By R. A. Boulay 1990
Editorial Comments By Roberto Solàrion 1997
According to the Sumerian King List, there were only five cities which held the kingship before the Deluge or, in other words, which served as capital cities to the antediluvian Anunnaki. The order in which they are given is the succession in which they ruled, although they were probably all built at about the same time. The reason for moving the capital from one city to the other may have been political; on the other hand, the shifting of the water courses due to periodic flooding and the drying up of the southern part of the Mesopotamian Valley, as the climate changed, may have been the compelling reason for moving the capital to more northern and readily accessible cities. Strangely enough, the King List does not mention the cities of Uruk and Nippur which were also built before the Deluge. These were designed as ceremonial and sacred cities, which probably accounts for their being left out of the King List. The five cities of the King List were strictly operational cities.
They were operational cities built by Enki and his engineer astronauts for the express purpose to obtain rare metals, processing them, and ferrying the ingots to the orbiting mother ship. The five cities were a cohesive group, each providing an essential function to the main purpose of the expedition. Their function is alluded to in their names, and are as follows: ERIDU, OPERATIONAL HEADQUARTERS OF ENKI Literally "Home Built Far Away," E-RI-DU was the first city to assume the directed all operations on Earth, as he supervised the draining of the marshlands, the raising of the cities, the establishment of agriculture and animal husbandry, and generally making the land more hospitable and productive. From Eridu, Enki also directed the development of the mines, presumably in Africa, the transportation of the ores, and the processing of the metals at Badtibira. Eridu was the first city built on this planet, which probably gave our world its name - Earth, the third planet in our solar system. The origin of the word "Earth" is unknown and its origin lost in antiquity, but logically and linguistically it can be traced back to Eridu. [Comment: As a trained linguist, I can also see this connection. Remember what I have previously discussed about consonant strings and aspiration. Well, the consonant string in Eridu = RD, and the consonant string in Earth = RT (H rarely counts). T and D are paired consonants in linguistics; they are formed in exactly the same way by the muscles of the mouth, but D requires use of the vocal cords. Try it! On the other hand, Enki’s alternative name was Ea, which just coincidentally happens to occur in the word Earth. However, as we know from Sitchin, our planet’s original name before the Nibiruan arrival was Tiamat.] The name assigned to their planet by its occupants can be traced back to the root Eridu. In Old High German, Earth is Erda; it is Erthe in Middle English, Era in Greek, Ereds in Aramaic, and Eretz in Hebrew, to name just a few. It seems that all philological roads lead back to the first city built on this planet by our alien forefathers - Eridu. BADTIBIRA, THE METALS PROCESSING CENTER The name BAD-TIBIRA means "city where the ores are processed." In the King List it retained kingship for the longest time of all the cities, almost half of the period of time recorded before the Deluge, which is indicative of its primary importance among the cities. Sumerian "tibira" is derived from the same proto-Sumerian substrata word as Hebrew "tubal," which means "metal worker." This relationship is seen in Genesis wherein Tubal-Cain, the son of the Patriarch Lamech, is credited with the invention of metals:
Badtibira was the first strictly operational city built by Enki and reflects the reason the Anunnaki came here - to obtain and process certain metals, presumably gold and silver, and perhaps other rare metals. [Comment: They needed this gold, as we know, to reinforce the heat-shield around their Planet Nibiru.] The King List assigns the city of Badtibira to Nugig or NU-GIG which means "he of the bright sky" and was an epithet for Nannar, the favorite son of Enlil. Arriving by ship from the African mines, the ores would be processed at Badtibira into transportable form and then would be shuttled up to the mother ship to be eventually shipped to the home planet. For this reason, a beacon city was needed to guide the incoming and outgoing shuttles. LARAK, THE SPACE CONTROL CENTER The name LA-RA-KA means "see the bright light" and the third city assigned the kingship. Its name indicates its function, that of guiding the metal freighters arriving and leaving Mesopotamia. The King List has the city assigned to Pabilsag, meaning "the great protector" and it was one of the titles of Ninurta, the military aide of Enlil who recovered the MEs from the rebel son Zu. Little is known of this city, and like that of Badtibira has not been located archaeologically. [Comment: Ninurta in Egypt was Ptah; Zu or Marduk in Egypt was Amon-Ra, the Baal of the Bible.] SIPPAR, THE SPACE LAUNCH PLATFORM The fourth city built was SIP-PAR or "Bird City." It was the landing platform for the space shuttles, especially those hauling metal cargo. One of the Sumerian myths states that this city was built for the god Utu, one of the circle of seven great gods who decreed the fates. Better known as Shamash, his Akkadian and Semitic name, Utu was chief of the