The Hum - Conclusions todate

The most recent series of experiments have all lead to the following conclusions.

That the high voltage electrical supply, known as the Super Grid, is modulating the Earth's gravitational field. This should come as no surprise for the gravitational field originates in charged particles and there is no reason to suppose that given sufficient energy this field cannot be changed.

The Inner Ear

The inner ear is the organ which has developed to detect minute changes in inertia and the direction of the gravitational field, it is the organ of balance.

The working mechanism of the inner ear consists of tiny hairs (cilia) which having mass and rigidity contain the necessary elements of an oscillating system.

In all probability the "spring constant" of the hairs will vary from person to person and most likely change with age. The same will apply to the mass of the hairs which will also vary from person to person and change with age. We therefore have the basis of an oscillating system within the inner ear, the fundamental frequency of which will vary with the individual and with age.

The statements of Hum sufferers collected over many years indicates that the perception of sound originates from within the head and as the Hum can be modulated by quick movements of the head, the inner ear is the most likely source.

Two types of experiment have been tried, first using a piezoelectric transducer to replicate the voltage obtained from the walls of buildings, and secondly, a small mass on thin metal reed to replicate the workings of the inner ear.

Both methods produced positive results, the vibrating reed being most instructive.

The nodes and anti-nodes of the mains and its harmonics could clearly be identified as the frequency of the reed was changed, and at a frequency of 25 Hz, that is half the mains frequency, beautiful Lissajous figures were obtained from the reed.

It now becomes evident why all attempts to block or screen the Hum must fail.

Historical Note.
A national electrical transmission grid was developed in the UK during the 1930's and was reconstructed into a high voltage super grid in the 1950's and 1960's.
It is no coincidence that the mass reports from Hum sufferers also started at this same time

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