OrbWar Website
Additional Important Sightings of the 9-11 Attacks
Quotes Relating to a
Missile Firing Off the Roof of the Woolworth Building
"Someone had
fired missiles at the World Trade Center's north
tower from atop the nearby Woolworth Building."
"...we just had a second explosion, possibly
a missile from the roof of the Woolworth
Port Authority Police Officer
"They're shooting at the Trade Center from
the Woolworth Building."
Radio Dispatch
NY Daily News
"The first one they think was a guy shooting
the missiles off the Woolworth Building."
WTC Police Channel 07
Mercury News
"Woolworth Building! They're firing missiles
from Woolworth Building!"
Police Channel
Portland Inymedia
"...there was
a missile launch at the Woolworth building."
Police Officer, 09:18AM
Mailgate News
"...the police had a report that a missile had
been fired at the World Trade Center from the
Woolworth building."
Alan Reiss, WTC Police Desk
9-11 Commission Hearing
"[About 50 yards from the Tower] There was a
'swooshing' sound, then an explosion, and it
sounded really low. It was if someone, one or
two floors above me, had launched a
shoulder-fired missile."
Lance Cpl. Alan Reifenberg
Marine Corps News
As we pulled ‘round the corner, we stopped the
rig, and a cop walked over to us and said, `I
saw them shoot a missile launcher off that
[Woolworth] building, you guys better be careful
up there.’
NYC Fireman
Mr.Bellers Neighborhood
View of the World Trade Center
from the
Woolworth Building

The red arrow is the
suspected video angle that Bush Junior had of the first
plane hitting the North tower before he went inside to
read the goat story to an elementary school class the
morning of Sept. 11, 2001.
Perfect Line
of Sight to the
First Attack
of the North Tower

The Flight 11 crash was
directly visible from the rooftop of the Woolworth.
The First of
Three Anomalous Flashes

An aircraft appears to
materialize just long enough to drop a
flashing/flare-like object.
Close-up of the
Flash Reveals
the Strong
Possibility of a Stealth Delivery Vehicle
Auto-Levels of
the Sequence |
Sequence |
Was it a B2
This Wasn't the
Only Stealth Sighting at the WTC on 9-11-2001
Auto-Levels |
Auto-Contrast |
Original |
Additional Anomalous Flashes
Surrounding the
Woolworth Building
Second Anomalous
Flash |
Third Anomalous
Flash |
Diagram of the
Three Anomalous Flashes and the
Flight Path of the Orb
The term
orb is the popular name given to
typically circular anomalies appearing in
photographs. In photography and video, orbs
appear to be balls, diamonds, or smears of
light with an apparent size in the image
ranging from a golf-ball to a basketball
depending on the distance of the dust
particle to the lens. Orbs sometimes appear
to be in motion, leaving a trail behind
Website |
All Three
Flashes in Comparative Positions |
Red = Overall
Flight Path of the Orb (A to E) |
= The starting point of the orb in the video clip
(Approx. 4:04 p.m. 9-11-1)
B = The point where the orb passes
over the same Woolworth Building roof position where
smoke billows forth about five seconds later.
C = The point where the orb appears
to seek cover in a nearby cloud simultaneous to the
Woolworth Building rooftop erupting in smoke.
D = As the "fire" appears to move
up to the peak of the roof the orb darts quickly
across the roof again, but from the opposite
direction this time.
E = The point where the orb
literally streaks into the black smokey remains of
the World Trade Center Towers.
A to C = Took eleven seconds of
flight time during which the orb seems to be
continually flashing
C to E = Took six seconds of flight
time during which the orb streaks across the sky
about twice as fast as it approached without any
noticeable flashing.
Did the Orb
the Woolworth Building Rooftop Go Up in Smoke?
The Orb Passes
by Previous to the Fire. |
Seconds Later
the Rooftop Erupts in Smoke. |
Traces Left by
the Orb
on its Curious 17-Second Round Trip
Traces of the
Orb Moving Right to Left Slowly.
Traces of the
Orb Moving Left to Right Swiftly.
WTC Alignment to
Woolworth Building
Smoking Rooftop Video