astronauts. When the space platform and related activities were moved to the Western Lands [Comment: ie, Sinai] after the Deluge, Shamash was placed in charge of the space city of Baalbeck as well as the land of Lebanon. [Comment: This is slightly incorrect. Prince Utu was the Nibiruan Space Commander at the Sinai Spaceport; Princess-Royal Inanna was Nibiruan Airfleet Commander at the Baalbeck Airport, although she was under the direct command of her brother and secret lover, Prince Utu. See: Hellespontiacus.] Since it was "the stairway to the stars," Sippar was of major import among the antediluvian cities. Its sole king Enmeduranna literally means "the Lord whose MEs bond Heaven and Earth," an allusion to his ability to control the flights between Sippar and the orbiting ship. Enmeduranna was himself the hero of a Sumerian tradition which has him transported to heaven, much the same as the Biblical Enoch who was also translated to heaven. The evidence that identifies Enoch as Enmeduranna is found in the writings of the Pseudepigrapha discussed below. SHURUPPAK, THE CHIEF MEDICAL CENTER The fifth city to be built was SHU-RUP-PAK, or "the place of the utmost well being." This city was dedicated to the Chief Nurse and Medical Officer of the Expedition, the Goddess Ninkhursag. She tended to the medical and health needs of the Anunnaki, and to a certain extent to the needs of humans, from her temple atop the ziggurat at Shuruppak. URUK, THE SACRED CITY OF THE GREAT GOD ANU Uruk or "Great City" was dedicated to the chief god Anu. Its temple atop the ziggurat was the ceremonial center for Sumer. It was his residence when away from his space city and on visits to Earth, which became less frequent as the world became more populated. Anu’s influence seems to have declined in the days just before the Deluge and his authority was taken over by Enlil. Since he rarely used his ceremonial city, Anu turned it over to Inanna at her request. [Comment: Anu and Inanna were lovers for a long time.] She institutionalized her control over the city of Uruk by obtaining the necessary controls and authorities in the MEs which she extracted from Enki, as we have seen. NIPPUR, ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER OF ENLIL This was the city dedicated to Enlil and where he ruled from his Ekur or "house on the mountain." At Nippur, Enlil exercised supreme command over all the Anunnaki on Earth before the Deluge. One of the hymns dedicated to him provides a graphic description of a control center bristling with communications and other electronic equipment scanning the horizons. From the Ekur, it was said that Enlil’s "eye scans the land" and "his lifted beam searches the heart of all the lands." Nippur was rebuilt after the Deluge as his sacred city. It is also the city where, according to the "Third Book of Enoch" that the Lord kept his "Shekinah" or space craft, at the entrance of the Garden of Eden until the days of Enosh when he abruptly left for his heavenly abode, never to return except on special occasions. It was also at Nippur, at the River Chebar, that Ezekiel first saw the "fiery chariot" which is described so vividly in the "Book of Ezekiel." [Comment: If you ever pass through Pittsburg, Texas, have lunch or dinner at Warrick’s Restaurant - excellent Cajun type food. They have a life-sized replica of the Ezekiel Airship sitting right there in the middle of the restaurant, next to where the Samoan band plays on the weekends. Yes, this is true!] THE ABZU OR FLOATING PALACE OF ENKI AB-ZU, or Apsu in Akkadian, is derived from the combination of AB or AP [Comment: Linguistically, the B and P are paired, as aspirated and non-aspirated consonants.] meaning "the father, the creator, or the great one" and ZU or SU meaning "one who knows, the wise one," thus suggesting it was the source of all wisdom and knowledge. The Abzu seems to have had three different meanings to the Mesopotamians, depending on the time period or era which the tablets refer to. Originally Abzu was the term for our Sun. In the Sumerian creation myth which deals with the formation of the universe, the Abzu is called the "primeval one" and the "begetter" of the planets of our solar system. Later when the Anunnaki had arrived here and began to set up operations, the Abzu is clearly the abode of Enki located near the city of Eridu. After the Deluge, the meaning takes on sinister connotations. It becomes "the deep" from whence the Greek word "abyssos" and the modern "abyss," and refers to the nether world, presumably to the ancient mines. Mining does not seem to be the main preoccupation of the post-diluvian period. While they may still have been operational, and worked on a limited basis by a prison population, they had become mainly a place of detention. [Comment: Following the Deluge, the South African gold mines fell into disuse. Then the Pyramid Wars further complicated this situation. Duke Nergal was removed from his position as Head Panhandler and was replaced by Prince Enki, who moved the whole operation to the Lake Titicaca/Nazca area of Peru. This move was also forced by the fact that Prince Utu, the secret lover and chief ally of Princess-Royal Inanna in the Pyramid Wars, blew up the Sinai Spaceport to aid her struggle with the villainous Baron Marduk and his consort, the wicked Baroness Sarpanit. These latter two were known in Ancient Egypt as Amon-Ra and Nut-Bast and in Ancient Greece as Belus and Anchinoe.] It is