Will the Brotherhood actually play the fake alien invasion card? No one knows for sure what the future will bring, but based on their history, the elites doubtless hope to continue their process of “Order out of Chaos,” to further centralize and globalize their control.
This term Order out of Chaos, in Latin Ordo ab Chao, is the slogan of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry.
The New World Order can and will be defeated through a world wide awakening. Once the world’s population understands the information presented in this book, secret society rule will by necessity be phased out.
As the populations awaken, the Brotherhood and their conspiratorial control mechanisms that have worked to enslave mankind for thousands of years will quickly crumble.
We must shun secret societies and shame on their members.
Shun the world’s “royalty,” their knights and vassals, shame on their
spineless lapdogs. It is high
Don’t eat their junk, genetically modified, nutrient starved food. Buy from local businesses and not from huge corporations and department stores. Don’t watch their “programs” or tune into their “channels.” Don’t buy into their “news,” their magazines, or expert opinions. Don’t be scared of their bogeymen, fall for their patsies, or accept their problem-reaction-solutions.
Refuse RFID chips and the big brother surveillance society. As they phase from fiat currency to their cashless credit based system, we phase into precious metals and old-fashioned trade with locals. The key to overcoming the conspiratorial, oppressive world system is by focusing on and improving your own local systems.
We’ve given our responsibility away and it’s time to reclaim it.
The biggest obstacle in overcoming the conspiracy is information.
The most important thing to do is continue educating yourself and start awakening others to the global conspiracy. Educate your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers. Send this book to everyone you can. Print your own copies (I hereby give permission) and give them to everyone you know!
Join in,
Speak out and make your voice heard like,
Don’t be silent or scared. It is now or never if free humanity is going to overthrow the global elite and their world governance systems. Speak up, speak out, be active and creative. Write articles, post on internet message boards, speak at community meetings.
Question authority.
Question consensus reality.
Only trust your own third eyes.