The spire on the North
corner of the Woolworth Building went up in smoke, then
the top of the roof. |
Sequence of
Bush saw
People saw
Audio sound shows
Naudet angle hides
Motive for lower
by Play Examination of Orb Flight
The Woolworth
Building rooftop incident occurred sometime around 4:04 p.m. on
Upon close examination it appears
that an "orb" flew just up above the height of the corner spires of
the Woolworth building and may have delivered an explosive
projectile at the crest of its arching flight path over the roof.
Because the orb moved so slowly this seems a likely explanation,
then dipped into a cloud mass at the exact moment, and at the same
altitude, as the roof erupted in smoke, and then the orb streaked
from the white cloud (on the left), just as the majority of the
smoke from the roof was finished billowing, at about twice the
The orb approached the Woolworth
building from the dust cloud left by the recently collapsed world
trade center towers. Thus, there is absolute synchronicity in the
path and timing of the orb flyby with the smoke from the roof of the
Woolworth Building .
In fact, the round-trip made by the or
coincides seconds before and after the rooftop smoking occurred, an
odd 17 second complete U-turn.

Analysis of the
Additional Flashes
In addition to this there was a bright flash, suspended in the sky,
high above the Woolworth building seconds previous to its roof
erupting in smoke.
When the sequence is analyzed closely it becomes
apparent that when the flash becomes brightest there appears to be
what looks like a scale version of a B2 bomber (or perhaps the real
thing at a distance) that becomes visible, or temporarily
materializes, just long enough for the bright single-flashing object
to be dropped out of its bay doors/hatches.
In addition to this
flash there were two more suspicious flashes again from positions
suspended in the atmosphere nearby the Woolworth building -
completely ruling out the possibility of a flash from a conventional
Why the Woolworth
Building of All Places?
The Northern tip of the roof of the Woolworth Building would have
provided the best angle for viewing the attack of the North Tower
compared to all other corners of the rooftop.
Plus there are no
buildings in the way to block the view.
Now isn't it interesting
that it was the North corner spire that was the section smoking, as
if on fire?
Is this perhaps evidence of the destruction of a video
surveillance camera installed in that exact location for viewing the
9-11 attacks World Trade Center, and specifically the closer North
Was there anyone who has admitted to seeing the 9-11 attack
on the North Tower?
Ironically, there is one person who admits to
having seen the attack on the North Tower... Bush Junior!
Why the
Missile Launching Was Absent from the Naudet Brothers Video
A missile firing off the rooftop of the Woolworth Building into the
lower levels of the North Tower would certainly not have been caught
on tape by the Naudet brothers filming.
This is because all of the
footage of the first plane to attack was actually shot from street
level in New York City and because of the many buildings in the way
there was no way for the lower forty floors to be viewable or
filmable from that position.
Multiplicity of Attacks
In the North Tower there was extensive damage to the 22nd floor, so
much so that survivors had to "tunnel through the debris", in their
own words, to escape. Extensive damage also occurred in the lobby of
the North Tower making one firefighter on the scene say at the time
that it "looked like a plane hit the lobby". To add to this there
were people in the sub-basement levels that witnessed the
destruction of equipment on a nearby level weighing many tons.
putting together all of the pieces, it seems likely that the North
Tower was targeted on at least three different levels using separate
methods of attack approximately at the 96th floor, the 22nd floor,
and the lobby, plus sub-basement levels. The 96th floor for dramatic
theatrical effect, the 22nd floor to destroy evidence in the FBI
offices located there, in the lobby to shut down the building's
surveillance camera systems, and the sub-basement levels to inhibit
access to the vaults there which contained over $100 million dollars
in gold that was never recovered!
Evidence suggested that the 96th
floor was attacked by a small airplane, the 22nd floor by a slightly
delayed almost synchronous missile that fired off of the Woolworth
building rooftop, and the lobby and sub-basement via pre-implanted
explosives all timed to initiate in synch.
Q: Is there any other footage that
shows this same orb flying around elsewhere at the WTC during
the 9-11 attacks?
A: Yes, there was an orb that hovered over the both WTC Towers
which seemed to be tracking Flight 175. The movement and
authenticity of the orb sighting was determined by looking at
two separate photographs taken from different locations plus an
additional video clip that was shot from yet a third location.
Q: Has anyone seen orbs since 9-11?
A: Yes, they have been spotted in the skies throughout the USA.
Usually they are associated with covert chemical spraying of
cities, "invisible" weather modification operations, and aerial
Q: Does anyone know what an orb actually is?
A: On one occasion a stealth fighter was seen hovering in the
sky motionless, then a couple of minutes later in the exact same
position in the sky a white orb was in its place alluding to a
transformation from stealth fighter to an orb (real cloaking).
Bush saw the first plane hit the World Trade Center
he even got out of the car to read a story at an elementary school
that Black Tuesday.
Read the quotes and weep disbelievers!
"The President was on Highway 301,
just north of Main Street, heading toward Booker Elementary
when... he received the news that a plane had crashed in New
York City."
November 2001
Sarasota Magazine
"Bush was driving to the school in a motorcade when the phone
rang. An airline accident appeared to have happened. He pressed
on with his visit."
September 16, 2001
The Observer
"President Bush had emerged from his car and was shaking hands
with local officials standing outside the school when Chief of
Staff Andrew Card sidled up to him with the news."
Nov. 1, 2002
CBS News
"I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw
an airplane hit the tower - the TV was obviously on."
George W. Bush
Orlando, Florida
December 4, 2001
Whitehouse New Release
"At 8:55 Tuesday morning... an aide had just whispered to Miller
the news of the first plane crash in New York, but if the
President yet knew, his greeting as he got out of the limo did
not give it away. He did, however, make an unscheduled stop in a
communications room, where he talked with Condoleeza Rice in
November 2001
Sarasota Magazine
"Just as we were arriving at the school, I received a
notification from our operations center than an airliner had
struck one of the towers of the World Trade Center," says
Herman, "and that Dr. [Condoleezza] Rice, the national security
advisor, was requesting the president on the telephone."
Marist Magazine

