Woody Box
for INN Report -May 30
Woody Box (“Flight
11 - The Twin Flight”) new article is yet another
groundbreaking analysis. It appears, that the majority of 9/11
Researchers and the 9/11 family members, who lost their loved ones,
have to compile a new list of questions about an airport, which
didn’t receive much attention yet: Cleveland Hopkins, Ohio.
Among the disturbing new details are two flights, which apparently
had been part of yet another “mirror flight” scenario. “Both” got
grounded in Ohio.
One of them was Delta1989, the other one was identified as, most
shocking: “Flight 93”!
But there are also many new questions about some “200 passengers” of
that day...
Delta flight1989 - wasn't hijacked,
and there was no bomb. However, a closer examination reveals a bunch
of conflicting statements concerning Delta 1989. This article will
prove that not 1, but 2 planes made an emergency landing in
Cleveland. |
In midst the chaos breaking out in the hours after the WTC and
Pentagon attacks, between 10 a.m. and 11 am. an airplane made an
emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins Airport . Rumors were going
around that it was hijacked or had a bomb on board. The FBI
evacuated the plane and search it with bomb-sniffing dogs after the
passengers had left. It turned out to be false alarm. The plane - Delta flight1989 -
was not hijacked, and there was no bomb.
However, a closer examination reveals a bunch of conflicting
statements concerning Delta 1989. Neither the moment of landing, nor
the number of the passengers, nor the location of the grounded plane
is clear. For every aspect of the incident there are two different
versions. Not one or three or four versions, but two.
This article will prove that not one, but two planes made an
emergency landing in Cleveland - in close succession. The proof is
based on local newspaper and radio reports from September 11th and
12th (mainly from the Akron Beacon Journal and the Cleveland Plain
Dealer), statements of eyewitnesses and internet postings in the
morning of 9/11 (people were listening to the radio and immediately
submitted the breaking news to the net).
One of the flights was indeed Delta
1989. We don’t know the identity of the other one, so we call it
“Flight X”... We start with a short summary of the events in
Cleveland. At 10 a.m., the airport was evacuated. Without doubt,
this had to do with the rumors that a hijacked plane was going to
land. The passengers had to leave the airport but were not allowed
to take their car. They had to walk or got a ride at the highway.
Busses were not allowed to leave the airport. People around the
airport were to to go home. It was a very tense situation.
These facts are undisputed. Cleveland
Mayor Michael White held a televised news conference at 11
a.m., after the emergency landing. According to the Cleveland Plain
Dealer, he said there was an unconfirmed report that the plane might
have been hijacked or was carrying a bomb. But in the middle of the
news conference, he reported that it had not been hijacked, and
later in the day he said no bomb had been found. This was not the
only detail that changed in the course of the day. In the morning,
White said that air controllers could hear screaming on the plane.
In the afternoon, he didn’t mention the screams anymore.
We will now examine several parameters of the emergency landing:
1) The moment of landing
2) The begin of the evacuation of the passengers
3) The number of passengers
4) The place the passengers were interviewed after the
5) The exact location of the grounded plane
We will see that there are two different
data for every parameter, suggesting that we are dealing wit two
different planes. We will omit the “a.m.” because it’s clear that
everything is happening in the morning.
1) The moment of landing
AP and two Ohio newspapers report a
landing at 10:45 (1ª). However, Delta Airlines has registered
10:10 as the landing time and Cleveland firefighters can confirm
that the landing took place before 10:30 (1b).
Because Delta Airlines did not loose the track of its plane, the
10:10 plane was surely Delta 1989. So the 10:45 plane is - by
definition - Flight X.
2) The begin of the evacuation of
the passengers
The Akron Beacon Journal writes in
an extra edition from 9/11 that the passengers were released
from the plane at 11:15. This is confirmed by internet postings
describing the events in real-time (2ª). However, a passenger
from Delta 1989 relates that she had to stay more than two hours
in the plane before the FBI started to search it and took the
passengers away for questioning.
The Plain Dealer has learned about a
evacuation time of 12:30, confirming the witness’ statement. (2b).
