Chapter Four
"Was it Fate, or was it
Destiny, that led Marduk by an unseen hand
through all his troubles and tribulations over many millennia to his
final goal: supremacy on Earth?
"....In the Sumerian language, and thus in Sumerian philosophy and religion, there was a clear distinction between the two.
Destiny, NAM, was the predetermined course of events that was
unalterable. Fate was NAM.TAR - a predetermined course of events
that could be altered; literally, TAR, to cut, break,
"....The fine line distinguishing between the two may be blurred
today, but it was a difference well-defined in Sumerian and biblical
times. For the Sumerians, Destiny began in the heavens, starting
with the preordained orbital paths of the planets. Once the Solar
System begot its shape and composition after the Celestial Battle,
the planetary orbits became everlasting Destinies; the term and
concept could then be applied to the future course of events on
Earth, starting with the gods who had celestial counterparts.
"In the biblical realm, it was Yahweh who controlled Destinies and
Fates, but while the former was predetermined and unalterable, the
latter could be affected by human decisions.... Because of the
former powers, the course of future events could be foretold years,
centuries and even millennia earlier.
"....But when it came to
Fates, the free will and free choice of
people and nations could come and did come into play. Unlike
destinies, Fates could be changed and punishments could be averted
if righteousness replaced sin, if piety replaced profanity, if
justice prevailed over injustice. "It is not the death of the
evildoer that I seek, but that the wicked shall turn from his ways
and live." The Lord God told the Prophet Ezequiel (33:11).
"The distinction made by the Sumerians between Fate and
Destiny, and
how they can both play a role even in the life of a single
individual, becomes apparent in the life story of Gilgamesh.
"....A Sumerian text titled by scholars
The Death of Gilgamesh
provides an answer. The end, it explains, was preordained, there was
no way that Gilgamesh, taking his Fate into his own hands over and
over again, could have changed his Destiny. The text provides his
conclusion by reporting an omen-dream of Gilgamesh that contained a
prediction of his end.
Here is what Gilgamesh is told:
O Gilgamesh, this is the meaning of the dream; The great god Enlil, father of the gods,
had decreed thy destiny. Thy fate for kingship he determined; for eternal life he has not destined thee.
"The Fate of Gilgamesh,
he is told, has been overriden by Destiny.
He was fated to be a king; he was not destined to avoid death. And
so destined, Gilgamesh is described dying. "He who was firm of
muscle, lies unable to rise... He who had ascended mountains,
lies, rises not" "On the bed of Namtar he lies, rises not."
"....The What if? question can be expanded from one individual to
Mankind as a whole.
"What would have been the course of events on
Earth (and elsewhere
in the Solar System) were Ea’s original plan to obtain gold from the
waters of the Persian Gulf to succeed? At a crucial turn of events,
Anu, Enlil, and Ea drew lots to see who would rule
Nibiru, who would
go to the mines in southeast Africa, who would be in charge of the
expanded Edin. Ea/Enki went to Africa and, encountering there the
evolving hominids, could tell the gathered gods: The Being that we
need, it exists - all that we have to do is put on it our genetic
the gods had clasped hands together, had cast lots and had divided.
"Would the feat of
genetic engineering have taken place had either Anu or
Enlil been the one to go to southeastern Africa?
"Would we have shown up on our planet anyway, through evolution
alone? Probably - for that is how the Anunnaki (from the same seed
of life!) had evolved on Nibiru, but far ahead of us. But on Earth
we came about through genetic engineering, when Enki and
jumped the gun on evolution and made Adam the first "test tube
"The lesson of the Epic of Gilgamesh is that
Fate cannot change
Destiny. The emergence of Homo sapiens on Earth we believe, was a
matter of destiny, a final outcome that might have been delayed or
reached otherwise, but undoubtedly reached. Indeed, we believe that
even though the Anunnaki deemed their coming to Earth their own
decision for their own needs, that too, we believe, was preordained,
destined by a cosmic plan. And equally so, we believe, will be
Mankind’s Destiny: to repeat what the
Anunnaki had done to us by
going to another planet to start the process all over again.
"One who understood the connection between
Fate and the zodiacal
constellations was Marduk himself. They constituted what we have
termed Celestial Time, the link between Divine Time (the orbital
period of Nibiru) and Earthly Time (the Year, months, seasons, days,
and nights resulting from the Earth’s orbit, tilt, and revolution
upon its own axis). The heavenly signs that Marduk had invoked - the
arrival of the Zodiacal Age of the Ram - were signs in the realm of
Fate. What he needed to solidify his supremacy, to eliminate from it
the notion that, as Fate, it could be changed, or revised, or
reversed, was a Celestial Destiny. And to that aim he ordered what
can be considered the most audacious falsification ever.
"We are talking about the most sacred and basic text of the ancient
peoples: the Epic of Creation, the core and bedrock of their faith,
religion, science. Sometimes called by its opening lines
Enuma elish
(When in the Heights of Heaven), it was a tale of events in the
heavens that involved celestial gods and a Celestial Battle,
favorable outcome of which made possible all the good things on
Earth, including the coming into being of Mankind. Without exception
the text was viewed by the scholars who began to piece it together
from many fragments as a celestial myth, an allegory of the eternal
fight between good and evil. The fact that wall sculptures
discovered in Mesopotamia depicted a winged (i.e. celestial)
fighting a winged (i.e. celestial) monster, solidified the notion
that here was an ancient forerunner of the tale of St. George and
the Dragon. Indeed, some of the early translations of the partial
text titled it Bel and the Dragon. In those texts, the
Dragon was
called Tiamat and Bel ("the Lord") was none other than
"....In our 1976 book
The Twelfth Planet we have suggested that
neither the Mesopotamian text nor its condensed biblical version was
myth or allegory. They were based, we suggested, on a most
sophisticated cosmogony that, based on advanced science, described
the creation of our Solar System, stage by stage, and then the
appearance of a stray planet from outer space that was gradually
drawn into our Solar System, resulting in a collision between it and
an older member of the Sun’s family. The ensuing Celestial Battle
between the invader - "Marduk" - and the olden planet -
Tiamat - led
to the destruction of Tiamat. Half of it broke into bits and pieces
that became a Hammered Bracelet; the other half, shunted to a new
orbit, became the planet Earth, carrying with it
Tiamat’s larger
satellite that we call the Moon. And the invader, attracted into the
center of our Solar System and slowed down by the collision, became
permanently the twelfth member of our Solar System.
