by Joseph M. Mercola
March 01, 2014
Mercola Website
Spanish version
Your body is capable of generating electricity, and this ability is
actually a key part of your achieving health.
Electricity allows
your nervous system to send signals to your brain. These signals are
actually electrical charges that are delivered from cell to cell,
allowing for nearly instantaneous communication.
The messages conducted via electrical signals in your body are
responsible for controlling the rhythm of your heartbeat, the
movement of blood around your body, and much more.
Your biological clock even uses electrical activity in order to help
keep your circadian rhythms in order. 1 You are, quite simply, an
electrical being. If electrical activity stops in your body, you
cannot survive.
But how, exactly, does this electrical activity take
How Does Your Body Produce Electricity?
The video above, from The Medicine Journal, 2 gives a concise
explanation of the complex process your body uses to generate
electricity. Inside your body are atoms that are made up of
positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and
neutrons (which are neutral).
An atom with unbalanced charges will become either positively or
negatively charged, and the switch from one charge to the other
allows electrons to flow from one atom to another. This is what is
referred to as electricity. 3
Your cells generate electrical charges via electrolytes like sodium
and potassium using a mechanism known as the "sodium-potassium
As Discovery Health explained: 4
"When your body needs to send a message from one point to another,
it opens the gate. When the membrane gate opens, sodium and
potassium ions move freely into and out of the cell.
Negatively charged potassium ions leave the cell, attracted to the
positivity outside the membrane, and positively charged sodium ions
enter it, moving toward the negative charge. The result is a switch
in the concentrations of the two types of ions - and rapid switch
in charge.
…this flip between positive and negative generates an electrical
impulse. This impulse triggers the gate on the next cell to open,
creating another charge, and so on. In this way, an electrical
impulse moves from a nerve in your stubbed toe to the part of your
brain that senses pain."
It is because of your body's electrical activity that
defibrillators, which deliver an electric shock to your heart, may
work to restore heart rhythm and why receiving the wrong type of
shock, like an electric shock or lightning strike, can essentially
"fry" your body's electrical system.
The opposite also holds true in
that you can actually harness the electrical charge of the Earth to
positively influence your health in numerous ways.
Your Body Can Absorb Free Electrons from the Earth
The Earth carries an enormous negative charge. It's always
electron-rich and can serve as a powerful and abundant supply of
antioxidant and free-radical-busting electrons.
Your body is finely tuned to "work" with the Earth in the sense that
there's a constant flow of energy between your body and the Earth.
When you put your feet on the ground, you absorb large amounts of
negative electrons through the soles of your feet.
The effect is sufficient to maintain your body at the same
negatively charged electrical potential as the Earth. This simple
process is called "grounding" or "earthing," and its effect is one
of the most potent antioxidants we know of.
Grounding has been shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation,
improve sleep, enhance wellbeing, and much, much more.
When you wear
rubber- or plastic-soled shoes, however, you are effectively
shielding yourself from this beneficial influx of electrons from the
Why It's So Important to Stay Grounded
Grounding's potent antioxidant effect helps alleviate inflammation
throughout your body, a potentially life-saving benefit since
inflammation is at the root of most diseases, including heart
According to Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a prominent cardiologist,
inflammation thrives when your blood is thick and you have a lot of
free radical stress, and a lot of positive charges in your body.
Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation because it thins your
blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions through the soles
of your feet.
Grounding helps thin your blood by improving its zeta potential,
which means it improves the energy between your red blood cells.
Research has demonstrated it takes about 80 minutes for the free
electrons from the earth to reach your bloodstream and transform
your blood.
Hypercoagulable (thick, slow-moving) blood contributes to chronic
inflammation, because when your blood does not flow well, oxygen
can't get to your tissues. Grounding's effect on blood thinning is
so profound that if you are taking blood thinners, you must work
with your health care provider to lower your dose otherwise you may
overdose on the medication.
You can see my interview with Dr.
Interestingly, grounding research has now discovered that if you
place your feet on the ground after an injury (or on a grounded
sheet, or place grounding patches on the balls of your feet),
electrons will migrate into your body and spread through your
Any free radicals that leak into the
healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized. This
occurs because the electrons are negative, while the free radicals
are positive, so they cancel each other out.
noted by Dr. James Oschman, an
expert in the field of energy medicine:
"So really what is happening with
grounding or earthing is that you're protecting your body from -
I call it, collateral damage…
Damage that was not intended to take
place but does take place because we have disconnected ourselves
from the Earth by putting rubber and plastic on the bottoms of
our shoes."
Free radical stress from exposure to
pollution, cigarettes, insecticides, pesticides, trans fats, and
radiation, just to name a few, continually deplete your body of
Simply by getting outside, barefoot,
touching the Earth, and allowing the excess charge in your body to
discharge into the Earth, you can alleviate some of the stress
continually put on your system.
Walking barefoot can help ameliorate the
constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other types of
radiation from cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi. It's also thought
that grounding may actually facilitate the formation of
water in your body.
Furthermore, grounding also calms your sympathetic nervous system,
which supports your heart rate variability. And, when you support
heart rate variability, this promotes homeostasis, or balance, in
your autonomic nervous system.
This is important because anytime you
improve your heart rate variability, you're improving your entire
body and all its functions.
If you want to learn more, watch below
'Grounded' documentary:
You'll hear first-hand accounts from
residents of Haines, Alaska who have overcome chronic pain, sleep
apnea, and much more simply by getting grounded.
How to
Reconnect with the Earth's Electrical Charge
Many Americans spend most of their waking hours wearing shoes with
rubber or plastic soles.
These materials are very effective
insulators, which is precisely why they're used to insulate
electrical wires. Yet, they also effectively disconnect you from the
Earth's natural electron flow.
Wearing leather-soled shoes will allow
you to stay grounded with the Earth, as will walking barefoot, but
you'll need to do so on the proper surface.
Good grounding surfaces include:
The following surfaces will NOT ground
Rubber and plastic
Tar or tarmac
Like eating right, exercising, and
sleeping, grounding can be described as yet another lifestyle habit
that supports optimal health by supporting your body's "electrical"
connection with the Earth.
It's supported and backed by prominent
medical doctors, scientists including Dr. David Suzuki, NASA
astronauts, and was used by ancient civilizations who placed strong
value on their relationship to the Earth.
As mentioned, simply taking off your shoes as much as you can when
you're outdoors will help you take advantage of natural grounding
opportunities. When indoors, using a grounding pad or sheet is an
excellent way to stay grounded while you're working or sleeping.
(For frequent travelers, I typically
bring a grounding pad with me when I fly, too.)