Thanks to the most valuable statement of the passenger, we can
conclude that Delta 1989 landed at 10:10 and was evacuated at
12:30. Flight X landed at 10:45 and was evacuated at 11:15.
3) The number of passengers
The first press reports tell us that the plane carried 200
passengers. Mayor White mentioned this number on his 11 o’clock
conference (3ª). He did not say how he got the number. The
passenger o Delta 1989 however, she must know it, made an
estimation of “sixty or so” passengers. This is confirmed by
later reports - the story changed quickly.
Now, 69 passengers have been
released from the plane, going well with the “sixty or so” (3b).
We can conclude that Delta 1989 landed at 10:10, the 69
passengers being evacuated at 12:30. Flight X landed at 10:45,
the 200 passengers being released at 11:15.
4) The place the passengers were
interviewed after the evacuation
The most reports say that the
passengers were brought into a nearby NASA facility (4ª). This
is the NASA Glenn Research Center, located near the west end of
the airport. It was already evacuated. The passenger of delta
1989 however tells us that she was taken into a “secure building
at the airport”. This is confirmed by a report that the Delta
1989 passengers were interviewed in the FAA headquarter (4b).
Surely the FAA headquarter is not
located in the NASA facility. We can conclude that Delta 1989
landed at 10:10, and at 12:30 the 69 passengers were taken into
the FAA headquarter. Flight X landed at 10:45, and at 11:15 the
200 passengers were taken into the evacuated NASA Center.

Cleveland Hopkins Airport
Note that the blue
runways were in planning yet on 9/11.
The big
black-rectangle in the South is the I-X Center
5) The exact location of the plane
This is the final proof that we have to do with two different
planes. Both planes were sitting on a runway, but miles away
from each other. One plane was at the west end of runway 28/10
near the NASA center (point 10 in the map). This is confirmed by
Associated Press and an eyewitness (5ª).
The other plane was sitting at the
south end of runway 18/36 near the I-X-Center (point 36), also
confirmed by two eyewitnesses (5b). The geographic
conditions on the airport suggest that the passengers at the
West end were taken to the NASA Center and the passengers at the
South end to the FAA headquarter.
We summarize our findings:
Delta 1989 |
Flight X |
Moment of landing |
10:10 |
10:45 |
Begin of evacuation |
12:30 |
11:15 |
Number of passengers |
69 |
200 |
Passengers brought to |
FAA/Airport |
Exact location |
Runway 18/36 |
Runway 28/10 |
near I-X Center |
near NASA Center
The 69 passengers of Delta 1989 are
(hopefully) alive and well. Questions remain:
Where did Flight X come from,
who were the 200 passengers, and what happened to them?
(1ª) Landing at 10:45
The airplane landed at
about 10:45 a.m., but the airport released no information about
the plane’s intended destination.
Associated Press 9/11/01
The flight to Los Angeles landed at
Hopkins at 10:45 a.m., and was directed to a secure area of the
Akron Beacon Journal 9/12/01
Delta Flight 1989 made an emergency
landing at Hopkins about 10:45 a.m., nearly two hours after the
World Trade Center towers were hit by two hijacked planes.
Cleveland Plain Dealer 9/12/01
(1b) Landing at 10:10 10:30
Flight quarantined. On a remote
taxiway at Hopkins International Airport in Cleveland Delta
Flight 1989 is quarantined. Since early reports that a bomb,
then hijackers, might be aboard, Delta CEO Leo Mullin, 58, had
nervously tracked the flight from the company’s headquarters in
Atlanta. Every five minutes, a new report came in. None seemed
clear. Still, the flight landed uneventfully in Cleveland at
10:10 a.m.
USA Today, 8/12/02

After treatment and transport to the
hospital, reports over our radio confirmed the south tower had
collapsed. ... My chief put out an order to return to quarters.
He received reports there was a plane sequestered on the runway
of Cleveland Hopkins Airport, because of a possible hijacking or
a bomb on board.