"....By calling the cosmogony underlying the
Epic of Creation
Sumerian, rather than Babylonian, we provide a clue to the true
source and nature of the text.... They are now convinced that the
extant Babylonian version was a deliberate forgery, intended to
equate the Marduk that was on Earth with the celestial/planetary
"god" who changed the make of our heavens, gave our Solar System its
present shape, and - in a manner of speaking - created the Earth and
all that was on it. That included Mankind, for according to
Sumerian original version it was Nibiru, coming from some other part
of the universe, that brought with it and imparted to Earth during
the collision the "Seed of Life."
"(For that matter, it should be realized that the illustration so
long deemed to represent Marduk battling the Dragon is also all
wrong. It is a depiction from Assyria where the supreme god was
Ashur, and not Babylon; the deity is depicted as an
Eagleman, which
indicates an Enlilite being; the divine cap he wears has three pairs
of horns, indicating the rank of 30, which was not Marduk’s rank;
and his weapon was the forked lightning, which was the divine weapon
of Ishkur/Adad, Enlil’s - not Enki’s son.)
"...."Destiny".... that was the term used to describe the orbital
paths. The everlasting, unchanging orbit was a planet’s Destiny; and
that is what Marduk was granted according to Enuma elish.
"Once one realizes that this is the meaning and significance of the
ancient term for "orbits" one can follow the steps by which the
Destiny was attained by Marduk.
And still based on the
Celestial Battle, Marduk appropriated the
status of "the invader" Nibiru, to himself, the
Babylonians called
the invader planet "Marduk"....
Mr. Sitchin explains again the
Celestial Battle at this point, which
it also appears in his book The 12th Planet.
He then continues:
"....Now, finally,
Marduk had obtained, permanent, unalterable
Destiny - an orbital path that, ever since, has kept bringing the
erstwhile invader again and again to the site of the Celestial
Battle where Kingu had once been. Together with
Marduk, and counting
Kingu (our Moon) for it had possessed Destiny, the
Sun and its
family reached the count of twelve.
It was this count, we suggest, that determined twelve to be the
celestial number, and thus the twelve stations ("houses") of the
zodiac, twelve months of the year, twelve double-hours in a
day-night cycle, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve apostles of Jesus.
"....The distinction between an
unalterable Destiny, and a Fate that
could be altered and averted was expressed in a two-part
Hymn to Enlil, that describes both his powers as a decreer of Fates and as a
pronouncer of Destinies:
Enlil: In the heavens he is the Prince, On Earth he is the Chief, His command is far-reaching, His utterance is lofty and holy; The shepherd Enlil decrees the Fates.
Enlil: His command in the heights made the heavens tremble, down below he made the Earth quake. He pronounces destinies into the distant future, his decrees are unchangeable. He is the Lord who knows the destiny of the Land.
"Destinies, the
Sumerians believed, were of a celestial nature. As
high-ranking as Enlil was, his pronouncements of unalterable
Destinies were not the result of his own decisions or plans. The
information was made known to him; he was a "lord who knows the
Destiny of the land," he was a "trustworthy called-one" -
not a
human prophet but a divine prophet.
"That was quite different from the instances when - in consultation
with other gods - he decreed Fates. Sometimes he consulted just his
trusted vizier, Nusku....
"....Not only Nusku,
Enlil’s chamberlain, but also his spouse Ninlil
is depicted in [a] hymn as participant in deciding Fates. (Hymn
appears on Book.)
"Fates, the Sumerians believed,
were made, decreed and altered on
Earth; and in spite of the hymnal words of adoration or minimal
consultation, it appears that the determination of Fates - including
that of Enlil himself - was achieved by a process that was more
democratic, more akin to that of a constitutional monarchy. The
powers of Enlil seemed to stem not only from above, from Anu and
Nibiru, but also from below, from an
Assembly of the Gods (a kind of
parliament or congress). The most crucial decisions - were made at a
Council of the Great Gods, a kind of Cabinet of Ministers where
discussions sometimes became debates and as often as not turned into
heated exchanges . . .
"The references to the Council and the
Assembly of the Anunnaki gods
are numerous. The creation of the Adam.... the decision to wipe
Mankind off the face of the Earth at the time of the Deluge....
"....And after the Deluge, when the remnants of
Mankind began to
fill the Earth again and the Anunnaki started to give Mankind
civilization and institute Kingship a way to deal with the growing
human masses.
"....This manner of determining Fates was not limited to the affairs
of Man.
"....Such was the manner, according to the
Babylonian version of Enuma elish, that the
Destiny of Marduk, to be supreme on Earth (and
in the celestial counterpart), was confirmed. In that text the
Assembly of the Gods is described as a gathering of Senior Gods,
coming from various places (and perhaps not only from Earth, for in
addition to Anunnaki the delegates also included
"....They bestowed on him the scepter, the throne and the royal
robe.... "From this day," they announced, thy decree shall be
unrivaled, thy command as that of Anu . . . No one among the gods
shall transgress thy boundaries."
