The first three degrees of Freemasonry are called the Blue Degrees. This is why, for instance, the UN logo is blue and divided into 33 sections. This is why the “blue laws” written on blue paper were introduced in the 18th and 19th centuries and Masonic constructions are planned on a “blue” print.
The sixth chakra of the human energetic system is blue, associated with the pineal gland, enlightenment and spiritual uplift.
by reinforcing subconsciously through song and pop culture the idea that
“blue” is a sad and depressing color, the Masons effectively nullify blue’s
mystical place in our perception.
He also sang Three O’Clock Stomp and Three O’Clock Blues (notice it’s not 2 o’clock or 4 o’clock).
Elvis Presley, the King of “Rock” sang Something Blue, Steamroller Blues, Blue Suede Shoes, Blue Moon, Blue Hawaii, Blue River, Blue Eyes Cryin’ in the Rain, Blue Christmas, I’m Gonna Bid my Blues Goodbye, Indescribably Blue, Moody Blue, Folsom Prison Blues, My Blue Moon Will Turn Gold Again, and You’re the Only Star in my Blue Heaven.
The Rolling “Stones” sang Andrew’s Blues, Blue Turns to Grey, Cocksucker Blues, Confessin’ the Blues, Cook Cook Blues, Exile on Mainstreet Blues, Fancyman Blues, Stray Cat Blues, Summertime Blues and Ventilator Blues.
Bob Dylan sang Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues, Tangled up in Blue, Freight Train Blues, Bob Dylan’s Blues, Talking World War III Blues, North Country Blues, Black Crow Blues, Subterranean Homesick Blues, Dirt Road Blues, Outlaw Blues, It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue, Tombstone Blues, Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again, Living the Blues, Blue Moon, Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues, and Orange Juice Blues. Queen sang Blues Breaker and Rock in Rio Blues.
Moody Blues played Blue Guitar and Veteran Cosmic Rocker. Simon and Garfunkel tell is like it is in The Blues Run the Game. Their first album, produced at Columbia Studios, was called Wednesday Morning, 3am, which encodes Masonic 33 because Wednesday is the third day of the week.
These few bands/references are barely the tip of the iceberg. Do you suppose this could be pure coincidence? When something comes “out of the blue” does that mean “out of nowhere” or could it mean from Masonry?
Much of HipHop culture (including the name HipHop with the twin HH symbolism) comes from Masonry as well, i.e. notice Will Smith in “HitcH,” his hands on the twin H’s in the poster). When gang members roll up one pant leg to symbolize their crew, this tradition comes from the Masonic first degree ritual. Initiates must roll up their pantleg for undisclosed reasons while being blindfolded and led around by a noose.
All the so-called gang signs are Masonic mudras, such as the West side and East side gang sings. Names like Crips and Bloods may well have come from “the Hood,” but the recurring Death theme screams Freemasonry. It’s none other than the Grim Reaper who wears a “Hood.” Calling each other G no doubt comes from the Freemasonic G, and what is a Gangster but a G in angst, flashing signs, rolling up pant legs, and calling friends Dogs and Bitches?
Doggs, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Bitches, doubtless comes from Masonic Isis/Sirius DogGod star worship. This is why soldiers wear Dog tags, and Henry Kissinger says, “military men are just dumb stupid animals.”
What’s up GDogg? It’s a G thing. Get some GLove, fits like a Masonic Glove. JayZ is constantly symbolizing the Illuminati pyramid when he makes his trademark triangle hand sign and looks through it with one eye. He was formerly CEO of Rocawear and refers to himself as a Rockafella.
In his 1996 song “D’Evils,” JayZ has lyrics like “Illuminati want my mind, soul, and my body,” and “Secret society trying to keep their eye one me.” His significant other Beyonce is often photographed wearing a skull and crossbones belt buckle.
House of Pain says in their 1992 song Jump Around,
So when HipHop group “The Coup” (as
in military coup), creates a June 2001 album cover showing the World Trade
Center towers being demolished, is it just coincidence?
Tavistock Institute exports the Rolling Stones and the Beatles were called "the British invasion" (Notice Lennon gives the El Diablo sign and they sing ObLaDi, ObLaDa = Oh El Diablo).
The Rolling Stones sang Little Queen, Like a Rolling Stone, You Got Me Rocking, If You Can’t Rock Me, It’s Only Rock and Roll, Let it Rock, Reelin’ and Rockin’, and Rocks Off.
The band Queen sang We Will Rock You, Stone Cold Crazy, Rock it, Rollin’ Over, Hammer to Fall, Killer Queen, and Bohemian (Grove) Rhapsody. Simon and Garfunkel bluntly sang I am a Rock and She Loves me Like a Rock. B.B. King sang My Heart Beats Like a Hammer, Rock Me Baby, and You’re Still a Square (as in Mason’s compass and square).
Masonry is a fraternal organization with secrets passed from fathers onto sons, hence “a chip off the old block.”
The old block is the father Master Mason and the chip is the
son apprentice level.
Oliver Stone, Sharon Stone, Romancing the Stone, the Family Stone, the Flintstones, Blackstone, Firestone, Sword in the Stone, the Philosophers Stone, Stonefaced, Stonewall Jackson, Stoned, Stoning, Stoner.
The amount of pop
culture ideas/references using just the obvious Masonic Rock and Stone
symbolism is abundant.
James Cameron and Walt Disney (Touchstone) are/were 33rd degree. Many big directors like Jerry Bruckheimer, George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Tim Burton repeatedly show Masonic imagery in their films. Paramount, TriStar, Columbia, Orion, Icon, Lion’s Gate, DreamWorks, and 20th Century Fox all have Masonic/occult symbolism in their logos.
The founder of Paramount, Hollywood’s very first director, was a Mason.
“Between a rock and a hard place” is one of many Masonic phrases said in “The Rock” with 33rd degree Mason Sean Connery who played a character named Mason. Nicholas Cage played alongside Connery in The Rock and later Cage starred in National Treasure, another movie also about Masonry. His father in the movie was Jon Voigt.
In real life, Jon Voigt is the father of
Angelina Jolie who in real life is a member of the CFR and the UN – two
Masonic/Illuminati creations. In the movie Tomb Raider 2, however, Jolie
plays a role in which she defeats the Illuminati featuring a scene at the
capstone of a pyramid.
What's a Blockbuster? A Stone Mason. What do the Mason's do? They make the "Hits."
Hit is what a hammer
does to a rock, but it's also what their sponsored celebrities create for
our entrainment pleasure Hits, Hot Hits, Top Hits. When they kill people
like JFK, it's called a "hit." They just made the movie "Hitman." When
getting “stoned” stoners takes a “hit.” The Masonic game of baseball uses
“hits” as well.
From the Pentagon-shaped home “base” they train their (DC) Batmen to make “hits” for them then travel to other “bases.” The Umpire/Empire allows three “strikes” before you are retired to the belowground hole they “dugout” for you. This is why you get “three strikes” in the legal system before they put you away.
You also “go on strike” from selfish, stubborn Masonic