Responding back to our firehouse my heart
started pounding faster as we became closer our station, which
is only a few hundred yards from the south side of the airport.
The second tower now had collapsed. There it was a huge plane
standing eerily still. Police, EMS and fire are positioned in
the distance.
Scott Boulton, Cleveland firefighter
The reports of the suspicious plane
on the runway obviously came in BEFORE the WTC North Tower
collapsed (10:28). A 10:10 landing time fits very well into
Boulton’s chronology (set between the first and second WTC
collapse), while a 10:45 landing time contradicts it.
(2ª) Evacuation at 11:15
The 200 passengers were
reportedly released from the plane at 11:15 a.m., though White
said the pilot was still concerned that a bomb remained.
Akron Beacon Journal 9/11/01
A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an
emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International
Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said
Mayor Michael R. White. White said the plane had been moved to a
secure area of the airport, and was evacuated.
WCPO-TV, Cincinna 9/11/01, 11:43:57.
So at 11.43, the evacuation was
already finished.
“We have lost track of a number of
planes,” quote from FAA. From Scott P at PTE - Just heard an
unconfirmed report that a plane on the ground at
Cleveland-Hopkins Airport has a bomb on board with approximately
200 people on board.
PT Cruiser Club Forum Posted by
Cruisin in Calgary at Sept?11,?2001,?8:14?AM PST (=11:14 EST)
The plane at Hopkins has been deplaned and they are going to
search it for a bomb now.
PT Cruise Login Club Forum
Posted by Terry J at Sep?11,?2001,?8:41?AM PST (=11:41 EST) .
So there were no passengers on the
plane anymore at 11:41.
(2b) Evacuation at 12:30
After our emergency
landing, our plane was directed to go to an isolated area of the
airport, and waited for over two hours in quarantine before FBI
agents and bomb sniffing dogs came out to the plane.
Delta 1989 passenger’s story
About 12:30 p.m. baggage cars and shuttle buses approached the
plane. The 69 passengers and nine
crew members then walked down a portable staircase and onto the
buses, which took them to FAA
headquarters nearby.
Cleveland Plain Dealer 9/12/01
(3ª) 200 passengers
The 200 passengers were
reportedly released from the plane at 11:15 a.m., though White
said the pilot was still concerned that a bomb remained.
Akron Beacon Journal 9/11/01
The plane was sitting on a runway at
the airport’s west end with approximately 200 passengers on
Associated Press, 9/11/01
About 200 passengers were aboard the
plane. It will be checked for a bomb.
News Channel 5, Cleveland-Akron,9/11/01
A few hours after Mayor White’s
first news conference, FBI Special Agent Mark Bullock confirmed
that the Delta jet with 200 people aboard had landed safely and
had not been in danger.
WCPN radio, 9/12/01
The mayor of Cleveland has announced
that an airplane containing 200 passengers has been sequestered
at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport. They believe there may be a
bomb on the plane.
Metafilter.com forum posted by
turaho at 8:37 a.m. PST (=11:37 EST)
(3b) 69 passengers
The sixty or so
passengers were thus able to gather some alarming details of the
unbelievable fates the other two LA-bound planes.
Delta 1989 passenger’s story
The 69 passengers and nine crew
members then walked down a portable staircase and onto the bus
which took them to FAA headquarters nearby.
Cleveland Plain Dealer 9/12/01
The plane was evacuated of its 78
passengers shortly before 1 p.m.
Akron Beacon Journal 9/12/01
( 78 = 69 passengers + 9 crew
(4ª) Interview in NASA Center
They (the passengers) were taken to
NASA Glenn Research Center to be interviewed by FBI agents The
center had been evacuated about an hour before.)
Akron Beacon Journal 9/12/01
The Boeing 767 was evacuated and
searched, said Della Homenik, spokeswoman for Mayor Michael R.
White. Passengers were taken to a nearby NASA facility.
The Post, Athens, Ohio, 9/11/01
I thought the target could also have
be NASA’s Glen/Lewis Research Center that is right next to the
Cleveland Airport. The news reported that the plane landed
because of a suspected bomb on board but they haven’t released
anyone that was on that plane. The closed NASA and transported
everyone that was on the plane there for questioning.