"....Other texts that concern the decision-making process suggest
that the Assembly stage at which fifty Senior Gods participated was
followed by a separate stage of a meeting of the Seven Great Gods
Who Judge; and the actual pronouncements of the decision, of the
Fate or the Destiny, was made by Enlil in consultation with or after
approval by Anu.
"Assemblies of the Gods were sometimes called not to
proclaim new
Fates, but to ascertain what had been determined at an earlier time,
on the Tablets of Destinies.
"....Without doubt one of the most crucial, longest, bitterest, and
literally fateful was the Assembly of the Gods where it was
determined to approve the use of nuclear weapons to vaporize the
spaceport in the Sinai peninsula.
occurrence is also one of the clearest if tragic examples of
how Fate and Destiny could be interwoven.
Nannar/Sin, the beloved god of
Ur.... cried his eyes out to Anu, to
Enlil made supplications "Let not my city be destroyed, verily I say
to them," Nannar/Sin later recorded. "Let not the people perish!"
"But the response, coming from
Enlil, was harsh and decisive:
Ur was granted Kingship; Eternal reign it was not granted.
Chapter Five
"The lesson of the destruction of Sumer and Ur was that chance and
alterable Fate cannot supersede unalterable Destiny. But what about
the other way - can a Fate, no matter by whom decreed, be superseded
by Destiny?
"The issue had certainly been pondered in antiquity, for otherwise
what was the reason for prayer and supplications that had begun
then, of the admonitions of the Prophets for righteousness and
"....Just as the tale of Gilgamesh demonstrated that
Fate could not
override his ultimate Destiny (to die as a mortal), so did other
tales convey the moral that neither can Fate bring about death if it
was not yet destined. A paramount example was none other than Marduk
himself, who of all the gods of antiquity set a record in suffering
setbacks, of disappearances and reappearances, of exiles and
returns, of apparent death and unexpected resurrection; so much so,
in fact, that when the full scope of the events concerning Marduk
became known after the discovery of ancient inscriptions, scholars
seriously debated at the turn of this century whether his story was
a prototype of the story of Christ. (The notion was abetted by the
close affinity between Marduk with his father Enki on the one hand
and with his son Nabu on the other hand, creating the impression of
an early Trinity).
"....Not even a Shakespeare could conceive the tragic irony of the
events that followed the entombment and resurrection of Marduk as a
result of Inanna’s outcry. For as things turned out, while he had
not truly died or really come back from the dead, his accuser Inanna
did meet actual death and attained true resurrection.... for it was
her Fate, not her Destiny, to meet her death; and it was because of
that distinction that she could be resurrected. And the account of
those events illuminates the issues of Life, Death, and Resurrection
not, as the Epic of Gilgamesh, among mortals and demigods, but among
the gods themselves. In her tale of Fate versus Destiny, there are
clues to the resolution of enigmas that have been calling out for
"....The tale is recorded in texts written first in the original
Sumerian language, with later renderings in Akkadian. Scholars refer
to the various renditions as the tale of Inanna’s Descent to the
Lower World, although some prefer the term Netherworld instead of
Lower World, implying a hellish domain of the dead. But in fact
Inanna set course to the Lower World, which was the geographic term
denoting the southernmost part of Africa.... And although Inanna was
warned not to go there, she decided to make the trip anyway.
"Attending the funeral rites of her beloved
Dumuzi was the reason
Inanna gave for the journey.... but Inanna intended to demand that
Nergal, as an older brother of Dumuzi, sleep with her so that a son
be born as a pseudo-son of Dumuzi (who had died sonless) and that
intention infuriated Ereshkigal [her sister].
"....Ereshkigal ordered that
Inanna be subjected to the "Eyes of
Death" - some kind of death rays - that turned the body of
into a corpse; and the corpse was hung on a stake. According to the
later Akkadian version, Ereshkigal ordered her chamberlain Nantar to
"release against Ishtar the sixty miseries" - afflictions of the
eyes, the heart, the head, the feet, "of all parts of her, against
her whole body" - putting Ishtar to death.
"Anticipating trouble,
Inanna/Ishtar had instructed her own
chamberlain, Ninshubur, to raise an outcry in the event she did not
return in three days.... Ninshubur appealed to Enlil and
Inanna’s father.... but they were helpless, but Enki was able to
help. He fashioned two artificial beings who could not be harmed by
the Eyes of Death, and sent them to the rescue mission. To one
android he gave the Food of Life, to the other the Water of Life;
and so provided, they descended to the abode of Ereshkigal to
reclaim Inanna’s lifeless body. Then,
Upon the corpse, hung from the stake,
they directed the Pulser and the Emitter, Upon the flesh that had been smitten, sixty times the Food of Life, sixty times the Water of Life,
they sprinkled upon it; And Inanna arose.
"....The androids whom
Enki had fashioned to return Inanna from the
dead, however, were not the Fishmen-doctor/priests shown in [a]
depiction. Requiring food nor water, sexless and bloodless, they may
have looked more like the figurines of divine android messengers. It
was as androids that they were not affected by Ereshkigal’s death
"....It was Namtar, [Fate, that could be altered] who put
Ishtar to
death [not NAM "Destiny] by "releasing against her the sixty
Mr. Sitchin relates at this point also the tale of
Dumuzi, [the
beloved of Inanna], whose death had been caused by Marduk.
"....Inanna ordered that the preserved body be put upon a stone-slab
of lapis lazuli to be kept in a special shrine. It should be
preserved, she said, so that one day, on the Final Day, Dumuzi could
return from the dead and "come up to me." For that, she asserted,
would be the day when
The dead one will arise and smell the sweet incense.
"This, one should note, is the
first mention of a belief in a Final
Day when the dead shall arise. It was such a belief that caused the
annual wailing for Tammuz (the Semitic rendering of Dumuzi) that
continued for millennia even unto the time of the Prophet Ezequiel.
