GNN: Grail News Now
Just as the Extraterrestrial
Disclosure Project is receiving its full public airing, so a
series of anomalies are appearing concurrent to the WTC event.
Whilst the "unknown" object may still receive a regular
explanation, as of yet, the "missile" sequence is more than

click on image to see animation
Damian Barna sent an e-mail
"In the shots of the plane crash on
the World Trade Center I spotted a UFO.
It is in the PAX version of the shot. For a few seconds
the camera focuses on the UFO while searching the
skies for planes. I think, that I have it on tape, but need to
check my file. Watch the footage closely, there is a cigar
shaped ship off to the right when the second plane crashes
from the left to the right. There is a shot from ground level.
The footage shows what appears to be a cigar shaped cloud,
but I know better I have learned to recognize the dimensions of
the cloud covered ships.
I will locate the footage on the tapes."
Thanks to Damian Barna

"F5" on keyboard to see animation |


Concurrent to this are
what also appear
to be signs of a
missile or some other possible anomaly.
(see below sequence of