E-Mail Repository, posted by “Connie”,
time unknown
(4b) Interview in FAA/Airport
While our personal effects were
examined we were taken to a secure building at the airport where
for three hours we were interrogated at length.
Delta 1989 passenger’s story
The 69 passengers and nine crew
members then walked down a portable staircase and onto the
buses, which took them to FAA headquarters nearby.
Cleveland Plain Dealer 9/12/01

(5ª) Plane at West end near NASA Center
The plane was sitting on a runway at
the airport’s west end with approximately 200 passengers on
Associated Press, 9/11/01
At the same time that we passed the
Cleveland airport, the radio was reporting that a plane had been
quarantined at the airport and forced to stay away from the
terminal. There was some concern that bomb might be aboard. As
we went by, we say the plane with a number of vehicles
surrounding it. Lights were flashing. We wondered if there were
hijackers aboard that very plane.
Rudy K, persona report.
Rudy K was on the way home from
Toledo to Rochester, N.Y., taking Interstate 480. This highway
runs parallel to runway 28/10, a few hundred yards more to the
North. The I-X-Center is three miles away - too far away for
Rudy K’s eyes to recognize vehicles. He was watching a plane
near the northern boundary of the airport. His report confirms
the existence of a plane near the NASA Center.
Thanks to his
precise description, we can also conclude that he passed the
airport at about 1 o’clock as he began his ride at 9:30 in
Toledo and arrived at 4 p.m. in Rochester (with a little stop).
Flight X was already there at 11 o’clock.

(5b) Plane at South end near
I-X Center
Kurt Voelkel, 18, of
Parma watched as the Delta sat on a remote area of the Hopkins
tarmac near the I-X Center.
Akron Beacon Journal 9/12/01
He received reports there was a
plane sequestered on the runway of Cleveland Hopkins Airport,
because of a possible hijacking or a bomb on board. Responding
back to our firehouse my heart started pounding faster as we
became closer to our station, which is only a few hundred yards
from the south side of the airport. The second tower now had
collapsed. There it was a huge plane standing eerily still.
Police, EMS and fire are positioned in the distance.
Scott Boulton, Cleveland firefighter.
Boulton works with the fire
department of Brookmark, a small city south-east of Hopkins
Airport. His station is on Holland Street, just opposite the end
of runway 18/36 (“only a few hundred yards from the south-side
of the airport”). So he is talking of the plane near the I-X
Center, too.

The 10 factual data presented in the
text are each supported by at least two independent sources.
Everybody who denies the occurring of two emergency landings should
be able to provide us with clear answers to these five questions:
When did the plane land, when was it evacuated, how many passengers
did it carry, where were they interviewed, where was the plan
sitting at the airport. For every answer, he should also be able to
disprove the contradicting two (or more) sources. I think this is
very hard work. Good luck.
There are many rumors and uncorroborated messages around the events
in Cleveland. I want to present them here, but I endorse careful
handling as they are not independently verified.
Flight X = United
Airlines Flight?
White said the plane had been moved
to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated. United
identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did say how many
people were aboard the flight.
WCPO-TV, Cincinnati, 9/11/01, 11:43:57
This message, submitted at 11:43 in the
morning, is nowhere else to find. It’s the only hint that Flight X
might be United Airlines 93, but you have to wonder about the
differing passenger numbers (UA 93: 33 passengers; Flight X: 200
passengers). Very obscure the last sentence: If United Airlines told
the reporters the number of the passengers, why don’t they submit
this news to the public?
Did the airline tell them the number but
on the condition not to publish it?
[11:01] (temas) there was an
emergency landing safely completed in Cleveland
[11:02] (temas) potential bomb
on the plane
[11:02] (temas) and it might be
the missing UA flight
jabber obviously followed the radio
or TV news. He refers to what he’s hearing, so it’s not his own, but
the radio’s guessing that the plane in Cleveland might be the
“missing UA flight”. Very likely temas is talking about
Flight X because Delta 1989’s identity never was in question. Note
that the time of the posting 11:01 points to a landing of 10:45,
The Toledo
White reported that another plane
was diverted from Hopkins toward Toledo.