"The death and mummification of Dumuzi.... provide important
insights. When he and Inanna/Ishtar fell in love - he an Enkiite,
she an Enlilite - in the midst of conflicts between the two divine
clans, the betrothal received the blessing of Inanna’s parents,
Nannar/Sin and his spouse Ningal/Nikkal. One of the texts in the
series of Dumuzi and Inanna love songs has Ningal, "speaking with
authority," saying to Dumuzi:
Dumuzi the desire and love of Inanna: I will give you life unto distant days; I will preserve it for you, I will watch over your House of Life.
"But in fact Ningal
had no such authority, for all matters of
Destiny and Fate were in the hands of Anu and
Enlil. And as all
later knew, a tragic and untimely death did befall Dumuzi.
failure of a divine promise in a matter of life and death is
not the only disturbing aspect of the tragic fate of Dumuzi. It
raises the issue of the gods’ immortality; we have explained in our
writings that it was only a relative longevity, a life resulting
from the fact that one year on Nibiru equaled 3,600 Earth years. But
to those that in antiquity considered the Anunnaki to be gods, the
tale of Dumuzi’s death had to come as a shock. Was it because she
had indeed expected Dumuzi to come to life on the Final Day that
Inanna ordered his embalmment and his placement on a stone slab
rather than burial - or in order to preserve the illusion of divine
immortality for the masses? Yes, she might have been saying, the god
had died, but that is only a temporary transitional phase, for in
due time he shall be resurrected, he will arise and enjoy the sweet
incense smells.
After writing about another tale, of
Ba’al’s death and resurrection,
Mr. Sitchin continues
"....It is perhaps in light of the unacceptability of a god’s death
that the notion of resurrection has been brought into play. And
whether or not Inanna herself believed that her beloved would return
from the dead, the elaborate preservation of Dumuzi’s body and her
accompanying words also preserved, among the human masses, the
illusion of the immortality of the gods.
"The procedure that she personally outlined for the preservation, so
that on the Final Day Dumuzi could arise and rejoin her, is
undoubtedly the procedure known as mummification. This might come as
a shock to Egyptologists, who have held that mummification began in
Egypt at the time of the Third Dynasty, circa 2800 B.C.
"....Inanna ordered that the preserved body be put to rest upon a
stone slab of lapis lazuli, to be kept in a special shrine. She
named the shrine E.MASH - "House/Temple of the Serpent." It was
perhaps more than a symbolic gesture of placing the dead son of Enki
in his father’s hands. For Enki was not only the Nachash - Serpent,
as well as Knower of Secrets - of the Bible. In Egypt, too, his
symbol was the serpent and the hieroglyph of his name PTAH
represented the double helix of DNA, for that was the key to all
matters of life and death.
"....Dumuzi was an African god. It was thus perhaps inevitable that
his death and embalmment would be compared by scholars to the tragic
tale of the great Egyptian god Osiris.
Inanna before her, so did Isis enshroud and mummify her
deceased spouse, thereby giving rise in Egypt (as
Inanna’s deed had
done in Sumer and Akkad) to the notion of the resurrected god.
While in Inanna’s case the deed by the goddess might have been
intended to satisfy a personal denial of the loss as well as to
affirm the gods’ immortality, in Egypt the act became a pillar of
the pharaonic belief that the human king could also undergo the
transfiguration and, by emulating Osiris, attain immortality in an
afterlife with the gods. In the words of E.A. Wallis Budge in the
preface of his masterwork Osiris & The Egyptian Resurrection, "The
central figure of the ancient Egyptian Religion was Osiris, and the
chief fundamentals of his cult were the belief in his divinity,
death, resurrection and absolute control of the destinies of the
bodies and souls of men." The principal shrines to Osiris in
and Denderah depicted the steps in the god’s resurrection.

Osiris as Supreme Judge
Mr. Sitchin has described the journey of the Pharaoh to the
"Afterlife" in his book
The Stairway to Heaven.
"....The resurrection of
Osiris was coupled with another miraculous
feat, that of bringing about the birth of his son, Horus, well after
Osiris himself was dead and dismembered. In both events, which the
Egyptians rightly considered to be magical, a god called Thoth
(always shown in Egyptian art as Ibis-headed), played the decisive
role. It was he who aided Isis in putting the dismembered Osiris
together, and then instructed her how to extract the "essence" of
Osiris from his dismembered and dead body, and then impregnate
herself artificially. Doing that, she managed to become pregnant and
give birth to a son, Horus.
The essence was not the semen as some might believe, but the
"genetic" essence of Osiris.
Because of conflicts with Seth, the child Horus had to be hidden. He died from a poisonous scorpion sting.
Then Isis sent a cry to heaven and addressed her appeal to the Boat of Millions of Years . . . And Thoth came down....
"Thus revived and resurrected from death (and perhaps forever
immunized) by the magical powers of Thoth, Horus, grew up to become
Netch-Atef, the "Avenger" of his father.

Horus and Isis
Thoth |
"That Thoth had indeed possessed the ability to resurrect a dead
person who had been beheaded, reattach the head, and return the
victim to life, was known in ancient Egypt because of an incident
that had occurred when Horus finally took up arms against his uncle
Seth. After battles that raged on land, water, and in the air,
succeeded in capturing Seth and his lieutenants. Bringing them
before Ra for judgment, Ra put the captives’ fate in the hands of
Horus and Isis. Thereupon Horus started to slay the captives by
cutting off their heads; but when it came to Seth, Isis could not
see this done to her brother and stopped Horus from executing
Enraged, Horus turned on his own mother and beheaded her! She
survived only because Thoth rushed to the scene, reattached her
head, and resurrected her.
