by Thomasina Copenhaver
October 14, 2019
NaturalNewsBlogs Website
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If you were a woman with painful, cystic breasts who lived in the
1800's - your doctor might have advised you to "paint your breasts"
with iodine.
Some doctors even injected iodine directly into the
breasts or ovaries to heal cysts.
Your doctor may have heard about it by word of mouth from the women
he treated. Imagine how difficult word of mouth was back then - long
before fast transportation and instant messaging.
Yet - this was real
evidenced based medicine - shared for free by women who cared about
each other. And you can bet - if it didn't work - those same women would
have told you!
Iodine had a rich healing history, long before the 1800's.
Prior to
that, seaweed was used in healing treatments, but no one knew it was
the iodine in it that did the healing.
So why is it that most women today have never heard about painting
cystic breasts or ovaries with iodine?
How did this simple yet
fundamentally proven, effective treatment get lost in the archives
of ancient medicine?
And iodine wasn't just used for cysts.
In 1829,
a Paris doctor named Jean Lugol, created Lugol's Solution from,
iodine and 10% potassium iodide combined with distilled water.
See "Nascent
was formulated for lung diseases, which were prevalent in Europe at
the time. Word of mouth spread quickly. Doctors of this era had a
"If you know not
where or why, use you then K and I" -
(KI = potassium iodide)
"The Iodine Crisis"
book by Lynne
Iodine was used for a multitude of documented disease
treatments - from asthma and lung conditions - to infections, gout,
ulcers, burns, inflammation, croup, etc.
From Civil War canteens to
early nebulizers - iodine was popular and effective. Potassium Iodide
was also widely used for tertiary (cerebral) syphilis.
Vincent Van
Gogh suggested iodine to his brother - both had tertiary syphilis.
By the early 1900's - Iodine was listed in the
Merck Manual (the best
selling medical textbook) as the treatment most used for tumors.
Iodine suppositories were marketed for prostate issues and salves
were created for breast cysts and other conditions.
Salves - mixing
iodine with a carrier oil - can reduce skin irritation and iodine
evaporation for topical application.
In 1989 on a trip to rural China, Dr. G. Robert DeLong, a pediatric
neurologist noticed some disturbing health issues among the
"The children in the Chinese village disturbed him most: One in 10
suffered from mental retardation, deafness and other problems that
were preventable with a small dose of iodine," writes Sarah Avery.
(Article listed below in Resources)
Dr. DeLong used a simple 55-gallon oil drum filled with potassium
iodate with an IV type tubing drip on top of a bridge that crossed
an irrigation canal.
It dripped into the water supply and was
guarded by a villager day and night, and refilled when necessary.
The result...?
As a result of Dr. DeLong's work,
"Infant mortality rates were cut
in half. Goiters disappeared. The children grew taller and had an
average IQ 16 points higher than children in nearby villages where
the water wasn't iodized."
The cost per person was less than 6 cents. The profound changes were
(The Iodine Crisis by Lynne Farrow,
resource below)
In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan was the first city in the U.S. to
fluoridate its water.
By the 1950's, community water fluoridation
was a standard American health policy - with the full support of
dentists, government health agencies, and numerous others in the
medical and scientific community.
Most people are surprised to learn that unlike the pharmaceutical
grade fluoride in their toothpaste (still toxic and comes with a
warning if ingested), the fluoride in our community water supply is
an untreated industrial waste product.
Highly toxic hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetra fluoride gases are
by-products of fertilizer production.
Prior to the 1970s, these
pollutants were vented into the atmosphere and caused some of the
most noxious air pollution in the country. The U.S. National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) cautioned that
FSA, an inorganic fluoride compound, had dire health consequences
for any worker that came into contact with it.
Breathing its fumes
caused severe lung damage or death.
An accidental splash on bare
skin would lead to burning and excruciating pain.
"Fluoridated water contains trace elements of arsenic and lead.
Without the phosphate industry's effluent, water fluoridation would
be prohibitively expensive.
And without fluoridation, the phosphate
industry would be stuck with an expensive waste disposal problem."
(OSU resource below)
But ask most dentists - and it's all about
tooth decay 'prevention'...
It is this fluorosilicic acid that has, since 1945, been transported
from fertilizer factories to water reservoirs throughout the United
Once there, it is drip fed into drinking water.
(See OSU
resource below for full history)
Unbeknown to most, our major source of dietary iodine was removed
from salt and flour in the 1970's.
Even today, most people think they
get enough dietary iodine in salt and bread. Check the label on that
bag of flour in your pantry.
It most likely contains another
poisonous Halogen:
Why would our "protective" government agencies remove a critical
element like iodine and replace it with a toxic fire retardant like
Why would they allow it to be consumed in products like
Mountain Dew?
Why would they allow it to off gas in infants
clothing, mattresses, furniture upholstery, carpets, etc.?
Here is the problem with fluorine, bromine, and chlorine:
highly toxic halogens from the periodic table displace iodine.
we inhale or ingest them, they compete with iodine at the receptors,
displace it, and then sequester themselves in the tissues, disrupt
our endocrine system and often lodge in the brain.
While iodine
raises IQ, the other three lower it.
Documented studies of fluoride
also show increased risk of bone cancer, osteoporosis, hip
fractures, Down's syndrome and damage to our pineal gland.
Without the protective grace of iodine, fluids accumulate in the
tissues, hormone disruption occurs, cysts develop to surround the
toxins and prevent them from entering the bloodstream.
often rupture these cysts in the breast - releasing toxins from their
protective cell wall into the bloodstream. Like popping a balloon.
Iodine is an inexpensive, NATURAL element that can't be patented.
Iodine "reverses" benign breast, prostate and ovarian cysts before
they become cancerous - very often within two weeks to three months.
But what would become of
the cancer 'industry'?
Finally, a recent study appeared in the medical journal of all
medical journals, The JAMA (listed in resources below). In an age of
natural health censorship, it is difficult to do your own research,
which I always recommend.
The article states what
many of us in the natural medicine field have known for years, and
been criticized for by our dentists:
fluoride ingested by pregnant
mothers lowers their children's IQ...
This news is actually in a
"prestigious" medical journal.
Imagine that?
"Pull out the poison, Feed the body, and
God will Heal"