"I had seen this plane fly into the
first building."
George W. Bush
Ontario, California
January 5, 2002
Whitehouse New Release
Linda Carson from Channel 40... had been one of the two or three
pool reporters with the President in the classroom when White
House aide Andrew Card whispered into the President's ear that a
second plane had hit the twin towers... Linda described to
Rebecca and me what had happened next.
Mr. Bush absorbed the
news without changing his expression. For the next six minutes
he let the second graders and their reading lesson proceed. He
seemed to be going in and out of focus. At one moment he would
listen carefully and smile at the kids, then a faraway look
would come into his eyes as he stared out into the distance... A
reporter called out a question about the attacks. The President
held up his hand. "We'll talk about that later," he said.
November 2001
Sarasota Magazine
A reporter then asked, "Mr. President, are you aware of the
reports of the plane crash in New York? Is there anything...",
but Bush interrupted, and no doubt recalling his order, "Don't
say anything yet," Bush responded, "I'll talk about it
- First Reporter to Question Bush About the 9-11 Attacks
"Bush's remark implies he saw the first plane hit the tower. But
we all know that video of the first plane hitting did not
surface until the next day. Bush couldn't have meant he saw the
second plane hit because he said he was in the classroom
when Card whispered in his ear that a second plane hit."
- Boston Newspaper
Individual profiles (from the
website) for the executives of the company in charge of security
at the Woolworth Building.