"To appreciate Thoth’s
ability to achieve all that, let us recall
that we have identified this son of Ptah as Ningishzidda (son of
Enki in Sumerian lore), whose Sumerian name meant "Lord of the
Tree/Artifact of Life." He was the Keeper of the Divine Secrets of
the exact sciences, not the least of which were the secrets of
genetics and biomedicine that had served well his father Enki at the
time of the Creation of Man.
"....That secret knowledge, those powers granted to
found expression in Mesopotamian art and worship by depicting him by
or with the symbol of the Entwined Serpents - a symbol that we have
identified as a representation of the double helix DNA - a symbol
that has survived to our time as the emblem of medicine and healing.
"....It is perhaps more than a coincidence that one of the leading
international authorities of ancient copper mining and metallurgy,
Professor Benno Rothenberg (Midianite Timna and other publications),
discovered in the Sinai peninsula a shrine dating back to the times
of Midianite period - the time when Moses, having escaped to the
Sinai wilderness for his life - dwelt with the Midianites and even
married the daughter of the Midianite high priest. Located in the
area where some of the earliest copper mining had taken place,
Professor Rothenberg found in the shrine’s remains a small copper
serpent; it was the sole votive object there.
"....The biblical record and the finds in the
Sinai peninsula have a
direct bearing on the depiction of Enki as a Nachash. The term has
not just the two meanings that we have already mentioned ("Serpent,"
"knower of Secrets") but also a third one - "He of Cooper," for the
Hebrew word for copper, Nechoshet, stems from the same root. One of
Enki’s epithets in Sumerian, BUZUR, also has the double meaning "He
who knows/solves secrets" and "He of the copper mines."
"These various interconnections may offer an explanation of the
otherwise puzzling choice by Inanna for a resting place for
Bad-Tibira. Nowhere in the texts is there any indication of a
connection between Dumuzi (and, for that matter, Inanna) and that
City of the Gods. The only possible connection is the fact that
was established as the metallurgical center of the Anunnaki. Did
Inanna, then, place the embalmed Dumuzi near where not only
gold but
also copper was refined?
"Another possible relevant tidbit concerns the construction of the
Tabernacle and Tent of Appointment in the desert of the Exodus, in
accordance with very detailed and explicit instructions by Yahweh to
Moses where gold and silver were to be used and how, what kinds of
wood and timbers and in what sizes.... Great care is also taken in
these instructions regarding the rites.... their clothing, the
sacred objects.... the fashioning of a washbasin in which they had
to wash their hands and feet, "so that they die not when they enter
the Ark of the Covenant." And the washbasin, Exodus 30:17 specified,
must be made of copper.
"All these dispersed but seemingly connected facts and tidbits
suggest that copper somehow played a role in human biogenetics - a
role which modern science is only beginning to uncover (a recent
example is a study, published in the journal Science of 8 March
1996, about the disruption of copper metabolism in the brain
associated with Alzheimer’s disease).
"Such a role, if not part of the first genetic endeavor by
Enki and
Ninmah to produce the Adam, seems to have certainly entered the
human genome when Enki, as the Nachash engaged in the second
manipulation when Mankind was endowed with the ability to procreate.
"Copper, in other words, was apparently a component of our Destiny,
and a studious and expert analysis of the Sumerian creation texts
might well lead to medical breakthroughs that could affect our own
daily lives.
"As for the gods, Inanna, for one, believed that
copper might assist
her beloved’s resurrection.
Chapter Six
"Even before television, courtroom dramas have
titillated many and
trials made history. We have come a long way from the biblical rule,
"by two witnesses shall the verdict be." From eyewitnesses court
evidence has moved to documentary evidence, to forensic evidence,
and - what seems at the moment as the epitome - to DNA evidence.
"Having discovered that all life is determined by tiny bits of
nucleic acids that spell out heredity and individuality on chains
called chromosomes, modern science has attained the capability of
reading those entwined DNA letters to distinguish their unique,
individually spelled "words." Using DNA reading to prove guilt or
innocence has become the highlight of courtroom dramas.
"An unmatched feat of twentieth-century sophistication?
No, a feat
of 100th-century sophistication in the past - a court drama from
10,000 B.C.
"The ancient celebrated case took place in Egypt, at a time when
gods and not yet men reigned over the land; and it concerned not men
but the gods themselves.... The [second] time Seth resorted to foul
play to rid of Osiris (Isis’ son), he cut Osiris into
pieces, Isis located the dispersed pieces and put them together, and
mummified Osiris to start the Afterlife legend. She missed, however,
the god’s phallus which she could not find, for Seth had disposed of
it so that Osiris would have no heir.
"Determined to have one so that he would avenge his father,
appealed to Thoth, the Keeper of Divine Secrets, to help her.
Extracting the "essence" of Osiris from the dead god’s available
parts, Thoth helped Isis impregnate herself and give birth to a son,
"The "essence" (not "seed"!), we now know, was what we
nowaday call
DNA - the genetic nuclei acids that form chains on the chromosomes,
chains that are arranged in base pairs in a double helix. At
conception, when the male sperm enters the female egg, the entwined
double helixes separate, and one strand from the male combines with
one strand from the female to form a new double-helixed DNA for
their offspring. It is thus essential not only to bring together the
two double-helixed DNAs, but also to attain a separation - an
unwinding - of the double strands, and then a recombining of only
one strand from each source into the new entwined double-helixed
"....Isis raised the boy (Horus) in secret.... So one day, to
utter surprise, Horus appealed before the Council of the Great Gods
and announced that he was the son and heir of Osiris.... Was the
young god really the son of the dead Osiris?
"....Seth asked the deliberation to be recessed.... and invited
Horus to "pass a happy day in my house," and Horus agreed. But
who had once tricked Osiris to his death, had new treachery in mind:
When it was eventide,
the bed was spread for them, and the twain lay thereon....
