine is the Muladhara
(root support) chakra. Blockages in the Muladhara chakra could
result in spinal problems, weight disorders, premature ejaculations,
hemorrhoids and knee troubles.
The second one, Svadhisthana (sacral) chakra positioned halfway
between the pubis and navel, connects the human body to others
through feeling, desire, sensation and movement. Any obstacle in
this chakra could result in sexual malfunctions, kidney trouble and
even result in a stiff lower back.
The third chakra, Manipura (the
solar plexus) is located at the
base of the sternum. The blockage in this chakra causes
psychosomatic disorders such as depression, anger and even poor
Placed at the centre of the chest, the fourth chakra, Anahata
(heart) relates to the thymus gland. It encourages feelings of love
and compassion.
The fifth is the Vishuddhi (throat) chakra which helps us
experience the world symbolically through vibration and rhythm. Any
form of congestion in this chakra causes sore throat, vertigo,
allergies, skin diseases and sometimes, difficulty in expressing
A healthy sixth chakra, Ajna (third eye), which is sited a little
above and between the eyebrows, creates clarity of thought, inner
wisdom and intuition.
The seventh chakra, Sahasrara (crown) is the highest in order. It
symbolizes the highest state of enlightenment and facilitates our
spiritual development.