Akron Beacon Journal 9/11/01
He said airport officials reported that a second airplane in
distress had passed through Cleveland airspace earlier Tuesday
morning before being handed off to Toledo. Officials at Toledo
Express Airport did not immediately have any information about a
plane headed from Cleveland.
Associate Press, 9/11/01
So we have another obscure plane in an
emergency situation, and in the light of the new evidence, we might
ask if the Toledo Plane is identical to Flight X. It seems that
Mayor White was not the being informed person in Cleveland since he
changed his statements a couple of times during the day.
Virginia Buckingham’s statement

A disturbing first-hand statement comes
Virginia Buckingham. She was not
only security chief of Boston Airport on 9/11, but also CEO of MA
Port Authority.
By 9:30, the FAA had grounded all
flights out of Boston and New York.
By 9:40, all US flight operations
were halted. As we tried to account for all Boston-originating
flights already in the air, we received word that a Delta flight
out of Logan, bound for the West Coast, had lost radio contact
with air traffic control.
When exactly did Delta 1989 loose radio
contact? At 9:36, Cleveland Center warned the plane
to stay away from UA 93, and this
USA Today report confirms that the
pilot asked the controllers to land in Cleveland shortly before 9:45
when the FAA released an order to ground all planes. So until about
9:40-9:45 Delta 1989 was in contact with Air Traffic Control.
Victoria Buckingham: I felt sick
to my stomach. It would be more than an hour before we received word
that the flight had landed safely in Cleveland.
So it took more than an hour after the lost radio contact that Mrs.
Buckingham learned of the safe landing of the flight. This must have
happened at about 10:45-11:00 and perfectly fits the landing time of
Flight X. Did she refer to Flight X? Delta 1989 landed at 10:10 in
Cleveland, and it is unbelievable that
the pilot allowed the passengers to make phone
calls but didn’t inform his airline about the safe
landing. If Mrs. Buckingham was talking about Delta 1989, why did
she had to wait more than half an hour to get the reassuring message
that the plane and the passengers were okay?
Col. Alan
Scott’s statement
Col. Scott testified to the 9-11 commission on
9:27, Boston FAA reports a fifth
aircraft missing, Delta Flight 89 -- and many people have never
heard of Delta Flight 89. We call that the first red herring of
the day, because there were a number of reported possible
hijackings that unfolded over the hours immediately following
the actual attacks. Delta 89 was not hijacked, enters the
system, increases the fog and friction if you will, as we begin
to look for that. But he lands about seven of eight minutes
later and clears out of the system.
At 9:49, FAA reports that Delta 89, which had been reported as
missing, is now reported as a possible hijacking. So again he
MR.: That’s 9:41, sir.
MR. SCOTT: I’m sorry, 9:41. Again, he is in the system. He is
kind of a red herring for us.
Now, the only thing that I would point
out on this chart is this says 9:43, American Airlines 77 impacts
the Pentagon. The timeline on the impact of the Pentagon was changed
to 9:37 -- 9:43 is the time that was reported that day, it was the
time we used. And it took about two weeks to discover in the parking
lot of the Pentagon this entry camera for the parking lot, which
happened to be oriented towards the Pentagon at the time of impact,
and the recorded time is 9:37.
And that’s why the timeline went from
9:43 to 9:37, because it is the best documented evidence for the
impact time that we have. Getting toward the end now, 9:47 is when
Delta 89 clears the system by landing in Cleveland. So he is not a
Mr. Scott’s statement is even more astonishing. His memory doesn’t
seem to work very good. As I have already outlined, nothing unusual
happened to Delta 1989 until about 9:40, when the pilot stopped
talking with Air Traffic Control. So it was not reported missing at
9:27. And Scott’s version of the landing of Delta 1989 - at 9:47 -
contradicts all sources gathered in this article. The airport was
not even closed at this time.