Mr. Sitchin relates here
Seth’s intention to introduce his semen
into Horus body, and Seth believed he had been successful. So at the
Council of Gods he made the announcement, that now Horus had his
semen, therefore he would be a successor of Seth rather than a
But Horus, had avoided
Seth’s semen enter his body and rather next
morning showing it to his mother Isis, she had Horus place his own
semen on a lettuce.... a favorite breakfast food of Seth....
unknowingly Seth ate it, and therefore it was Horus semen in him and
not otherwise! The gods turned to Thoth, and Horus was examined and
was found no traces of Seth’s DNA after examining Seth's semen.
Then Thoth examined
Seth and found he indeed had ingested the DNA of Horus.
"Acting as a forensic expert in a modern court, but evidently armed
with technical abilities which we are yet to attain, he submitted
the DNA analysis results to the Council of the Gods. They voted
unanimously to grant the dominion over Egypt to Horus.
"(Seth’s refusal to yield the dominion led to what we have termed
the First Pyramid War, in which Horus enlisted, for the first time,
humans in a war between the gods. We have detailed those events in
The Wars of Gods and Men).
"Recent discoveries in genetics throw light on a persistent and
seemingly odd custom of the gods, and at the same time highlight
their biogenetic sophistication.
"....In matters of succession, the issue arose again and again (of
the wife-sister in the annals of the gods): Who will the successor
of the throne be - the Firstborn Son or the Foremost Son, if the
latter was born by a half sister and the former not? That issue
appears to have dominated and dictated the course of events on
from the moment Enlil joined Enki on this planet, and the rivalry
was continued by their sons Ninurta and Marduk, respectively). In
Egyptian tales of the gods, a conflict for similar reasons reared
its head between Ra’s descendants, Seth and Osiris.
"....The rivalry.... by all accounts did not begin on
Earth. There
were similar conflicts of succession on Nibiru, and Anu did not come
by his rulership without fights and battles.
"Like the custom that a widow left without a son could demand the
husband’s brother to "know" her as a surrogate husband and give her
a son, so did the Anunnaki’s rules of succession, giving priority to
a son by a half sister find their way into the customs of Abraham
and his descendants....
"....The marrying of a half sister as a wife was prevalent among the
Pharaohs of Egypt, as a means both to legitimize the king’s reign
and the succession. The custom was even found among the Inca kings
of Peru, so much so that the occurrence of calamities during a
certain king’s reign was attributed to his marrying a woman who was
not his half sister. The Inca customs had its roots in the Legends
and Beginnings of the Andean peoples, whereby the god Viracocha
created four brothers and four sisters who intermarried and were
guided to various lands.... That was why Inca kings - providing they
had been born of a succession of brother-sister royal couples -
could claim direct lineage to the Creator God Viracocha.
The Lost Realms we have identified him (Viracocha) as the
Mesopotamian god Adad = the Hittite god Teshub, and pointed to many
other similarities, besides the brother-sister customs, between the
Andean cultures and those of the ancient Near East.
"The persistence of the brother-sister intermarriage and the
seemingly totally out of proportion significance attached to it,
among gods and mortals alike, is puzzling. The custom on the face of
it appears to be more than a localized "let’s keep the throne in the
family" attitude, and at worst the courting of genetic degradation.
Why, then, the lengths to which the Anunnaki.... went to attain a
son by such a union? What was so special about the genes of a half
sister - the daughter, let us keep in mind, of the male’s mother but
definitely not of the father?
"As we search for the answer, it will help to note other biblical
practices affecting the mother/father issues. It is customary to
refer to the period of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and
Joseph as the
Patriarchal Age, and when asked most people would say that the
history related in the Old Testament has been presented from a
male-oriented viewpoint. Yet the fact is that it was the mothers,
not the fathers, who controlled the act that, in the ancients’ view,
gave the subject of the tale its status of "being" - the naming of
the child. Indeed, not only a person but a place, a city, a land,
were not deemed to have come into being until they were given a
"....In the important matter of naming a son (going back to the
beginning of time), it was either the gods themselves or the mother
whose privilege it was. We thus find that when the Elohim
created Homo sapiens, it was them who named the new being "Adam" (Genesis
5:2). But when Man was given the ability to procreate on his own, it
was Eve - not Adam - who had the right and privilege of naming their
first male child Cain (Genesis 4:1)....
Sumerian texts do not provide this kind of information. We
do not know, for example, who named Gilgamesh - his mother the
goddess or his father the High Priest. But the tale of Gilgamesh
provides an important clue to the solution of the puzzle at hand:
the importance of the mother in determining the son’s hierarchical
Gilgamesh, in his search for the longevity of the gods, approached
the spaceport in the Sinai peninsula, and was asked questions about
his identity, as the "dreaded spotlight that sweeps the mountains"
had not harmed him, and the guards became curious, as the spotlight
would have killed a mortal.
"....Indeed he was
immune to the death rays because his body was of
the "flesh of the gods." He was, he explained, not just a
demigod -
he was "two-thirds divine," because it was not his father but
mother who was a goddess, one of the female Anunnaki.
"Here, we believe, is
the key to the puzzle of the succession rules
and other emphasis on the mother. It is through her that an extra
"qualifying dose" was given to the hero or the heir (be it
or patriarchal).
"This seemed to make no sense even after the discovery, in 1953, of
the double-helix structure of DNA and the understanding how the two
strands unwind and separate so that only one strand from the female
egg and one strand from the male sperm recombine, making the
offspring a fifty-fifty image of its parents. Indeed, this
understanding, while explaining the demigod claims, defied the
inexplicable claim of Gilgamesh to be two-thirds divine.
