by Michael Shore
Rense Website
What the masses of human beings all over
the world have not been told is that it is possible to control and
manipulate weather with a technology called 'scalar energy'.
These energy weapons have other major
capabilities that are even more dangerous than atomic weapons.
Scalar Weapons could literally destroy the world and it is of the
utmost urgency that human beings all over the world must be told of
the existence of this devastating technology.
If none of this is true, where is there a law on the books of the
United Nations, which prohibits one Nation from using environmental
and weather manipulation weapons and technology against another
Nikola Tesla, one of the most incredible inventors of
all time, developed this 'scalar technology' in the early 1900's. He
created one device, about this size of a pack of cigarettes, which
nearly brought down a New York high-rise before he reportedly
smashed it with a hammer to stop the vibrational energy which was
beginning to shatter the building.
In fact, many major technologies currently being used today were
invented by Tesla including alternating current, light bulbs,
robotics etc. etc. Tesla also invented an advanced technology to
provide Free Energy to the entire planet, anywhere, and mainly for
this reason the "powers that be" eliminated Tesla's name from
history books.
It's not difficult to understand how 'they' wouldn't permit Free
Energy to power the planet. Can you imagine a world, where OIL,
longer necessary as a major energy source?
Tesla wanted to give his free energy technology to the world, and
for this reason all his funding was cut off by JP Morgan,
Westinghouse and others, and he was never permitted to be
recognized for his monumental achievements. The New World Order
prefers that no one know that Tesla ever existed, so they can
withhold this incredible technology from the People.
After Tesla died, the U.S. and Russia raced to confiscate all of
Tesla's papers. Within his writings and drawings was the secret of
energy technology...unlimited power which could clearly be used to
dominate the world if it wound up in the wrong hands.
This amazing technology can also be used to heal people from many
diseases, simply and for pennies. (So can such energy theoretically
be used to induce disease in masses of people.) The current
ultra-billion dollar medical-pharmaceutical industry would not be
thrilled about Tesla's technology being used to replace their
primitive but fantastically-profitable industries.
So, human beings are forced to continue
to suffer from diseases that can be easily and successfully treated
using Tesla's technology. Sounds too good to be true? It's not.
Scalar technology can also be used in an EVIL WAY and has the
potential to cause huge amounts of damage by using weather as a
Weapon of Mass Destruction. This technology exists now. (see
links below). In fact, some government officials have tried in vain
to get a law on the books that says that Scalar Weapons cannot be
used by any Nation to manipulate weather to be used as a "weapon"
Unfortunately, the US, Russia and Japan
- and possibly other nations - have been pursuing the use of
advanced energy technology to control the weather.
Can this energy weapon be used to 'steer' hurricanes? Someone should
seriously check it out. The US Air Force official policy is to
completely control the weather by 2025. And the evidence points to
substantial progress already having been made.
Read the following links about using weather as a weapon of war:
Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America
United Nations has a law on their
books prohibiting this environmental warfare technology from being
used against humanity, which is further proof this technology really
The possibility of weather manipulation is so hard for most people
to believe, so they may say "show me some proof of the possibility
that there is a means to control the weather".
Here is one potential
U.S. site in Gakona, Alaska that could possibly do that.
They would never admit this, but it is interesting that the
following is one of the FAQ that they post on their web site. They
say one could take a tour of the site, but who is even interested to
go to some remote area of Alaska and take such a tour? Who even
knows that such a place exists???
The craziest thing is that it would only cost several millions of
dollars to build such a site that could manipulate weather. The
pictures are fields of electromagnetic antennas. They were expected
to have 33 ACRES OF ANTENNAS when complete. That's a large amount of
antennas. Wonder what they're REALLY doing there? There are probably
other sites around the globe too.
Here's the FAQ that appears on their web site in the link above.
HAARP capable of affecting the weather?"
Their answer:
"The HAARP facility will not affect the weather. Transmitted
energy in the frequency ranges that will be used by HAARP is
subject to negligible absorption in either the troposphere or
the stratosphere - the two levels of the atmosphere that produce
the earth's weather. Electromagnetic interactions only occur in
the near-vacuum of the rarefied region above about 70 km known
as the ionosphere."
"The ionosphere is created and continuously replenished as the
sun's radiation interacts with the highest levels of the Earth's
atmosphere. The downward coupling from the ionosphere to the
stratosphere/troposphere is extremely weak, and no association
between natural ionospheric variability and surface weather and
climate has been found, even at the extraordinarily high levels
of ionospheric turbulence that the sun can produce during a
geomagnetic storm. If the ionospheric storms caused by the sun
itself don't affect the surface weather, there is no chance that
HAARP can do so either."
Did they really answer the question and
say NO, HAARP could NEVER be used to manipulate weather and that
anyone saying this is completely wrong?
Everyone knows we can trust the
government to tell the truth, right? Yeah, sure we can.