the second meaning, that of the floating headquarters of Enki, that pervades the literature relating to the antediluvian days. In the myth "Enki and the World Order," one of the longest and best preserved of the narrative poems, the Abzu of Eridu is described as a splendid shrine, nestled among the shade trees filled with birds and navigable canals stocked with fish. In this Eden-like garden, Enki takes pleasure trips over the marshland and canals in his MAGUR type boat which he refers to as "the Ibex of the Abzu." This ship is presumably some sort of small runabout as MA-GUR means "ship to turn about in." The ibex is an allusion to the wild goat of the surrounding mountains and is often used to represent the person of Enki on cylinder seals and statuettes. Probably the most beautiful of these is the statue of the ibex peering through a shrub, found in the royal palace at Ur and dated to about 2500 BC. Lavishly done in gold and lapis lazuli, it shows a winged ibex peering through a shrub which represents the "Tree of Life" or immortality. [Comment: A list subscriber recently emailed me, asking where these "gods" go when they "die," since ultra-hunky Adonis Duke Dumuzi, the public lover of the troublemaker Princess-Royal Inanna, was murdered by Baron Marduk during the Pyramid Wars. I don’t know what happens to them. Duke Dumuzi, as far as I know, is the only one who has ever been deprived of life. The rest of these Saurian Gods drink of an elixir from a "Tree of Life" which confers "eternal life," as long as they continue to drink it. That is why they absolutely would not allow the hybrids Adamu and Eva to get their hands on it. They did not want "us" to attain the status of "immortal gods."] Enki is often depicted as residing in this Abzu or "water palace." A cylinder seal of about 2000 BC shows it as his home surrounded by water. It was probably a sealed mobile craft as well, as indicated in the "Gilgamesh Epic" where Utnapishtim, the Babylonian Noah, is told to seal his ark thoroughly in order to make it waterproof. "Like the Abzu thou shall seal her," he is told. The Abzu thus appears to be sealed like a ship and probably was submersible as well. Before Enki built the first city of Eridu, he resided in the Abzu which apparently had descended from the orbiting space ship to settle in the swamps of Mesopotamia. Presumably, it was of such a configuration that it could fly and was submersible as well. In this respect, there is an interesting comparison to the configuration of the Ark of Noah as described in Chapter 13. ENKI AS THE OANNES OF THE BABYLONIAN LEGENDS [Comment: Read The Sirius Mystery by Robert K. G. Temple. These Saurians obviously drifted in here from the Sirius System.] The traditions of ancient Mesopotamia recount the story of an amphibious ancestor who taught the arts and crafts of civilization to Mankind. Written in the Third Century BC by the Babylonian priest Berossus, it describes the origins of civilization as his forefathers believed it. Although the works of Berossus have been lost, many fragments have been preserved by a number of contemporary writers such as Apollodorus, Aleksander Polyhistor, and Abydens, one of Aristotle’s disciples who also wrote an Assyrian history of his own, now lost. The account speaks of a group of creatures who came out of the Persian Gulf called "Annedoti" led by one Oannes. They reportedly were amphibious creatures with the head of a man, the body and tail of a fish, yet legged like a man. Led by Oannes, these creatures taught man all of the ancient knowledge. According to the legend, Oannes instructed Man how to build cities, to found temples, to compile laws, to survey the lands, and how to grow food. He also taught them mathematics, the sciences, and every kind of art. Apollodorus referred to Oannes and the Annedoti as "Musarus." The word "musarus" means "an abomination" in Greek just as "annedoti" means "the repulsive ones." In other words, the creatures credited with founding civilization were frankly described by the ancient Babylonian people, who revered them, as "repulsive abominations." If the tradition had been invented, a more normal attitude would be to glorify these creatures as splendid gods and heroes. Yet the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the account. It was the Babylonian tradition that they owed their knowledge to creatures who came up from the sea who were disgusting and loathsome to gaze upon. Of further significance is that the Oannes of Berossus and Apollodorus bears a striking resemblance to the Sumerian Enki who founded the Mesopotamian civilization and brought civilized arts and sciences to mankind. Enki lived in his water palace or Abzu located on the edge of the Persian Gulf. Enki’s Abzu was sealed and was presumably submersible. Oannes was said to return to his watery abode in the evening to spend the night. Even the name Annedoti is quite similar to the people of Enki - the Anunnaki, from whence it was probably derived. The Greek term may have originated with the Sumerians and was later carried over as a description of a race that was both reptilian and loathsome. When our saurian ancestors arrived here to exploit the resources of this planet, they must have found the physical conditions here ideal for living, perhaps very similar to those of their home planet. What were these conditions that were so compatible to the alien race that came here hundreds of thousands of years ago? |