"It was not until the 1980s that the ancient claims began to make
sense. This came with the discovery that in addition to the DNA
stored in the cells of both males and females in the double-helix
structures on the chromosome stems, forming the cell’s nucleus,
there was another kind of DNA that floats in the cell outside the
nucleus. Given the designation Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), it was
found to be transmitted only from the mother as is e.g. without
splitting and recombining with any DNA from the male.
"In other words, if the mother of
Gilgamesh was a goddess, then he
had indeed inherited both her half of the regular DNA
plus her mtDNA,
making him, as he had claimed, two-thirds divine.
"It was this discovery of the existence and
transmittal as is of
mtDNA that has enabled scientists, from 1986 on, to trace the
mtDNA in modern humans to an "Eve" who had lived in Africa 250,000 years
"At first scientists believed that the sole function of
mtDNA was to
act as the cell’s power plant, providing the energy required for the
cell’s myriad chemical and biological reactions. But then it was
ascertained that the mtDNA was made of "mitochondrions" containing
37 genes arranged in a close circle, like a bracelet; and such a
genetic "bracelet" contains over 16,000 base pairs of the genetic
alphabet (by comparison, each of the chromosomes making up the
cell’s core that are inherited half from each parent contains upward
of 100,000 genes and an aggregate of more than three billion base
"It took another decade to realize that impairments in the makeup of
functions of mtDNA can cause debilitating disorders in the human
body, especially of the nervous system, of heart and skeletal
muscles, and of the kidneys. In the 1990s researchers found that
defects ("mutations") in mtDNA also disrupt the
production of 13
important body proteins, resulting in various severe ailments. A
list published in 1997 in Scientific American starts with
Alzheimer’s disease and goes on to include a variety of vision,
hearing, blood, muscle, bone marrow, heart, kidney, and brain
"These genetic ailments join a much longer list of bodily
malfunctions and dysfunctions that defects in the nuclear DNA can
cause. As scientists unravel and understand the "genome" - the
complete genetic code - of humans (a feat recently achieved for a
single lowly bacterium), the function that each gene performs (and
as the other side of the coin, the ailments if it is absent or
malfunctions) is steadily becoming known. By not producing a certain
protein or enzyme or other key bodily compound, the gene regulating
that has been found to cause breast cancer, or hinder bone
formation, deafness, loss of eyesight, heart disorders, the
excessive gain of weight or the opposite thereof, and so on and on.
"What is interesting in this regard is that we come across a list of
similar genetic defects as we read the Sumerian texts about the
creation of the Primitive Worker by Enki with the assistance of
Ninmah. The attempt to recombine the strands of hominid DNA with
strands of Anunnaki DNA to create the new hybrid being was a process
of trial and error, and the beings initially brought about sometimes
lacked organs or limbs - or had too many of them.... The text called
Enki and Ninmah: The Creation of Mankind, besides listing more
dysfunctions (rigid hands, paralyzed feet, dripping semen) also
depicted Enki as a caring god who, rather than destroying such
deformed beings, found some useful life for them. Thus, when one
outcome was a man with faulty eyesight, Enki taught him an art that
did not require seeing - the art of singing and the playing of the
"To all those, the text states, Enki decreed this or that
Fate. He
then challenged Ninmah to try the genetic engineering on her own.
The results were terrible.... but as the trial and error continued,
Ninmah was able to correct the various defects. Indeed she reached a
point that she became so knowledgeable of the Anunnaki/hominid
genomes that she boasted that she could make the new being as
perfect or imperfect as she wished....
"....We, too, have now reached the stage where we can
insert or
replace a certain gene whose role we have uncovered, and try to
prevent or cure a specific disease or shortcoming. Indeed, a new
industry, the biotechnology industry, has sprung up, with a
seemingly limitless potential in medicine (and the stock market).
We have even learned to perform what is called
engineering - the transfer of genes between different species, a
feat that is achievable because all the genetic material on this
planet, from the lowest bacterium to the most complex being (Man),
of all living organisms that roam or fly or swim or grow, is made up
of the same genetic ABC - the same nucleic acids that formed the
"seed" brought into our Solar System by Nibiru.
"Our genes are, in fact,
our cosmic connection.
"Modern advances in genetics move along two parallel yet
interconnected routes. One is to ascertain the human genome, the
total genetic makeup of the human being; this involves the reading
of a code that although written with just four letters (A-G-C-T,
sort of the initials of the names given to the four nucleic acids
that make up all DNA) is made up of countless combinations of those
letters that then form "words" that combine into "sentences" and
"paragraphs" and finally a complete "book of life." The other
research route is to determine the function of each gene, that is an
even more daunting task....
"....The ultimate goal of this search for the cause, and thus the
cure, of human ailments and deficiencies is twofold: to find the
genes that control the body’s physiology and those that control the
brain’s neurological functions....
"....In view of such complexities, one wishes that modern scientists
would avail themselves of a road map provided by - yes! - the
Sumerians. The remarkable advances in astronomy keep corroborating
the Sumerian cosmogony and the scientific data provided in the Epic
of Creation:
the existence of other solar systems
highly elliptic
orbital paths
retrograde orbits
water on the outer
planets - as well as explanations for why Uranus lies on its side
the origin of the Asteroid Belt and of the Moon
the Earth’s cavity
on one side and the continents on the other side
All is explained
by the scientifically sophisticated tale of Nibiru and the
"Why not then take seriously, as a scientific road map, the other
part of the Sumerian creation tales - that of the creation of the
"The Sumerian texts inform us, first of all, that the "seed of life"
- the genetic alphabet - was imparted to Earth by
Nibiru during the
Celestial Battle, some four billion years ago. If the evolutionary
processes on Nibiru began a mere one percent before they were
launched on Earth, evolution there had begun forty million years
before it started on Earth. It is thus quite plausible that the
advanced superhumans, Anunnaki, were capable of space travel half a
million years ago. It is also plausible that when they came here,
they found on Earth the parallel intelligent beings still at the
hominid stage.
"....One must presume that by then
the Anunnaki were aware of the
complete genome of the Nibiruans, and capable to determine no less
of the hominids’ genome as we are by now of ours. What traits,
specifically, did Enki and Ninmah choose to transfer from
Anunnaki to the hominids? Both Sumerian texts and
biblical verses
indicate that while the first humans possessed some (but not all) of
the longevity of the Anunnaki, the creator couple deliberately
withheld from The Adam the genes of immortality (i.e the immense
longevity of the Anunnaki that parallel Nibiru’s orbital period).
What defects, on the other hand, remained hidden in the depths of
the recombined genome of the Adam?
"We strongly believe that were qualified scientists to study in
detail the data recorded in the Sumerian texts, valuable biogenetic
and medical information could be obtained. An amazing case in point
is the deficiency known as Williams Syndrome. Afflicting roughly one
in 20,000 births, its victims have a very low IQ verging on
retardation, but at the same time they excel in some artistic
field. Recent research has discovered that the syndrome resulting in
such "idiot savants" ( as they are sometimes described) is caused by
a minute gap in Chromosome 7, depriving the person of some fifteen
genes. One of the frequent impairments is the inability of the brain
to recognize what the eyes see - impaired eyesight; one of the most
common talents is musical.
But that is exactly the instance recorded in the
Sumerian text of
the man with impaired eyesight whom Enki taught to sing and play
"....The next genetic manipulation (echoed in the Bible in the tale
of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden) was the granting of the
ability to procreate - the addition of the X (female) and Y (male)
chromosomes to the basic 22. Contrary to wide-held beliefs that
these two chromosomes have no other functions besides determining
the offspring’s sex, recent research has revealed that the
chromosomes play wider and more diverse roles. For some reason this
astonished the scientists in particular regarding the Y
chromosome. Studies published at the end of 1997 under scientific
headings as "Functional Coherence of the Human Y Chromosome"
received bold headlines in the press such as "Male Chromosome Is Not
a Genetic Wasteland, After All" (the New York Times, October 28,
1997). (These discoveries confirmed, as an unexpected bonus, that,
"Adam," too, like Eve, had come out of southeastern Africa).
"Where did Enki - the Nachash - obtained the
X and Y chromosomes?
And what about the source of the mtDNA? Hints scattered in the
Sumerian texts suggest that Ninki, Enki’s spouse, played some
crucial role in the final stage of human creation. It was she, Enki
decided, who would give the humans the final touch, one more genetic
The new born’s fate,
thou shalt pronounce; Ninki would fix upon it the image of the gods.
"The words echo the biblical statement that "in their image and
after their likeness did the Elohim create The Adam." And if indeed
it was Ninki, Enki’s spouse and mother of Marduk, who was the
of the mtDNA of "Eve," the importance attached to the sister-wife
lineage begins to make sense; for it constituted one more link to
Man’s cosmic origins.
"....Clearly identified (in the text of
The Legend of Adapa), as a
"Son of Eridu,".... he was also called in the text "the son of
Ea/Enki...." by a woman other than his spouse. By dint of this
lineage, as well as by deliberate action, Adapa was recalled for
generations as the Wisest of Men, and was nicknamed the Sage of Eridu.
"....This clash between
Fate and Destiny takes us to the moment when
Homo sapiens-sapiens appeared. Adapa, too, being the son of a god,
asked for immortality. That as we know from the
Epic of Gilgamesh,
could be obtained by ascending heavenward to the abode of the
Anunnaki; and that was what Ea/Enki told Adapa.... "He (Enki) made
Adapa take the way to heaven...." Enki provided him with correct
instructions of how to gain admittance to the throne room of Anu;
but also gave him completely wrong instructions on how to behave
when he would be offered the Bread of Life and the
Water of Life. If
you accept them and partake of them, Enki warned Adapa, surely you
shall die! And, so misled by his own father, Adapa refused the food
and the waters of the gods and ended up subject to his mortal’s
"But Adapa did accept a garment that was brought to him and wrapped
himself in it, and did take the oil that was offered to him, and
anointed himself with it. Therefore, Anu declared, Adapa would be
initiated into the sacred knowledge of the gods. He showed him the
celestial expanse, "from the horizon of heaven to heaven’s zenith."
He would be allowed to return to Eridu safe and sound, and there
would be initiated by the goddess Ninkarrak into the secrets of "the
ills that were alloted to Mankind, the diseases that were wrought
upon the bodies of mortals," and taught by her how to heal such
"It would be relevant here to recall the biblical assurances by
Yahweh to the Israelites in the wilderness in Sinai. Wandering for
three days without any water, they reached a watering hole whose
water was unpotable. So God pointed out to Moses a certain tree and
told him to throw it into the water, and the water became potable.
And Yahweh said to the Israelites: if you shall give ear to my
commandments, I shall not impose on thee the illnesses of Egypt; "I
Yahweh shall be thy healer" (Exodus 15:26). The promise by
Yahweh to
act as the healer of his chosen people is repeated in Exodus 23:25,
where a specific reference is made to enabling a woman who is barren
to bear children....
"....Since we are dealing here with a
divine entity, it is safe to
assume that we are dealing here also with genetic healing. The
incident with the Nefilim, who had found on the eve of
the Deluge
that the "Daughters of the Adam" were compatible, and sufficiently
so to be able to have children together, also involves genetics.
"Was such knowledge of genetics, for healing purposes, imparted to
Adapa or other demigods or initiates? And if so - how? How could the
complex genetic code be taught to Earthlings in those "primitive"
"For the answer, we believe, we have to search in letters and in